Good luck with your wife, my husband

Chapter 227: It's a woman


Compared with the thousands of times before Miss Shengxia asked the question, Huo Yannian's answer seemed to be an understatement: "A troublesome person."

He said "people", not "men" or "women", but it was related to the word "trouble", so Yu Shengxia naturally thought of "woman". After all, if a man is trouble, he should Is it... a sissy

Then should she ask to confirm

The girl in Shengxia was confused again, but she had asked questions before, so it was better to ask them all at once, so as not to ask half of the questions and leave the other half, and she would still be the one causing trouble.

"Troublesome person? Female?"

As soon as the words came out, Yu Shengxia's face became inexplicably hot again, and she bit her lips lightly. Oh, it seems that she shouldn't ask this. After asking this, it seems... It seems... It seems like she is checking the post.

Yu Shengxia lowered his eyes and did not look at Huo Yannian. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how he should explain his post-inspection inquiry just now.

After thinking for a long time but unable to think of any explanation, Yu Shengxia realized that Huo Yannian didn't seem to have answered yet, so he cautiously raised his eyes and glanced at the person in front of him.

But she saw a faint smile appear in Huo Yannian's dark eyes. Yu Shengxia was already very embarrassed, but now seeing the smile in Huo Yannian's eyes, her intuition was that he must be laughing at her.

Smile, smile, laugh, what’s so funny!

And what Mr. Huo is thinking at this moment is this, his Shengxia is jealous, his Shengxia is jealous, his Shengxia is jealous, say important things three times! ! !

The smile in Huo Yannian's eyes became deeper and deeper. Today was indeed a good day. First she took the initiative to find him, and now she was jealous. Huo Yannian felt as if his heart was soaring in the sky, and his black eyes became brighter and brighter.

Looking at the little woman again, her cheeks were flushed, and with her unique stubbornness that came out when she was embarrassed, Huo Yannian stood up calmly and walked into the bathroom.

Under the bright light, looking at himself in the mirror, Huo Yannian could no longer tense up and showed a big smile to the mirror.

The white teeth are dazzling under the light.

The excited Mr. Huo didn't stay in the bathroom for too long. After gathering his thoughts and coming out, Mr. Huo walked to Yu Shengxia's side and sat down seriously.

Girl Shengxia was already very embarrassed, but she saw Huo Yannian walking into the bathroom inexplicably. She originally thought that he was probably laughing at her and was too lazy to care about herself.

But when she came out of the bathroom and sat next to her, the first thing she said was: "Well, it's a woman."

Yu Shengxia's eyes suddenly widened. He...he...he actually admitted it

No, no! This is not the point. The point is, is it really a woman

Yu Shengxia's heart became even more congested. Huo Yannian took in all the expressions of the little woman in his eyes, and his heart became more and more excited. Mr. Huo suddenly realized that occasionally seeing a little woman jealous was good for his physical and mental health.

With a thought in his mind, he added unhurriedly: "I have something to do tomorrow, so go to bed early and get up early tomorrow morning."

When he said this, Yu Shengxia couldn't help but think of the text message he saw before. Was it really that "Rain"? She said she would go to city X tomorrow. After answering her call, Huo Yannian said she had something to do tomorrow.

Yu Shengxia pursed her lips, feeling depressed. Seeing Huo Yannian lying down, Yu Shengxia followed suit.