Good luck with your wife, my husband

Chapter 228: The Butterfly Effect (Updated)


With her back to him, Yu Shengxia was silent without blinking, feeling a little confused. Miss Shengxia hated being entangled among the dead, so she began to enlighten herself. Huo Yannian confessed that it was a woman. At least he didn't hide it from her, right?

And when she was angry because Huo Yanyue was jealous, it turned out to be a big mistake. So can she think that the woman Huo Yannian could admit in front of her was actually just his relative and friend, this " At first glance, you can tell it's a nickname or something. Maybe, this "Rain" is Huo Yannian's cousin or something.

Although she didn't know if Huo Yannian had a cousin, he didn't hide it from her, didn't cover up or lie, so maybe it was nothing.

While thinking wildly, Yu Shengxia suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. The next second, she was pulled into a warm embrace with great force.

Huo Yannian's chin was pressed against the hollow of her neck. Yu Shengxia's position was uncomfortable, so she moved her body slightly. However, when she accidentally touched something hot, Yu Shengxia froze. It wasn't like she was helpless. A little girl who has experienced human affairs, of course she knows what it is.

Her face flushed red again, and she stood stiff and motionless. The person behind her seemed to deliberately brush her two soft lips across her neck, and the itching feeling suddenly spread throughout her body. Come on.

Someone had stripped off her previous bathrobe, and she had been thinking so much that she had forgotten to put it on. Now she was basically naked, which was very convenient for someone's hands.

(Mr. Huo looked threateningly: "You mean a pig's hand?"... Xiao Qi broke into a cold sweat: "No... no, it's all a misunderstanding!"... Mr. Huo: "You still don't admit it?"... Xiao Qi cried: "Ms. Midsummer , help, your husband is bullying me."... Girl Shengxia said casually: "Xiao Qi, he is a monkey."... Xiao Qi vomited blood ing)

Huo Yannian's fingers circled Yu Shengxia's waist, and his lips swept over her neck and shoulders from time to time. These places were Yu Shengxia's sensitive areas. After a few strokes, her originally stiff body softened involuntarily.

The turbulent thoughts were replaced by the most intuitive feeling in the body. Where was the energy to think wildly? Huo Yannian turned her body around, and Yu Shengxia met his black eyes, which were shining and dancing under the light. of light.

Yu Shengxia clearly saw her little shadow in his eyes, and her heart trembled inexplicably. Huo Yannian's words "I have only loved one person" somehow came to mind. The corners of her mouth curled up subconsciously. How could she have forgotten these words? Those complicated thoughts just seemed to disperse in an instant like a thick fog.

At this moment, Huo Yannian's kiss fell. Yu Shengxia subconsciously opened her mouth slightly, clumsily catering a little bit, but her little bit was like a mountain falling apart in Huo Yannian's eyes. The originally gentle kiss was no longer there. Unable to control it, it turned into a violent storm.

What is the "butterfly effect"? This is it. It was obvious that he just flapped his wings, but it caused this landslide...

It was a quiet night outside, and the cool wind of late autumn swept through the treetops from time to time. The moon peeked out from the clouds and quickly hid back, as if it was ashamed to see the warmth overflowing in the room.