Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 176: Doomsday - Zombie Age (5)


The request from the other side is really too powerful, Rao Shi Ji Jiaqi is vigilant, and he is also interested in the first communication with the same kind in such a long time and the materials he mentioned.

But it's impossible for her to go downstairs and open the door to the opposite floor to get it. Now the world is so hard, she is alone, and she can kill zombies with routines, and she can meet people who have the same thinking and thinking as her. Ji Jiaqi is really not sure.

The human heart is terrifying, she has experienced it before the end of the world, and now she doesn't want to feel it in such a bad situation.

Fortunately, the other side didn't seem to expect her to come and get it. After Ji Jiaqi agreed and said that he would not pass, the young man over there buried his head in writing and drawing for a while, and then raised it high:

"I have nylon rope here, pass it with a rope."

with rope

Ji Jiaqi's mind immediately flashed countless physics knowledge. At that time, he had to memorize the exam to the death. He didn't think that he had been using it for many years after graduating.

Next, Lin Shiheng squatted at the window and looked at the opposite side with interest. First, he tied one end of the rope to a solid figure the size of half a palm, and half of his body was stuck outside the window. He threw it hard towards Ji Jiaqi.

The two were facing the building, and it was not so easy to throw them. Ji Jiaqi wanted to help at first, but when she realized that she couldn't catch it, she simply opened the window and gave her place to the person, while she was there. From the other side of the window, visually check the distance between the two floors.

After tossing for more than an hour, with the sound of the metal falling to the ground, one end of the rope was finally lost.

Ji Jiaqi put it on this side and put it on the other side. I don't know what this person was doing before the end of the world. There is such a long rope. To be on the safe side, she pulled it farther than what she measured. After the embarrassment of throwing it was not long enough, Ji Jiaqi tied the thick rope to the window guardrail. After bypassing the two guardrails, he picked up the metal figure and threw it towards the opposite window. .

I don't know if she was fighting zombies with strength these days or if she was good at it. She had thought that this person had been working hard all afternoon, but only after one hit, the rope was firmly thrown into the opposite window.

It was precisely because she was sure to hit this blow that Lin Shiheng could vaguely see the admiration on the face of the young man on the opposite side, which obviously strengthened the possibility of Ji Jiaqi being a boss.

He tied the rope that Ji Jiaqi threw over to the rope that he had left on his side before, and tied several knots firmly. After making sure that it would never be broken, he rummaged through the house and found a sturdy one. The bag was tied to the rope on the left. In order to show sincerity, he did not negotiate any conditions. He directly put a telescope into the bag, and then pulled the rope on the right to let the left go to the opposite side.

Ji Jiaqi was a little startled when she got the telescope. This telescope is not the kind on the market for children to play with. She knew it was in stock when she touched it. She tentatively put it in front of her and looked at the opposite side. The pimples are clearly visible.

Such a good thing is not cheap before the end of the world.

The young man over there saw Ji Jiaqi looking at him with the binoculars, and quickly raised it up for her to read.

Knowing that she could see clearly, this time the words were not intentionally enlarged.

【Big guy! ! This is a military high-power telescope, with an observation distance of 15,000 meters, ultra-clear and unobstructed, waterproof night vision, can see zombies, can see neighbors, exchange with me, you won't suffer, you won't be fooled! ! 】

His desire to survive almost overflowed, and the thing was really a good thing. Ji Jiaqi hesitated for a while, then turned around with the bag and went to the room to put half a bag of food.

It stands to reason that she is not enough to fill such a good telescope, but although this person seems to be quite harmless, it is better to be cautious.

If he acts as if he is very rich and has enough food, no one can be sure whether he will have a crooked mind.

So when the bag went back, the young man in the opposite building got half a bag of food and Ji Jiaqi wrote that she didn't eat much and could only give half a bag of notes.

As soon as he got the food, he started to devour it, wishing to choke himself to death.

It's good that Ji Jiaqi is willing to give food, at least he didn't take his things and didn't give food. In this situation, if she really did this, could he still fly over to seek revenge on her

Of course, if she was really such a person, he would have his own way of revenge.

But since this girl with a lot of force doesn't look like a bad person, you can feel at ease.

So, in the next few days, Ji Jiaqi's window received several things from the opposite side one after another.

The opposite side first introduced himself to him. His name is Guchengbei. He is a tech house. He knows a little bit about hacking and can do a lot of things. Because of conflicts with his family, he was conceited that he didn’t need to study those courses when he was in school. Shrinking in the house, doing the work of taking orders online.

This order is not a takeaway to run errands, but it means that the buyer will post the request on the website. If he thinks he can do it, he will contact the buyer and attach the conditions. The two sides have negotiated the price, and he will pay half the deposit first, and he will finish it. Take the other half after the mission.

Guchengbei is really talented. As long as he thinks about it, it is really not difficult to make money. The order is only to adjust his life. The messy things in the house are bought when he takes the order. himself.

After introducing himself, Guchengbei began to recommend himself.

He knows how to do sex, and he also has tools. If the tools are complete, he can even make a bunch of sex machines, and even though the power is off, he can use a self-made small surveillance camera to observe the surrounding environment and infer whether there is any danger, and If he finds a car, he has a very strong hands-on ability, and he can transform it to the extent that the zombies can't eat the people inside the car, and the rest, even if he can't, as long as he gives him the blueprint, he is confident that he can study it.

These are the points that can impress Ji Jiaqi, and he also said a lot about the rest.

What can cook, roast meat, drive, draw, and even proposes to be able to shovel cat litter and lick cats.

Guchengbei did not conceal that he had observed this side with binoculars before. As for why he was so active in promoting himself, he also made no secret of his speculations about the future.

[I have observed the surroundings before, and I have also released a small detection robot I made to see the surrounding situation. It is very bad. The living people are basically huddled at home and cannot come out. Only a small number of people come out to kill zombies to find supplies, or to leave this place. The city, and maybe some people made a lot of noise when they left the city, and the nearby zombies also rushed over here. In the future, there will be less and less food, but the zombies will become more and more. Many, when the time comes, the remaining people will not only kill zombies, but also guard against their own kind. 】

Guchengbei also brought Ji Jiaqi two bad news: [I have observed that some people with supernatural powers have begun to rely on supernatural powers and no one cares about the apocalypse, and took the opportunity to find other ordinary people without supernormal powers to rob and bully, and They didn't seem to notice that the zombies' movements were much faster than the first day. They used to walk slowly, but now they can trot. If we continue to evolve like this, it's useless for us to hide in the house. 】

That's why he is so eager to find a companion to leave with. Guchengbei is very self-aware. Although he can make a lot of lethal things, he himself is a weak chicken. If he leaves alone, he is either eaten by zombies or eaten. Those people picked up soft persimmons and pinched them.

Looking for Ji Jiaqi, not only because she kills zombies very well, but also carefully cleans them up layer by layer, but also because the end of the world, she still keeps cats.

Such a fat big cat must eat a lot. Since he can keep the cat, his heart will not be bad. Even if he can't talk about it, he won't do anything to him.

Thinking about it, he quickly wrote a piece of paper and passed it on.

It described in detail how good he was at fishing and how delicious the fish he caught. For fear that Ji Jiaqi would not believe it, he attached a photo of him holding a big fat fish to prove his usefulness.

Ji Jiaqi was really moved. In her plan, she would leave the city sooner or later, and it was better to travel alone than two people.

But the two have only known each other for a few days, so she still has to observe it again, and by the way, she has to plan the route while not killing zombies.

So the two of them went back and forth to start designing the roadmap. Before the end of the ancient city, the north of the ancient city had just ordered a house of water. Who knew that the end of the world would come before the food was replenished. In the middle of the design, occasionally, water was filled in a bottle. Change food in the past.

The two planned for about four or five days, determined the route, and planned the first two, three, four and five steps, and finally decided on this day that they would set off when the zombies in the building north of the ancient city were cleaned up.

Now it's time to pack up.

Ji Jiaqi had a roomful of things, but unfortunately she couldn't take them with her, so she could only try to pack those foods that were hungry and light.

Guchengbei is even more reluctant to face the things in his own room, and he is also reluctant.

It's all his savings.

He could only sigh while packing his things, while feeling distressed about the things he was forced to leave behind.

This day seemed to be an ordinary afternoon. Ji Jiaqi was checking his luggage one by one according to the list, when he heard a sharp, short, tender scream.

This cry also called for less than two seconds, and then suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

In the early days of the apocalypse, screaming was a common phenomenon. If you were a big hearted person, you might not care to let it go, but Ji Jiaqi suddenly tensed his nerves.

The scream was a child's.

And there is a child downstairs.

The opposite Guchengbei also heard the scream, and his spirit froze, and he hurriedly rummaged through his remaining telescope to watch the other side.

As a result, when he saw it, an angry flush appeared on his face immediately, and he was about to go out when he mentioned the *** on the side.

Fortunately, he was still rational. Halfway through, he remembered that the zombies in his building had not been cleaned up, so he could only endure his anger, quickly wrote down a paper with trembling hands, put it in a bag and handed it to the opposite side.

Ji Jiaqi received the paper he handed over.

[A man broke into the child's house on the second floor, and I saw that the child was covered in blood! ! 】

She changed suddenly.

With a gloomy face, he picked up his kitchen knife tool and went downstairs.

Lin Shiheng narrowed his cat's eyes slightly, and followed behind with a flick of his tail.