Good Morning, Miss Undercover

Chapter 15


Since I lied that I was going to sleep, I had no choice but to lie down peacefully and lightly shouted to him outside the house, "Hey, it's too late to leave, remember to close the door for me."

After the turmoil just now, my body is still exhausted, but my sluggish spirit has indeed improved a lot. It is no wonder that people in the turbulent era still maintain a high fighting spirit when they are hungry and should move less to save energy. In fact, there is a lot of reason Simple, I think I am very hungry all day long and want to eat chicken legs, but it is easy to starve to death quickly. Usually, a fight can divert attention and enrich spiritual life. He became a starving ghost, but at least he became a starving ghost with a relatively high level. When he went to reincarnate, he could proudly tell King Yama that he was superior to others, and that the level of Doudizhu was particularly high.

Probably the high fever burned my head. My whole body was too fuzzy and cranky, but there was a male animal with ulterior motives in the house. I didn’t dare to sleep. I listened to the movement outside with my pointed ears. It seemed that there was no sound, and it was quiet like No one has ever been the same.

Was it just a dream

I touched the raised swollen bump on my red head. It was painful, so it was not a dream. I sat up suspiciously and looked outside the door. There was no one in the living room. Where did I go? I remember that I didn't dig a trap in my living room.

I got out of bed, tiptoed to the door and looked out, the cube-sized living room was empty, and there was no one on the balcony, could I have already left

I got in the way and opened the door and looked out. There was no one in the corridor, so I closed the door and turned around with a confused face.


The man in black who suddenly appeared in front of me was only one step away from me, his face was cold, I was so scared that I covered my heart, and my mouth opened into a big O shape.

I was very angry, "Are you a cat? Does it make no sound when you walk?"

He glanced at me, turned his head to look at my dad's photo on the wall, and said calmly, "Then are you a cockroach?"

"Cockroach? You're the cockroach." I think he's doing personal slander.

He glanced at the messy living room that seemed to have been ransacked by thieves, with disbelief in his eyes, and then looked at me with a bit of disgust in his eyes, "Don't you think that only cockroaches can live in this kind of..." He paused, as if Looking for a more appropriate analogy, "... Can this kind of mouse survive in a place where it can't stay?"

I was dumbfounded.

"You, you... you are so mad, you are so mad at me..." I pointed at him and kept shaking, he looked at me for granted, I was so angry that I turned around with a bang, and my forehead hit the wall hard superior.

It doesn't hurt enough, bang dang, hit it again.

I self-mutilate, I can't defeat him, so my old lady will end up doing it myself, right

I decided to knock myself out, I couldn't see it, and when I tried to hit the wall again with all my strength, I felt a strange touch on my forehead, not the cold and hard wall, but the warm palm.

Kang Zixian's hand was between me and the wall.

I dare say he was afraid of hurting the wall.

I was stunned, and just about to yell at this plague god, he had already reached out and touched my forehead, then frowned and said, "It's all burnt like this, can I not go to the hospital?"

I pushed his hand away and said angrily, "You don't need to be hypocritical."

I was hurt by losing several times with this man, and he was always in front of me, which made me hurt more and more.

In order to live, I decided to eat something to replenish my strength.

The struggle made me more energetic. I ignored him. If I couldn’t fight him, I ignored him. I walked to the sofa and sat down. I took apart the half-eaten porridge last night and sniffed it. It didn’t seem to be bad. There is nothing else to eat. Could it be that the rotten cactus was eaten

I wrinkled my eyebrows and stirred the cold porridge that was frozen into lumps in the bowl. Before I started eating, my stomach had already started to churn, and the black-clothed gatekeeper by the door still had no intention of leaving.

I looked up and yelled, "How the hell are you going to leave?"

"Nothing tonight."

The implication is that he is bored, so he condescends to pass the time here by teasing cockroaches.

I was so angry that I couldn't eat porridge anymore.

"It's nothing, you can go to Mei Seo." I followed the temptation carefully, hoping to calmly persuade this plague god to go away.

"How could Charm be as interesting as you." He should be justified again.

I grinned my teeth in anger, he walked over calmly, pushed away a stack of clothes on the single sofa that I hadn’t washed and didn’t have time to fold, and when he saw the black lace Bra under the clothes, he hesitated for a moment, straightened up and gave up He went straight to me and sat down, squeezed a small sofa with me, crossed his legs, and looked at my kennel with his hands folded.

Rascal, the ultimate rascal, even though he has a handsome face that seduces women, it can't hide his perverted heart.

I turned my head and glanced at the thick-skinned man, recalling his strange behavior, and anxious from the bottom of my heart, "I said brother, I beg you, please don't be interested in me, I want to live for two more years .”

"Yeah." He nodded solemnly. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he turned around and smiled at me, and said, "But you know, I'm not very kind."

I tremble, wall, where is the wall? Come out quickly and let me bump into it, I would rather die than live.

I fell silent, holding my head and scratching my messy hair irritably, deciding that today I must wipe out his evil thoughts about me from his brain, otherwise I will not be able to live a good life in the future.

I'm going to make him give up willingly.

I tried my best to emphasize, "I'm a young lady, do you understand that women in the dusty world? A little bit of red lips will be tasted by thousands of people, it will pollute the crowd heavily, it is not suitable for you."

With a calm face, he hooked the corners of his sexy mouth, "It's okay, I'm not picky."

Damn, I've never seen such a lowly rich man, how can he have such a low taste and be so cold, is it because he was kicked in the head by a donkey and hasn't been cured yet

I observed him with the eyes of a mental patient, and quietly moved my buttocks, trying to stay away from him as far as possible, for fear that his illness would affect me, an innocent little fish.

When I was terrified, Kang Zixian pointed to the photos on the wall. When I looked at them, I was so anxious. In the photos, I was so young and charming, full of energy, charming and shy, shy and free and easy. Once regretting why he looked so pure and compelling, he couldn't see a trace of coquettishness.

I'm starting to hate my parents' good genes.

Kang Zixian pointed to the young man in the old-fashioned police uniform in the photo on the left, and asked, "Who is that?"

I Dingqing looked at it, and my heart was a little moved, and I replied, "My dad, is he handsome? He was almost poached by scouts on the street to become a star."

"Is he a policeman?"


"Should the old man retire?"

I didn't speak, he didn't wait for my answer, he glanced at me in surprise, with a silent question in his eyes.

I whispered, "He died when I was still in my mother's womb. He is a martyr." I looked up at the man in the photo in bewilderment. He gave me life. I came from him, and his blood flowed through my body. Blood, continue the career he chose, and he didn't even know my existence until his death, how embarrassing it is.

"If he is still alive, he should retire. My mother said that he is very clean and likes to do housework. If he is alive, I don't have to live in the garbage dump every day."

There was some sadness in the words, we were silent for a while, Kang Zixian pointed to the photo at the far right corner, and said, "Who are those two people? Is your mother on the left?"

He was referring to the wedding photo of my mother and Alan. Their garden wedding was romantic and warm. I also wore a white gauze dress. What’s even more ridiculous was that I was not a bridesmaid. As a flower girl, Brother Fei laughed at me at that time, mocking me as "the oldest flower girl in history", I scratched my nose and said, my mother is not a flower girl, my mother is clearly a child grandmother, I laughed Feige for a long time I can't afford to lose my waist.

That photo is a group photo of the three of us, the old bridegroom, the old bride, and this child grandma. I am upset. Looking at it carefully, I can't believe how I look like a young lady, let alone Kang Zixian.

I'm not unfilial to the point of not recognizing my old lady, so I reluctantly said, "Yes. My stepfather is next to me."

"Which country?"


He looked carefully, then turned around suddenly, and asked with interest, "Why put their wedding photo at the bottom? That corner."

I cursed, he's really observant, damn it, there's a reason for it.

I hesitated and said, "Don't you think about my father, my mother remarried, do you think he can bear it? So I put the two photos farthest away, lest my father can't fall asleep by jumping on the ground."

I put my chin on my shoulders and thought for a while, then said, "But maybe my father remarried long ago in the underground, and with his handsome looks, there might be several aunts and wives."

Kang Zixian laughed when he heard the words, and he smiled beautifully, but it was so tender that my heart couldn't help beating half a beat faster.

How can the heart beat half a beat faster? Almost jumped into his cloth's ecstasy. I secretly taught my darling who couldn't help the beauty|temptation, I turned my head, asked myself to be calm, and let him go as soon as possible.

I use my brain.