Good Morning, Miss Undercover

Chapter 18


Seeing that I was distracted for a long time without any response, Kang Zixian asked me, "Are you listening?"

"Ah?" I came back to my senses, nodded hastily, and squeezed a fake smile, "I'm listening."

Kang Zixian stepped forward, stood in front of me and stared at me with piercing eyes, with some insight, "What were you thinking just now?"

I want to cry, I was really kicked by a donkey in the first place to flirt with such a femme fatale, not to mention smart, but also aggressive, making it impossible to resist.

My smile froze for a while, I waved my hands and said, "I didn't think about anything. God can testify for me."

Amitabha, fortunately God does not know me, a disciple of Buddhism.

I pushed Kang Zixian and urged him, "Don't you want to bring me porridge? Go quickly, your chef is very skilled, you better serve me some meat dishes."

He said concisely, "Wait for me for half an hour."

"Tsk tsk, I really can't see that your heart is so beautiful. Hurry up, Little Red Riding Hood, and you must come back before dark."

He looked at me with a half-smile, his sharp expression softened somewhat.

Kang Zixian was finally pushed out of the door by me. He left. I stood inside the door and heaved a sigh of relief, but there was a strong emotion growing in my heart. I took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to open the door and lean out head to go.

He stood by the elevator, even the back view gave people the feeling of a tree facing the wind. My mother once told me that a man with such a generous back is very reliable.

I once disapproved of it, because Fu Chen's back was a little thin, but I felt that it was enough for me to rely on for the rest of my life.

I don't know if it was my fault or my mother's fault, but at the moment I don't want to dwell on this irrelevant issue, I just want to say what has to be said to this man.

I poked my head out, cleared my throat unnaturally, brewing emotions, "cough~"

He heard and turned around.

There are a few steps between us.

I said, "That... I know how to say thank you."

He didn't speak, just looked at me quietly.

I said, "Thank you."

After Kang Zixian left, I hurried back to the house, took out the big travel bag, opened the drawer and rummaged through it, stuffed a few clothes hastily, and fiddled around in the room for a while to make sure nothing important was left behind, solemnly Zip up the bag.

After tidying up, my anxiety eased a little. I chewed the soft bread bought by Kang Zixian, sipped warm soybean milk, held a pen, and slammed Fang Qiu at a piece of note paper.

My message to him is like this: I know you covet my beauty, but when you see this note, I have already gone far away, and I allow you to miss meeting me when you are eighty years old Such a beautiful girl, but the premise is that you can live that long. Don't be discouraged, there will be girls who will fall in love with you, bye~

I pasted the note on the door so that he could see it at the first sight, and then I carried the big bag, twisted my buttocks, and ran away resolutely.

But soon I turned back and hurried to open the door again because I forgot to kiss my old man goodbye.

I took a sip of my young and handsome father in the photo, and I was in a hurry to leave. In the corner of the photo, my mother and old Alan stared at me pitifully, accusing me of favoring my dead ghost father, I surrendered, and went back to kiss the old man The old lady took a sip, packed her bag and ran wildly.

I drove to Fei Ge’s house, I had the key to her house, and she also had the key to mine, so what often happened was that I was tired after a day outside, and when I came home, I was used to seeing my bed lying dead asleep The tall woman in the past, and then I took off my clothes and threw myself on the bed, and the two of them fell asleep together.

But Brother Fei, who is engaged in sports, suffers from occupational diseases even when he sleeps. He often slaps my head under the bed like a volleyball. The problem is that my head is not as elastic as a volleyball, so I often wake up the next day. There was a big swollen bump, and Brother Fei asked with concern, "Huh? I met some kind of robber. It's such a big pustule."

My mother has been in the United States for a long time, and I have seen a lot of chaotic relationships with foreigners. For a while, Brother Fei answered the phone calls when he was in a daze. Another time, my mother had a sexual dream the night before. Brother Fei and I, we are having sex. It's really, really simple two people rolling around on the bed. There is no purer sex than this. But my mother still woke up suddenly, she felt that God was hinting at her something, regardless of the time difference, she called at 10:00 pm Beijing time, unfortunately, the call was answered by Brother Fei, and I was putting my thigh Sleep on her stomach until she is unconscious.

The content of the conversation is this.

My mother said incoherently, "Liangliang, where is Brother Fei?"

Brother Fei was woken up, yawned big, and replied vaguely, "I'm on the bed, auntie..."

"Where is Liangliang?"

"...she's on the bed too."

" guys went to bed?!"

"Ah, it's morning..."

My mother let go and the phone fell to the ground.

The next day, Brother Fei recounted my mother's inexplicable phone call. I sensed that something was wrong with the old lady's questioning, and hurriedly called her to test her out. Fortunately, the old lady had already booked a plane ticket back to China.

My mother was crying on the phone, saying that she was sorry that I was asking the old man in the underground. If I had known that I was a pervert, it would be better not to escape from the operating table at the beginning, lest I come out and harm other people's daughters now.

I was stunned, and finally understood what was going on, but I couldn't laugh or cry, but for the sake of the old lady's worrying, she patiently explained that Brother Fei's Chinese is very good, and he always likes to use shortened sentences. In fact, she meant the whole thing last night. Yes: Tonight we went to bed early, pure sleep, the kind of sleep that does not exercise during sleep.

I was angry at my mother for thinking wildly, and couldn't help teasing her, "Mom, we don't exercise when we sleep, really, unlike you and Uncle Alan, who are so health-conscious when we are older, we exercise even when we sleep. What, exercise It’s quite quality, right? Once a few days? How many times a day?”

My mother probably blushed over there. Across the Pacific Ocean, a Lion roared, "Fang Liangliang! Your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

I hung up the phone in good time, and Fei Ge rolled under the sofa, smiling more treacherously than a weasel.

Later, my mother's idea was quickly dispelled by me, because after a while, I told her happily that I was dating Fu Chen, and my mother smiled happily. As a reward, she hesitated and told me that it was once every four days, usually on weekends , holidays are not included.

As a filial daughter, I took good care of her and said, "Mom, pay attention to your old waist!"

I settled down at Brother Fei's house, and I feel very happy. I basically have nothing to do with Kang Zixian in the days to come. My undercover number has long been thrown away, and he can't contact me. Rich people change new loves and old loves Hurry up, after a while his enthusiasm for me will almost ebb, maybe he won't recognize me when he passes by on the road, and then I can go home easily without any trouble at all.

Besides, my house is a small garbage dump. The only difference between it and a serious garbage dump is that mine is not open to the air. Brother Fei’s 100-square-meter house is much cleaner. Her mother often comes to clean it when she is away from competitions and training. The comfort level is more than one level higher than mine, and I am so happy to leave.

I lay comfortably on the pure white sofa in Fei Ge’s house, like a lazy cat, squinting my eyes and imagining Kang Zixian’s gloomy expression behind the note and wanting to strangle me, so happy I looked up and laughed, until Pat thighs.

The next morning, I received a call from Lao Tan in my sleep. When I heard his rigid mandarin, my whole body trembled. All the sleepy bugs ran away. I wiped half of the drool from my mouth and sat up. Listen to him attentively.

When Lao Tan explained the tasks, he was still so concise and concise, cherishing words like gold.

"Liangliang, report to the Academic Affairs Office of No. 1 Middle School on Beidian Road at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow. Xiaomeng will tell you the specific tasks. I have a meeting, that's all."

From the beginning to the end, before my eyes blinked more than three times, his uncle slammed the phone, which made me feel depressed and out of breath.

However, Lao Tan often tosses people like this, saying a few words to let the gang of underlings understand for themselves. He started Xiaomeng and said that it is called leadership style. Xiaomeng often contacts the highest level of the bureau. "Well", "Go down", "What's the matter", "Got it", there are only a few words in a day, and everyone discusses in private what happened to Mr. Director, how can people cherish words like gold so that it is so outrageous In the end, Li Fang's guess was more convincing. He said: It may be that the new wife of the director is too beautiful, and the director is too excited, screaming every night | Everyone suddenly realized and solved the mystery in their hearts.

I was secretly happy, did I not know about Yizhong? The best high school in City A has never produced a murderer, but has produced a bunch of countless elites, the cradle of nerds, a top school that can't get into even if you squeeze your head.

Fu Chenwei graduated from that high school. At that time, I was at the same level as Suiwei. My aunt often showed off the only school uniform in A Middle School to me, saying that the school uniform in A Middle School was different from that of Liangliang’s third-rate high school. Elegant and dignified, unlike some third-rate high school students who dress like hooligans, my old man can't stand it.

The "certain students" my aunt alluded to was me, and unfortunately, I, Fang Liangliang, happened to be the head of a gangster in a third-rate high school at that time.

Now that things are turning around, Lao Tan actually asked me to report to the well-known teaching office of A Middle School? I squinted and patted my thigh, isn't that obvious? Let me mix in and be a high school teacher.

I rubbed my hands for a moment of excitement, Lao Tan’s ability is really amazing, I, Fang Liangliang, an illiterate graduate from a third-rate high school, can be a teacher in A Middle School directly without applying for a job, the justifiable slavery made me The top student in A middle school who hates it so much, such a beautiful job is so wonderful.

Lao Tan deserves to be my food and clothing parent, what benefits does he have, he will never forget me, and he will flatter him another day.

I climbed out of bed and called Xiaomeng to listen to the arrangement with a smile on my face. I was already thinking about what course Lao Tan would put me in to teach. I'm good at teaching physical education. When my teacher takes office, I'll let those nerds run five kilometers every day. There's no need to delay the torture of children.

I was already eager to try, and Xiaomeng answered the phone, "Hello, Liangliang. Haha..."

Xiaomeng's haha sounded weird, and it seemed to be loud and a little... malicious, but I didn't care.

"Meng Meng," Xiao Meng is a big fat man, I usually call him that, "Old Tan asked me to call you, why did you send me to A this time?"

I asked knowingly, but in fact, I wanted to know what kind of teacher my superiors arranged for me, and which target person I was close to, so that it would be convenient for me to prepare lessons.

"Liangliang, no no, it should be Fang Liangliang's classmate... The few of us are envious of you and Dongzi, you two have a lot of fun this time, and you can go back to high school at this age, carrying schoolbags and wearing clothes School uniform, when the teacher shouted hello teacher, I really envy us hahahahaha... "

When Mencius croaked, he was a little noisy. It seemed that many people laughed together, and Mencius took the lead in laughing.

I was stunned, dumbfounded, I'm not stupid, I heard what was going on, I really, really heard what was going on.