Good Morning, Miss Undercover

Chapter 27


I randomly tore through the messy hair that I had just blow-dried, I didn't feel like arguing with Kang Zixian, so I couldn't help feeling distressed.

This morning I stayed in bed again, and I was still sound asleep at 7:40, but Feige kicked my ass to wake me up. I rubbed my ass and glanced at the alarm clock, jumped up like a corpse and swiped indiscriminately The teeth rushed out, and I was in such a hurry that I didn't take any keys.

The keys to his own house, the keys to Feige's house, and the car keys were all missing.

I'm upset for a while, and I have to find a place to sleep tonight.

Where are you going

Aunt's house? Come on, let's go to her place and let's not talk about it, and I will also give you a "cynicism" as a supper, the poison is similar to that of rat poison, I can't bear this treatment.

Lilisa's house? No, she seems to have a boyfriend who lives with her.

Other friends get married, or they don't live in this city, and I really can't think of a place where I can stay for several days.

It seems that I can only go to the hotel, but the money is really unjustly spent, and I am not very rich recently, it is all because of Brother Fei's house slave.

"What's wrong?" Kang Zixian asked me with thick eyebrows when he saw that I was silent.

"Ah?" I regained my senses faintly, shook my head and responded, "It's nothing, nothing."

"Is there a place to go?" He didn't listen to my perfunctory at all. He blamed Feige's natural radio voice, which sounded like a pig butcher. Kang Zixian must have heard my conversation with Feige clearly.

Looking at this handsome man with a bad stomach, I always felt that he was asking hypocritically and underestimated me in his bones, so I said angrily, "Why not, city A is my territory, and I have so many places that I change one every night." It's all right, hum."

I glared at him ferociously, and muttered in a low voice, "Foreign devils, stop looking down on people..."

I turned around to leave, but Kang Zixian pulled my arm hard, turned me to face him, and asked solemnly, "You have nowhere to go, do you?"

When I met such a man who could see through me at a glance, I felt very sad for a moment. I didn't know how he did it. In short, I felt a little frustrated.

The more he exposed the lie, the higher my voice became, and I denied it, "Kang, I've had enough of you, I... I can go to countless places... Dogs see people as inferior, I warn you, you Stay away from me, I don't want to see you again!"

After yelling, I gave him a sideways glance, and then casually threw my schoolbag over my shoulder, and walked away aggressively.

If someone gives me another toothpick, I think my chic ruffian posture will be more perfect when I leave.

In fact, I stepped on the floating clouds, and my feet were soft.

Because of the man behind me, I feel guilty, my legs are weak, and there is still a little sweat on my forehead.

I gritted my teeth and wondered whether my deceitful kung fu was on the decline, so clumsy that one was exposed and the other was exposed, or did I meet someone who was obviously smarter than me, he had a pair of wise eyes, and he could see through my disguise Understand me, and the terrible thing is that he understands me, but I can't understand him.

I wiped my sweat in panic, my back was stiff, and I didn't dare to look back, because if I looked back, I would bump into those wise black eyes.

Since I was a child, I have always been my poor student, so deep down, I am very afraid of meeting smart people, and they are still very smart.

This kind of people, they live, really come to hurt the self-esteem of us fools.

There seems to be a newly opened express hotel near the building where the gym is located, and it’s not far away. The rain outside stopped early, and it was wet everywhere. When I went downstairs, I went straight to the opposite side of the road. I sneaked back in the middle I visited once, but I didn't see Kang Zixian. I thought that after the lion's roar just now, he probably got annoyed at me, and went to find his gentle village.

When I think of that man, I feel confused again. Among the troubles I have encountered recently, this man is the number one. Today I even chased after him for no reason. I was provoked by him and ran away for no reason. This is not my usual at all His style of work, I lived a prosperous life when I was young, but in the end, I became a street mouse in front of him. Thinking about it afterwards, I can't help but laugh.

It's a mess, it's a mess, it's a mess.

I walked quickly to the express hotel and chose the cheapest room to wait for Check in. A man and a woman came down from the elevator, and their faces were not very good-looking. , "I said miss, your hotel is too much, just opened for business after renovation, you go to smell the paint smell in the room, there is no room for people, the ventilation is not good, this is chronic poisoning, you know?"

The man said, "We're checking out."

Faced with the guest's questioning, the counter lady looked apologetic, but she still completed the check-out procedure with a gentle attitude and said many "sorry" in a nice voice.

I waited quietly at the side, wandering around in the middle, dazed for a while, and waited until the counter lady asked me with a smile, "Miss, please give me your ID card..."

I suddenly hesitated again.

A smoky room, a closed room with no ventilation, maybe it would be more comfortable to find a bridge hole, at least it is... a river view room.

I just wanted to open my mouth to refuse, but I didn't expect that a deep and familiar male voice had already answered for me first.

"No, she can't live anymore."

here we go again…

Something in my heart was gradually falling apart, and I suddenly had a splitting headache, holding my head and sobbing silently.

I don't even want to turn my head to face Kang Zixian behind me, I am speechless, what should I say? Do you continue to insist, "there are indeed countless places that can take me in, but grandma, I have too much money to spend, and I can't bear the sight of the hotels in this city going bankrupt one by one. I am a virgin girl who spreads money, so I give them money to accumulate virtue. Send money to blablabla…”

A poor man insists on slapping a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, and crying in front of a rich man that he is too rich. This is such a sad tragedy. No matter how thick-skinned I am, I don’t want to beat myself like a flower. s face.

So I turned around blankly, walked away without squinting, and didn't intend to pay attention to the lingering man at all.

But I don't offend anyone, and if someone wants to offend me, I can't do anything about it.

I stood at the entrance of the hotel, and the rain began to patter again, which made people very upset. I looked at the continuous flow of the road, and felt a moment of bewilderment that can only be experienced by a homeless person.

Kang Zixian stood beside me with his pocket in his pocket, and we faced the road at dusk together.

"It's not safe for a girl to live outside."

"Hmph, I'm a policeman. Besides, whether I'm safe or not, what does it have to do with you?"

"It's not related... It's just that I can't bear to see you keep trying to be brave."

"… have a finger in the pie."

"Fang Liangliang?"


"Show your teeth and claws, do you want to be a hedgehog that much?"

"Hey, Kang Zixian, how many times have I said it, if you don't like it, I will go away, hello and me, why don't you always understand?...Okay, if you don't go, I will go, but please Can you stop following me, you bother me, okay?"

"Does it bother you? ... Looks like it's not just me that bothers, and that's fine and fair."

"What's fair? What's good? I'm disturbed by you, don't you know?!"

"Each each other."


"Fang Liangliang, don't you think we've become each other's troubles since the night we met?"


"And, what's even more ridiculous, I don't even want to get rid of this trouble. It sucks, isn't it?"

"...well, yes, it's pretty bad."

"So I have a proposal, you can listen to it, maybe you can solve the problem between us."

"... let's talk."

"You don't have a place to live these days. You can consider living with me. Of course, nothing will happen. Don't worry. Let's try to get along for a few days..." Kang Zixian turned around suddenly, with a face as dark as the sea Looking at me with his eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly sexy, and he said slowly, "Then you can work hard to kill those damn things that attract me, so that you can be nice to me, how about it?"

The arc of the corner of his mouth gradually widened, and his voice approached bewitching, "Look, isn't this proposal great?"