Good Morning, Miss Undercover

Chapter 36


Seeing the extremely shocked expression of this guy, and according to his reckless personality back then, I guess he must call me "boss" tearfully...


"Old..." A word slipped out of his mouth, and I hurriedly poked the palm of my right hand with my left index finger as I did back then, and made a gesture of "be safe and don't be impatient" after class. He was as obedient and clever as he was back then , it seems that the tacit understanding is still there, calmed down, and greeted the children with a little trembling, "Teacher... the teacher is going to class, ahem... How are you all recently?"

Ding Wushuang was eccentric, he tilted his head and asked Shi Lei, "Mr. Shi, did you open your mouth so wide just now? Did your mouth hurt too?"

Shi Lei laughed awkwardly, "No, the eggs I swallowed this morning were too big." He pointed to his mouth, "The muscles here are a little loose."

Wang Shuang's deskmate couldn't help sighing, "Teacher, you've been hurt so easily recently."

I thought yes, this guy with ADHD and a gifted child, who was a troublemaker since he was a child, is lucky that he has an energetic daddy who is always behind him to wipe his ass.

Shitou, who was a little bully in A middle school back then, has now become Teacher Shi, a math teacher in A middle school who teaches and educates people. It is like Fang Liangliang who is 24 years old and pretends to be an 18-year-old female high school student Jian Meida. It is outrageous. I think Looking at the curly-haired man on the podium who was confused but pretended to be calm and looked at me frequently, he fainted from laughter.

I haven't seen Xiao Shitou for seven years, but I actually meet in such a way today. I have to admire God's unique sense of humor.

What is Master Xing, God is the real master of comedy.

Because I was in charge, Shitou’s expression was always tense during the lecture, and the writing on the blackboard was also messy. Several words were wrongly written. It was the students in the audience who reminded him quietly, so he regretfully corrected them.

Even the little girl Song Changran noticed his abnormality, biting her pen and muttering, "What's wrong with Mr. Shi today? He's not usually like this..."

I approached her and asked, "When did Teacher Shi start teaching you?"

What happened back then was too outrageous, Shitou’s well-connected father was furious, he got him out of the country in a fit of anger, and prevented him from contacting us. Gradually, Brother Fei and I lost contact with him.

Time flies like a white horse, and in a flash, seven years have passed.

Song Changran counted carefully with his fingers, and said, "Teacher Shi has taught us for two months, he is a sea turtle who came back from England."

I thought to myself, why did he come back from England again? Didn't his father send him to Canada to study in some noble boys' school

I nodded and smiled, and continued to stare narrowly at the nervous old friend on the podium, propping my chin, and couldn't help but fall into the wonderful vortex of memories.

The second year of high school was when Brother Fei and I learned how to walk sideways like crabs. Although third-rate schools are rich in all kinds of hooligans, when it comes to fighting, Brother Fei and I are not inferior to boys at all, so ordinary punks dare not provoke us. A bad-tempered female gangster.

It is understandable for me to become a female gangster, but I wondered why Brother Fei, who came from a happy family of Sanhao, also went on the road of no return with me. Say, "'s boring."

I really wanted to punch her.

We met Shishi during that restless period. At that time, Brother Fei and I decided to rectify the bad atmosphere of hooligans in the school who blackmailed junior students everywhere. In addition, the Church of Justice that Feige and I formed at that time—Black Sheep Sect was in the In the process of development and growth, there are many believers who follow us. Under the orders of the two of us, the extortion incidents in our school have almost disappeared.

This school has no fun at all, Brother Fei and I are bored again.

One day, a thin and lonely boy came to complain to me and Brother Fei, and said, "Boss Fang, Boss Jiang, there are bad students in a good school like A, and when I passed by A yesterday, I was put in A The curly-haired man in the school uniform blackmailed him, I think he was wearing brand-name shoes, and I don’t know how many people he bought from the fuck.”

Brother Fei and I looked at each other at that time, and our hands were itchy in a tacit understanding.

That evening, Brother Fei and I wore school uniforms openly, swayed to the gate of Middle A, and waited for more than half an hour. Under the guidance of the blackmailed brother, we blocked the only mouse in the pot of good porridge in Middle A Shit - stone.

Shitou hadn't grown as much as it does now, and his height hadn't reached 1.7 meters. His hair was curly, and half of it was sticking up in the air, like a poodle, with a rebellious and rebellious expression on his face. When Feige and I were blocked by two bad girls, although we were nervous, we still said in a mature tone, "What are you doing? Get the hell out of me!"

Brother Fei and I looked at each other, and suddenly felt that this kid is really a scum that only happens once in a century in middle school A, and I was as excited as if I won the lottery.

At that time, Brother Fei was already 1.75 meters tall, full of deterrence, and the little Douding Shitou was a little afraid of her, so we took this little scum to a dead end in an alley from left to right, and revealed our identity majestically.

Originally, I wanted to scare this kid, so as to show the prestige of our third-rate high school. I didn't expect this kid to hear me and Brother Fei, and he was stunned. He knelt down, stuttered with excitement, and shouted, "Boss, boss, I have looked up to you for a long time, I, Shi Lei, finally found an organization today!"

Brother Fei and I looked at each other, both of whom were a little puzzled by this kid's reaction. The kid sniffed and sighed, "It's so useless to stay in a place like his mother's A."

"Boss, accept me, I have been lonely for ten thousand years."

So from then on, the "Black Sheep Sect" has a new member, but his identity is rather special, he comes from a well-known and good school A, and he is not like our group of fools who are fooling around, with a very smart mind.

The stone head is easy to use, and his math performance is top notch, but his Chinese and English are not good, so he is probably a mediocre in A.

He was not motivated. When I was in the second year of high school with Fei Ge, he was in the first year of high school. Every day after school, he would follow me and Fei Ge in the street. Before and after running, he was willing to be our little tail. He really admired us both.

At that time, Brother Fei and I didn’t have enough pocket money, but we were always greedy to eat and drink outside. Shitou’s family owned a big restaurant, and the pocket money in our pockets was full every day. After the three of us ate and drank well, I Going out with Brother Fei swaggeringly, and he paid the bill later was called a "full honor".

Whenever I fight with Brother Fei, this restless guy will be brought along. This young man is usually disciplined too severely by his parents at home, so when we fight outside, he is particularly rebellious. Every time we fight, he rushes to the end like a donkey. In the front, the one with small arms and legs is unexpectedly courageous. He often gets hanged, and rolls all over the floor crying after beating. Ouch, it makes people dumbfounded.

Brother Fei and I both felt a little headache about this guy, and completely ruined all the good fantasies about the good students in A Middle School. This guy is really a ridiculous contradiction.

Therefore, in order to subdue this rough boy, Brother Fei and I made an agreement with him for three chapters. From now on, as long as one of Brother Fei and I makes the gesture of poking the palm of the right hand with the left index finger, he must stop and calm down. If he can’t do it, don’t follow us .

This kind of deterrence was really effective. After that, Shi Shi became much more obedient, and knew how to restrain his anger, except for that one time.

I looked at the bookish young man on the podium, well-dressed, elegant and elegant, this feeling is familiar and strange, who would have thought that he was young and frivolous, full of dirty words, doing rebellious things, seven years really made us human No, time is too cruel to us.

I feel very emotional in my heart, the little stone back then has finally grown up and will no longer be someone's little tail, and if he hadn't fallen in love with the little girl with dimples at the age of seventeen, I think he would still be with him today. Brother Fei and I hung out, saying "boss, boss, let's find someone to fight...".

My nose was sore, I took out my phone and sent a text message to Brother Fei: Brother, I touched our little rock, he has grown up.

Not long after the text message was sent, I was still looking at the small stone on the podium with nostalgia, trying to make up for the time I hadn’t seen in seven years. Then the phone in my pocket vibrated, and Brother Fei called directly excitedly.

Ignoring Song Changran's frown, I answered the phone with my head down, and Brother Fei on the other end of the phone was too excited to speak, "Liangliangliang~ What did you say? Did you really see the stone? The stone is back? … My cao, you are talking, I am so anxious, you let Shitou listen to the phone."

I peeked around and met Jiang Li's black eyes. Feeling guilty, I quickly lowered my head and covered my mouth and said softly to Brother Fei on the other end of the phone, "Brother Fei, don't get excited, Shitou is giving a lecture. I'll call you later. Come back as soon as you're done."

When I hung up the phone and looked up, I suddenly found that everyone in the class was looking back at me, some were complaining, some were dissatisfied, some were watching the show, and Shi Shi, who was halfway through the lecture on the stage, coughed lightly, with a serious expression on his face. Stiff, but very kindly asked, "Student, come to my office after class."

Judging from his unnatural tone, he was obviously nervous too.

I think Shitou must be muttering in his stomach. Maybe he thought that he met a girl who looks very similar to me. After all, at my age, it is impossible to appear on the high school campus. He must be suspicious in his heart. In order to let him know I am indeed me, I smiled and said loudly to him, "Yes, teacher!"

The moment I opened my mouth, Shitou's uncertain face was relieved, and his slightly trembling eyebrows revealed his ecstasy. I saw that his hand holding the chalk was also trembling slightly.

I'm not ecstatic, and I think Brother Fei is too.

This math class was so long, it was so long that I recalled my frivolous high school years, my heart was getting old, and I really wanted to find a good place to clink glasses with Feige Shitou and the three of them to have a good time. .

Even though the years have changed our face, how much I wish it hadn't changed those friendships, how much I wish that little stone could still eagerly call us "boss"...

Fifteen minutes later, I didn’t go to class, and stood next to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the teaching building with Shitou. I just sighed and said “Shitou”, and Shitou’s reaction let me know that Shitou is still the same stone, and his heart is not at all. No change.

"Boss..." Shitou was so excited that his face was flushed and looked at me tearfully, his lips trembled. For such a big person, when he was moved, his eyes would still be red and his eyes would be moist. "Boss, boss, woo woo woo... I I'm so happy, I knew it was you, I knew it was you~"

I have already become a teacher, but now I am like a child who needs to be comforted. I want to wipe my tears with my sleeves while talking. I looked at him with excitement, and my eye sockets were moist. When there was no one around, I boldly patted him on the shoulder. Looking at him with emotion, "You have grown up so much, and now you are promising, you are a big rock."

Shito smiled through his tears, wiped his tears and looked at me curiously, "Well, boss, you've grown up and gone back, why are you still in high school?"

It's a long story, and I was choking with secrets and didn't know where to start, so I just stared at him, as fierce as before, with raised eyebrows, "Boss has his own reasons for doing things, and you can do my things as well." Who cares, you turned against you?"

Such a tone seemed to be back to the past, with two vicious bad girls followed by a little boy, pretending to be a tiger, with an air of air on his face.

Shitou smiled at me, showing his cute little canine teeth. He was still honest and obedient, so on the surface, Brother Fei and I liked to bully him, but in fact we both liked him very much. When we heard that something was wrong with him, we would go to the knife for him The fire and the sea are willing.

"Brother Fei misses you too, tell him a few words." I took out the phone and called Brother Fei, and Brother Fei immediately picked it up, and dared to stay on the phone.

I handed the phone to Shishi, Shishi just shouted excitedly, "Boss..."

In the next second, snot and tears started to cry again.

Brother Fei's loud voice could be heard clearly on the other end of the phone. He called "Stone" several times, and then suddenly fell silent. I heard her choked up voice, and she also started crying.

Shitou said, "Boss, it's been seven years, I haven't forgotten you, I, Shitou... I, Shitou, finally fucking returned to the organization today. Do you still want me?"

I had a sore nose, put his shoulders on his shoulders, and said in unison with Brother Fei on the phone, "Stone, you are finally fucking back!"