Good Morning, Mr. President!

Chapter 132: 132 Return to the Presidential Palace Again (1)


The group of three walked out, and just as they stepped out of the hospital gate, they heard a noisy sound.

"Mr. President, your engagement party with Miss Song will be held in 15 days. May I ask what impact this marriage between the two families will have on the political landscape?"

"Where will you and Miss Song hold your engagement party? Will there be a holiday so that the whole country can celebrate together?"

"Since the engagement date has been decided, then when do you plan to get married? I heard that this is a political marriage. Is there really no love between the two of you?"

The media crowded around the hospital steps, and everyone asked more explosive questions than the last.

Xia Xingchen heard it all, but without looking up, she just walked out quickly with her luggage. However, the road ahead was blocked by reporters and various large instruments. The driver had come up to help the old lady and Xia Guopeng get through the crowd. She was carrying something in her hands, and her body was much thinner than those men, so it was very difficult for her to get out of the crowd.

After barely taking a few steps, the reporters suddenly swarmed over again. Seeing this, she quickly stepped back, her heel hit the step, her footing was unstable, and her body fell down, landing heavily on the steps. Seeing that the crowd was about to trample on her, she was startled and tried to stand up in a panic, but her elbow was suddenly grabbed by a big hand. A strong force pulled her up easily.

Before Xia Xingchen came to her senses, she heard numerous "clicks" and "clicks" and the film flashed so brightly that she couldn't open her eyes. She blocked the light with her hand and looked sideways, only to find that it was Bai Yeqing who was holding her. The two of them looked at each other, and the strong light made her eyes dazzled. His figure tightly enveloped her, and his eyes fell on her, deep and complex.

Xia Xingchen was stunned for a long time, staring at him in shock, as if her soul had been taken away, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time. Until the reporter's question came again.

"Mr. President, do you know this lady?"

"May I ask what is your relationship?"

"You two seem very close, are you old acquaintances?"

At this point, all the questions were focused on Xia Xingchen. She admired the media's keen sense of smell. With just such an accident, they could actually say the words "old acquaintance" and "close".

Coming back to her senses, she smiled at him, politely but distantly, "Thank you, Mr. President."

It is definitely the attitude of ordinary people towards the president.

She pulled her hand out of his palm without a sound. He said nothing, his face lines tensed, his thin lips pursed into a line. He just watched her coldly retreat to the side, to a safe distance. His eyes darkened a little.

The microphone and camera went directly in front of Xia Xingchen. She smiled just the right way, "I am the family member of this patient. It is an honor to meet Mr. President this time. My father's recovery is also thanks to Mr. President."

It turned out that they were just family members.

Everyone was a little disappointed. They had thought they could dig up some good gossip.

Bai Yeqing's expression became a little gloomy. He said nothing. He just turned around and glanced at Xia Xingchen seriously, and then looked at Leng Fei.

Xia Xingchen's heart was a little nervous, so she didn't stay any longer and walked out of the crowd. Leng Fei received the President's gaze, and quietly picked up Xia Xingchen's luggage from the side, protecting her and letting her leave easily.

As soon as she left, the media's attention naturally fell on him again. He seemed to be in a very bad mood, much worse than before. Facing the media, he said nothing, just walked down the stairs with a cold face. Xia Xingchen did not look back again. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he said to Leng Fei: "Thank you, give me the luggage."

"Please get in the car and I'll carry your luggage to you."

"Don't." Xia Xingchen insisted on taking the luggage in his hands. "Everyone knows that you are his secretary and adjutant. The media are very good at making up stories, and I don't want to cause trouble for him. You should go back to him."

Leng Fei was relieved, "Your Excellency would be very happy if you knew that Miss Xia still cares about him so much."

Xia Xingchen's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly. After a while, she raised her head and pursed her lips, "I haven't had the chance to tell him congratulations yet. If you have the chance, please help me convey it."

Leng Fei was embarrassed. "I think Miss Xia should convey this kind of words in person so that it will be more sincere."

If he dares to say this, he will be killed by a look from him, right

"No more words, my grandma and dad are still waiting for me." Xia Xingchen looked back at the car parked on the side of the road, "I'll go over first."

"Okay. I still want to congratulate Mr. Xia for getting through this difficult time safely."

"I thank you on behalf of my father."

… …

Leng Fei watched Xia Xingchen leave before returning to the crowd, separating the reporters and escorting the president back to the car.

Bai Yeqing got in the car and asked Leng Fei to sit in the car as well. The two of them sat face to face. Bai Yeqing's face was still calm, and he was looking at his online emails. After a while, he casually asked, "What did you talk about?"

"Hmm?" Leng Fei looked up at him, seemingly puzzled.

Bai Yeqing frowned, as if he was quite dissatisfied with his slow response. Leng Fei was startled, and then he suddenly realized, "So you are asking me what I just talked about with Miss Xia!"

Bai Yeqing neither admitted nor denied it, he just straightened his body and sat up straighter. His eyes were still lingering on the email. It seemed that he didn't really care about the answer. However, whether he really cared or not, only he knew it best.

"Well... Miss Xia did talk to me about something, but... I don't dare to tell you."

He paused, then raised his eyelids gracefully. A layer of cold sweat broke out on Leng Fei's forehead. "Do you really want to hear it?"


"Ahem!" Leng Fei cleared his throat and decided to go for it. He sat up straight and said, "Miss Xia asked me to convey her congratulations to you."

"What?" Bai Yeqing seemed not to understand the last two words. He stared at Leng Fei with cold eyes and said in a cold voice, "Repeat it."

Leng Fei's heart was beating fast, and he knew that this was not an easy job. He mustered up his courage and said it again slowly: "Miss Xia said... Congratulations on your engagement with Miss Song."

As soon as he finished speaking, the IPAD was thrown aside with a "bang" and hit the wall of the car with a dull sound. Someone's face suddenly became as gloomy as charcoal. The air pressure in the car could not be any lower.

… … …

[Regarding the Q&A session with reporters, please do not automatically bring up the media and one-party rule in our country. Please bring up the fearless media in the UK and the US. ]