Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 24: invite to a meal


When Jin Ke was kneeling and crying in front of him, Shen Yu took the opportunity to pick up Qingmei's "Teacher Zhou" line.

At this time, he has already entered the play. After so many days of serious preparation, Shen Yu has become so familiar with Qingmei that he can no longer be familiar with it. , he was involuntarily brought into the play, becoming the teacher Zhou who was at a loss when he witnessed the murder of a student.

Of course, this move was undoubtedly an invisible mockery of Zhou Chuzhi. If Shen Yu was still awake, he would definitely think of this, but he would not regret his actions at this time.

Because opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, although I don't know why Jin Ke continued to act when Zhou Chuzhi didn't catch the play, but Shen Yu didn't want to give up this rare opportunity. What's more, it hasn't been long since Zhou Chuzhi deliberately suppressed Shen Yu before, Shen Yu is not a holy father, he will not deliberately take revenge on Zhou Chuzhi, but he can't do good things to repay grievances with virtue.

These logics are overwhelmed, and Shen Yu obviously has no time to think about them at this time, because Jin Ke has already followed his words.

"Teacher Zhou" Jin Ke whimpered, grabbed Shen Yu's trousers and tried to stand up with strength, but his legs were weak and he kept falling. Seeing this, Shen Yu subconsciously wanted to pull her up, but how could Teacher Zhou have the strength at this time? His hands were trembling to the point of cramps, and his mind was blank. Compared to the little girl who had been bullied for many years, he was the one in this incident. The truly innocent implicated.

He didn't say a few words to the murderer, and he never knew the deceased, but in just half a bowl of tea, a living life disappeared before his eyes, and the murderer was a student he personally took care of

"Call the police, we have to call the police. You are already fourteen years old. Murder is one of the eight felonies and you cannot be exonerated. Is this a legitimate defense, or is it not an over-defense?" Shen Yu's pupils were dilated, and he muttered in his mouth.

He talked about calling the police, but he resisted this choice in his heart, constantly analyzing the pros and cons, trying to find an excuse that could persuade himself to make a decision. Because he witnessed the tyranny of the little girl's stepfather and the instinct to sympathize with the weak, this young man with a pure sense of justice felt that his stepfather deserved what he deserved. Blunder.

He can't let her life be buried here

"Teacher Zhou" when the young man was struggling, the little girl also fell to the ground, looking up at his face, tears kept falling. Suddenly, she smiled, her eyes narrowed slightly, her lips curled up, and there was an inexplicable evil in her innocence.

In the next second, she quickly climbed to the table where the Buddha statue was placed before, picked up the heavy base, and smashed it down hard on the top of her head

"What are you doing?" The young man who reacted stopped her movement in the last half a second, and the base of the Buddha statue fell to the ground with a loud bang. Shocked and angry, he grabbed the opponent's wrists and shouted, "Don't kill me?"

"Teacher Zhou, let me die, let me die," the little girl struggled desperately with all her strength, but her thin body was powerless. She looked into the eyes of the young man, crying and laughing, tears rolling down her cheeks , into the mouth.

"Let me die, I will die, no one will gossip, and the teacher will not be hurt."

This sentence completely broke the chaotic heart of the young man

"Stop." Zhong Simo clapped his hands and called to stop the two people who were acting in full swing. Shen Yu took a deep breath and separated his emotions from "Teacher Zhou". He turned his head and glanced at Zhong Simo, and saw a touch of approval from the other person's eyes, and his heart lightened instantly, as if there was a cool breeze blowing on his face in summer night, and he couldn't help but want to curl his lips.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Jin Ke also stood up from the ground, and nodded to Shen Yu with a smile. The tears on her face have not been wiped away, but she has completely changed back to that low-key and gentle appearance.

"You're welcome." When Shen Yu turned around and took a few steps back to the ranks, the people around him looked at him completely differently. Although Shen Yu was not very popular yet, his strength was obvious to all, except for one person who was left alone.

"Director Zhong, what does this mean? Why is he able to take on my role?" Zhou Chuzhi finally came to his senses, pointing at Shen Yu and asking unceremoniously.

Obviously, his attitude angered Zhong Simo.

"What do you mean by asking me? You also know that you are here for an audition." Zhong Simo suppressed the word "audition", and snorted, "I can't even catch a sentence. Whose time are you here to waste?"

Zhou Chuzhi wanted to find an excuse to defend himself, but Zhong Simo didn't give him a chance.

"Jin Ke has already stood in front of you and started talking. What are you still talking about? Do more research in a day, don't shake your hair around like a big-tailed flower rooster and go through the back door, maybe you can still have some skills." Zhong Simo said This sentence is undoubtedly extremely rude, but he hasn't finished yet.

"If you don't make any preparations, you can't waste other people's time. Jin is too lazy to care about you and just skips to the next person who auditioned. But don't think I can't see it. Right, Jin Ke"

Jin Kewenyan, who stood calmly on the spot, glanced at Zhong Simo, nodded and smiled, and took the blame firmly on his back.


At that moment, Shen Yu thought that Zhou Chuzhi was going to run up to have a real sex with Zhong Simo, so he moved his position a little, intending to stop Zhou Chuzhi in time. Fortunately, the other party still had some reason left. He glared at Zhong Simo fiercely, left the practice room with a wave of his hand, and slammed the door with a loud bang before leaving.

The practice room was so quiet that the sound of a needle dropping could be heard, and the air was so frozen that it could almost feel solid. Both Zhong Simo and Zhou Chuzhi are people with high status in the entertainment industry in the hearts of the people present. Now that the two have a big conflict in front of so many people, everyone can't help but keep silent and play safe.

"Teacher Jin Ke, I'll be next." At this moment, Zhang Beihuo stood up and said to Jin Ke flatly, as if nothing happened.

"Okay." Jin Ke smiled back and walked in front of him. The weird atmosphere brought by Zhou Chuzhi was finally temporarily driven away, and the audition returned to the normal process.

Shen Yu, who had already finished the audition, watched other people's auditions with cold eyes, feeling more and more that Jin Ke's strength was unfathomable. She can get in and out of the play instantly, and she can choose clips according to the characteristics of the auditioner, and make timely adjustments, so that the other party can fully display her own characteristics. But the more clearly he saw, the more Shen Yu didn't understand why Jin Ke was so rude to Zhou Chuzhi, and made a big move as soon as he came up. Could it be that there is an old grudge between Jin Ke and Zhou Chuzhi? Thinking about Zhou Chuzhi's domineering character, it is not impossible at all.

Finally, after more than an hour, the last person who auditioned finished the performance.

Jin Ke combed his hair a little tiredly, and sat back in his seat. After whispering a few words with Zhong Simo and Representative Bai, she quietly sat upright with her eyes lowered again, without saying a word.

"I've seen your situation clearly," Zhong Simo said lightly, and the remaining eight people cheered up and looked at him nervously.

"The camera positions in the performance practice room where everyone is present today have been recorded. I will study it in detail again and give you a final notice in a week. Now, please go back."

After Zhong Simo finished speaking, the door of the practice room was opened again, and the girl who was in charge of the reception before came in and led the audition crowd to leave. Shen Yu walked out with the crowd, looked around, but did not see An Wei's shadow.

Where did this girl go? Did she go to see a friend in the studio? Shen Yu didn't keep her voice open. After asking the reception staff, she turned and went to the bathroom, intending to make a phone call and ask.

He walked around the corridor according to the reception staff, and there was a faint sound of water in front of him. Shen Yu quickly walked a few steps through a porch, but saw a person standing in the shadows, holding a lighted cigarette between his fingers, standing quietly thinking about something.

Hearing the sound, the other party turned around to see him, sighed and then smiled.

"I always seem to meet you suddenly."

Zhong Simo's tone was very casual and relaxed, Shen Yu couldn't figure out what the other party meant, so he didn't answer for a while. Seeing this, Zhong Simo extinguished the cigarette in the sand basin with his backhand, and walked to him.

"Please have a meal, I need to remind you of something about today's affairs."

"Ah..." Shen Yu was a little dazed when facing Zhong Simo who suddenly approached.

"What do you want to eat"

"Ma La Tang" Shen Yu subconsciously said something he likes to eat recently, and it was only after he finished speaking that he realized what he had said, and was extremely embarrassed for a moment, "Director Zhong, you can figure it out."

Fortunately, Zhong Simo didn't mind Shen Yu's answer at all, he smiled lightly and shook his head, "I like spicy food."

"Well, my mother is from Sichuan, so I have been able to eat spicy food since I was a child." Shen Yu explained stiffly.

Zhong Simo pressed a button on his mobile phone, raised his head and said to Shen Yu, "There is no Malatang shop nearby, it's too late today, I'll treat you to Thai food, it's more spicy."

"Oh." Shen Yu didn't expect Zhong Simo to really think about the food he talked about nonsense, and he couldn't help but rejoice that there is no such food as Malatang in this high-end office building area. Otherwise, let Zhong Simo sit with him in the small shop and eat Mala Tang, and he would not be able to look directly at it if he thought about it.