Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 26: birthday party


Zhong Simo and Shen Yu had a meal until close to five o'clock in the afternoon. Although he was a little regretful, Zhong Simo left after sending Shen Yu to see An Wei. He has some "private affairs" to attend today's half-sister's birthday party.

The gift I bought was placed on the passenger seat, and I really bought a set of French original Barbie dolls as Shen Yu suggested. Zhong Simo drove the car absent-mindedly, guessing what kind of trouble the couple would cause him when they went back this time. After all, the meeting a week ago was quite unpleasant.

As far as Zhong Simo's life experience is concerned, according to his own definition, it can be described as quite bloody.

Zhong Simo's biological father, Chen Yi, is in his fifties. He has a bold and decisive personality. During the years of China's fastest development, he experienced a huge change from a grassroots to a rich man. He married three wives in his life and had three children. child.

There have always been gossip in the rich circle that Chen Yi Ke's wife. His first wife married when she was poor, and died in childbirth when she gave birth to Chen Sizuo, the eldest son of the Chen family. Two years later, he married his second wife, gave birth to a second son, and his career started. Unexpectedly, ten years later The two divorced because of their emotional discord. It is said that the second wife also died within a few years, and there is no news about the second son who does not know whether he exists or not; the current wife of the Chen family, Zhou Qianhe, is his third wife. He is ten years younger and was once the daughter of a high-ranking official. He gave birth to a youngest daughter, Chen Siyin, who is only seven or eight years old this year.

On the one hand, Chen Yi's beautiful wife is in his arms, and he has both children, he can be described as a winner in life; but on the other hand, he will inevitably bear the notoriety of restraining his wife and changing women like changing clothes.

Of course, to Chen Yi, these are nothing, what he cares about is profit and value. The second son, who was so rebellious that he changed his mother's surname, was not in his consideration at all, and Zhong Simo, who had never had close contact with him since the divorce, was so happy.

Since he was twelve years old, he has relied on himself for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and all his achievements have come from his own efforts. The concept of father is vague and meaningless to Zhong Simo, he has to rely entirely on his own strength to justify his mother's name, as for the Chen family, he is not rare.

However, with the growth of age in the past two years, Chen Yi's heart seems to have grown old and softened, and he began to try to get in touch with Zhong Simo. Zhong Simo didn't want to discern what his purpose was, so he chose not to accept him at all. I only went back once or twice when I couldn't resist, and it was not very pleasant every time.

After all, to his stepmother Zhou Qianhe, he is a thorn in the side who will fight for inheritance in the future.

Chen's main villa is located in the suburbs of Beijing, relatively speaking, the air is better and the area is larger. Zhong Simo got on the elevated road and drove all the way, and finally arrived at the place a few minutes before seven o'clock.

"Second young master." The old man at the door helped him open the door and parked the car, and bowed to say hello. Zhong Simo nodded lightly and didn't say much. He has grown up wildly for more than ten years, and now he really can't bear the burden of the young master and is too lazy to bear it.

"Ah Mo is here." Chen Sizuo, the elder brother of the Chen family, came out to welcome him, took Zhong Simo's hand and walked in together with a smile.

Chen Sizuo is three years older than Zhong Simo, thirty one this year, and not married yet. Because both of them were raised by Zhong Simo's biological mother when they were young, Zhong Simo had a good relationship with him. It's a pity that this eldest brother is a moderate and good-natured person, and he is useless in an emergency.

"Is anyone else coming?" Zhong Simo inquired about the situation casually.

"No, it's just you, me, Yinyin, Dad, and Auntie. You know about Yinyin's situation. Auntie doesn't want her to see more people." Chen Sizhuo shook his head secretly.

"Yeah." Zhong Simo said while walking while holding the gift box, "I hope she can let her daughter have a safe birthday today."

"I also hope that after you left last week, she lost her temper and slapped Yinyin more than a dozen times. She couldn't stop her, saying that I don't care if she kills herself," Chen Sizuo said with lingering fear. Looking back, I realized that Zhong Simo probably didn't want to hear this, "Oh, I can't help you much. I promised my mother to take care of you."

"The old man can't control Zhou Qianhe's madness. I can't blame you." But Zhong Simo interrupted his memory, obviously not wanting to hear it.

"Oh, oh." Chen Sizuo nodded dumbly and stopped talking.

The two walked through the vestibule garden all the way to the door of the small white building. Before they entered, they heard a sharp female voice.

"Why, the second young master is too expensive to invite you. My sister is celebrating her birthday, so I'm here at this hour."

Zhou Qianhe stood in the porch and said sarcastic remarks. She is well maintained, looks like she is only in her early thirties, with long hair hanging down, wearing a black gauze dress, delicate makeup, arrogant expression, a typical image of a beautiful woman from a wealthy family.

"I don't dare to bother you to call you young master, I'm afraid of losing my life." Zhong Simo waved his elder brother's hand to stop him, and walked into the door while choking back.


"What's the point of arguing on auspicious days?" Zhou Qianhe wanted to argue, but a mature and majestic voice stopped her.

Sitting on the upper sofa in the living room, Chen Yi looked at the elder son and second son who walked in and nodded slightly, "Here we come."

"Come." Zhong Simo also replied with two simple words, without any desire to continue the conversation. Seeing this, Chen Yi moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Come on, look at our little fairy Yinyin, she's so beautifully dressed today." Seeing this, Chen Sizuo hurriedly smoothed things over and pulled out the protagonist of today's birthday party.

The seven or eight-year-old girl was wearing a pink princess dress, with pale skin, delicate features, and a pair of big black eyes fluttering like fluttering butterflies. She half-hid behind Chen Sizuo and walked over step by step, and finally stopped a meter away from Zhong Simo, and made a greeting gesture timidly.

This beautiful and delicate little fairy-like girl is born dumb.

Zhong Simo won't care about the children no matter how much they get along with the family. Chen Yi and Zhou Qianhe lost their temper when they saw their little daughter, and the tense atmosphere before finally eased a little. Chen Sizuo hurriedly arranged for the servants to set the table and serve the food, and gathered the group of people on the table.

The servants served the dishes, removed the dishes, served the cakes, and lit candles step by step. A few people maintained their superficial calm and ate without saying a word. The birthday party of a well-behaved child has turned into this kind of funeral. Finally, after eating half full, Chen Yi put down his chopsticks and cleared his throat. Seeing this, Zhong Simo clenched his fists, thinking that what should come is still coming.

"A Mo, your auntie wants to tell you something." Chen Yi signaled Zhou Qianhe to speak.

"Well..." Zhong Simo looked at Zhou Qianhe in surprise, intending to see what tricks she was going to play this time.

Zhou Qianhe's lips moved a few times, and it seemed that he couldn't pronounce the word "A Mo", so he simply gave up the address and directly ordered.

"Do you know the Zhou family in the Beijing area, the one that started out in the building materials business. I know his wife well, and we often go out to hang out."

Zhou Qianhe said in a lady's tone.

Of course I know, Zhou Chuzhi's backer background. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win all battles. Zhong Simo has already investigated this clearly, but he didn't say anything, and continued to listen to what Zhou Qianhe wanted.

"Mrs. Zhou called me this afternoon and said that you offended his young master." Zhou Qianhe glanced at Zhong Simo contemptuously at this point, as if looking at a dog who couldn't get into the lobby. Zhong Simo returned her impeccable and decent smile, not giving the other party any chance to make excuses.

Zhou Qianhe choked silently, stopped putting on airs, and said quickly, "Fortunately, Mrs. Zhou doesn't care too much about you, I agreed for you, as long as you speak clearly to the young master, the film that should be filmed will be filmed." The Zhou family will treat this matter as non-existent, and can cooperate with us for a business in a few months."