Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 29: Awareness of emotion


As soon as Shen Yu and An Wei arrived at Beijing Airport, An Wei's phone rang. There was a lot of traffic at the airport, and Shen Yu saw An Wei's brows getting deeper and deeper after she answered the phone through a few people, thinking of Zhong Simo's reminder before boarding the plane, her heart sank.

"What's the matter?" The two walked out of the boarding gate, Shen Yu asked in a muffled voice while wearing a mask, and at the same time took out his mobile phone from his bag.

"Brother Yu," An Wei's expression was so serious for the first time, she said quickly in a low voice, "Zhou Chuzhi posted Weibo half an hour ago."

Shen Yu told An Wei everything that happened during the audition that night. Although An Wei, like Zhong Simo, felt that there was nothing wrong with Shen Yu's actions, the relationship between him and Zhou Chuzhi had obviously already formed. Seeing An Wei's appearance as if she was facing a big enemy, Zhou Chuzhi definitely didn't say anything good.

Shen Yu turned on his mobile phone, and he didn't need to search much. The first trending Weibo search could tell him all the news "Zhou Chu Zhi Zhong Simo's play audition".

Shen Yu stood leaning on a stop sign, frowned and clicked on the trending search terms. The first popular Weibo that came into view was that of Zhou Chuzhi.

"Zcz at the beginning of the week: I tried my best, but I still didn't get the desired result. Maybe life is like an audition, full of all kinds of uncontrollable people and things. Although tired and sad, I still wish everyone who likes me Everyone is safe and happy, and everything is going well. Picture”

The content of this Weibo is very literary and artistic, with a picture of a dense and mysterious tropical rainforest, and a turbulent river flowing through it. It was posted about half an hour ago, and has already received more than 80,000 comments and hundreds of thousands of reposts.

"My wish is that you can be happy every day"

"Brother doesn't cry, you are the best in our hearts"

"The 521st day when I like you, I happened to see your Weibo, I hope time will not waste"

As usual, the popular comments on Weibo are dominated by the skillful confessions of fans, but there are also many dog-headed detectives trying to find information.

"What does brother's microblog mean? I put in all my efforts but failed in the audition. Uncontrollable people and things. What do you mean, brother? I feel restless when I think of you being wronged. Don't be tired and sad. We will help you get justice. "Fans always regard their idols as poor and innocent children who need to be taken care of, and artist teams often use this to make a fuss.

"I don't think it's right when you say that. My brother is not usually such a literary person. What happened, I'm so anxious." The fans' emotions were already mobilized.

"Don't panic, don't panic, any of you have the latest itinerary information of brother to see what kind of audition it is."

"Speaking of which, the picture my brother posted on Weibo seems to be the Amazon River"

Thanks to the huge action of tens of millions of fans and the help of caring people, Zhou Chuzhi's failure to pass the audition for Zhong Simo's new play due to uncontrollable reasons was quickly revealed. For a while, various conspiracy theories were staged one after another, and Shen Yu felt that it was a pity that they didn't write novels.

The second post on popular Weibo is a collection of various speculations posted by a marketing account.

"Dragon Fruit Entertainment: Zhou Chuzhi's Zhong Simo audition Zhou Chuzhi posted a post expressing his uncontrollable reasons Zhou Chuzhi was shady at 3:00 this afternoon, a famous actor in the entertainment circle, Osmanthus Award winner Zhou Chuzhi posted a post on Weibo expressing his life, best wishes Fans, suspected to imply that they were treated unfairly during the audition, and felt tired and sad. According to Zhou Chuzhi's fans, Zhou Chuzhi's audition is suspected to be the new work of the international director Zhong Simo who announced the news at noon today .More fans broke the news that Zhou Chuzhi was robbed of the opportunity by a shady person. This matter has aroused widespread public concern. At present, neither party has made an official response. What is the truth, Guoguo will continue to pay attention to report for you. "

She tried all her strength and couldn't control the reason, but she was seen by the shady Shen Yu. Zhou Chuzhi himself is the one who is really used to relying on shady sources to obtain resources, and besides, the audition that day was in the final analysis a scene that he thought no one was not prepared enough to catch Jin Ke. Zhong Simo must have a backup of all the videos of the audition process in his hand, as long as they are released, the truth will be revealed immediately. Is Zhou Chuzhi stupid? Isn't it rushing to give away people's heads by making such a hype

Shen Yu didn't understand Zhou Chuzhi's operation, but he had already been affected by it, which was why An Wei frowned. Although the specific process of the audition has not been exposed, fans who have no official information about this kind of thing will definitely find their own way to find out.

Compared to a powerful director, a mysterious and low-key actress, and a newcomer who has no background at all, it is obvious that an actor like Shen Yu who is not popular but has acted in dramas for many years is the best choice. Shen Yu's own Weibo and An Wei's assistant's Weibo were quickly taken over by Zhou Chuzhi's army of fans.

If you are more polite, you can ask in a nice voice what happened during the audition a week ago, and directly command Shen Yu to speak up, and some people even think that Shen Yu lost Zhou Chuzhi's opportunity by going behind the scenes.

This behavior of forcibly breaking into other people's houses and wanton vandalism immediately caused a backlash from Shen Yu's fans. Before they had time to celebrate Brother Yu finally having such a large resource, they were smashed. There was anger on both sides, and there were more and more verbal conflicts. However, Shen Yu's fans are not of the same order of magnitude as Zhou Chuzhi's. As time went by, more and more Zhou Chuzhi's fans came after hearing the news, and the quarrel gradually turned into a unilateral crush. When Yu's fans speak, dozens of other fans will rush up to scold, a silent online violence.

"Brother Yu, not being popular is the original sin." An Wei gritted her teeth and said.

"Yeah..." Shen Yu was a little distressed and a little guilty, and felt sore with discomfort, and after a while, he let out a long sigh.

"What's the situation in the audition? Director Zhong must have a video, and other people present can also prove why Zhou Chuzhi did this." An Wei tried to stay calm and tried to analyze.

"I don't know either." Shen Yu refreshed the Weibo page while answering, and suddenly saw a video just released by a big marketing account, glanced over, and saw himself

"What is this?" Seeing Shen Yu's sudden change of expression, An Wei quickly moved over to take a look, and was also taken aback.

The video is very short, just over a minute, and there is no sound. The fixed camera recorded Jin Ke walking in front of Zhou Chuzhi, and the two began to play together. After more than ten seconds, the object of the scene suddenly became Shen Yu, and then continued to perform the whole process until Zhong Simo called to stop. From this angle, it seems that Shen Yu deliberately pushed Zhou Chuzhi away. The title of the video is also very purposeful, "Third-line actor Shen Yu's undercover snatches Zhou Chuzhi's audition opportunity".

After watching the video, An Wei and Shen Yu became more and more serious. The other party obviously came prepared.

"How could they get this video?" Unlike Shen Yu, An Wei is actually an official employee of Zhong Simo's studio who has been selected through layers of selection, and she is very aware of the strict rules of the studio. If the other party can bypass the boss and get the confidential information inside the studio, the power is beyond their imagination. There is such a person standing behind Zhou Chuzhi

Before Shen Yu could speak, the phone suddenly rang to remind him that it was Zhong Simo's call.

"Have you got off the plane?" The other party's voice sounded very casual, considerate and thoughtful, "I remember you don't have a car, right? I asked the driver to pick you up at the airport and wait for you at Exit No. 3. An Wei knows me. I'm here There is something to do, you go home and rest first, and we will see you tonight."

"Director Zhong, have you checked Weibo hot searches?" Shen Yu was not in the mood to care about anything else, and asked anxiously.

"I see." Zhong Simo replied after hearing the words, still unhurried.

"that video"

"I see." Zhong Simo smiled and comforted Shen Yu, "Don't worry, I said I will keep an eye on it. The whole studio is following up on this matter, and they can't figure it out."

Shen Yu originally thought that the other party stole the audition video while Zhong Simo didn't check it, and deliberately guided public opinion. At this time, hearing Zhong Simo's tone that he seemed to have expected the victory, he was stunned for a moment.

"Since you already knew, Director Zhong, why did you let them stir up the hype?" Although he is not very clear about how public opinion works, Shen Yu feels that with the professional capabilities and deterrent power of Zhong Simo's studio, he wants to suppress such a person with ulterior motives. The breaking news is not impossible.

"I only have a rough guess on this matter now, and I'm not sure yet. I'll tell you in detail when the results come out tonight." It seemed that someone on Zhong Simo's side was reporting to him, and it took seven or eight seconds before he came back and continued. "The initial judgment should be that Zhou Chuzhi and Zhao Tianwo were in conflict. The two did not communicate with each other. Although Zhao Tian had means, he made a mistake. Anyway, as long as I speak out and provide evidence, the rumors will soon be dispelled." broken."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Shen Yu heard something in Zhong Simo's words.

"Don't take advantage of the cheap, don't you say before that you feel that your popularity is too low to be the backbone of my play?" Zhong Simo laughed when he said this, "Since they want to fire, then I'll help you too Let’s stir it up. Play public opinion marketing and see who has played it well.”

Shen Yu was amused by Zhong Simo's rascal thinking, as expected, all the previous worries were unnecessary, with this man around, how could he suffer a little bit

"Then I'll leave this matter to Director Zhong, don't let me get fired." Shen Yu half-jokingly asked.

"Don't worry, you can afford such popularity." Zhong Simo first praised Shen Yu, and then lost his formality, "At worst, I will make you a new dish after frying."

"It's not real cooking, there's no way to cook it again." Shen Yu was happy but speechless.

"Actually, the principles are the same. Whether it's cooking or controlling public opinion, it's just a matter of putting in the right things at the right time, and then waiting for the ingredients to slowly emit their own flavor." Zhong Simo's answer was so powerful that it was taken for granted self-confidence.

"Then I look forward to Zhong Dao's craftsmanship."

"You think I don't know how to cook and I'll show you my hand when I have time." Zhong Simo laughed again, there seemed to be someone waiting to speak, so he had to say goodbye to Shen Yu first, "I'm afraid I'll call you first if you're worried." Don't worry about the internet, you can't go wrong. You've been very tired from filming these days, and you still have to see the fitness trainer tonight, so take the car back and take a good rest."

"Director Zhong."


"Before I got acquainted with you, I always thought you were very mysterious and powerful," Shen Yu said half-truthfully, "but now I suddenly feel that I was wrong, you seem to have exposed some old mother attributes."

"Oh, revenge for kindness." Zhong Simo replied with a smile when he heard the words, and finally hung up the phone.

Although Shen Yu got a reassuring guarantee from Zhong Simo, it was still impossible not to pay attention to the news on the Internet. The driver Zhong Simo sent was a taciturn middle-aged man in his forties, driving a low-key black business car. He first took Shen Yu to the apartment, and then drove An Wei home according to Shen Yu's wishes. Shen Yu didn't say anything during the whole process. After returning to the apartment, Shen Yu took a shower and opened Weibo again.

Because of that video "Stone Hammer", Zhou Chuzhi's fans already believed that Shen Yu was behind Zhou Chuzhi's opportunity, which made their brother exhausted and sad, and now they are picking up black material to attack him all over the Internet. Shen Yu's name and Zhou Chuzhi's name together accounted for six or seven trending searches. Although they were not good words, they also attracted the attention of many passers-by.

At the same time, Zhong Simo, Jin Ke, Zhang Beihuo, and even Tianchen Entertainment's Weibo have all fallen. Angry fans are fighting here and there, vowing to ask for an explanation. Major marketing accounts and entertainment accounts have written articles and reports. Heizi, a passer-by, keeps fighting in teams, creating a grand occasion that is popular among the people.

The situation seems to be very serious, but when Shen Yu thought of Zhong Simo's plan, he stood on the sidelines, using the other party's momentum to stir up enthusiasm for the new drama and himself, and felt a little pitiful for Zhou Chuzhi and his team, who worked hard on the hype , Make a wedding dress for others in vain. It's not good to provoke anyone in the entertainment industry, but Zhong Simo must be provoked.

It is around five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was about two hours after the incident broke out, and many people have just learned about it. Although Zhou Chuzhi's fans were powerful in fighting, they couldn't hold back their feet and stomped around, attracting Zhong Simo, Jin Ke and others' supporters to retort. Many Zhou Hei were also involved, and Ma Gong from all walks of life said The public is reasonable, and the woman is reasonable, and the situation is not yet one-sided.

In this case, Director Zhong should wait until the trouble gets bigger before closing the Internet cafe. Shen Yu speculated, and suddenly planned to look at his "black material" with great interest. After all, he has had a clear conscience for more than 20 years, and he finally gained popularity. It is also interesting to see how the sunspots fabricate black material.

Shen Yu's single-person entry in the hot search list tops the list of "Shen Yu Imitation Hype Maniac". Shen Yu clicks in and finds that Zhou Chuzhi's fans have already listed him as "ten deadly sins".

More reliable ones, such as the conspiracy theory that Shen Yu's previous Weibo hot search "enthusiastic citizen Mr. Yu" was hype, based on the short-lived scandal between him and Wan Sheng. It's unreliable to say that Shen Yu's Weibo name "Shen Yu sy" is a deliberate imitation of Zhou Chuzhi's "Zcz at the beginning of Zhou". Regarding this, Shen Yu can only say that he should not open his mind too much. It's just that the name "Shen Yu" was already registered when I first registered on Weibo, so I added a pinyin initial.

The fans were filled with righteous indignation, everything seemed to be deliberate black material, but the eyes of passers-by were discerning, not only could not discredit Shen Yu, but it would have the opposite effect, making them feel that Zhou Chuzhi's fans were unreasonable.

Shen Yu swiped his phone, dumbfounded at the many nonsensical black stories that he had never heard of, and suddenly saw a clear Weibo.

"Jingshi is here to help you with your worries: Mr. Yu was lucky enough to be photographed by me. He has no hype, no, no. If you have met him in person, you will know how good he is."

Judging by the tone of voice, this Weibo was probably posted by the girl who stopped Shen Yu from interviewing on the official blog of the program group. Qingliu's identity and tone quickly stood out in the scuffle. Many passers-by found out the interview video at that time and watched it again. After all, compared to the smooth sailing of the rich young master, people generally prefer to watch the drama of the salted fish's counterattack.

Although he suffered a lot of online public opinion attacks, Shen Yu still maintained a good attitude because he knew that there were still these lovely people who believed in him and supported him behind his back.

While eating the old popsicles in the refrigerator, Shen Yu checked Weibo while blowing on the air conditioner. As an actor, adjusting his mentality is undoubtedly a compulsory course. Suddenly, WeChat sounded a notification tone.

"Mr. Jumping Pit: Are you resting?"

Shen Yu had just finished watching the Weibo of the program group "Heaven and Earth to Relieve Your Worry", and then saw the note for Zhong Simo popping up on the top of the phone, recalling the past of that night, he couldn't help laughing.

"Swiping Weibo while eating popsicles."

"Still checking Weibo"

"Look at how everyone slanders me, it's time to practice emotional regulation." Shen Yu took a bite of the popsicle, and he could imagine Zhong Simo's speechless look, happy that he could finally fight back.

Sure enough, Zhong Simo paused for a few seconds before sending the next message, "Okay, you are amazing, pay attention to stomach maintenance. I will ask Jin Ke to post on Weibo in a few minutes, remember to forward it."

Actually invited Jin Ke, who was so low-key that he could not appear in the public eye for more than half a year, to speak out. Shen Yu had expected it a long time ago, so he sighed with emotion about Zhong Simo's connections.

"What will Teacher Jin Ke send?" He had to think about how to respond.

"Your name is Teacher Jin Ke, and you only call me Director Zhong, um." However, Zhong Simo didn't know if it was intentional, but he caught the wrong focus.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" This person made a joke at the moment of the big event, and Shen Yu asked back speechlessly.

"Brother." Zhong Simo responded quickly and briefly, as if planning for a long time.

"Okay, senior brother," Shen Yu typed along his words. Anyway, Zhong Simo is his senior brother, so he doesn't take advantage of it. Right now, it's important to get back to business, "What will Mr. Jin Ke post on Weibo?"

"I have all the videos from the audition at that time, but it's hard to find the reason why she posted it. It just so happens that the announcement list released by the studio today has not been reposted by Jin, so let her praise you by the way when she reposts the Weibo For your acting skills, remember to reply, we will make a hot search about acting skills, and then the studio will release a full version of the video, and then guide public opinion." Zhong Simo briefly introduced the plan with a clear division of labor.

"Yeah, I see, thank you brother."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about these things. After replying to Jin Ke, go pack up and get ready. I'll take you to see the fitness trainer around seven o'clock in the evening."

After Zhong Simo said this, he disappeared again. He was probably really busy there, after all, he was the boss of a big studio, and he was urgently dealing with the public relations that was hot on the Internet. Anyway, after today, Shen Yu's name must be known all over the Internet, but whether it is red or black depends on the next development.

"Actor Jin Ke: It's a great honor to cooperate with Director Zhong again, and I'm also very happy to meet Shen Yu, my partner who is on par with me in the drama. Please support our drama Zhong Simo Studio: This studio will cooperate with "

Because it is too low-key, Jin Ke's Weibo does not have many fans, but at any rate, the Weibo certification of the actress is here, and it is this related Weibo that was posted on the cusp of the storm. Under the operation of Zhong Simo's studio, it quickly rushed to the top Hot search square.

At the same time, entries about Jin Ke's praise of Shen Yu's equal acting skills also began to float up.

It has been more than two hours since the first news broke, just when passers-by have eaten enough melons and want fresher news, Jin Ke's Weibo post is undoubtedly very timely.

In the entertainment circle, no matter how popular an idol star is, it is impossible for public opinion to step on the head of a performance artist who has won countless awards. Because there is a very strange thing called national trust, or popularly, it can be understood as the favorability of passers-by. I believe in his character and strength, although I am not his fan, but I have a high degree of recognition for him.

Obviously, Jin Ke, who is young but has superb acting skills, has won numerous awards and is very low-key, has a very high degree of national trust. When she posted this Weibo, she first affirmed Shen Yu's superb acting skills, and slapped those who said that Shen Yu was a vase through the back door. No one among the noisy fans dared to refute anything for a while, even if someone conspired that Jin Ke was also bought, they would be scolded immediately. Because Jin Ke's image was so upright, no one would think of doubting her.

Shen Yu waited for a few minutes before reposting this Weibo: "Shen Yusy: Thank you, Mr. Jin Ke, for your affirmation. I have always liked your works very much, and Qingmei has watched it countless times. This time I will play with you in Qingmei's segment. It has benefited me a lot, thank you very much. Actor Jin Ke: It is a great honor to be with... "

After Shen Yu posted this Weibo, the fans who were a little tired and shaken after the dispute finally found their backbone, and organized themselves to leave a thank you comment on Jin Ke's Weibo, and then controlled it under Shen Yu's Weibo. The situation has stabilized for the time being.

Now it's the turn of Zhong Simo's studio to release the complete clip of the audition, and the public opinion guides praise Shen Yu's superb acting skills, and by the way, it's time to blackmail Zhou Chuzhi. After Shen Yu reposted Weibo, just as the popsicles were finished, he got up and planned to change into clothes that were more convenient for sports. Later, he went out with Zhong Simo to meet the fitness trainer, but suddenly found that Zhou Chuzhi had posted Weibo again.

"Zcz at the beginning of the week: I haven't been feeling well for the past few days. I posted a few words on Weibo in the afternoon and then went to rest. I just woke up and found that it caused such a big disturbance. I did participate in the trial of Director Zhong a week ago. However, due to physical reasons, the performance was abnormal and the opportunity was lost. That's why I felt emotional and felt uncontrollable. However, I also understand that the two actors chosen by Director Zhong are very capable. I envy and wish them well. .Finally, I am very sorry for the misunderstanding caused by my sudden emotion."

The attitude changed drastically before and after, this is because Shen Yu read this small composition-like Weibo twice, and frowned. He is not a person who has to worry about every detail, but the planned plan was implemented step by step until the last step, when the cooked duck suddenly flew away, Shen Yu was inevitably a little anxious.

Just when Shen Yu was hesitating whether to ask Zhong Simo, the other party sent a voice as if he had a heart, and Shen Yu clicked on it, and heard a familiar deep voice.

"I'm downstairs at your house, pack up and come down."

Shen Yu was startled when he heard this, and no longer cared about Zhou Chuzhi's affairs, since there was someone watching anyway. He quickly ran into the bedroom, changed into black and white sportswear, and went downstairs with his mobile phone.

"Guard Zhong." Shen Yu opened the door of the black off-road vehicle parked downstairs, and sat on the co-pilot to say hello.

"What are you calling me?" Zhong Simo raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

"Senior brother." I didn't feel it when I was typing, but I still felt a little strange calling Shen Yu in person.

Seeing this, Zhong Simo smiled, stopped teasing him, and changed the subject, "Have you seen Zhou Chuzhi's latest Weibo post? Zhao Tian finally found out in time that he was being plotted against."

"Why Zhao Tian?" Shen Yu was puzzled.

"Because if it was Zhou Chuzhi himself, he knew very well who the problem was at the time of the audition, so it was impossible to make such a hype. Only when Zhao Tian, who was in conflict with Zhou Chuzhi, was plotted by others, could he do so. " Zhong Simo explained as he slowly drove the car out of the community where Shen Yu rented an apartment.


"At first I wondered why Zhao Tian would use Zhou Chuzhi's Weibo account to post such a Weibo that pointed directly at me. After seeing that video, I realized that someone deliberately gave Zhao Tian that misleading video to make people He thought that Zhou Chuzhi's audition failed because you took his part, and Zhou Chuzhi had a bad temper, so he ended up not wanting to turn back." Zhong Simo lightly clasped the steering wheel with his fingers, and said eloquently. When he is serious, he has a very attractive temperament, which makes people feel serious.

"In this way, the main conflict in this matter is between you and Zhou Chuzhi, not me. When Zhao Tian learned of this, his first reaction must be to find a way to sell badly, and use the difference in popularity to ruin your reputation first. Then let the public sympathize with Zhou Chuzhi, and then come to me to discuss the conditions, for the sake of topicality and popularity, follow the public opinion and replace you with Zhou Chuzhi."

"But it's too risky, if it's not what he thinks." Shen Yu frowned when he heard this.

"Under normal circumstances, Zhao Tian would definitely have to check again, but the person who wanted to mess with him tried to get Zhao Tian to put pressure on him with the foreign big names that Zhao Tian was talking about endorsement recently, because Zhao Tian had promised that Zhou Chuzhi would star in the show. The protagonist of my play. In order to solve the problem, he can only take a risk and take a gamble. Unfortunately, Zhao Tian is an old man who has been in the circle for more than ten years. As soon as Jin Ke posted Weibo, he immediately realized that something was wrong and stopped in time , we still failed to take this opportunity to injure Zhou Chuzhi."

"So the plan has failed." Shen Yu asked casually after hearing the long list of causal relationships, which gave him a headache.

"Not counting, but Zhao Tian has preemptively said that Zhou Chuzhi's health is ill. Unless we completely tear our face, we can't continue to connotate Zhou Chuzhi's arrogance, otherwise someone will say that you have no respect for seniors," Zhong Simo said While driving, he smiled and glanced at Shen Yu, "But we still took advantage of this matter, and the studio will release a video clip of your audition later, combined with Jin Ke's Weibo, to guide public opinion to praise your acting skills .The ultimate beneficiary of this national hot search is us."

Shen Yu was still a little embarrassed to hear the words "praise for acting" from Zhong Simo himself, so he turned his head slightly and asked doubts.

"Who the hell wants to plot Zhou Chuzhi like this?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's the enemy that Zhou Chuzhi and Zhao Tian have forged over the years. The other party hides very deeply, and I don't bother to investigate."

"I still feel a little weird."

Shen Yu laughed when he heard this.


"If you say that, this person is using your hand to deal with Zhou Chuzhi. I thought that with my brother's temperament, I would definitely be unhappy."

Zhong Simo chuckled, "You can't say that. This person really plotted against me, but he also gave me a chance to deal with Zhou Chuzhi. It's just for mutual benefit."

"Why do you want to clean up Zhou Chuzhi so much? You obviously never took care of it before." Shen Yu still couldn't figure it out.

"Because he hit the wrong person's idea."

Zhong Simo's answer was crisp and full of deep meaning. Shen Yu turned his head and looked at him. The other party was driving the car intently. The setting sun cast a dark shadow on his handsome side face, and his long eyelashes were distinct.

Shen Yu turned his head in a bit of embarrassment, he didn't know what was wrong with him, but he would look at Zhong Simo in a daze.

Zhong Simo drove Shen Yu for more than 40 minutes, came to a high-end residential area, swiped his card to enter, and saw the fitness instructor in a duplex building.

This fitness trainer, who gave himself an authentic Chinese name "Xiao Qin", is actually a native American who only came to live in China in recent years. After chatting for a few words, Shen Yu learned that she was actually Zhong Simo's personal fitness trainer.

"Brother, this is not good." Shen Yu felt that he had already troubled Zhong Simo enough, and it was really unreasonable to steal his fitness trainer.

"It's okay. I'm not particularly keen on fitness. I just come to Xiaoqin's place regularly to assess my physical condition and formulate some training plans. Xiaoqin used to be a state-level athlete in the United States. She has good professional ability and trustworthy confidentiality. It happens that she is free If you want to earn extra money by doing nothing, I will introduce you here."

Shen Yu looked at Xiao Qin upon hearing this, and this American girl was looking at him wryly and teasingly.


"It's okay. You just think it's the Americans' excess desire for expression spreading around." Zhong Simo gave Xiao Qin a warning look, and explained to Shen Yu.

"Director Zhong, I protest." Xiao Qin's Chinese is pretty good except for a little accent, "You Chinese say that you are a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of your life. You don't respect the master."

Zhong Simo's solution to this was very simple. He grabbed Shen Yu's arm with both hands and pulled him to Xiao Qin, telling him, "I need him to look like a professionally trained soldier within a month or so. Come make a plan."

When Xiao Qin heard that the task was finally serious, she walked in and squeezed Shen Yu's arm, looked around, and asked, "I'll see if you can take off your shirt."

"No." Zhong Simo answered before Shen Yu spoke.

"Okay, stingy," Xiao Qin shrugged indifferently, and asked Shen Yu to roll up the sleeves of his sports shorts and pinch his upper arm, then poked his abdominal muscles a few times, measured various data with a soft ruler, and finally Announced, "His body should work out regularly, not bad. It just looks like a well-trained soldier. It will be fine for more than a month."

Shen Yu originally thought it was normal to be evaluated by the fitness trainer, but because Zhong Simo was standing half a meter behind him, he just felt uncomfortable. Seeing that Xiao Qin finally announced the end of the evaluation, he quickly pulled the roll up two half sleeves. Zhong Simo saw that the white and well-proportioned arm in his field of vision continued to be covered by his sleeve, and secretly regretted it for half a second.

"Do you have a professional fitness foundation?" Xiao Qin asked Shen Yu.

"I haven't practiced with a coach. I just found some basic knowledge on the Internet and used it when I exercise." Shen Yu answered honestly.

"Then you don't know how to use many of these equipments correctly." Xiao Qin took Shen and Yu to the training room on the second floor, which was filled with all kinds of professional-looking fitness equipment.

"Yes." Anyway, learning without knowing, Shen Yu's attitude was very straight.

"How about this," Xiao Qin said after thinking for a while, "You come here to train with me every day from tomorrow, first strengthen the training for a week, and then I will give you a training plan that can be used when filming in other places according to the situation. I still have something to do today Let's go first, let Zhong Dao teach you how to use these equipment first."

Xiao Qin handed over the keys to the training room to Shen Yu and left. She doesn't live in this community, it's just her office and training place. It was still early, so Shen Yu had to learn how to use fitness equipment from Zhong Simo as she said.

Fortunately, Zhong Simo is unexpectedly a good-tempered teacher. In order to let Shen Yu understand, he directly took off his upper body shirt and only wore a black tight vest, demonstrating in detail how to use each type of fitness equipment. Shen Yu will patiently explain what he doesn't understand.

Although Zhong Simo said that he is not keen on fitness, he has an extremely standard figure, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, and the muscles on his arms are tight and smooth. Shen Yu looked at the texture on the opponent's tight vest, a little envious.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Simo quickly noticed his distraction.

"Brother, do you have abdominal muscles?" The answer was not what the question was asked, and the question was very strange.

Zhong Simo looked down at his waist, wondering what Shen Yu was going to do, "Of course."

"Ah." Shen Yu sighed, and it was hard to hide her envy. Any man will imagine that he has a beautiful eight-pack abs, but unfortunately for most people, thank God if they don't have a small belly. Shen Yu often exercises by himself on weekdays. He doesn't have a belly, but his abdominal muscles are also gone. They are all men in their twenties, why is Zhong Simo's figure so much better than his

Zhong Simo finally understood Shen Yu's meaning, and it was funny to see him look so dejected, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"If you want abs, just work out."

I don't know if he will have a chance to touch it after he has practiced in the future. Well, it's better not to rush and take your time, so as not to scare this dull Mr. Yu.

After studying like this for more than an hour, it was already getting dark, Zhong Simo restored all the equipment to its original state, and beckoned Shen Yu to leave. They closed the door and walked out of the building, only to find that it was raining outside at some point.

"I remember that the car was parked not too far from here. Let's not go back to get an umbrella when we get caught in the rain." Shen Yu suggested, and Zhong Simo naturally had no objection.

The two quickly walked across the path among the grass to the parking place. When they passed a tree nest, Shen Yu suddenly heard some strange noises.

"What is this?" Shen Yu squatted down and scraped open the long grass next to the tree nest, and saw a fist-sized yellow dumpling wriggling inside.

"It's a little orange cat." Zhong Simo bent over behind Shen Yu and judged, "It should have been thrown here right after it was born."

"With such a heavy rain, it is so small, will it die?" Shen Yu looked at the group of orange cats, feeling a little unbearable. But he goes out to film all the year round, and now he has no conditions to adopt a cat.

Seeing that Shen Yu was in a dilemma, Zhong Simo made a decision for him, "Since meeting is fate, let's take it away. I have a cat at home, and I can help you raise it."

"What?" Before Shen Yu could react, Zhong Simo took out a handkerchief and gently picked up the kitten and put it in his hand. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Shen Yu had no choice but to hold the fragile little life in his hands stiffly, raise one hand to help it cover the rain, and hurried to the car.

On the way back, Shen Yu put the kitten on his lap, not daring to touch it, a little worried, "It will be fine."

Zhong Simo took the time to look at Shen Yu and the cat on the co-pilot, and said in relief, "The orange cat has a relatively tenacious vitality, so there should be no major problems. I will take it to the veterinarian tomorrow."

"That's good." Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly thought of what Zhong Simo said just now, "Senior brother has a cat at home."

"Well, a puppet." Zhong Simo replied.

"The puppet must be cute." Shen Yu thought of the cute and beautiful image of the puppet cat, and had some longing.

"No way, my temper is very strange. Except when eating, I always ignore people." Although Zhong Simo's mouth was disgusted, Shen Yu found that when he talked about the puppet cat, the corners of his lips kept twitching. It is rising slightly.

The two chatted about cats and shuttled through the rainy night, the atmosphere was relaxed and happy. Finally, the car drove to Shen Yu's rented apartment.

Shen Yu opened the car door, ignoring the rain, carefully placed the little orange cat on the passenger seat, and told him with a bit of uneasiness, "Brother, drive slowly, and send me the results of the cat's physical examination tomorrow." one serving."

"Understood, it's raining outside, you should go back quickly." Zhong Simo frowned at the drops of water on Shen Yu's hair.

Hearing this, Shen Yu turned around and walked towards the door of the apartment. On the way, it suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't asked Zhong Simo when he could visit the kitten. He turned his head anxiously, but saw Zhong Simo still sitting in the car, watching him leave.

The icy rain and the warm yellow headlights set up an illusory curtain, and he looked at him with so focused and eager eyes.