Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 42: Tanabata episode


The morning sun shone through the gauze curtain into the big bed in the house, and it was warm and slightly distorted. Half of the moon-white sheet with dark patterns was illuminated by light, and the other half was covered by a quilt. The person on the bed slowly raised his arms to cover his eyes, trying to prevent the sunlight from disturbing his dream. After a few minutes, he was fully awake, as if he had thought of something, and got up suddenly.

Shen Yu sat cross-legged on the bed and yawned. His hair was sticking out, which was often used by fans to tease him. His skin without make-up was a little darker but great. He didn't look like someone close to thirty years old at all look. After half a month ago in Bali, after filming the film of the German director known for his strictness, Shen Yu turned down all his work and planned to stay at home for a long vacation. Anyway, Zhong Simo's studio was in charge of his work. , the studio listens to Zhong Simo, and Zhong Simo listens to him.

Thinking of Zhong Simo, Shen Yu rubbed his hair and sighed. He can occasionally take a long vacation willfully, but it is impossible for Zhong Simo. In this circle, favors are mutual, and status is pushed up by connections. Even if someone is famous like Zhong Simo, it is impossible to act recklessly, but to continue to operate. A few days ago, Zhong Simo was invited to go abroad to attend a show of a big international brand, and it would take two days to come back. After all, Shen Yu had a long vacation, but he was going on a business trip. Shen Yu wanted to laugh when he thought of Zhong Simo's black face before he left. In fact, walking for a few days is fine, Shen Yu squinted his eyes and stretched, and he could also relax.

The cell phone next to the bed rang softly, it was eight o'clock in the morning. After they got together, Zhong Simo changed the default alarm tone of Shen Yu's phone to save trouble, and replaced it with an asr music suitable for waking up from deep sleep. Now Shen Yu is completely used to this ringtone, just like him and Zhong Simo Like Mo, they have been together for less than two years, but they have started to get along with each other as an old couple.

Shen Yu took the phone to turn off the alarm, but found that the smart screen saver of the phone today was a hand-embroidered pattern of mandarin ducks, with Happy Qixi Festival written next to it.

Shen Yu, who stayed at home for half a month on Qixi Festival, realized this belatedly. He quickly turned on the screen saver, looked through all the contact tools such as WeChat messages, but found no news of that person, and felt a subtle sense of loss in his heart. Forget it, we've been together for almost two years, and we're so particular about what to do, not to mention that he himself forgot what holiday it is today. Shen Yu sent a long list of minions to a certain "Mr. Get out of bed and wash up.

Resting at home, Shen Yujian saved a lot of maintenance procedures. He is not a person who pays too much attention to appearance. He also gave up his tanned skin when he was filming in Bali because Zhong Simo said, "Black spots are more handsome and energetic", so He just washed his face with facial cleanser and brushed his teeth to end the fight.

Go and add cat food and water to the rice bowls of meatballs and small fish, then take out the toast in the refrigerator to eat, and call Zhong Simo at noon considering the time difference Shen Yupan yawned while thinking about morning What to do, he walked to the rice bowl of the two masters with some wandering steps, and suddenly rubbed his eyes, it turned out that the cat food was full

With Xiaoyu's appetite, this is absolutely impossible. Shen Yu stayed for a few seconds, suddenly thought of a possibility, and excitedly ran to the stairs to look. The silver-white suitcase standing quietly next to the sofa on the first floor proved his identity. idea.

Shen Yu's eyes lit up, and he ran downstairs in that pair of custom-made orange slippers in the image of a small fish, turned half a circle, and finally saw someone in the fragrant kitchen.

"Brother," Shen Yu shouted, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Zhong Simo, who was wearing a black apron with his back to the door, put down the kitchen utensils in his hands, and turned his head with a smile, "Why did I wake up so early? I was afraid of disturbing you. I plan to wake you up after breakfast is ready."

"I'm not sleepy anymore after half a month's rest," Shen Yu walked over to see what Zhong Simo was doing, and the other party picked up a piece of fried sausage and fed it into Shen Yu's mouth. Shen Yu asked while chewing, "Why did you come back suddenly?" "

"Why, I don't want to see me come back." Zhong Simo raised his hand and smoothed Shen Yu's hair with his wrist.

"No," Shen Yu quickly retorted, and the next second he saw Zhong Simo's smiling expression, he realized that the other party said that on purpose, so he gave him a helpless look, "Can you be more serious for a day."

"I'm very serious," Zhong Simo poured the hot milk into the cup, aggrieved by his strength, "I miss you, and I pushed all the follow-up activities to come back early."

"" Shen Yu turned his head in embarrassment. Zhong Simo had already figured out his occasional awkward temper. Seeing this, he leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before smiling, and kissed Sheng Yu before Shen Yu exploded. A plate of fried sausage, omelette and toast was stuffed into his hand.

"Let's go to the restaurant for dinner."

Shen Yu and Zhong Simo sat at one end of the long dining table and began to eat this simple breakfast. Before living together, Shen Yu originally thought that Zhong Simo's life was cold and efficient, but unexpectedly, Zhong Simo was actually very good at cooking, which was in stark contrast to Shen Yu who could only cook pot of stew. The heavy responsibility of cooking fell on Zhong Si Street, but luckily he also enjoyed it.

Although it's just a simple breakfast, the eggs and sausages are fried to a crispy brown, and sprinkled with seasonings, which greatly increases the appetite. Shen Yu had only taken a few mouthfuls when the two cat owners at home smelled the aroma and came over. The puppet ball squatted half a meter away from Shen Yu, his blue eyes stared at the excrement shovel officer motionlessly, and the orange cat Xiaoyu ran over and rubbed around Shen Yu's legs.

"" Shen Yu glanced at Zhong Simo beside him, and met his playful eyes.

"No, you can't eat any more," Shen Yu bent down and stretched out his hand to pick up the little fish. The heavy hand made him doubt his life again. This kitten, which was the size of a fist when he picked it up, is now vaguely bigger than the big cat balls. Big, "I have already eaten cat food this morning."

Shen Yu felt that he wanted to be a "strict father".

"Meow" Xiaoyu meowed, her eyes were extremely innocent.

"" Shen Yu, who was in the middle of the red heart, turned his head and looked at Zhong Simo as if asking for help.

"Feed it if you want." Zhong Simo also turned his head, Xiaoyu probably got fat because of their doting on him so much.

After spending more than ten minutes to settle the two cat owners, Shen Yu and Zhong Simo could finally continue eating. It turned out that Zhong Simo got home in the middle of the night last night, because he was afraid of disturbing Shen Yu's rest, so he slept in the guest room on the first floor all night.

"Speaking of which, Xiaolan has traveled to many places after the college entrance examination this year." Shen Yu said casually while eating.

"Well, I saw her Moments." Zhong Simo nodded, "Did you go to a resort in the northwest a few days ago and posted more than a dozen Moments, which almost swiped the screen."

"Shanhai Resort, she said that the cats there will line up to show cuteness, the birds will sing heavy metal songs, the boiled dishes are so delicious that they explode, and there are a group of good-looking staff." Shen Yu couldn't help laughing when he thought of his sister who was screaming and sighing. Yes, "Children's imagination is really high."

"If there are really cute cats who can line up to show off, you can teach our family these two lumps. They are almost lazy like cat cakes." Zhong Simo looked at the two fat dumplings with eye sockets on the cat climbing frame, and didn't want to admit that they were his own. Mao, "However, that resort seems to be very famous on the Internet recently. I'll check it out. If it's confidential, let's go and have a look."

"Eh..." Shen Yu didn't react a bit.

"We have been together for almost two years, and we have never gone out for a long vacation. Don't you feel that you owe me a vacation, Mr. Yu?" Zhong Simo reached out to help Shen Yu wipe the corners of his mouth, and lightly touched his chin, Successfully made the opponent red-faced.

"Okay," Shen Yu touched his chin and whispered, as long as he is with Zhong Simo, listening to strange birds singing heavy metal songs seems to be a good suggestion.

"By the way, Yinyin is about to finish her treatment and return home." Shen Yu confirmed, remembering Zhong Simo's half-sister.

"It seems to be." Zhong Simo heard the words and opened the memo on the phone, "I will return to China in three days, and the last step of treatment is over."

"Will there be any sequelae in the arm in the future?" Shen Yu asked with some distress when thinking about what that crazy woman did back then.

"No, the doctor said it was cured."

"That's good," Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and suggested with a smile, "After you come back, let's take Yinyin to live at home for a while. My eldest brother just got married, so it's not convenient to live with him."

"Well, as long as you are willing." Zhong Simo naturally had no objection.

"Is there anything I don't like?" Shen Yu couldn't help being happy, "I'm not the kind of only-child girl who just got married and only wants to live a two-person world. No, when you get busy, Yinyin and I are two world."

Shen Yu finally managed to choke Zhong Simo.

"Is it because you're a little drifting because you haven't slept together for a few days?" Zhong Simo deliberately smiled and looked at Shen Yu from top to bottom several times.

"" In terms of playing hooligans, Mr. Yu is still far behind.

Just like this, the two of them joked and joked with each other while chatting about family affairs. Without the interruption of flashlights and the attention of the media, all kinds of praise and slander, achievements and mistakes, they are just one of the thousands of couples who spend Qixi Festival together today. Ordinary and beautiful.

At noon, the Weibo "Shen Yu sy" with tens of millions of followers added a new blog. In the picture, Shen Yu was wearing a milky white sweater sitting on the solid wood floor, holding two hairballs, one gray and one orange, in his arms. Looking at the camera and smiling, the sun behind him was shining brightly and warmly.

"Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, hurry up and play cats with your loved ones"

It took less than a minute for the Weibo to be posted, and after refreshing, there were already tens of thousands of comments.

"It's over, Qixi was fed a big mouthful of dog food by Brother Yu again, how can a single dog live? Cry and cry"

"Such a perfect composition and lighting, I guess it must have been taken by Director Zhong, who kicked over this bowl of dog food with a smile jg"

"Illusion, I feel that Xiaoyu is bigger than Brother Yu when he posted the picture last time, and he was shocked."

"Some people look glamorous on the outside, but in fact, not only do they not have boyfriends, they don't even drop a cat. Is there a group of people who steal cats?"

"I wish Brother Yu and Director Zhong happiness forever. When I fell in love with you, I was still in college. I didn't expect that I will get married soon."

Shen Yu held Xiaoyu in his left hand, and flipped through the comments on Weibo just sent with his right hand. After realizing that Wanzi also wanted to climb up, he liked the comment of the girl who was going to get married, put down his phone, and posted another Xiaoyu. Grandfather also embraced.

Today's society accepts the fact of same-sex love much more than it did ten years ago. Although same-sex marriage has not yet been legalized, it has already gained the support of mainstream public opinion. Of course, no matter when, there are keyboard warriors who are homophobic and like to point fingers at other people's lives, but now Shen Yu has long learned to ignore those unsightly comments. No one can be liked by everyone, he just needs to be worthy of the people he likes and live the life he wants. Across a vast network, why bother to hurt yourself for those people you don't know at all.

"What do you want to eat at noon?" Zhong Simo put away the DSLR, smiled and looked at Shen Yu who was sitting in the sun and quarreled with the two cats.

"Well, Mala Tang" Shen Yu didn't know what to think of, and laughed out loud.

"Received." Zhong Simo bent down and kissed Shen Yu's lips, and stroked his soft hair. In the days to come, they will have many, many times like this.

In fact, every day with the one you love is a beautiful festival that can sing and dance.