Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 49: A Hero Saves the Beauty (Revised)


Both Shen Yu and An Wei frowned unavoidably when they heard the words. This kind of shirt collision may be very common in daily life, and it is indeed a first-class event for celebrities. From the ridicule of "It's not scary to bump into shirts, whoever is ugly is embarrassed", it can be seen that there must be comparisons in bumping into shirts, and the bad relationship between Shen Yu and Bai Zhuzhen is more likely to cause malicious speculation.

"Brother Yu, Bai Zhuzhen is a few ahead of you." An Wei whispered to Shen Yu, with embarrassment in her voice. The media will definitely notice the similarities in their costumes after only a few times on stage, and Bai Zhuzhen's appearance first has the advantage of being the first to catch people's attention

Liao Ke looked at the dilemma between Shen Yu and An Wei, smiled with satisfaction, and waved goodbye after achieving his goal, as if he was a caring brother, "Then Brother Shen, I'll go first, remember not to be late."

"Brother Yu, what should we do?"

An Wei and Shen Yu temporarily avoided discussing in the small corridor near Jin Ke's lounge.

"It's running out of time, just hit the shirt, it's impossible to change it now." Shen Yu frowned and said, Liao Keyi couldn't lie in front of other people, he didn't expect that he would be able to hit the shirt with Bai Zhu, but It is unrealistic to change a set of clothes as the event is approaching.

"I should ask more about it." An Wei blamed herself a little, she knew that Bai Zhuzhen and Shen Yu were not getting along well, if she was "compared" because of Zhuangshan, it would have some impact on Shen Yu's future development .

"You're not Monkey King, how could you know everything in advance?" Shen Yu comforted An Wei with a smile instead, "Okay, it's just putting on clothes, it's not as serious as you think."

"It's not that serious." They were talking when the door of the lounge a few meters away suddenly opened, and Jin Ke put the last cherries in his mouth and walked out.

"Mr. Jin Ke, you haven't left yet." Shen Yu was a little surprised.

"You don't need to call me teacher, I'm not in a hurry to be the last one." Jin Ke smiled lightly and continued to ask, "What were you talking about just now?"

"I accidentally clashed with an artist from my former company." Shen Yu recounted the matter lightly in a few words, "There shouldn't be any problem. It's not just one piece of this suit that was produced, so I just leave as usual."

"You really have a big heart." This time it was Jin Ke's turn to feel speechless. Although she doesn't participate in various activities in the entertainment industry, she still has basic common sense. The competition among stars is like a battle without gunpowder, and Zhuangshan is undoubtedly a heavy weapon that can change the situation of the battle in an instant.

"Forget it, bumping into a shirt is really nothing, let me do you a favor."

In the modern and elegant large-scale venue decorated in the center of Beijing, a charity event is about to be held. A red carpet tens of meters long runs across the center of the venue. A large signature board with the theme is placed in the center. All kinds of media are holding guns and cannons, concentrating on it, not wanting to miss every moment that follows. As long as they can dig out some explosive material, their high salary increase this month will be stable.

Soon, the host wearing a dress skirt entered the venue from one side and began to introduce the organizer of the event, its purpose, and details of all funders and charitable projects. The host's skills are undoubtedly professional, the soft voice is pleasant to the ear, and the boring documents can be read vividly with a frown and a smile. It's a pity that these are not the focus of the media's attention. They have only one purpose for this trip, which is the stars who came to participate in the event. The organizers set up activities to gain fame, celebrities to establish a high-quality public image, and the media to promote them for news and traffic. The three are mutually beneficial, each has its own bottom line, but they are harmonious.

Finally, when the host finished reading the script and announced that it was time for the "event callers" to appear on stage, the media who had been waiting for a long time finally got refreshed. Rhythmic music sounded, and the first person to appear on the stage was Xiaohua, who has been popular for many years and has both word of mouth and popularity. With the development of Tianhou, she was the first to appear in this event, and everyone naturally had no objection. The sound of snapping photos from the media began when Xiao Hua stepped onto the red carpet and photographed her walking to the signature board to sign her name. After interacting with the host, she briefly expressed her concern and love for charity, and then disappeared at the end of the red carpet. Only then stopped. Take enough photos first, then go back and think about how to write the manuscript

The stars who were invited to this charity dinner were all popular and topical. When they stepped on the red carpet one by one to accept interviews, it was undoubtedly a carnival for the media. Half an hour later, after the twenty or so celebrities walked the red carpet, Bai Zhuzhen, who had made preparations early, appeared on the stage.

He straightened his collar and strutted onto the red carpet. The expression is serious and majestic, and the arms and long legs are swinging powerfully. He looks more serious than when he was shooting the magazine, and he looks handsome. Bai Zhuzhen has been in the circle for six or seven years, and his popularity has reached the top level. Although he has no masterpieces, he can win by the number of works. The sound of taking pictures.

Although he and Liao Keyi were at odds, Shen Yu was not a good guy either, Bai Zhuzhen thought of what Liao Ke said to him before and smiled inwardly. He was worried that he would not have a chance to suppress Shen Yu, since he dared to clash with him, he had to be prepared to be compared. Bai Zhuzhen, who has walked through countless red carpets, is confident that his performance will be better than that of Shen Yu, who has just made his debut recently. Some people are not the material that can be on the big stage.

After signing the name and interacting with the host, Bai Zhuzhen walked off the red carpet, but did not choose to enter the infield. Instead, he quietly stood by the door connecting the inner and outer arenas to see with his own eyes the scene of Shen Yu after he bumped his shirt. Awkward. One artist came, two, three Bai Zhuzhen waited and waited, and couldn't help frowning, what's going on, Shen Yu should have come out a long time ago according to the order on the list, he couldn't find anyone to ask for details Unwilling to leave, she waited until the last person on the list appeared, but Shen Yu did not appear.

How could it be possible that Shen Yu would disappear out of thin air? Could it be that he knew that Zhuangshan simply refused to leave? Bai Zhuzhen was puzzled. Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. The host hadn't made a sound yet, and even the sound of the media taking pictures in the venue not only didn't stop but became more intense, even accompanied by low exclamations

Bai Zhu raised his head violently and looked towards the other end of the red carpet, just as he saw two people stepping onto the red carpet arm in arm. The girl on the left is wearing a light blue silk off-the-shoulder dress, her black hair hangs down to her waist, and her expression is gentle and calm. The man on the right was wearing clothes somewhat similar to his, and also had a calm and confident smile. He bent his arms to be held by the girl beside him, and walked slowly with her. The height difference of the two is a head, but they walk together in harmony, and the sound of taking photos and exclamation from all around is a perfect background sound.

Actress Jin Ke, who almost never shows up except for her own movie press conferences, and who rarely sees it a few times a year, suddenly appeared at the event venue so abruptly, and the media went crazy with a sense of unreality Talking in disbelief while taking pictures. Shen Yu, who was walking beside Jin Ke, immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. People speculated about the reason for Jin Ke's sudden appearance here and the relationship between her and Shen Yu. negative.

Finally, after Shen Yu and Jin Ke finished writing their names on the signature board, the impatient media all raised their hands and wanted to ask questions, and the host had to randomly pick a few questions.

"Hello, Mr. Jin Ke, first of all, I am very glad to meet you here today. As we all know, you have always been famous for keeping a low profile and rarely participated in activities. I would like to ask on behalf of other media friends present, why did you suddenly appear today?" A female reporter in her thirties with glasses asked.

Jin Ke picked up the microphone and thought for a while, then smiled softly, "Thank you for your evaluation and concern for me. I seldom participated in activities before, on the one hand because I wanted to concentrate on shaping characters, and on the other hand because I felt that I was not good at I communicated with many people. But this charity event is different. If I can use my meager strength to bring help to children in impoverished areas, other reasons are nothing. That’s why I hesitated after receiving the invitation Again and again."

Jin Ke's answer was very decent, and the female reporter had no choice but to accept the official answer and ask another reporter's question.

"Mr. Jin Ke, I would like to ask, why did you choose to walk the red carpet with Shen Yu?" This question was obviously also very curious by the media present.

"Because everyone knows that Shen Yu and I will go to film director Zhong Simo's new play together soon. The actors in the same crew must be more friendly. I don't want to walk the red carpet alone, and I just found out that he is there. Naturally, I invite him Help." Jin Ke looked at Shen Yu with a smile and said, it seems that the relationship is really good.

"Then, would you like to comment on your partner, Teacher Jin Ke?" Someone said with a wink.

"I think he is a very serious and energetic actor. He is a late bloomer, and I am looking forward to working with him in the future."

Bai Zhuzhen looked at Shen Yu, who was surrounded by everyone's attention more than ten meters away, and angrily thumped the door frame. Feeling a sharp pain in the back of his hand, he gritted his teeth and turned to the infield. Why can Shen Yu be compared with him, and even overwhelm him? If it wasn't for him pitying him and helping him to say a good word, Shen Yu could stay in the entertainment industry safely until today. Bai Zhuzhen thought of the incident six or seven years ago , gritted his teeth, and finally didn't make up his mind, if he exposed himself, it would be more harm than good

When all the celebrities walked the red carpet and accepted interviews, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Under the auspices of the host, the project leader read out the past achievements and goals, the volunteers shared their experience, and the beneficiary representatives personally thanked and told the stories. The time was almost 7:00 p.m. After the representatives of the wealthy businessmen who couldn't wait for a long time came to the stage to explain their boss's pursuit of philosophy and the amount of donation willingness, all the outside activities finally came to an end. The media left one after another with interest, and then perhaps the real role of this event in some people's minds began.

The infield and outfield of the clubhouse are separated by half of a large screen wall, and the space inside is even wider. In the lobby on the first floor, there are scattered small sofas, long tables covered with food and desserts covered with white tablecloths, and handsome waiters in suits walking around pushing a wine cart. The second floor and higher floors are some closed boxes, Shen Yu didn't want to explore the specific purpose.

Naturally, assistants like An Wei couldn't come in this kind of place, perhaps because they were afraid of the desertedness. In addition to dozens of popular celebrities who walked through the red carpet, the organizer also invited many other celebrities and internet celebrities to the dinner. The sound of wine glasses colliding and the sound of chatting with each other will fill the entire space illuminated by the warm yellow chandelier.

Shen Yu didn't want to make friends with anyone, and sat with Jin Ke in a corner after entering the arena, serving some small desserts to eat. Because Jin Ke's character of seemingly being gentle but rejecting people thousands of miles away is well known, so no one came to bother him all the time, but they followed their wish.

"Since you don't like this kind of occasion, why do you still come here?" Shen Yu looked at Jin Kefang sitting idly on the sofa, and asked a little strangely. He couldn't get away with having to get it, but Jin Ke obviously didn't have this problem.

"For charity." Jin Kewen smiled back to his senses, seeing that Shen Yu didn't understand, he came over and explained, "It was the first time I made a movie, Qingmei, at the age of twelve, in a remote place in the northwest in order to be able to act vividly. I have experienced three months of life in a small mountain town in a small mountain town. I still remember very clearly what it is like to be a child in a real poverty-stricken area. Although most people who participate in this kind of charity dinner have other purposes, as long as the money raised If it can really be used on those children, I feel that I should come and do my part."

"Qingmei is really a masterpiece. The ending was really unexpected after I didn't see it. The first time I watched it, I was shocked." When talking about topics related to Qingmei, Shen Yu unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

"It's not just you, I didn't expect it to be like that when I read the script." Jin Kewenyan blinked his eyes with a smile, and said in a low voice on purpose, "To be honest, I have always thought that writing such things Somebody's brain must be out of order."

"" Shen Yu was speechless.

"I'm just kidding, but Zhong Simo's idea is indeed very peculiar. You have read our script this time. Although we try our best to get closer to commercial films, the ending is still a big reversal." Jin Ke sighed and shook his head. Simo has known each other for many years and has achieved each other, so they are indeed qualified to evaluate each other in this way.

As the night deepened, the atmosphere in the lobby on the first floor heated up again. The loud chatter and laughter and the increasingly strong smell of alcohol stimulated people's nerves, as if it were a huge happy place. Jin Ke sniffed uncomfortably, and suggested to Shen Yu, "It's okay to keep it now, why don't we leave first, just say you send me back and walk together."

"Okay." Shen Yu was naturally very happy to be able to leave in advance.

"Then I'll go to the bathroom and we'll go." Jin Ke smoothed down his long hair, picked up his bag from the sofa, and got up, "Go wait for me near the door first."

Watching Jin Ke walk to the bathroom, Shen Yu put the phone back into his pocket, and was about to go to the door to wait for Jin Ke to leave together, when he suddenly saw Bai Zhu Zhen walking towards him looking around.

"Ayu, have you seen Ke Yi?" Bai Zhuzhen walked over with several artists, his face was a little anxious, and he asked eagerly. What a personal relationship. Shen Yu frowned upon hearing this, not knowing what the hell he was going to do.

"I saw him next to me just now. He is young and doesn't know how to behave. If he accidentally gets into trouble, how can I explain to Sister Mei?"

Shen Yu was surprised to see Bai Zhuzhen, who didn't know what medicine was wrong, playing a scene of brotherly love. After all, he was a colleague who had worked under Meifei for five years. What is the relationship between Bai Zhuzhen and Liao Keyi? There are guesses, but it's a pity that they are surrounded by people at the moment, and they don't reach out to hit smiling people, so Shen Yu can only answer him with a superficial concern.

"Keyi is no longer a child, don't worry that nothing will happen to him, I have something to do and I can't help, remember to tell me when you find it." After Shen Yu finished speaking with a smile, he spoke to the people near Bai Zhuzhen The artist nodded politely, and planned to turn around and leave.

"Wait ah Yu!" Seeing that Shen Yu was about to leave, Bai Zhuzhen suddenly took a few steps forward and grabbed Shen Yu's hand, "You can accompany me to find him, it won't take too much time, Sister Mei brought you After all these years, you must not have the heart to ignore Ke Yi, right?"

Shen Yu wanted to break free from Bai Zhuzhen's hand, but Bai Zhuzhen's commotion just now had attracted everyone around to look at them, Shen Yu could only control his facial expression and refused with a smile, "I'm really in a hurry, Otherwise, I will invite you to have dinner with Ke Yi another day."

Anyway, it is impossible to fulfill this matter, because it is impossible for Bai Zhuzhen and Liao Keyi to be in the same room in private, let alone have dinner together.

"Okay, then Ah Yu, I'll go to Ke Yi first, and we'll talk another day." Bai Zhuzhen actually chose to give up and leave when he heard that. He patted Shen Yu's shoulder and brushed his side to leave, which made him feel uncomfortable. Shen Yu was completely at a loss. What is the reason for suddenly acting like this? Bai Zhuzhen wouldn't go crazy like this, but what is the purpose of him coming to talk to himself, is he really in love with Liao Keyi

"Brother Shen and Brother Bai seem to have a good relationship." An unknown female rookie at the side smiled slightly when she saw this, and several people immediately echoed a few polite words. Bai Zhuzhen's performance just now was really good. Eight points. Shen Yu had no way to explain, but nodded with a smile. He chatted with the artists he didn't know much, and then planned to leave with an excuse. After all, Jin Ke was still waiting for him. The nearby entertainers who were attracted also dispersed in twos and threes to continue playing, and two or three who planned to get drinks happened to be on the same road as Shen Yu.

Shen Yu shuttled through the crowd, avoiding wine glasses and food while talking politely to those few people while walking, when he passed the stairs leading to the second floor, a bell accompanied by vibration suddenly came from his pocket. Shen Yu reached out to feel for something in doubt, and actually took out a mobile phone from his pocket. This is Bai Zhuzhen's cell phone. Shen Yu looked at the somewhat familiar cell phone case and thought, when did it end up in his pocket

"Brother Shen, what's the matter with you?" An artist was a little puzzled seeing Shen Yu holding the ringing mobile phone in a daze.

"This phone seems to belong to Brother Bai," another person said suspiciously when he recognized the phone.

Shen Yu held the phone that kept ringing like a hot potato. If you don't handle this kind of extremely private personal belongings, you will definitely get into trouble. He didn't notice it for a while, but he didn't expect that Bai Zhuzhen would take advantage of it. Bai Zhuzhen's previous few words established his own image too upright. In front of several unfamiliar artists, Shen Yu could not show dissatisfaction with him, lest he be said to be the former and the latter, so he had to make up a The reason is, "Probably too many people didn't pay attention to it before, I'm in a hurry to leave, can any of you help me return the phone to him?"

Unexpectedly, Shen Yu is not the only one who regards the mobile phone as a hot potato. Every artist has more or less secrets that cannot be known. As a tool for storing countless private information, the mobile phone is very likely to carry these secrets. Zhu Zhen didn't know each other well enough to trust each other. If something went wrong in the future and the secret leaked out, what would they do if they were suspected

Shen Yu understood the other party's thoughts when he saw how they looked left and right and silently refused. It is very difficult to have really close friends in the entertainment circle, and it is not wrong for these people to be careful. Shen Yu sighed, someone had already seen him holding Bai Zhuzhen's mobile phone, if Bai Zhuzhen came back later to look for the mobile phone but couldn't find it, Shen Yu would definitely be speculated for no reason. He had no choice but to hang up the mobile phone that kept ringing to attract the attention of people passing by, and planned to find an entertainer or waiter consul who was familiar with Bai Zhuzhen to entrust the mobile phone to him.

"Brother Shen, look where Brother Bai is." Shen Yu was about to find someone, when a female artist who felt a bit upset suddenly said, Shen Yu looked up as the other party pointed, and saw Bai Zhuzhen's figure on the second floor Looming, it seems that he is really looking for someone.

"Bai Zhuzhen!" Shen Yu called out when the other party approached directly above him, but the other party seemed to be concentrating on finding someone and didn't hear it and continued to walk forward. Several artists were still watching, Shen Yu had no choice but to plan to run quickly Go up and return the phone.

Anyway, it was only a short flight of stairs away. Shen Yu thought about walking a few steps quickly, but he didn't expect that as soon as he got to the top of the stairs, he discovered that there was actually another mystery on the second floor. The doors of the boxes that could be seen from the first floor were all fake , the real box door was hidden in the winding corridor on the second floor, and Bai Zhuzhen didn't know where he went. What is the reason for this design? Shen Yu subconsciously walked seven or eight steps in the direction where Bai Zhuzhen had just disappeared, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. If the outer box doors are all fake, then the action Bai Zhuzhen was looking for just now is also fake. Shen Yu was shocked in his heart, and turned around quickly to leave, but unexpectedly, the phone in his hand rang again, and the abrupt singing echoed in the corridor instantly, before he hung up the phone right away, the door of the box closest to him creaked open .

"What's the sound outside?" A middle-aged man's voice came out, Shen Yu hurriedly hung up the non-stop ringing mobile phone, but it was too late. The door of the box was mostly opened, and the space inside was crowded with people, and there were two tall bodyguards standing at the door.

"I'm sorry, I came here to find something and passed by here unintentionally, and I didn't mean to disturb you." Shen Yu quickly found a smile and explained, and was about to leave quickly, but was stopped by the bodyguard who received the signal.

"Passing by looking for something, do you know what the second floor is for? This song suits my appetite." The middle-aged man who spoke before walked a few steps towards the door, his voice was a little oily and frivolous, and the words came out to the surrounding young people All the men and women laughed softly to save face.

"I'm sorry, I..." Shen Yu was in the middle of explaining and apologizing, when he saw the man's appearance clearly, he suddenly got stuck. How could it be him, how could it be him Shen Yu bit his lower lip in disbelief, like being poured over his head by a bucket of cold water outdoors in the cold winter, his heart trembled slightly from the cold, and his whole body froze.

He thought that he had long forgotten what this person looked like, and all the details of that frightening night in the year of graduation, but after meeting again, the truth told Shen Yu that everything was just deceiving him, and he could still recognize this person at a glance. The person who took the heavy first lesson in the entertainment industry, and what's worse, Shen Yu felt as if he was in a daze, feeling that he had gone back in time to the beginning, still alone and helpless, still helpless

"Mr. Wang, this is Shen Yu, an old actor who just became popular." Shen Yu froze as if he had been hit hard and said nothing. A charming girl in a low-cut dress came over to the middle-aged man coquettishly. Men introduced.

"Just became popular." The middle-aged man known as Mr. Wang smiled playfully when he heard this word, and looked Shen Yu up and down a few times, "After so many years, he finally became popular, and he doesn't look old. Now that he's here, come in and play for a while." chant."

What does the man mean? Do you still remember what happened to Shen Yu back then? After so many years, Shen Yu's heart was in a mess. He should probably refuse to leave immediately, but his whole body was overwhelmed by the panic back then, as if many years ago That day, Shen Yu, who was alone, helpless and anxious, was once again on top of him, not knowing where to go. Shen Yu's brain went blank for a while, and his palms were cold. When he forcibly regained consciousness, he realized that he had been half-pushed and half-pushed into the box. The box door locked behind him with a muffled sound.

"Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. I'm not very good at playing games. Staying here will spoil your interest. Just let me go first." Shen Yu felt that his body and soul had been separated, and his voice seemed to come from another time and space. It came, but at any rate, he still managed to speak with a smile.

"Where do you want to go today?" Mr. Wang looked at Shen Yu with some displeasure when he heard the words, holding up a glass of wine and pretending to shake it. After someone reminded me, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if I didn't clean it up? Shen Yu clenched his fists nervously under Mr. Wang's eyes, and kept thinking about countermeasures. All the other men and women in the box looked like they were watching the show watch them.

"Boss, this Shen Yu is Zhong Simo's new actor, and we can't justify the trouble if it's too much." A man who looked like an assistant came out of nowhere and reminded Mr. Wang.

Although the assistant's reminder is very reasonable, but under the condition of drunkenness and a bunch of young children watching, for a middle-aged man who is always asking for something and has no conceit, this sentence undoubtedly stepped on him. The pain in his feet is the biggest provocation and doubt to him, and it will only add fuel to the fire. He always does things, when does he have to look at other people's eyes

"What is Zhong Simo, Zhong Simo? His actor is even more of an ass. Don't talk about it. What kind of Yu is this? Even if he is his wife, so what if he offends me?" Smell of alcohol, Mr. Wang suddenly Losing his temper, he slammed his wine glass on the table heavily, and the wine immediately overflowed and flowed in all directions along the table. For a while, everyone looked at him and dared not speak. He stood up staggeringly, waved his arms and said a harsh word, then turned to a disdainful smile, "Hey, he can't have a wife either. I'm afraid of that monster, my Wang, and I won't even look at him."

"If he doesn't drink today, you can pour him all down." Mr. Wang gave an order to the two bodyguards guarding the door, and then looked at Shen Yu with an ambiguous and greasy smile, "You can pour it from anywhere. It's up to you to know what to praise."

After this meaningful sentence was finished, there was a burst of trivial discussions in the closed box, and the eyes of disdainful ridicule and watching the show stared at Shen Yu one after another, making his scalp throbbing. Mr. Wang seems to enjoy this atmosphere, which makes him feel that he is in control of everything, and everyone else is a plaything in his hands. In the midst of discussions mixed with laughter and jokes, he squinted his eyes and smiled in satisfaction a few times, reached out and picked up a whole bottle of open bottle of wine from the table, handed it to Shen Yu's mouth, and ordered, "Come, drink." .”

The door of the box was closed tightly, guarded by two tall bodyguards, the smell of alcohol and perfume mixed together in the air made Shen Yu dizzy, a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the sound of discussions in his ears From time to time, my body was cold and stiff, and my still-unhealed stomach suddenly started throbbing. Shen Yu bit his lower lip to death, and stood motionless on the spot. Although he had nowhere to go, his heart kept ringing with cries of reluctance to compromise. In a daze, he saw Mr. Wang with an impatient expression on his face, doing something to the bodyguards. He made a gesture, and the sound of heavy footsteps quickly approached his back

Suddenly, there was a series of rapid shaking of keys outside the private room, followed by the door lock being slammed open from the outside. For a moment, all the people in the box were stunned. How could someone open the door without saying hello? Immediately, some well-known entertainers subconsciously shoved left and right to cover themselves, and the bodyguards also stopped moving.

"Who doesn't wink so much, what are you here for?" the distracted Mr. Wang shouted angrily, even the organizer has no right to meddle in his affairs like this

"Let me teach you, what is Zhong Simo, um?" Shen Yu, who was in a cold sweat from fright, suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him, and the deep voice was full of shocking anger.