Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 5: audition news


"Sister Mei, why are you here?" Shen Yu pushed open the door of the dressing room, and it was really strange to see Mei Fei sitting inside. Among the several artists under Mei Fei, Shen Yu is well-behaved, he doesn't get up and down, and his filming hasn't finished yet, and there is no other announcement, how could Mei Fei come to visit the set suddenly

"Sit," Mei Fei told Shen Yu to sit down, and explained, "I took Bai Zhuzhen to participate in an event nearby, and it happened to be free, so I came here to tell you something."

Bai Zhuzhen is the best artist under Mei Fei, and also the first brother of their company. He can already be regarded as half of the top line. Mei Fei's thoughts are mostly on him.

"Sister Mei, please tell me." Shen Yu confirmed that there was nothing wrong with her, and she settled down in her heart. She didn't care about Mei Fei's obvious partiality at all, and looked at Mei Fei with a serious smile.

Shen Yu is a sensible person, he is clear in his heart and he is not a monster. There are few such smart people with self-knowledge in the entertainment industry. Murphy thought with satisfaction, and became more sure of her decision.

"Morning news, Zhong Simo's studio is going to cooperate with Tianchen to make a commercial film. I have an audition opportunity, go and try it out."

"What did you say?" Shen Yu was stunned for a moment, subconsciously confirming.

Mei Fei was not surprised by his reaction, she smiled and took out a few pages of A4 papers from her satchel, shaking them in her hands, waiting for Shen Yu to calm down.

In this circle, anyone who hears Zhong Simo's name will not be at peace. The man behind these three characters represents the highest level of the current Chinese-language film industry. In the general environment of Chinese-language films in decline, he alone holds up half of the sky on the international stage.

He is unruly, stubborn, and has a poisonous tongue, but none of these can conceal the brilliance of his genius. After ten years in the industry, he has directed seven films, each of which is a masterpiece that can leave a strong mark in the history of art.

Some people ridiculed that Zhong Simo's success was based on his ability. Since he appeared in people's sights, he has done countless things that are taboo in the entertainment industry. He seems to be self-willed, but every time because of his extraordinary strength, he saved himself from danger, until he developed into the most effective studio owner in the entertainment industry. Say the same thing.

That man should have a natural adventurous spirit, as well as an innate talent and luck. He is regarded as a god by countless frustrated people struggling in the grotesque muddy world of the entertainment industry, even if those people have never seen him.

"Director Zhong wants to make a commercial film." Shen Yu was puzzled. This seems to be in no way consistent with Zhong Simo's image of pursuing art.

Mei Fei couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words, "You really think Zhong Simo is a lunatic who only knows how to pursue art. If so, he wouldn't be where he is today."

"Zhong Simo's ambition is definitely not to make several films. Otherwise, why would a director's studio spend so much effort on commercial operation capabilities? In recent years, the mainland commercial film market has risen, and many foreign filmmakers have taken the opportunity to make money. Zhong Simo has a unique advantage, so it is impossible not to want a share of the pie."

Shen Yu rarely took the initiative to contact the secrets circulating in the circle on weekdays, and few people told him that when he suddenly heard Mei Fei commenting on Zhong Simo in this way, he couldn't help asking, "The characteristic of commercial films is that they are fast-food and pursue the greatest commercial value. Director Zhong Will you be willing to give up your bottom line in shooting for these things?"

Those famous and well-known on the Internet, Zhong Simo's almost perverted demands in casting and filming must not be groundless.

"The current movie market is no longer an era where a few small flowers and grass can support the box office. People are eager to see good movies that really suit their own tastes. You think that with Zhong Simo's ability, if he deliberately caters to the audience demand, he will not be able to make a big-selling movie. As for the bottom line, look at who he is cooperating with."

Shen Yu was never stupid, he immediately understood when Mei Fei mentioned it. Tianchen Films, which cooperated with Zhong Simo, is a well-known old-fashioned film production company in the industry. In the early years, it produced many popular films, but in recent years, due to various reasons, the quality of the films has not been as good as before. They don't lack money or resources, they just need a good enough movie to regain their reputation.

Zhong Simo cooperates with Tianchen, each takes what they need. Zhong Simo needs Tianchen's funds and publicity resources to test himself, and Tianchen needs Zhong Simo to restore his reputation. Under this premise, Tianchen will definitely respect Zhong Simo's freedom of shooting to the greatest extent. And as Miss Mei said

"You have to remember that Zhong Simo's mind is not simple, he is one of the most annoying people in this circle."

"The audition scale is very large this time, and Zhong Simo wants to play for real. I got a spot, and Zhu Zhen's schedule conflict can't be adjusted, so go try it. After a week of audition, calm down, you won't pass the test. It's normal. There are a lot of people following this wave, so if you perform better, it's like registering an account in front of the bosses."

Mei Fei explained a few words and left in a hurry. Bai Zhuzhen on the other side was the focus of her work. If Bai Zhuzhen hadn't just accepted the schedule conflict of a star drama, Shen Yu would never have had the chance to audition. The reason is so simple that it is cruel. In the entertainment industry, the more popular people are, the better resources they will have, while the low-level people can only desperately struggle and look up, hoping that they will be lucky and become popular one day.

Shen Yu sat in the empty dressing room, her costume still on, her long hair hanging down on the white paper left by Mei Fei, silent.

Mei Fei's meaning is obvious, Shen Yu can't pass the audition ninety percent of the time, and this is also a fact. With Zhong Simo's critical eyes, how could it be possible to fall in love with a mediocre starlet who hasn't become popular yet? But Shen Yu still couldn't help it There is a little bit of unquenchable fantasy in my heart.