Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 50: very close


"I'll teach you what Zhong Simo is."

The sound exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, and the door of the box was pushed open from the outside. The low-cut woman who had been sitting at the opposite door and sipping her wine couldn't help but let out an exclamation. The wine flowed unconsciously on the smooth thighs, awakening more people's thinking ability.

When people comment on Zhong Simo, most of them start with genius, end with personality, and fill in the middle with such icing on the cake words as personable and thoughtful, which seem to be exhaustive, but in fact they are incomprehensible. If the scope is narrowed down to the evaluation of the entertainment industry, some people may secretly add things like deep and unpredictable, difficult to deal with.

But no one has ever dared to openly ask a question, "What is Zhong Simo?"

He can be a brilliant director, a thoughtful businessman, or a strong rule-maker... and whatever he is, whether these people admit it or not, in their subconscious mind, he is It is not an existence that can be easily provoked.

But someone asked that question, and it was himself.

The air in the box froze the moment the door was opened, like an airtight black box that was suddenly blown apart by the cold wind. If someone took pictures of this scene at this time, they would definitely get a lot of interesting and weird expressions, like A long time ago, Shen Yu took Shen Lan to the art museum to play, and the twisted ukiyo-e were seen in line.

It seemed that the colorful images in the long memory really appeared in front of Shen Yu's eyes, and the unhealed stomach finally sent out a signal of protest after being highly tense, and the cramping sensation hit the chaotic nerves, but the consciousness became more and more The lighter it is, I even remember the sweetness of the orange soda outside the art gallery.

At this moment, he felt a hand resting on his back, it was very light, almost without exerting any force, but it made Shen Yu wake up instantly.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here." Because someone said so in his ear.

Then, he heard the sound of the wine bottle breaking, accompanied by the exclamation of the woman and the roar of the man, the space was in chaos, and all the people who had been restrained by his side were gone, only the man who fell from the sky was standing beside him. within reach.

You came.

Shen Yu probably wanted to reply with such a sentence. However, in the next second, he completely lost the ability to distinguish his surroundings, and only vaguely felt a pair of hands firmly supporting him, just like in a familiar dream.

"I see, thank you very much today."

"Then I will accept this congratulation."

"I'll pay attention."


The intermittent call brought back Shen Yu's consciousness, he was startled instantly, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, he quickly turned his head and looked around, only to find that he was lying on a neat sofa, illuminated by a soft light world.

"Are you awake? How do you feel? I'll accompany you to the hospital when you feel better." A certain person who didn't seem to be here was sitting a meter away from him. Just as Zhong Simo put down the phone, seeing Shen Yu wake up, he smiled naturally.

"..." Shen Yu looked at him for a few seconds, and his body relaxed. He slowly moved his head and focused his eyes on the complicated decals on the corner of the wall, as if he suddenly became very interested in the structure of its spiral patterns.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Simo moved closer.

Shen Yu pursed his lips, the feeling of exhaustion caused him to fall back onto the sofa again, he raised his right hand to cover his eyes, feeling that he was a little hypocritical, wanted to say something, whether it was polite or grateful, He hurriedly said something to pretend to be a familiar atmosphere, but there was a wave of boredom in his heart and body, preventing him from making any movements.

"Then let me guess," he heard Zhong Simo chuckle and said in a gentle voice, "Are you annoyed, feel that you have made a mess of things, and seem to rely on other people's help for everything?"

Shen Yu's fingers trembled, and he immediately wanted to say something, but a warm hand suddenly pressed the hand covering his face, and the hot touch from the palms of the palms instantly extinguished Shen Yu's desire to defend words.

"Listen to me." Shen Yu couldn't see Zhong Simo, but he felt that the light shining on his face was blocked by something, and the other party's voice came from above his head, very close at hand.

"Shen Yu... Before you met me, what did you expect your future life to be like, or what is your life plan?" Zhong Simo said slowly, as if reading some warm bedtime story, with a voice With a sense of comfort, he didn't intend to wait for Shen Yu's answer, and continued talking.

"I guess you plan to keep acting, because I can feel that you really love the industry itself. You may not be able to get good resources, but your acting skills can guarantee that you will not lose your job. After all, a drama has to be There is an actor to support the stage. If you go on like this step by step, you will eventually sharpen into the so-called old drama bones on the Internet, occupy a place in the main drama, and you cannot be a star loved by many fans, but an actor recognized by the audience."

"At the same time, you will eventually get married and have a happy family. After more than ten years, you will go to school holding the hands of your wife and daughter. When you meet a few people walking on the road, they may point to you and whisper, you See if the person who passed by just now looks like a character in a certain drama, but I can't say your name... "

Following Zhong Simo's narration, Shen Yu's breathing gradually calmed down, and he just let the other party cover his eyes, quietly listening to a future story that might have surfaced in his heart. For a moment, he suddenly wanted to know how Zhong Simo could see people's hearts so thoroughly, and he was not sure what it was.

"However, none of this is possible." Zhong Simo continued after a few seconds of silence, "Because you met me."

"Mr. Yu, an enthusiastic citizen," Zhong Simo laughed, and he stretched out his other hand to help Shen Yu pat the pillow under his head, "The whole thing is that I happened to meet you that night, so everything else Assumptions no longer exist."

"Is it so domineering?" Shen Yu finally recovered his voice. He didn't move, just chatting calmly like this with a sense of self-deprecation. In a calm and safe atmosphere, the impact of a series of incidents just now Most of the feeling has been resolved.

"Domineering? Probably, after I fell in love with you, I wanted to be a gentleman and not force it, but later I found out that it was impossible." Zhong Simo looked down at Shen Yu, his eyes swept over his soft and slightly messy forehead With hair and pale pink lips, I said to myself, "I admit, I am not such a noble and selfless person. Because I love you, I can't help but hope that you can get a better display platform, and that you are not controlled by others, I hope you will not be bullied. So I also admit that I personally pushed you to a life trajectory that you had never imagined."

Shen Yu finally couldn't keep still when he heard this, probably because Zhong Simo said love and selfishness too generously, he could only uncomfortably push away the other party's hand and sit up on the sofa, but he couldn't stop Zhong Simo Go on.

"However, I have to admit that after I stepped in for the first time, the next thing is out of my control. In fact, you have gone farther and farther on this trajectory, and you will encounter more and more problems. You don’t know how to deal with the troubles that were impossible in the past, so you take every step carefully, but you can’t really be leak-proof, so once there is a mistake, you will fall into panic and self-blame ... Then, will you blame me?"

Shen Yu raised his eyes sharply, and looked at Zhong Simo who was sitting half a meter away from him, who actually had a bit of a wry smile. The disbelief and bewilderment in his eyes were revealed for a moment, and the tip of his tongue seemed to be twitching. An olive that weighs a thousand catties opened its mouth several times before organizing its words.

"No, how is it possible." Shen Yu rubbed his cheeks with his hand, laughed, and lowered his head to hide his expression with this movement, "I'm not hypocritical and ignorant to the point of this."


"Sometimes I'm really curious, what kind of environment can create a person like you, with almost no shortcomings..." Shen Yu took the conversation away in a rare way, his speech speed began to be extremely fast, and then became more and more Slower, speaking sentence by sentence, as if he was asking himself to prove something.

"Actually, I'm not just because of what you said... I'm not afraid of your jokes... I've always admired you for a long time." After saying the last word, Shen Yu suddenly lowered his head and laughed at himself, as if spitting out a piece of his heart Big Stone, said all the next words in one go.

"I really admire a director named Zhong Simo, from my student days, from the first enlightened film class. I watched all his works over and over again, his interviews, and his short essays , and even various consultations evaluating him... In my heart, he is a legend, a benchmark, and also an existence that I can never touch in my life—isn’t it like this for all idols?”

Zhong Simo looked at the suddenly excited voice in front of him, his eyes flashed with surprise, he never thought that Shen Yu would think so, and would say so. Just like he always thought that he was pursuing Shen Yu like an iron pestle grinding a needle, but unexpectedly the pestle suddenly spun on the stone at high speed, it seemed that he didn't need to sharpen it, Tie Chu didn't resist the image of the needle in his heart. Zhong Simo didn't know when was the last time he was so excited and nervous. His fingertips casually resting on his legs even trembled slightly. No one can really plan emotionally, but he couldn't interrupt Shen Yu to ask some questions. What, because he understood that perhaps what Shen Yu said next would be his final sentence.

"So it was a failure. When he really appeared in front of me in the image of Zhong Simo one day, I didn't recognize him, and even made a hot search. So it is this person I admire, I didn't think about it or it was just his public image, but then I did meet a Zhong Simo who was different from what I knew, and was richer and more layered."

When Shen Yu said this, he smiled in a concealed manner. He took a deep breath and forced himself to look up at Zhong Simo, "So I have to admit that I am very happy to be able to get acquainted with you and become friends. In the depths, I secretly have some new requirements for myself, or ambitions, because I hope to stand in the same world with you and become a friend worthy of the name of "Guide Zhong". So it's not you who pushed me to another The road, but after I met you, I wanted to take this road myself."

When Shen Yu said this, he stopped. He lowered his eyes again. His drowsy brain made him retort excitedly after hearing Zhong Simo's words "would you blame me?" Simo knew that he still had unfinished words that were pulled by the remaining reason.

"Then now, are you still willing to walk a road and stand next to Zhong Simo who is not a legend, let alone a benchmark?" On the carpet, Shen Yu's drooping face could be seen clearly when he raised his head, his voice and expression unconsciously carried an extremely serious and solemn taste.

Shen Yu was also looking at him, maybe he was awake, maybe he was in a daze, maybe he had already separated his mind from his body to escape. The warm yellow light was still spreading in this corner, without the hour hand and the second hand reminding him unconsciously, probably after a long time, Shen Yu raised his hand and pushed Zhong Simo's forehead.

"I don't know," he smiled helplessly, "Why do you like me? How can I answer this?"

"Then I'll wait for you to think about it." Zhong Simo also smiled. He tried the temperature of Shen Yu's forehead, stood up on the ground, and turned the ambiguous topic to the normal limit again.

"You have a little fever. I'll accompany you to the hospital. An Wei, I've already told her not to worry. Just now you fainted and walked a short distance. We're still in the banquet hall. As for those things, you don't have to worry about them. Take a good rest." That's it."

Shen Yu has already seen a lot about Zhong Simo's unreasonable playing of cards, and this time changing the topic has relieved his urgent need. He immediately put all those strange thoughts behind him for the time being. Standing up with his arms, he suddenly discovered something that he hadn't noticed before because of his sight.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Shen Yu subconsciously grabbed Zhong Simo's wrist, looked at the white gauze that seemed to be newly wrapped twice, and asked with a frown.

"Just now I couldn't hold back my fight with Mr. Wang, and I accidentally cut the wine bottle when it was broken." Zhong Simo said nonchalantly, but seemed to like Shen Yu's anxious look, and looked at him with a smile.

"Are you crazy, why are you fighting, and you still do it yourself, what if you accidentally cut an artery on your wrist?" However, Shen Yu, who was frightened after a while, didn't notice Zhong Simo's careful thoughts at all. He pulled his wrist up and down in front of his eyes to check several times, and then let go when he saw that there was nothing serious.

"Don't worry, you just look at the difference in size between me and Mr. Wang—it's impossible for me to be the one who suffers." Zhong Simo rubbed his arms like Shen Yu to show that he was fine.

"You said you didn't suffer a loss, what are you tied to your wrist now?" Shen Yu glared at Zhong Simo angrily, and felt that his series of actions seemed to be too much, so he turned his head to stop the topic, but Zhong Simo But he took it.

"I can't help it. I just have such a temper. I'm not legendary enough or a benchmark. It's a bad habit of ordinary people." Zhong Simo couldn't help chuckling when he said this, "I don't like the feeling of being calculated by others, and I don't like the feeling of being calculated by others. No one is allowed to hurt the people I care about, and most of the time I don't like to swallow my anger... I just learned a little bit about what happened - if that Bai Zhuzhen was playing tricks in front of me, I would throw my phone on his face and curse Screw you."

"So you mean to encourage me to learn from you?" Shen Yu shook his head and smiled, feeling a little depressed. In advance of Bai Zhuzhen and his sneaky tricks, besides anger, he still has a lot of self-blame in his heart. Why did he fall into the other party's trap so easily? Obviously there were many other choices at the time...

"No, it's enough for me to have a bad temper." Zhong Simo raised his hand and patted Shen Yu's shoulder, signaling that he could walk on his own when he was uncomfortable, "Your worries and care are actually your characteristics and advantages. I mean we kind of complement each other, don't you think?"

"... Fuck you." Shen Yu whispered something, pushed Zhong Simo's injured arm and walked towards the door by himself, "Can you not pretend to be brave if you are injured?"


I'm back, thank you all the little angels who are still waiting for me and Mr. Yu's ending...