Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 51: Talk in the car


"Are you ready to use what you have learned?" Zhong Simo laughed, but still followed Shen Yu a few steps and supported him from behind with his other arm. Yarn, it does have a bit of a taste of brothers and sisters.

It turned out that it didn't take long from Shen Yu's sudden fainting to waking up. All the celebrities and paparazzi hidden in the crowd in the venue downstairs hadn't dispersed. Zhong Simo was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so he asked the person in charge of the venue to help him. After preparing an empty room next door, he contacted the hospital and the assistant vehicle, but Shen Yu woke up before the vehicle arrived.

Zhong Simo was obviously very familiar with the structure of this venue, and led Shen Yu through the corridor for half a minute, then avoided others and found a staircase and went down.

"All kinds of dinner parties that have something to do with the entertainment industry, no matter what the names are, are just a few purposes - the entertainment of the rich, the fame of the stars and the 'opportunity' of the small entertainers." This staircase is remote and dark. Simo walked in front and led the way naturally holding Shen Yu's wrist, explaining in a gentle voice while walking.

"So in the unspoken rules, the hidden space in the banquet venue is the place for people who want 'opportunities'. Generally, managers will remind artists of these things that An Wei still has too little experience." Zhong Simo's words Some of his relationship with An Wei was exposed, but Shen Yu's focus was diverted. His head was still dizzy, and he went downstairs step by step while holding the hand guard on the stairs. Since he was not familiar with the road, he could only let Zhong Simo lead him. When he heard this, he suddenly asked for no reason, "Then why are you so familiar with this place?"

"What do you think?" Zhong Simo kept walking and asked with a smile, but Shen Yu regretted asking. After all, in the final analysis, what Zhong Simo has done or is doing now is not something he is qualified to ask...

"This venue is the property of Yan Caizhu's family. He sometimes invites people to parties or organizes events on a whim. He usually chooses this place. Sometimes I will be dragged by him to fill the scene, and I get to know each other after I come and go." Okay. Zhong Simo didn't intend to make Shen Yu think about anything, he squeezed Shen Yu's hand, and quickly explained the matter in a few words after asking back.

"Young Master Yan?" Shen Yu recalled the domineering man he met a few days ago when he was shooting for a magazine. He did say that he and Zhong Simo were friends.

"Yes, you seem to have met." During the conversation, the two had already walked to a small door. Zhong Simo stopped and picked up his mobile phone to send a message and said to Shen Yu, "Although this person looks like a foodie The young and the rich, who have fun and do nothing, actually have a righteous outlook in their bones, but they are not unreasonable in making publicity, and they are more worthy of making friends than those smiling villains."

"I see." Shen Yu nodded upon hearing this, obviously Yan Caizhu also left a very different impression on Shen Yu during the brief meeting before. However, the most distinctive thing among them is probably not his personality and appearance, but his relationship with the designer Shi Fengshen...

Shen Yu was still tangling about Yan Caizhu and Shi Feng's matter, Zhong Simo had already contacted people and signaled Shen Yu to go out, and after walking a short distance, he went directly to the parking lot.

"Boss, Brother Yu." A tall and honest young man got off a black business car and greeted Zhong Simo and Shen Yu.

"This is the driver of our studio, because I don't have the hand to ask him to drive, you can call him Da Da." Zhong Simo helped Shen Yu open the car door while talking to Shen Yu.

"Hello Brother Yu." Da Da greeted Shen Yu with a smile again.

"Hello." Shen Yu smiled back, once again sighing at Zhong Simo's carefulness.

"By the way...why did you suddenly appear here?" After getting in the car and sitting down, Shen Yu finally remembered to ask this question. Although Zhong Simo's flight did land tonight, why did he come to the venue as soon as he came back? I happened to meet myself who was forced to be in the box

"I rushed back to the country and went directly to the venue. I came here for Jin Ke's affairs." Zhong Simo didn't hide this, and said directly.

"Teacher Jin Ke?" Shen Yu was a little puzzled, Jin Ke, who has always had no entanglements with the entertainment circle except for acting, would Zhong Simo come here in a hurry

"No one is perfect." Zhong Simo said something pointedly, "Jin Ke also has a knot that he can't untie."

"Was it Teacher Jin Ke who called you just now?" Shen Yu asked when he thought of the phone call he heard when he just woke up.

"Yes, she waited outside until you didn't feel right, so she told me to come to you."

"Then what about Teacher Jin Ke, is she okay?" Shen Yu was a little worried when he heard this, after all, it was because Zhong Simo hurried back.

"Look at Weibo." Zhong Simo said after a few seconds of silence, "This story is a bit complicated, probably no one except Jin Ke himself can explain it clearly."

Hearing this, Shen Yu took out his mobile phone, first replied to An Wei's news with some self-blame and told her that he was fine, and then opened Weibo. As usual, there were all kinds of hot events on the hot search, including sand sculpture topics and people's livelihood and current affairs. Shen Yu read it at a glance Until one thing occupies almost half of the list.

"Veteran actor Su Yichen officially announced his marriage, his wife is an outsider, holding a marriage certificate full of love..."

Shen Yu read a few popular searches on Weibo, which ranked first, but didn't realize it for a while, "This is with Jin Ke... wait, Su Yichen... that male teacher in Qingmeili?!"

The name Su Yichen is well-known in the whole of China. He is young and not confused. He follows the route of a powerful mature man. Envy and blessings, but what does this have to do with Jin Ke

"It's a story that you can't ask for." Zhong Simo looked at Shen Yu's phone screen and said lightly. In the enlarged photo, Su Yichen and his wife looked at each other sweetly. This mature man's face was full of pampering that almost overflowed the screen with happiness.

"Jin Ke and Su Yichen?!" Shen Yu couldn't react for a while, "They...have never heard of an intersection."

"Because they all concealed it so well that they were afraid of being known by others."

Shen Yu turned his head to look at Zhong Simo, and unexpectedly sensed some disdain and anger from the other person's face. He suddenly thought that among the powerful actors who had worked with Zhong Simo, Su Yichen seemed to have the most indifferent relationship with him Well, Zhong Simo has a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, and those who are not in his eyes have always been too lazy to spend time being polite.

"Jin Ke has liked Su Yichen for many years, maybe Qingmei was too involved in the drama, and she was too young at that time, so she couldn't tell the difference between fiction and reality." Zhong Simo commented lightly.

"So, did Su Yichen feel sorry for Jin Ke and betrayed her..." Shen Yu still couldn't believe it. Su Yichen's zero-defect rating for so many years made it difficult for people to associate him with the term scumbag.

"He is indeed sorry for Jin Ke, but it's not a betrayal." Zhong Simo smiled sarcastically, "The most rascal promise in the world is to wait until a certain age, if you are not married and I am not married, I will be with you Together. Because the person who received the promise is always placed on the backup option, and once a more suitable person appears, he will be immediately abandoned."

"Jin has been trustworthy for many years, so she lost completely, but now it seems that she doesn't even have the right to criticize publicly, because in the end, she believed that she would have a chance. In reality, Uncle Lori Love is always a hard-to-find Jin Ke never dared to reveal to the public what she talked about publicly, because she was afraid of affecting Su Yichen's image, as for Su Yichen, she probably didn't like it enough and wanted to enjoy the feeling of being silently liked by the "young genius actress".

Shen Yu thought of the Jin Ke he met this afternoon, who showed no flaws, was so gentle, confident, and generous, with the bearing and pride that a movie queen should have in people's hearts. If Zhong Simo hadn't heard the inside story, who would have imagined that she was Go through these things? Shen Yu thought, Jin Ke probably developed a trick into his life, treating his whole life as a big drama, and his life was tiring and depressing. But looking back, in the entertainment industry, for the sake of life, who doesn't walk around under the probing of flashing lights with two faces

"Su Yichen's wife, who exploded on the Internet, is a teacher of a well-known university's literature department. She completely matches his criteria for choosing a spouse in an interview many years ago—knowledge, rationality, gentleness and decentness. Congratulations to this talented actor who has finally found his destined lover..." Shen Yu Looking at all kinds of revelations and carnival-like blessings on Weibo, some feel sad for Jin. No one would think that she also fits this ideal type perfectly, and no one would know how much she has paid to become like this.

"Jin Ke told me just now that she has figured it out a little bit, and the best solution is to give up from the beginning."

"But I don't think I'm going to be in that category, am I?"

Under the cover of the night, Zhong Simo gently held Shen Yu's hand by his side. Shen Yu was silent for a few seconds, did not answer Zhong Simo's question, but did not take back the hand that was being held, he turned his head to look at the flickering city outside the window, keeping their bodies in a still harmony.

"So Mr. Jin Ke is, so forget it?" After a while of silence, Shen Yu didn't know if it was to change the subject, and continued to ask about Jin Ke.

"Su Yichen only let her know about her marriage yesterday, and she probably hasn't made a decision before." Zhong Simo said mockingly, "Jin Ke's mood was very unstable at the time, and I was afraid that something would happen to her and I was worried You, so you rushed back to China directly. By the way, she asked me to thank you for her on the phone just now. "

"Thank me?" Shen Yu was a little surprised, no matter what happened today, Jin Ke helped him.

"She usually never attends this kind of charity event where the media gathers. She suddenly decided to participate this time. In fact, she planned to announce all her relationship with Su Yichen directly in front of the media. Don't think about it. In her own words, she doesn't want to be obsessed with ghosts for a while."

"If she really did's really not worth it." Shen Yu said with some fear, he looked down on Su Yichen's behavior in disguise to give people hope to keep a spare tire, but he was even more afraid that Jin Ke would do more for it. hurt yourself.

"Yeah, she's only in her twenties, and her life is so long, any bystander knows that it's not worth it to ruin Su Yichen's image." Zhong Simo shook his head, "It's a pity that people who are caught in emotions can't see clearly, if it weren't for today It just so happened that meeting you diverted her attention and made her calm down a bit before making another choice. Now the hot search is probably all kinds of unsightly rumors between her and Su Yichen made up by the marketing account. Mr. Su Yichen But it’s all over and continued to marry him, but as the image of an abandoned young woman in a romantic scandal, Jin Ke will suffer unimaginable attacks from public opinion.”

"This world is always more tolerant of men than women." Shen Yu sighed helplessly.

"However, we are more tolerant towards women than towards homosexuality." Zhong Simo shrugged and made a joke indifferently.

"Just be yourself. Why do you want the tolerance of those irrelevant people? I only know that they are wrong." Shen Yu followed suit with a smile. I don't know if he forgot, but his left hand, which was lightly held, never moved away.


Write to the little angel who will still read this chapter

It has been almost half a year since Mr. Yu started this article, and it has not been finished, because I couldn’t write anything for more than two months during the period. I know this is a very bad reading experience for all readers. , so I don't have any excuses for not apologizing, I'm really sorry...

When I updated the last chapter, I saw a little angel in the comment area asking me why the update was discontinued. I edited it for a long time, but I didn’t write a reason for it in the end. Because after I typed out each item, I realized that there seems to be no major event worth heartbreaking to the point of losing hope in life.

Just lost a relationship, failed a second class, stayed up all night crying for no reason, memorized a book for a make-up exam, and went to the school doctor's office intermittently for a month, until the doctor could look up and see me, he prescribed medicine, by the way, it's okay to drink more hot water big problem.

I can't explain why I was so sad at the time, I didn't want to do anything, I couldn't write a word when I opened the document, I didn't dare to read the comment area, and I didn't dare to reply to all the messages, maybe I was afraid that someone would know that I made myself a mess because of a broken relationship. In this way, although I did.

Finally, when I turned around and wanted to continue writing about Mr. Yu, I found that I had forgotten a lot of settings and details, as well as the feel of writing, so I kept procrastinating.

As expected, there are a lot of criticism and scolding in the comment area, and some people are willing to wait for me to come back and finish writing this story. I accept all the negative points and curses, because as an author, for whatever reason, I did something wrong. Similarly, I am even more grateful to all the little angels who are still waiting for me. After writing this long paragraph, I finally feel that all the things that made me sad before don’t matter. I will finish this article as soon as possible. There should not be many little angels reading the text, thank you for still being here (bow)