Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 76: special treatment


It was already noon when Shen Yu and Zhong Simo returned to the production team the next day. Fortunately, the production team had already started to prepare for going to South America. Everyone performed their own duties. There were no special occasions where the director was present, and there was no trouble.

An Wei didn't know where Shen Yu and Zhong Simo went last night, and she didn't dare to ask more, but felt that the atmosphere between the two had become sweeter and bubbling since then, and there was obviously no behavior beyond the rules, but it made her People feel that they can't look straight at all.

Every time Shen Yu recalled the scene of that night, he couldn't help but blush and his heart beat, especially when he woke up the next morning to find himself lying in Zhong Simo's arms wrapped in a bath towel, and the person above his head bowed down with a smile on his face. When I asked loudly if I was hungry, I wanted to dig a crack in the ground and bury my head in it.

Xu Mushi, who added his contact information, lamented to Shen Yu later, saying that he really had the foresight, guessing that the person Shen Yu brought to dinner was a lover, and it really was a lover, but this "lover" made people feel a little dizzy.

Xu Mushi has lived abroad for a long time, and in a relatively open environment, he is more open-minded about homosexuality and other issues than most people in China. Apart from admiration, he doesn't have much discomfort or resistance, which makes Shen Yu heave a sigh of relief. There is also more confidence in the future.

Even if the future is obscure and the wind is mixed with huge waves, as long as they face each other sincerely, there will definitely be people who are willing to support them.

Three days later, the crew finally packed up and went to shoot the rest of the film in the relatively peaceful development of the Brazilian Amazon in South America.

At the small celebration ceremony before leaving the United States, Bona attended in a full dress. The snow-white long dress and light golden hair complement each other, just like the sexy and charming elf princess in fairy tales.

Shen Yu originally thought that he and Bo Na were not very familiar, and walked aside after saying hello, but in the middle of the banquet, Bo Na suddenly walked up to him and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Seeing that the interpreter was not by Bo Na's side, Shen Yu suppressed the doubts in his heart, and first picked up the wine glass at hand to return the salute.

Bona tilted her head and smiled slightly, her make-up today was very light, she lacked a bit of sharpness, her blue eyes were clean and flawless, Shen Yu had to admit that Bona was an extremely rare beauty even if her race was different.

In the absence of an interpreter, Bo Na did not force her to speak English, nor did she imitate Chinese. She just pointed at Zhong Simo who was not far away after toasting, and made a gesture of apology. It seemed that she knew what she had done before. This move made Shen Yu feel uncomfortable.

Shen Yu was a little embarrassed when he saw this. He only found out later that Bona always looked so affectionate to familiar people, both men and women. It can only be said that there are too many cultural differences between China and the United States. Of course, even knowing this, Shen Yu still doesn't want to see her in such intimate contact with Zhong Simo.

Zhong Simo saw the situation on their side and came over. Bo Na didn't stay long, but asked Zhong Simo gently, and turned away without waiting for an answer.

"What did Bona say?" Shen Yu asked Zhong Simo.

"She said that Chinese people hate women like her very much." Zhong Simo translated.

"What do you mean?" Shen Yu was puzzled.

"It's nothing, let them settle their affairs by themselves." Zhong Simo looked forward, Bo Na and Jin Ke were talking in a low voice, the smiles on their faces were very decent, and there was no clue.

"... Mmm." Shen Yu nodded in silence for a moment, and he found that Jin Ke was dressed more formally today than before, and although he had short hair, he could not hide his beautiful face.

Early the next morning, the crew packed up and went to the international airport. Bona had already left the set and did not show up. Jin Ke arrived on time in casual clothes as usual, and Zhang Beihuo walked behind him with two sets of luggage, talking and laughing.

After all, everyone will usher in a result of their own.

After forming an army in Los Angeles and getting supplies and black ship tickets, the three of Tang Zhi set foot on the soil of the Amazon River Basin, but everyone in the seemingly harmonious team had secret thoughts.

Tang Zhi's elder brother, Tang Tao, died in a cross-border anti-drug operation a year ago. According to his fellow comrades, they had already evacuated to a safe area, but the enemy attacked again for some reason. Tang Tao hurriedly responded in order to cover his comrades. He was captured, and when they entered the enemy stronghold again, Tang Tao was tortured to the brink of death.

Exhausting his remaining strength, Tang Tao pointed out the location of the important information for his teammates. In the end, he was bleeding from all seven orifices, lying on the ground, muttering and drawing a pattern on the ground, and his comrades lay on the ground and leaned over Listening carefully, I only heard five words clearly - the song of Amazon.

Even if that group of enemies had been wiped out, it was impossible to know who exposed the whereabouts of the special team, what Tang Tao's words before his death and the icons he kept drawing represented.

After the military investigation was fruitless, this time was temporarily put on hold. Tang Zhi, who knew part of the inside story, could not accept it. After contacting Cheng Xiao, who could draw the icon and accurately say the five words of the song of Amazon, through the dark web, he hesitated. Again and again, Tang Zhi finally chose to retire to pursue the truth.

As for Cheng Xiao, what he told Tang Zhi was the icon of the organization that his adoptive father's mercenaries had worked with, and Tang Zhi didn't know anything else that Tang Zhi wanted, and at first he didn't care whether Tang Zhi could find the truth at all. Just use him to go to the old place.

All the way from the United States to the Amazon River Basin by boat, the three of them experienced countless dangers and difficulties, whether it was diving at the bottom of the river, encountering piranhas, being threatened by hooligans, or being chased by local prostitutes in small boats, they were all nervous and exciting With a little joy.

Zhong Simo controls the rhythm of the plot very cleverly, neither too loose to play, nor too tense to make people feel uncomfortable. Appropriate small jokes are interspersed in the fast-moving main plot, as a commercial movie. The whole story adds a lot of color.

With mutual help along the way, the relationship between the three of them has also become much closer. Tang Zhi and Cheng Xiao felt a little bit of heart-to-heart affection. Zhou Zhou took care of Cheng Xiao as a little brother, and Tang Zhi finally seemed to be in love with her. Zhou Zhou's feelings opened up a bit.

Finally, the three of them approached the organization in Cheng Xiao's memory through hardships, but found that everything was different from what they expected.

After a sneak attack, Zhou Zhou and Tang Zhi disappeared, and Cheng Xiao, who was shot in the shoulder, knelt on the ground with his teeth gritted, his eyes blurred with sweat and blood. He was tied up hand and foot and carried into the convertible, and he still couldn't understand why the camouflage that he thought was perfect would be detected by the enemy.

The convertible car was driving with twists and turns, Cheng Xiao endured the pain and tried hard to memorize the route and duration. Finally, half an hour later, just when Cheng Xiao thought his shoulder was about to fail, the convertible car stopped.

Several mercenaries covered his head and lifted him out of the car, and walked for a few minutes before putting him on the ground and taking off his hood.

In the dark room, a familiar man stood with his back facing him. Without waiting for Cheng Xiao to see clearly, he suddenly turned around and kicked him hard. The hard leather shoes stepped on the neck that was forced up.

"Who asked you to come back?!" The voice of the man, his adoptive father Cheng Qiang, who was supposed to be dead, was full of shocking rage.

"Ahem." Cheng Xiao struggled to take a few breaths, and stared back in a positive tone, "You are not dead, you installed a locator on me."

"Of course I'm not dead, you're looking for death." Cheng Qiang violently kicked Cheng Xiao again, turned his head and had a quick conversation with the person in the dark.

"I'm not going." Without waiting for Cheng Qiang to convey, Cheng Xiao said directly, just now that person wanted to use him to lure Tang Zhi and the two who had escaped to nowhere.

"You don't want to go, your wings are stiff and you bring the little mouse to your old man's lair to make trouble?" Cheng Qiang directly reached out and lifted Cheng Xiao who was tied up and couldn't move, and said viciously.

Cheng Xiao stared at the man in front of him, almost biting his teeth to bleed. This man really didn't treat him very well. He took up his father's name and assigned him various chores every day since he was a child. As an adult, he tried every means to send him to the United States and left a large sum of money.

Cheng Xiao was so sad about his death that he wept bitterly, but now he can no longer carry out his orders without hesitation like before, and can't personally send Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou into the enemy's hands - not only when these two people are already in his It occupies a small place in my heart.

The middle-aged Caucasian man with a scarred face in the corner scolded impatiently, took out a gun and put it directly on Cheng Xiao's temple as he walked, Cheng Xiao closed his eyes unwilling to give in, and opened them again after a long time no movement, but Seeing Cheng Qiang forcibly twisting the muzzle of the white man's gun with one hand, his eyes were full of warning.

The atmosphere remained stalemate like this. Finally, seeing that there was no time to waste, the white man retracted his gun cursingly and walked out of the room.

"Take care of this thing, don't let him run away, the temporary general base is not a joke." Cheng Qiang left Cheng Xiao and scolded several mercenaries, and then left.

For some reason, the moment Cheng Xiao was put down, the knife around his waist suddenly loosened, and he landed in the shadows with Cheng Xiao, Cheng Xiao's eyes darkened, turned over calmly and pressed the knife on his body Down.

When the camera went dark, the scene shifted, Cheng Xiao was arrested and saw his adoptive father who should have died, but Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou, who had escaped temporarily, did not leave, but chose to go into the enemy camp alone in order to rescue Cheng Xiao.

Relying on years of experience in special forces operations, Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou finally broke into the inner camp of the terrorist organization after going through many adventures. After knocking out the watchman, they quickly searched for information in the database.

Tang Zhi finally knew that the so-called "Song of the Amazon" was a super drug jointly developed by these organizations, which was not only dozens of times more addictive than ordinary drugs, but also extremely destructive to the body. The spread was no less than a plague, and there was no medicine to eliminate it quickly. Tang Tao was temporarily used by them for experiments.

But now, their technology has matured, and they plan to sell these drugs in batches to reactionary forces around the world for huge profits.

After briefly reading all this, Tang Zhi trembled with fear, quickly copied the data into his portable device, and then destroyed everything he saw in front of him.

"Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou?!" Tang Zhi called Zhou Zhou in a low voice, intending to explain the situation, but there was no response. Turning his head to look, Zhou Zhou was squatting next to the cabinet with his mouth covered, and for the first time there were big drops in his eyes Crystal tears left behind.

Her parents and younger brother died tragically when she went abroad to do business fifteen years ago. It turned out that they died at the hands of a mercenary group affiliated with this organization, and the leader of that operation was actually her father Cheng Qiang whom Cheng Xiao had mentioned several times before.

With no time to think about it, Zhou Zhou, whose brain was in a mess, forced himself to calm down and followed Tang Zhi to break through. No matter what, they had to send this information about Amazon's song back to China, otherwise there would be many innocent people in the world lives suffered.

And not long after they left, all members of the terrorist organization that discovered that the database had been stolen were mobilized and started this mass killing operation that took place deep in the Amazon rainforest.

At eleven o'clock in the night in Brazil World, the relatively remote wetland park is crowded with people. Several tall shooting lights and lighting panels ensure enough light. bit complete. In the river below him, several rescuers and rescue nets are always ready to fish Shen Yu ashore after the filming ends.

After more than two months of filming, he finally filmed the last scene in the opera group of Amazon.

"Brother Yu, are you okay?" An Wei, who was worried about following up, said with some distress.

The temperature at night in Brazil this season is cold and astringent. Shen Yu only wore a camouflage vest, and his body, which was still high in the morning with a high fever, had no small problems.

"It's okay, dance early and release early." Shen Yu smiled and signaled An Wei to withdraw from the camera. The entire crew had been preparing for this scene for so long, and it was impossible to delay it because of his sudden situation.

"Brother Yu..." An Wei hesitated holding the blanket and hot water bottle in her arms.

"Go down and wait for me. Come on, the coaches are still in the water." Shen Yu urged in a low voice, An Wei finally lowered her head and gritted her teeth and climbed down, leaving him alone on the whole high platform.

Shen Yu turned his head to look at the place where the director team was, bent his eyes and smiled. Although he couldn't see Zhong Simo's expression clearly because of the distance, he knew that the other party would be able to see him clearly through the monitor.

After a high fever broke out this morning, Shen Yu was sleepy in bed and didn't get up. Tang Yuan, who hadn't seen him out for a long time, realized something was wrong, so she told An Wei and then Zhong Simo. When Zhong Simo left the film crew behind and rushed over, Shen Yu had already hung up the drip.

However, the time of the main scene to be filmed tonight cannot be changed. No matter whether it is the river shooting qualification obtained after several layers of review, or a few experienced rescue coaches, the time is stuck tonight. Zhong Si is rare in life. He hesitated for a while, but Shen Yu, who had almost subsided his fever, made a decision directly.

"In the crew, you can use your normal standards for actors to ask me. Don't make a special case for me. As the director's lover, I should even do better, shouldn't I?"

Standing on the high platform, with the cool wind blowing on his bare skin, Shen Yu shuddered, but showed a warm and soothing smile to the camera above, as if telling Zhong Simo behind the monitor that he was fine, don't worry Just fulfill the duties of director.

A strong wind blew, and Shen Yu staggered a bit, the coach at the bottom of the river made a ready gesture, everyone in the crew cheered up, and An Wei had already brought Tang Yuan to the river.

Zhong Simo looked at Shen Yu who was so clear from different angles on the several monitors in front of him that he could see the faint dark circles under his eyes clearly, lowered his eyes and rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and opened them again, took a deep breath, and finally gave the order to start shooting The command.


Jin Ke's story will have a beginning and an end once it is written, but it will not be placed in the main text to take up space. After the main text is finished, I should write a related episode, which will appear as a gift chapter in Zuozhao~