Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 77: movie end


The tropical rainforest in the Amazon Basin has always been a paradise for beautiful and dangerous hunters. You never know what creatures will appear behind the dense forest in the next second, and what unavoidable dangers will occur.

Especially in the dark night when the danger is intensified, it is even more frightening.

Although Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou are both mature special forces soldiers who have experienced systematic training and countless battles, they still cannot compare with those enemies who have been familiar with the environment and fought desperately in the Amazon Basin for decades. After all, they were surrounded as they approached the banks of the tributaries.

Zhou Zhou clutched his left arm and leaned against a few thick trees to adjust his breathing. He didn't dare to make too much noise. The boat he hid when he came was nearby. As long as he could board them smoothly, he could escape this terrifying place. . However, the chasing soldiers had already surrounded the place and were conducting a carpet search. After the battle just now, both she and Tang Zhi were killed. She was shot in the arm and her combat power dropped sharply. It was impossible to break out of the encirclement directly.

Half a meter above Zhou Zhou, Tang Zhi was resting his hands on the tree trunk and observing the surroundings attentively. After temporarily confirming that nothing happened, he squatted down to check on Zhou Zhou's injuries.

"It's not an option to go on like this. They're coming again. We can't stand the next wave of fighting." Tang Zhi wiped his face, shook the data chip worn on his chest and said in a low voice.

"Listen to me, Tang Zhi." Zhou Zhou took a breath and said earnestly, his face pale, "We must send the information and information here back to China as soon as possible... I will go find the enemy and try to hold them back later. the direction of—”

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Tang Zhi heard that Zhou Zhou was going to be a bait cover, and interrupted her with a frown.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Of the two of us, your injury is much better than mine. In order to ensure the safe delivery of information, this is the best plan now, isn't it, Team Tang?" Zhou Zhou shook his head and smiled, saying this Tang Zhi also knew the facts well, and finally called her the most common name when she was still on duty in the army.

Her eyes were not willing to move away from Tang Zhi's face, and there was an untimely tenderness in her relieved and determined smile. This may be the time when Tang Zhi looked at her most seriously in his life. It was just the two of them, so focused... Zhou Zhou smiled again, closing his eyes and thinking that he is really a person who is easily satisfied.

Tang Zhi looked at Zhou Zhou who said nothing but smiled, and felt so powerless for the first time. Even though they have retired, the influence of years of military career is still deeply buried in the blood of Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou. Loyalty and sacrifice are the decisions they must make at a critical moment.

Of course Tang Zhi understood that what Zhou Zhou said was the best solution at the moment, but looking at Zhou Zhou who was in pain so pale beside him, Tang Zhi felt that he couldn't make this decision at all, and a strange and strong emotion was violently churning in his heart , filled the whole body.

"Make a decision, Team Tang, we can't procrastinate any longer." Zhou Zhou had calmed down, and for the first time had the courage to hold Tang Zhi's rough hand lightly, "Fifteen years ago, my parents and younger brother, All my family members died at the hands of these people, and today I just went to be with them."

"Zhou Zhou..."

"Don't worry, I didn't just go to die like this." Zhou Zhou tugged at the corners of his mouth, a bit of pride appeared on his pale face, "If I die at the hands of these people casually, wouldn't it be embarrassing for us Chinese soldiers? "

"Do you want revenge?" Tang Zhi knew that Zhou Zhou's life experience had always been a thorn in her heart. She had not stopped investigating all these years, and she also knew how much the things she saw in the enemy's database had caused her a great deal. shock.

"At least I will go underground to see my parents later, and I can hold my head up and tell them that I have helped them get justice." Zhou Zhou said calmly, enduring the pain and starting to organize and load his weapons and equipment, and do his best. Get ready.

"If Cheng Qiang is still alive... Cheng Xiao should be on his side, maybe..." Tang Zhi still didn't say the most terrifying speculation in his heart, but how could Zhou Zhou not understand what he meant.

Why Cheng Qiang, who is dead according to Cheng Xiao, is still alive, and his status in this organization is not low; why was the perfect disguise when they sneaked in before being directly detected; A spy sent by a terrorist organization to lure them into the bait

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will quickly take root and germinate. Even if they don't want to believe it anymore, all kinds of doubts and coincidences still cast a haze over Tang Zhi and Zhou Zhou's hearts.

After pursing his lips and being silent for a few seconds, Zhou Zhou packed up the equipment in his hand at a faster speed with no expression on his face, "I want to kill Cheng Qiang, even if Cheng Xiao stands opposite me, he will never show mercy."

Once the hatred of the tragic death of the whole family that has been buried in my heart for more than ten years is aroused, it will be futile to say anything. Zhou Zhou suddenly recalled the figure of Cheng Xiao. This lonely boy who was about the same age as her deceased brother inspired her long-lost family affection and desire for protection along the way. However, if the other party really stood by her blood feud...

Zhou Zhou closed his eyes, and when he opened them the next second, he had already made a decision.

Time is urgent, even if Tang Zhi has thousands of hesitations in his heart, he must make up his mind. If the information of Song of Amazon is not delivered in time, it will affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, and even affect China.

Supporting the tree trunk to straighten up, Zhou Zhou gritted his teeth and gave himself a portable epinephrine, then turned around and quickly kissed Tang Zhi's cheek, as if he had exhausted all his courage, he bowed his head and ran forward.

The soft touch on his cheeks seemed to linger, Tang Zhi's mind went blank for a few seconds, and he finally understood everything about Zhou Zhou in these years. His feelings surged out like tides. He had too many things to ask, some There are too many things I want to tell Zhou Zhou, but it's too late.

Seeing Zhou Zhou's back quickly disappearing from sight, Tang Zhi clenched his teeth, and finally did not stop him. He took a last look at the direction Zhou Zhou was leaving, and put the information card on his chest on his forehead. Under the cover of night, he rushed in the opposite direction without looking back.

The air in the rainforest is so humid that even the uncontrollable tears overflowing from the corners of my eyes seem to be blending into it.

After parting with Tang Zhi, Zhou Zhou moved quickly with the determination to die. The temporary injection of adrenaline gave her a temporary burst of mobility. On himself, about ten minutes later, Zhou Zhou finally had nowhere to hide next to an abandoned supply station next to a tributary.

The enemy is approaching step by step, more than 20 mercenaries are fully armed, and more support is on the way. Zhou Zhou hides in the high-rise building, knowing that he can't escape today, and borrows the remaining ammunition while checking the remaining ammunition. Looking at the enemies outside quickly from the cover, an Asian figure flashed by under the moonlight came into her sight, Zhou Zhou gritted his teeth, and recognized that it was Cheng Qiang, the enemy she had carved into his bone marrow just now.

kill him. Zhou Zhou heard what she said in her heart, she was completely fearless after putting herself to death.

Bowing his head and crawling forward, Zhou Zhou regained the feeling he used to have in every fight, just like a dangerous and deadly cobra, preparing to give a fatal blow to its prey in the dark. Suddenly, she frowned, and realized that something was wrong. In the middle of the tributary where the supply station was backed, an unremarkable steamboat came unexpectedly.

The enemies who had no vision in the dark obviously hadn't spotted the ship yet, but they were ready to rush into the supply station. Zhou Zhou ignored the strange boat and concentrated on dealing with the enemy.

Gunshots kept ringing in this small building. Zhou Zhou was famous for his flexible shooting skills and ability to use the terrain when he was training in the army. While fighting and retreating, no one could get close for a while, and finally retreated to the close On the roof side of the building facing the rapid tributary.

There were constant crashes and gunshots from the iron gate on the roof that was quickly locked just now. Zhou Zhou knew that this last barrier would not last long, so he hid behind the decoration on the roof holding a weapon with only the last bullet left. Pray that I can finally hit Cheng Qiang in the enemy team with one blow.

Suddenly, there was some movement from the side of the building that was supposed to be close to the river. Zhou Zhou raised the gun in his hand reflexively, stopped at the last moment of pulling the trigger, but did not put down the weapon.

Cheng Xiao, who had been missing all this time, unexpectedly hid everyone's attention, tied a steel dart rope directly from the bank of the tributary and climbed up to the rooftop!

The iron gate not far away was crumbling, and it seemed that it was about to be rushed open in the next second. Cheng Xiao looked at Zhou Zhou as if he had something to tell her in a hurry, but he didn't have time at all. He came up and stuffed a ship key into Zhou Zhou's hand.

"The boat is running below!" Cheng Xiao said as he pushed Zhou Zhou towards the direction of the rope, and the iron gate, which was overwhelmed by the load, was finally broken open in the next second!

"Run!" Cheng Xiao quickly wrapped the device for borrowing power on the rope around Zhou Zhou's hand, and pushed her off the edge of the building. The steamboat on the river at the bottom had already parked and waited, but at the same time the enemy rushed After the decorations.

It seemed that no one expected that someone would climb up from the cliff on the other side of the river, let alone Cheng Xiao who had been captured. The weapon shot towards Cheng Xiao, but was rammed by Cheng Qiang who was on the side. A series of bullets hit the old concrete floor, kicking up a cloud of dust.

During this delay, Zhou Zhou had already stepped on the stone by the river along the rope. She looked up anxiously, but saw Cheng Xiao being forced to the edge of the roof, and Cheng Qiang's figure also appeared beside him!

The brain was congested instantly, and the voices and smiles of the family members who were already blurred all appeared in front of her eyes. Those lonely and desperate nights flashed through her mind. She chose to join the army at first, and she chose to become a female special soldier. Isn't this moment the reason for all the hardships I endured!

No time to think about retreat, no extra energy to calm down and think about Cheng Xiao's abnormality, Zhou Zhou's brain was firmly occupied by hatred, like a nightmare...

She picked up the weapon with only the last bullet left, and clenched her teeth, but her brain was as calm as a machine, and she aimed sideways at her prey like countless times before the full ring of the training clock.

Two gunshots rang out one after another with almost no gaps, and it fell from the roof like a kite with a broken thread, but it was Cheng Xiao who was astonished and relieved.