Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 78: Cuttlefish cp


Shen Yu stood alone on the high platform, some of his loose camouflage pants were rattling by the wind, his upper body was covered with scars on his exposed skin, some were from special effects makeup, and some were injuries from shooting these days.

The previous martial arts and literary dramas have been filmed, and the shot to be shot tonight is the slow motion of Cheng Xiao falling from the rooftop, changing his expression in the air, and finally falling into the turbulent river with nostalgia and relief.

As the highlight of the movie to be slowed down frame by frame on the huge screen of the movie, Zhong Simo did not use green screen special effects to shoot, and did not even tie a single coercion, trying to show the most realistic state of Cheng Xiao's sudden fall.

The crew had already consulted professional coaches in advance, and had taken adequate safety measures. Zhong Simo has always strived for excellence in filming, and Shen Yu never cut corners in performances. Therefore, this sounding very dangerous shooting plan was just proposed. It was settled.

When the signal to start shooting came, Shen Yu stood with his back against the river according to the position determined by the coach before, closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be a different person, staggering on the soles of his feet, with hatred on his face With an expression mixed with pain, he suddenly fell backwards. His hands tried in vain to grab the high and low wall, but he was hit by a bunch of bullets and lost all mobility.

The hearts of everyone on the set instantly lifted, and in the short moment of falling, Shen Yu seemed to have completely turned into Cheng Xiao.

This young man has experienced too many things in his short life of less than eighteen years. gone.

He was shot several times, and his body fell rapidly. The gun in Cheng Xiao's hand had fallen off. Just now, he used the pistol that Cheng Qiang gave him when he taught him how to shoot, and hit his adoptive father in the heart.

The man's unbelievable expression seemed to remain on the retina. It is estimated that at the moment before he died, Cheng Qiang never thought that the adopted son he raised with his own hands and who was still protecting the last second would choose to give a fatal blow.

Cheng Xiao's gaze began to slacken. In fact, he didn't think clearly about Cheng Qiang's feelings for him at all, and he didn't think clearly about how he should face Cheng Qiang. It was just that when Cheng Qiang pointed his gun at Zhou Zhou, his mind blankly gave It was a fatal blow to him. Of course, he never had a chance to think about it again.

He killed Cheng Qiang, and he himself was shot and killed by mercenaries randomly. One thing is one thing, one life is one life—at the last moment of powerlessly falling into the river, Cheng Xiao finally smiled in relief. Not bad for those ridiculous relationship pains, isn't it? Anyway, his life has no expectations.

It’s just that I haven’t had time to say a few more words to Zhou Zhou, and listen to her talk about what I have forgotten, but just thinking about it makes me feel strange anxiety and anticipation, about the real family...

At the last second when he fell into the turbulent river and lost consciousness, Cheng Xiao turned his head and looked at Zhou Zhou who had already run to the side of the boat. There was such childish anticipation in his eyes, as if he was not in the dangerous Amazon River, and he was not in danger. He was about to die after being hit by several bullets, but he was sitting in the living room with bright and clean windows, worrying about the little boy whose sister wanted a vanilla-flavored ice cream.

The effect of adrenaline was fading, and Zhou Zhou, who was shocked by waves of powerlessness, was stunned when he saw Cheng Xiao's eyes, and struggled to swim towards him to catch him, but another batch of bullets were fired on the roof, Zhou Zhou acted like a conditioned reflex He turned over and hid behind the bunker, and when he turned his head again, Cheng Xiao was no longer in the rushing and dangerous wide river.

The mercenaries were rapidly approaching the river bank, and Zhou Zhou had tears streaming down his face at some point. He finally saw the place where Cheng Xiao fell, and rushed a few steps onto the small steamboat, inserted the key and turned on the horsepower to the maximum. If she could choose, of course she would like to live. Apart from being a fighter, she is also an ordinary young girl, with friends and dreams, and someone she likes waiting for her.

The bullet just now had accurately shot Tang Qiang in the head. The revengeful Zhou Zhou hid in the cabin, and the powerful steamboat drove her forward quickly. Because they did not expect a steamboat to appear nearby, the mercenaries were in a hurry and did not prepare for the pursuit on the water. The gunshots behind them gradually became less and less. bright colors.

Only then was Zhou Zhou released from the tense state, and leaned against the wall weakly on the ground, crying and laughing for the rest of her life. Suddenly, she saw something, struggled to get up and walked towards the driver's seat, where there was a An old file bag that was opened and frizzy.

This position should be left by Cheng Xiao.

Thinking of the young man who died for himself, Zhou Zhou's heart ached like a knife, his brain congested, and his vision began to blur. He risked his life to save her, but she still doubted his identity and motives a few seconds ago... Cheng What did Xiao want to say in that last look after falling into the river

Stiff and trembling hands slowly stretched out to pick up the file bag. Zhou Zhou recognized that it was the pattern in the enemy database they broke into before. Suddenly, the speeding steamboat was shaken by the undercurrent, and Zhou Zhou's body With a shock, the bag in his hand fell to the ground, and a few pages of paper and a photo fell out of the unsealed mouth of the bag.

Under the dim light of the ship, Zhou Zhou looked down at the old seven-inch photo, his pupils gradually dilated, and a chill climbed up the rock rapidly along his back, transforming into deep regret and despair.

The steamboat was still speeding along the swift and straight river, Zhou Zhou slowly fell to the ground, weeping silently and violently.

The seven-inch photo with yellowish corners lay quietly on the ground. Under the dim light, it could be vaguely seen that it was a group photo of a family of four. In front of a smiling mother and a gentle and elegant father, a teenager in his teens The little girl hugged her younger brother who was like a dumpling, and showed a bright smile that was always frozen in time at the camera.

As soon as Shen Yu fell into the icy cold and rushing river, a biting chill surrounded him. Amazon this season, even the locals, rarely dare to wear so little water. Closing his eyes and holding his breath, after the last scene, Shen Yu jumped up from the water, and several professional rescue coaches who had already prepared had already swam to his side quickly, and dragged Shen Yu who had just fallen from a height and was a little dizzy. swim to the shore.

"Brother Yu!" An Wei, who had been waiting outside the camera, quickly stepped forward, put the plush blanket prepared in her hand on Shen Yu's body, and stuffed the warm water bottle into his stiff palm.

"It's okay." Shen Yu shook his hair, not noticing that his voice was a little weak.

Fortunately, the shot just now was perfect, and it was over once. After getting the affirmation, An Wei and Tang Yuan immediately took Shen Yu to the hotel to rest, but Zhong Simo still needed to stay on the set to guide the next series of work.

After returning to the room, taking medicine, taking a shower, and changing into pajamas, Shen Yu fell headfirst on the big hotel bed, his whole body fell apart, and his consciousness quickly returned to darkness. The last scene has been filmed, so there is no need to worry about waking up early the next day. Although the pain in his body has not diminished, Shen Yu still slept soundly for the first time in his long time in Brazil.

I don't know what time it was in the middle of the night, but in a daze, Shen Yu suddenly felt that someone was sitting beside him, gently massaging his sore and weak arms, with a reassuring atmosphere.

"Um… "

"It's me, go to sleep." Shen Yu frowned slightly and snorted, and Zhong Simo's voice sounded softly above his head.

Shen Yu became more awake after hearing the words, rubbed her soft hair against the soft pillow, and slowly opened her eyes.

"What time is it?" Immediately after speaking, there was a dry feeling in his throat.

"At three o'clock in the morning, I just came back from the set." Zhong Simo said as he propped Shen Yu up and leaned on his shoulder, and handed him a glass of warm water prepared by the bedside. Shen Yu took a few sips and leaned against Zhong Simo's chest in a not sober manner. He really felt a chill that hadn't had time to be affected by the room temperature, but it was very reassuring.

"Why don't you go to rest quickly?" Shen Yu raised his head and asked after drinking water and his condition improved slightly.

It is very difficult for foreign films to obtain the qualifications for filming in the Brazilian Amazon River Basin, and the time is limited. Zhong Simo has been spinning around in the past few days, and there is a fine layer of light blue beard on his chin. Shen Yu looked at it and couldn't help leaning forward to rub it, which made Zhong Simo couldn't help laughing a few times.

"I'm worried that you will come to see your situation. It's already so late anyway, so it's time to rest for a while."

"You also know it's so late." Shen Yu gave Zhong Simo a helpless look. Sometimes this person really doesn't take his body seriously. ?”

"Then you must take good care of me when I'm old, and you can't dislike me." Zhong Simo rested his chin on Shen Yu's shoulder, as if he thought it was interesting to imagine this scene, and laughed a few times.

"Don't worry, even if you are old, you will definitely be a handsome and poisonous old man."

"You like it?"

"I'll always like you, don't I?" Shen Yu smiled, breaking the inexplicably nasty and touching atmosphere, and pushed the head of the person on his shoulder, "Quick, go and get some sleep, what time is it, you There is still work tomorrow."

"Sleeping with you?" Zhong Simo insisted.

"What do you think?" Shen Yu stared helplessly at this great director who broke into the room at night knowingly asking questions. He couldn't drive out the person who had already arrived.

"It's agreed not to touch your hands and feet, and have a good rest."

"Yeah." Zhong Simo kissed Shen Yu's side face and got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. His smile was a bit tired and peaceful. How could he not want to rest after so many days of continuous rotation? He was just too worried about Shen Yu's situation. How would you like to see it for yourself.

Soon after washing, Zhong Simo gently hugged Shen Yu, and turned off the warm yellow desk lamp by the bed. There were no words or excessive movements, only the sound of longer and longer breaths staggered in the room, and the two of them slept like this until dawn.

When Shen Yu woke up the next morning, Zhong Simo had disappeared, only the slightly sunken bed beside him proved that another person slept here last night.

Shen Yu took a look at the phone, it turned out that he fell asleep until it was close to ten o'clock in the morning in Brazil time, Zhong Simo should have been working on the set for a long time, because he had finished filming last night and was not feeling well, so no one came to call .

Shen Yu sent a message to Zhong Simo. It was rare for Shen Yu to get up and wash up leisurely. He went to a local specialty restaurant near the hotel to eat a bowl of special black bean rice. Bo.

“@沉瑜sy: The film is being filmed smoothly, the special snacks near the hotel, guess what? [picture]”

The network delay in logging in to Weibo from abroad is a bit serious, and the food in front of him is too tempting. After posting Weibo, Shen Yu put down his mobile phone and concentrated on eating. After many months, he actually couldn't quite understand what the little fish were talking about.

As usual confession and rainbow farts still account for a large proportion, and the "black fans" who are keen on P's various emoticons are also working hard, but the "cuttlefish" can be seen everywhere in the first dozen hot comments and hot comment replies. What does "cp" mean? Did he miss any explosive news while he was busy filming abroad

Shen Yu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and before he clicked on a hot comment, An Wei called.

"Hey, Brother Yu, you're finally awake! I just saw you posted on Weibo. You have too many invitations at work now. We need to discuss going back to China."


Cuttlefish cp, sounds like some kind of seafood, anyway, there are only a dozen of these two characters in the input method.

Everyone can guess who and who (no suspense nonsense question hhh)