Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 81: Call for help late at night


The news that Shen Yu and Director Yan collaborated on the filming of the Republic of China spy war drama "Wind Color" was announced on the official blogs of both parties the next day. For a while, fans and passers-by who liked him offered their blessings one after another. Many people joked that Shen Yu How could he join the group again just after finishing the filming? He can be called a good model worker in China.

It is obviously rare for this kind of sudden official announcement to join the group and start shooting immediately. At first glance, it looks like a temporary replacement of actors. The same information came out, and Zhou Chuzhi was found after repeated visits.

After all, the Zhou family has been on the financial news these days, and new evidence of corruption is revealed every day. It's hard for people not to pay attention to him.

"The Internet bombshell director Yan's new work was originally scheduled to star in Zhou Chuzhi, who's cake was moved by the half-way change of role?"

"The eldest son of the Zhou Group, Zhou Chuzhi's three unknown secrets."

"Reveal the love-hate relationship between Shen Yu and Zhou Chu, why do you snatch the same character over and over again, and why does he always win?"

Similar small reports are flooding the front pages of various news media. Reporters have written a bunch of headlines full of gimmicks, but almost none of them actually write the point and have definite evidence.

It is said that many reporters tried to interview Zhou Chuzhi to find out, but they couldn't get in touch with his manager Zhao Tian. Unwilling to go directly to him, they found that Zhou Chuzhi had been forcibly sent to Australia by his family for some reason.

It is said that before leaving, Zhou Chuzhi had a big fight with Zhou's father. Zhou's father directly had Zhou Chuzhi's leg broken, and carried him to the plane in a wheelchair. The relatively "clean" origin of the trip to Australia was placed on him. A mansion in his own name.

This slightly violent news comes from a young man who doesn't make money all day long and only knows how to sing. Shen Yu took time out these few days to record the Peking Opera variety show organized by Yan Caizhu. He heard a lot from him during the recording break. No more weird rumors about wealthy families.

Zhou's father was able to build such a big business from scratch, even though he ended up being corrupt and perverting the law, he can still be regarded as a hero. Compared with his unclear son and wife, he is obviously more sober and more ruthless. He felt that the matter was irreversible and directly sent Zhou Chuzhi abroad. He only declared that he was a rebellious son and disobeyed his father's order, and he never wanted to see him again.

"As far as I know, Zhou Chuzhi was going to make trouble with you and Zhong Simo before he was forcibly sent away by his father." Yan Caizhu was wearing a vermilion costume, with sleeves neatly draped over his wrists, and a green crown. In Baotou, the exquisite paintings of Danfeng eyes and eyeballs are flowing, but they are talking about such irrelevant gossip content.

"Us?" Shen Yu was taken aback, he was waiting by the side of the stage with Yan Caizhu, and his words and actions should not be too loud.

"That's what I heard too. It is said that he contacted a magazine invested by Zhou's at that time, saying that he would blow up your material." Yan Caizhu straightened his sleeves casually, with elegant and charming movements. After putting on the costume, his whole body People seem to have integrated into the world of opera, and their every move is like a person in the play—if they don't speak.

"And then?" Seeing Yan Caizhu's unhurried look, Shen Yu knew that there was nothing really wrong, and asked seeing that it was still some time before they took the stage.

"The editor-in-chief of that magazine saw that the Zhou family was about to collapse, and he didn't want to offend Zhong Simo, so he made a small report with Zhou's father. Seeing his son's death, Zhou's father directly beat him to Australia to seek refuge. Now, so as not to stay in Huaxia to get in the way and cheat my father."

Yan Caizhu smiled and said, although he doesn't pay much attention to the family's business, he has never eaten pork, but he has always seen pigs run away. The Zhou family's affairs have caused a lot of trouble, involving a lot of people and things, and many of them have cooperated with them. Companies have been hit hard, and many companies can't wait to pounce on it and benefit from it.

In the business field, all kinds of true and false friendships are communicated to each other, and the affairs of the Zhou family have long been seen like a mouse in a glass room.

"It's also his own doing." Shen Yu said in the end after being silent for a while, if you want others to know you have to do nothing, as long as you do something wrong, you will get the punishment you deserve sooner or later. Zhou Chuzhi and Zhou's fate today is ultimately their own fault.

"So I'm too lazy to manage my family's business. What's the point of raising so many professional managers? They specialize in technology. If they ensure that the company runs well, I can take the profits, wouldn't it be fine?" Yan Caizhu said with a curled lip.

Shen Yu heard the words and thought about it but didn't say anything. Yan Caizhu and his family have had troubles recently because of inheritance issues, but it's not because of the division of rights, but because he doesn't want to inherit at all.

Yan's father felt that Yan Caizhu was getting older and ignorant, but Yan Caizhu didn't want to learn anything about business from him at all, so he turned around and started this variety show to promote the art of Peking Opera to show that he didn't really achieve nothing I only know how to do nothing.

There are many grievances and grievances in the wealthy family. Zhong Simo and his father’s family have not yet discussed all the things clearly. Compared with Yan Caizhu, it is already very good. No matter how much Yan’s father hates iron, it is also for his sake. It’s a pity The father and son seem to have accumulated a lot of knots, which can only be solved slowly by themselves.

After taking a few days to record Yan Caizhu's variety show, Shen Yu returned to Director Yan's "Wind Color" crew to start filming seriously. Many unnecessary interviews and activities were pushed back by An Wei. No matter how many discussions and speculations there are, I will remain unmoved and spend every day filming in the group.

In more than a month, nearly half of the thick script was filmed, and the Zhou's incident, which was almost known to the whole people, gradually came to an end. Zhong Simo also finished all filming and returned to China to start editing and submitting the film for censorship.

The trees in the film and television base of the Republic of China on the outskirts of Beijing began to dry up, and the golden leaves were blown off by the wind one after another. When they flew over the face, they could already feel the cold. Hats and masks have become standard equipment when going out in the morning and evening. Unknowingly, time has passed to late autumn.

Shen Yu feels that this year's time has passed too fast. From early summer to late autumn, from the time he met Zhong Simo on the street late at night to now, it seems that it is only a blink of an eye, but it has already arrived in November, and a year has passed end.

However, thinking about it carefully, in the past six months, he has gained love and career. Not only has his fame skyrocketed, but he has also finished filming an online drama and a movie. The TV series is also being filmed, and he feels very fulfilled.

It's a pity that he shoots in the group almost every day, and Zhong Simo has been editing films in the studio until late at night. Although the two of them are in Beijing, they still get together less and leave more. They can only make phone calls every morning and evening. A young couple out of a long-distance relationship.

During the period, Zhong Simo also generously came to the crew to see Shen Yu as the boss visiting the set, brought a car full of snacks, fast food and drinks, and pretended to ask a bunch of business-like questions under the playful eyes of Director Yan. , and finally found the opportunity to sneak a kiss to take advantage of Xinniannian.

Later, Zhong Simo posted the visit photo on Weibo, and Shen Yu reposted it, triggering a carnival among cuttlefish cp fans.

For some reason, Zhong Simo seems to like interacting with cuttlefish cp fans. Although he doesn't blatantly turn over cards, he always reveals the possibility of "I've seen your work" in the action news, making fans turn into explorers one after another. The master of the case searched for more details, and finally shouted that Director Zhong was really elusive.

Shen Yu used to think that doing this was a little too eye-catching, but was stopped by Zhong Simo's sentence "Don't you believe me?", no longer entangled.

After all, to be reasonable, in his spare time, he also likes to watch some cp videos edited by fans to pass the time. Mr. Yu, who occasionally watches fanfiction, seems to really not have a firm stand to criticize Zhong Simo's behavior.

"Wind Color" is a drama about spy warfare in the background of the Republic of China. Although Tang Tingzhi, a double-faced spy and playboy played by Shen Yu, is the male number one, he doesn't have so many roles that he plays every day. After all, TV dramas with this theme The supporting roles with their own characteristics are also brilliant.

When there is no drama, he does not earn any extra money. In addition to studying scripts and talking on the phone with Zhong Simo, he also took a job as a propagandist for a public welfare project initiated by UNICEF, and received a bunch of left-behind friends from impoverished areas. Children's letters, as soon as they have time, they are opened and read one by one, and they will reply to the letters that pierce their hearts.

As a public figure, it is natural to assume the social responsibility of this fame. Sometimes doing good deeds doesn’t require too much publicity, just do it down-to-earth, because the important thing is the good deed itself.

While communicating with the children, Shen Yu learned a lot about the other side of the world that he hadn't noticed before, and sometimes he couldn't help thinking of Yinyin.

This overly realistic and utilitarian world has brought too much suffering to children, some because of poverty, some because of their families, some because of their own disabilities, and some for no reason at all. you are unlucky...

Yinyin, who was born in a wealthy family with both parents, may not live as well as a little girl from a poor family but a warm relationship with her relatives.

After Shen Yu returned to China, he asked Chen Sizuo and Zhong Simo about Yinyin.

It is said that on the day Yinyin ran away from home, Chen Yi and Zhou Qianhe had a quarrel when they went out. Chen Yi turned his head and let the driver drive him away. Stayed alone in the huge private club.

Yinyin didn't know where to learn the method, but actually mustered up the courage to leave her family, sneaked into the back seat of a car leaving the clubhouse, and went all the way to the parking lot of the train station by accident.

If Shen Yu hadn't happened to meet Shen Lan that night, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

However, neither Chen Yi nor Zhou Qianhe seemed to have any thoughts of reflection. The next day, they found that their daughter had disappeared and heard that they were with Zhong Simo, so they never asked again. If it wasn't for someone spreading the news that Yinyin had been staying at Zhong Simo's house in the wealthy circle, Chen Yi couldn't bear the face and asked Chen Sizuo to pick up Yinyin and go back, maybe they would still have nothing to do with themselves.

According to Chen Sizhuo, Yinyin has been studying and living in a private high-end special boarding school somewhere in Beijing, and gets along well with her classmates and teachers. Chen Yi and Zhou Qianhe hardly care about her affairs, and luckily they don't.

Chen Sizuo had no reason to lie about this matter, Shen Yu was relieved for the time being, and made an appointment with Xiao Lan to go to see Yinyin together after the winter vacation. He returned to the hotel after the night show, and he just took off his makeup and was still awake Next, I suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar landline.

There are not many people using landlines in this era, and Shen Yu's private phone number is not available to everyone. The mobile phone placed by the bedside is vibrating constantly, and the melodious ringtones fill the room. Shen Yu frowned and hesitated for a while, took picked up the phone.

"Hi, hello, who are you?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, Shen Yu was about to hang up this strange harassing call, when he suddenly heard faint breathing.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Shen Yu hesitated and asked again.

The person on the other end of the phone still didn't speak, but tapped something lightly, very rhythmically, three fast and three slow, non-stop, and there seemed to be soft sobbing in the middle.

Shen Yu was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly remembered something. When Yinyin and Xiaolan were still in Beijing a few months ago, when he played games with them, there was a game that used this method to imitate distress signals!

"Yinyin? Is it Yinyin?" Shen Yu sat up all of a sudden, asking and finding out the clothes at the door.

The person on the other end of the phone still didn't speak, but the rhythm of tapping was more cheerful, as if eager to confirm something.

"Yinyin, wait-"

Before Shen Yu finished speaking, there was a harsh door opening sound from the other end of the phone, and the call stopped abruptly in the next second.


I finally wrote about the plot of Zhong Dao’s father’s house. The following plots about Yinyin were set when the character Yinyin appeared on the stage. It seems that the previous Qixi Festival episode also passed through the plot. Everyone is a little bit mentally prepared. ( Guilty)

Mr. Yu still has a few chapters to finish. Later, he opened the book of Young Master Yan and changed his name in order to be symmetrical with Mr. Yu. ", everyone, remember to pre-order it~