Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 84: Old places revisited


It was like a sudden and reckless trip. After Zhong Simo asked Shen Yu, he immediately notified Mary to book a ticket. When they drove to the airport, they just caught up with the last flight from Beijing to Jing.

Silently boarding the plane through the security check of the VIP channel, Shen Yu and Zhong Simo didn't communicate much along the way, they just held hands tacitly in secret. After more than two hours, they finally set foot on the land of Jingshi.

Zhong Simo had already contacted a car rental company to rent a car, and the two left the airport and drove to the downtown area of Jingshi, when it started to rain lightly.

"It's the south after all, and it still rains in November." Shen Yu sighed while looking at the rain outside the car window after living in Beijing for too long.

"Another year is going to pass." Zhong Simo said while driving, "The second half of this year flies by really fast."

"You think so too?" Shen Yu turned his eyes back and smiled when he heard the words, "But after thinking about it carefully, I still did a lot of things."

"Because I'm with the person I like, I always feel that time is not enough, and even the days seem to speed up." Zhong Simo said softly, and stopped at the intersection of traffic lights to hold Shen Yu's left hand.

"Our movie will be released on New Year's Day, so let's take it as a commemoration of a period of time."

"Has the file been set yet?" Shen Yu asked after hearing the words. As a commercial film, "Song of the Amazon" will definitely be released on a holiday with high traffic volume and strong competition. It's just that Shen Yu always thought it would be the Spring Festival, but he didn't expect the New Year's Day file. It's about to go up.

"I just made an appointment this morning, because I forgot to tell you about Zhou Qianhe and the others." Zhong Simo explained while driving, ""Song of the Amazon" is a war-themed movie after all, and it is not suitable for the elderly and children to watch. It is more suitable for young people. The New Year’s Day file is more favorable than the Spring Festival file for family reunion.”

"And the evaluation and awards ceremony of the Golden Falcon Awards will be held after New Year's Day and before the Spring Festival, so it can be released in advance to catch up with the awards evaluation."

"Has "Song of the Amazon" also signed up for the evaluation of the Golden Falcon Award?" Shen Yu asked after hearing this. He was busy filming "The Wind and Color" these days and did not pay much attention to the follow-up matters of "Song of the Amazon".

The Golden Falcon Award is the highest award in the Chinese-language film industry. Every new movie Zhong Simo has released before will win the top prize. However, "Song of the Amazon" is a commercial film after all, and it may not be able to achieve previous results in the film awards for literary films. .

"I have signed up for all the awards, music editing, lighting, action design... There are always a few that can be nominated and won. As for the best director and best picture, I have won it several times. Let's see what they think this time." Zhong Simo smiled, he doesn't care so much about these awards anymore, as long as the movie itself satisfies him.

"To be honest, I used to think that I couldn't imagine a situation where you were not winning the Golden Falcon Award." Shen Yu laughed as he thought of the past. In the past, as long as he released a new movie, there would be no suspense in the various domestic film festival awards that year.

"One is that I really worked hard to shoot the film well, and the other is that everyone is willing to praise it for face." Zhong Simo couldn't laugh or cry at Shen Yu's idea, and shook his head and changed the subject.

"My best director and best picture don't matter anymore, but what about you? I signed you up for best actor, are you looking forward to it?"

Shen Yu was still counting the dim streetlights outside the window in the drizzle to pass the time, but he was stunned for a few seconds, "...Impossible."

"Why? Don't believe in my ability?"

"What does this have to do with your ability?" Shen Yu stroked his hair with his hands, and smiled helplessly, "Commercial films can't compare with literary films in terms of awards, although Cheng Xiao is a full-fledged character, I also had a lot of fun playing it , but it's unrealistic to rely on him to win the Best Actor... You don't have supernatural powers enough to influence the judges' opinions, do you, Director Zhong?"

"No one can say for sure until the result comes out. Don't jump to negative conclusions so quickly." Zhong Simo shook his head, "And even if you don't win the award this time, you will be the actor sooner or later."

"... Director Zhong means that he will give me a chance in the future?" Shen Yu was a little embarrassed by his serious evaluation, and said deliberately.

"What do you want in exchange for an opportunity?" Zhong Simo was amused when he heard the words, and he simply accompanied Shen Yu in this "actor implying that the director seeks an opportunity" scene.

"How about the unspoken rules?" I don't know if it was raining too hard outside the window, Shen Yu's courage suddenly grew several times, anyway, he has done everything he should and should not do, and there is nothing he dare not say.

"..." Zhong Simo stopped at the intersection and glanced at the people around him, rarely being speechless. After the life of the two became more and more intimate, Shen Yu also began to "speak surprisingly" from time to time.

"What do you look at? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Shen Yu was thick-skinned when he spoke, but he was a little embarrassed to be seen like this, and said stiffly.

"No, it's very correct." Zhong Simo sneered, "I think this proposal is good. I will only rule you alone in this life."


After all, it was a certain master director who was superior. Mr. Yu, who was molested, turned his head away and continued to count the street lights outside the car window. The blurred lights shone into the car through the cold rain curtain, and the melodious female voice in an unknown language was heard on the car radio. Chanting lightly and singing softly, it naturally adds an ambiguous and warm atmosphere.

The low-key business SUV drove quickly on the airport expressway through the rain curtain, approaching Jingshi city a little bit, and the lights of the city ahead were already visible in the distance.

"Hey! Stop, stop the car in front! The intersection is sunken, don't drive over!"

Suddenly, a voice passed through the rain curtain and came into the car. For some reason, Shen Yu suddenly had a familiar feeling of time and space travel.

Zhong Simo stopped the car, put on hats and masks with Shen Yu, and got out of the car with an umbrella.

"Please ask... Is the road condition serious? When will it be repaired?" Shen Yu looked at the road repair worker wearing a glowing orange vest in front of him, and sighed in his heart that this similar scene was too coincidental.

"It's not serious, it's just another hole collapsed. It's an old problem. We can't repair it in rainy days. Let's pave an iron plate to allow cars to pass temporarily. You can wait for ten minutes." The road repair worker wiped his face Said the rain on the sky.

They are all middle-aged men in their thirties and forties. They rely on hard work to make money to support their families. They don't pay attention to entertainment stars at all on weekdays, and they don't care what these two well-wrapped people do.

Shen Yu and Zhong Simo looked at each other through the rain curtain, without saying a word, they parked the car tacitly, and walked towards the 24-hour convenience store more than ten meters away.

It was here that Shen Yu met Zhong Simo who was drunk on a rainy night for the first time half a year ago.

Maybe it's late autumn. Even though Jingshi is a southern city, the temperature at night is unavoidably very cold. There is no one sheltering from the rain outside the 24-hour convenience store. Shen Yu and Zhong Simo walked over and stood by the window Put away the umbrella.

"When I saw you for the first time, your face was covered tightly, and I thought you were some celebrity who got drunk late at night." Shen Yu smiled remembering the situation half a year ago, "Drunk half awake, very drunk. He asked me to get coffee from the convenience store, but I didn't take it away, and left it in my car."

"When I was still living in Jingshi, my family's house was nearby." Zhong Simo looked up and looked around and said with nostalgia, "Now that house has been demolished, but this convenience store has always been there. .”

"Before Chen Yi went to Beijing to work hard, he had to work until late every day. The family didn't have so much money to spend, and my mother was too embarrassed to talk to my grandfather. At that time, Chen Yi didn't like tea but coffee. My mother has no choice but to see him working late every day and will take me out here to buy him a cup of coffee from the convenience store... "

Zhong Simo fell silent when he said this. It was not a coincidence that he chose to buy coffee here after he got drunk on the rainy night when he learned the truth, but it was a gift from heaven to meet Shen Yu.

"Auntie is a very good mother and wife, but he doesn't know how to cherish it." Shen Yu comforted softly, "Look, it's another rainy day, she must have been silently watching you from the sky, that's why we met isn't it?"

"Then you are stupid too. You dare to pick it up and take it to the car without knowing where it came from." Zhong Simo looked at the workers building the road in front of him, and after a long silence, he finally spoke with a smile.

"At that time, I was not well-known, and I didn't know how to guard against others. I'm sure I'm not so free now." Shen Yu shook his head, then smiled again, "I think it's amazing now, why did I suddenly see you that night? I gave you a hand and decided to send you back to the hotel, probably this is the so-called fate."

"Fate is only once in a lifetime, everything happens just right." Zhong Simo smiled and took Shen Yu's hand.

"What do you mean?" Shen Yu was puzzled.

"That is to say, even if you are kind-hearted and unprepared, you can only pick me up and go home alone in this life." Zhong Simo raised his eyebrows.

"Then you can only be picked up by me in this life, can't you?" Shen Yu smiled and held Zhong Simo's hand back.

The two stood side by side under the eaves of the convenience store, which was neither wide nor narrow. In front of them, there was a misty rain, fog and night. Behind them, the bright and clean windows were brightly lit, warm and pure, just like their faint figures printed on the windows.

"Of course, because we will be together forever in the future, and if we pick it up, it will be a lifetime."

The rain was still falling one after another, there was a hazy night scene in front of him, and the world was silent, Shen Yu's heart suddenly moved, he took out his mobile phone and set it to selfie mode, and quickly moved his face close to Zhong Simo to record the time at this moment.

What remains unchanged with the photos is the warm and powerful heartbeat in the rain.