Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 85: Covenant of a lifetime


Shen Yu and Zhong Simo stayed at the Longze Hotel that they were both familiar with that night, but this time Shen Yu didn't live in an ordinary single room, but followed Zhong Simo to the penthouse suite, as if to " "Recalling the Past" went on the same way, and it turned out to be Suite No. 5 again.

Holding the room card, Shen Yu shook his head with emotion, and when Zhong Simo cast a suspicious look, he smiled and entered the exclusive elevator together. When he sent that drunk gentleman back to the hotel half a year ago, he never imagined that one day in the future he would live in this suite with this person.

As a high-end hotel near the filming base, Longze has done a very good job of privacy protection in order to meet the special needs of the stars. It is said that the owner himself is not an ordinary person. No one could have imagined that Shen Yu and Zhong Simo, who were supposed to be filming and working in Beijing, would come to Jing City late at night, and they didn't have too many defenses.

After a good night's sleep, when Shen Yu woke up the next morning, Zhong Simo had already washed and sat on the sofa opposite the big bed to read in the morning.

"Morning." Seeing Shen Yu waking up, Zhong Simo took his eyes away from the book in his hand and smiled.

"Morning." Shen Yu also smiled, stretched and got up, everything was so warm and natural.

After washing up slowly, Shen Yu walked into the bedroom again, and asked while changing his pajamas, "What book are you reading?"

"Biography of celebrities." Zhong Simo raised the cover of the book provided by the hotel suite in his hand, and read it out softly.

"Such a man is born to be deceived by love, the victim of love. He is. He is incessantly in love, intoxicated, insanely intoxicated, he is continually dreaming of happiness, only to be disillusioned immediately, followed by the torment of misery. "

"Beethoven?" Shen Yu leaned against the window and asked, recalling the contents of the book he read many years ago. Zhong Simo's voice was low and soothing. Listening to him read a paragraph or two quietly in the morning is really a precious pastime.

"Beethoven's fullest inspiration is to search for the root in this cycle of sometimes loving and sometimes proudly resisting; it was not until a certain age that his impassioned character calmed down in pathetic forbearance."

Zhong Simo didn't answer and continued to read, until the end of the paragraph, he closed the book in his hand.

"I used to always feel that it was sad and unrealistic for Beethoven to indulge himself in one love after another in such a way that a true love could appear to heal all the wounds of his childhood."

Zhong Simo smiled, and put the book back on the shelf at hand. People's thinking and cognition are always changing with age and circumstances. Fortunately, he met enough people to change his life.

Zhong Simo didn't say this, got up and stretched out his hand to Shen Yu, "Can I invite you to a place, Mr. Yu?"

Shen Yu faintly felt something in his heart, took Zhong Simo's hand, thought for a while, stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek, "Can't we go anywhere together?"

Including every inch of life in the future, until death comes.

The sun had not yet fully risen in the morning, and after a night of light rain last night, the dampness and coldness in the air penetrated into the skin. Shen Yu and Zhong Simo drove out of the hotel and drove all the way to the suburbs of Jingshi.

About half an hour later, there were not many high-rise buildings in the surrounding area, and the low shrubs unique to the south were lushly piled up on both sides of the narrowing road, which seemed to be completely unaffected by late autumn.

Zhong Simo parked the car in a dilapidated and small parking lot, got out of the car with Shen Yu, walked along a stone path for a few minutes, climbed over the trees and through the wall, and came to a cemetery that did not occupy too much ground .

In the early morning of late autumn, except for them, no one would choose to pay homage to their relatives at this time. In the empty space, there are only a few unknown birds singing on the trees in the distance.

Shen Yu suddenly stopped, and stood on the spot with a complicated and heavy mood. Zhong Simo didn't say anything or move, just stood in front of him quietly waiting for his arrival, just like in the past twenty years of his life waiting.

Shen Yu took a breath, stepped forward and took Zhong Simo's hand, and what he responded was a stronger and warmer grip.

"Although my grandfather is well-known in academia and well-off financially, his daily life is very simple and he doesn't like to spend too much time on material comforts. His funeral was not held that year, and the cemetery was chosen here according to his wishes. .He said that the environment here is quiet and undisturbed, and the price is cheap so that you don’t have to spend money when you die... "

Zhong Simo took Shen Yu's hand and walked to two inconspicuous tombstones in the corner, looked at the kind-hearted old man in the photo and said softly.

"Later my mother died and was buried beside him."

"..." Shen Yu looked at the photos on the two tombstones, an old man with gray hair and glasses who smiled elegantly and a woman with long hair and pure eyes. Their faces were somewhat similar to Zhong Simo's. He is amiable, and seems to be watching the two people in front of the tombstone through distant time.

Zhong Simo didn't say anything else, just reached out and touched the cold tombstone, and smiled after a long time.

"I didn't believe in the existence of ghosts and spirits in this world at first, but whenever this happens, I desperately and definitely hope that they are still watching me somewhere and can see everything about me, so that I can You can use these to comfort and restrain yourself."

"Many times, it is just the wish of the living to believe that the souls of the dead will live forever. However, it is precisely because we still believe in their existence and care about them so much that they live forever in the spiritual world, don't they?" Shen Yu fell silent again when he saw Zhong Simo , The language of the organization expresses its own views.

If Zhong Simo's mother and grandfather could still see them, what would they think of themselves around Zhong Simo? Shen Yu thought about it, closed his eyes and bowed deeply to the tombstone in front of him.

If you really are still looking at everything in the world somewhere, please give your children to me with confidence. He has grown up to be a real man mature enough, and I will be with him for the rest of my life.

On the way back, neither of them spoke, and unknown emotions surged in the silent atmosphere.

The car was about to enter the urban area, at a fork in the road, Zhong Simo suddenly turned the car to the side road and stopped, as if he had been patient for a long time.

"Shen Yu." Zhong Simo called out the name earnestly, Shen Yu turned his head when he heard the sound, his eyes were full of solemnity and anticipation.

"Would you like to marry me?"

Zhong Simo originally thought that on a special day, at a well-planned venue, after a fun and joyful event, everything was just right, and with affectionate and touching words, he would ask this vow of a lifetime of companionship .

But now, there are no flowers, no lights, not even a piece of cake or a balloon, and both of them are wearing ordinary clothes. In an ordinary rented car, Zhong Simo suddenly said this simple sentence marriage proposal.

Shen Yu felt that this was the best time, the most touching love words.

"I am willing." He smiled suddenly, feeling his eyes moist, and in one sentence set the entrustment and responsibility of his life.

Would you like to marry me? Regardless of marriage or marriage, it is just that one soul deeply loves another soul, and longs to know each other forever. For the rest of our lives, we will be responsible for each other and advance and retreat together.

Of course I would.


Marriage proposal, there is only the last chapter left in the text~

The two passages read by Zhong in the article are quoted from "Biography of Celebrities"