Good Samaritan Mr Yu

Chapter 88: Extra Story. Coming out of the closet during the Spring Festival (Part 2)


"Mom, are you going to open—" Xiaolan bluffed and didn't finish the word "open Xiaozao", suddenly thought of some possibility, looked at Shen Yu with guilt and sympathy.

Shen Yu didn't think much about it at first, but when she looked at it like this, some bad guesses welled up in his heart.

"What is it? Go to the balcony and get me some sun-dried red peppers. The food is about to be cooked." Shen's mother's loud voice was mixed with the sound of the range hood.

"Oh!" Xiaolan agreed while winking at Shen Yu, Shen Yu hurriedly followed her to the small balcony when she saw this.

As a native of Sichuan, Shen’s mother was very unaccustomed to eating and drinking when she came to the south. Fortunately, as the head of the family, she can cook by herself. Every year, she buys several large bags of fresh red peppers and hangs them into dried chili strings, drying them on the balcony. Use it for seasoning when cooking. It was in such an environment that Shen Yu and Shen Lan developed tastes that were completely different from normal southerners.

"What's wrong with Mom?" Shen Yu asked in a low voice while helping Xiaolan fetch dried peppers.

"Brother, I told you, don't blame me." Xiao Lan looked pitiful.

"Let's talk." Shen Yu replied helplessly, even if Xiao Lan really did something wrong, it would be impossible to withdraw it now.

"That's right, when I came back from your summer vacation, I felt that you and Director Zhong were not quite right, so-" Xiaolan thought about adjectives, and expressed it very conservatively, "I have a little communication with my mother."

"..." Shen Yu almost threw the dried chili out of his hand.

"Brother, don't worry! I was just not sure at the time. I wanted to prepare my mother a little bit, so I said something sideways to her." Xiaolan quickly assured, "Don't worry, I have definitely prepared my mother's mentality. Work!"

Shen Yu could see this, Shen's mother was neither furious nor strongly opposed, obviously it was due to Xiao Lan's daily whispers. But if Shen's mother already knew about this matter during the summer vacation, then why did she keep ignoring it for so long

"When I first told my mother, I didn't dare to tell the whole story. I just said that I felt something was wrong. Then she asked me a lot of details about how I got along with you when I was in Beijing, and finally told me not to think too much." Xiaolan recalled Said, "But I feel that she seemed to have recognized your relationship at that time."

"Later, I couldn't hold back and asked again. My mother told me not to disturb your work or ask you anything. It depends on when you plan to come and confess to her."

"..." Shen Yu had mixed feelings in his heart. On the one hand, he was moved by his sister's help and his mother's understanding, and on the other hand, he felt that Shen's mother's last sentence in Xiaolan's retelling seemed vaguely murderous.

"Then what about dad, when did he know about it?" Shen Yu thought of his father who was also supernatural just now.

"Dad, I didn't dare to say anything. He only found out about the news about the Golden Falcon Award half a month ago, and then he was suppressed by my mother and I together." Xiaolan made a gesture of suppression with a chili pepper, " Form a unified alliance and wait for you to go home and say it yourself."

"Xiaolan, haven't you picked up the chili yet? The oil is already hot!" Another call came from the direction of the kitchen, interrupting the whispering of the two brothers and sisters.

"Here we come!" Xiao Lan yelled and ran away in a hurry, before she thought of something, she left a word for Shen Yu.

"By the way, let me tell you, I contacted Director Zhong when I was shopping for vegetables."

"..." Looking at Xiaolan's fleeing back, Shen Yu held a few bunches of dried chilies in his hand and felt that his brain was not enough after a long time.

After being stunned for a long time, he sighed resignedly and sent the peppers in his hand to the kitchen.

"Let's put it there, there are too many people to cook today, so don't stay here and get in the way." Shen's mother glanced at Shen Yu and directed, and started a fight with the ingredients again, as if nothing happened.

In Xiaolan's eyes that kept hinting and apologizing, Shen Yu had no choice but to stand against the wall, took out his phone and found someone's chat interface.

"Where are you?" Shen Yu asked hesitantly for a long time, not knowing whether his premonition was correct or not. It was nearly two hours ago that Xiaolan went shopping for groceries, if there is no accident, the time is enough—

"It's downstairs at your house."

A message popped up on WeChat, and Shen Yu was so scared that he almost slid out his phone.

"Brother?" Shen Lan walked over with a basin of washed vegetables and reminded in doubt.

Before Shen Yu could answer that he was fine, he suddenly heard a few polite knocks on the security door.

The two brothers and sisters immediately froze in place exactly the same, their necks stretched out, and they looked at each other. Complicated information was constantly conveyed in their eyes, and all of them failed in the end.

"Did I raise two big geese?" Shen's mother put down the kitchen knife and walked over with a smile. She shook her head and opened the door without waiting for their reaction.

"Wait, mom—"

"Mom wait—"

Shen Yu and Shen Lan spoke at the same time, but Shen's mother didn't seem to hear, she smiled and went straight to open the anti-theft door.

When Shen Yu arrived at the last step, he saw Zhong Simo standing at the door with several paper bags of different sizes in his hands.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Zhong Simo." He smiled and greeted politely.

"Xiao Zhong, welcome, come in and sit down." Shen's mother obviously saw Zhong Simo for the first time, but she acted very naturally, letting Zhong Simo in politely but not affectionately.

Zhong Simo glanced at Shen Yu as he entered the door, as if to reassure him.

"Come right here, why are you still taking so many things?" Mother Shen said while supporting the back of the chair with one hand before taking off the apron on her body.

"I didn't know what you like when I came home for the first time, so I brought some gifts." Zhong Simo didn't dare to relax and answer politely, and glanced at Shen's mother while talking.

This was the first time he met Shen Yu's mother. The other person's temper was obviously different from Shen Yu's, but she was somewhat similar in appearance. She seemed to be a hot-tempered person.

Fortunately, I have already asked Xiao Lan about a lot of information about Shen Yu's family. Zhong Simo put down the bag in his hand and said, "When I went abroad, I saw a few Hermes in the duty-free shop at the airport. The color matching is very good. Silk scarves, I think Shen Yu's mother must be very beautiful to match them, so I bought them for your daily clothes."

"I remember that Xiaolan likes ancient costumes and playthings very much. I asked my designer friend Shi Feng to customize a small dress with ancient elements. I also brought it today after finishing the work. By the way, I also brought some books and manuscripts to my uncle."

"You prepared early." Shen's mother smiled, but the meaning was unclear.

"What manuscript?" Father Shen came over after hearing the words, but was a little curious.

Zhong Simo opened a gift bag and took out a few sealed papers that looked old, "It's some manuscripts of literati in the Republic of China that my grandfather collected back then. I'm interested, so I bring it to you for research."

Shen Yu could almost see his father's eyes light up behind the gold-rimmed glasses, Xiao Lan, who was eager to try the custom-made antique dress that Zhong Simo was talking about, and Shen's mother, whose face softened a lot when she heard the silk scarf. , secretly thinking that Zhong Simo is really a gift-giving genius, every word and every gift is sent to the hearts of his family members.

In other words, for Zhong Simo, as long as he has the heart, there is almost no one he can't make friends with, and he is obviously very serious and sincere to Shen Yu's family.

"Let me see." Shen's father ignored Zhong Simo's other identity, stepped forward and took the manuscript from him. The Shen family used to be considered a scholarly family. After graduating with a master's degree in Chinese, Shen's father did not choose to find a job but inherited the family's old bookstore. But when it comes to various literary knowledge, he is no worse than some Chinese professors in universities. .

Carefully looking at the contents of these manuscripts through the sealed plastic, Father Shen's eyes became brighter, and he looked up at Zhong Simo, "Who is your grandfather?"

Zhong Simo naturally said a name that was well-known to the literary and academic circles, which immediately raised Shen's father's favorability.

"Okay, don't all crowd at the door, go sit in the living room, I'm going to cook." Shen's mother interrupted the somewhat strange atmosphere.

"Auntie, do you need my help?" Zhong Simo immediately rolled up his sleeves kindly and said that he could help.

"No, there is no one who came to let people into the kitchen for the first time. Didn't I become a wicked mother-in-law?" Mother Shen smiled, took advantage of the verbal advantage, and turned back to the kitchen Shi Shiran, ignoring her son because This sentence flushed to the neck.

Zhong Simo is a person who never suffers, but at this time, facing Shen's mother's secret squeeze, he behaved like a student, behaved well and didn't say a word.

"Little Zhong, come here and let me chat with you." Father Shen said to Zhong Simo holding the manuscript, as if he wanted to ask him more about his grandfather.

Shen Yu suddenly felt that it was redundant to stand where he was, and before he could find his way back, his father ordered him, "Ayu, hurry up and make a cup of tea for the guests. This child."

"Oh, oh." Shen Yu came to his senses, and went to get the tea pot from the museum shelf where the tea was stored in his memory.

"Brother, what's in there now is Dad's sesame paste." Xiao Lan walked over to remind him.

Shen Yu had something on his mind, and when he was told that the half-filled jar almost slipped down, Zhong Simo at the side reached out to catch the jar with sharp eyesight and quick hands. Given their height and positions, they happened to be the same The posture of Zhong Simo holding Shen Yu with one hand in his arms.

"..." Shen Yu's face became hot in the next second and he hurriedly turned his head away, but Zhong Simo seemed as if nothing had happened, retracted his arms as usual and put the jar back in place.

Father Shen watched this scene on the sofa at the back, shook his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Father Shen and Zhong Simo already had overlapping interest circles, and as soon as they sat down, they immediately chatted happily. Shen Yu had to sit stiffly and listen to them chatting from the Renaissance to cutting-edge art. As if they were waiting for this moment, they were all on the table, and the whole family gathered around the table to have a big meal, and the portion of the dishes seemed to have been prepared for Zhong Simo a long time ago.

After eating in this natural and undercurrent atmosphere with their own concerns, Shen Yu and Xiaolan were rushed by Shen's mother to wash the dishes, Zhong Simo chatted with Shen's father for a while, and it was time to rest in a blink of an eye.

"Auntie, let me sleep on the sofa." Zhong Simo offered to propose.

The old house of the Shen family is not too big, with three bedrooms and two halls, three bedrooms, one for Shen's father and Shen's mother, one for Xiaolan, and one for Shen Yu. There is no extra guest room to entertain Zhong Simo.

"What kind of sofa do you sleep on?" Shen's mother shook her head, "My sofa is only less than 1.5 meters long. You are so big, do you want to accuse me of abusing the great director?"

Zhong Simo immediately heard Xianzhi and kept silent, watching Shen's mother find a quilt from the cabinet and move it into Shen Yu's bedroom.

"I've been cleaning your room, the sheets and quilts have been washed, so go to rest tonight." After Shen's mother finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving Shen Yu and Zhong Simo looking at each other.

"Is this where you used to live?" Zhong Simo asked after turning around the small bedroom twice.

"Well, after I was admitted to university, I didn't come back to live there much. It's still the same as when I was in high school." Shen Yu said after Zhong Simo. They were standing in front of Shen Yu's bookshelf. In addition to extracurricular books, there were also some animation figures and piles of teaching materials on the cabinet.

Zhong Simo picked up a dusty title book and opened it, which was neatly filled with annotations with different colored strokes.

"It still looks like a bully in elementary school." Zhong Simo smiled as he looked at the handsome handwriting on the paper.

"I used to have pretty good academic performance. If there were no accidents and mistakes, if I went to the art test and was admitted, I guess I would have a Ph.D. by now." Shen Yu joked casually.

"That can't be done, what will you do if you don't take the art test?" Zhong Simo closed the booklet and put it back in place, and put his arms around Shen Yu's waist.

"That's why fate is really wonderful." Shen Yu sighed, looking at these things left over from the past always makes people feel a lot of emotions.

The work and rest time of the Shen family has always been relatively regular. After washing and changing their pajamas, Shen Yu and Zhong Simo also turned off the lights and lay down on the bed in an orderly manner.

The bed in Shen Yu's room was not too big. Two tall men lying side by side with a width of 1.5 meters were a little nervous, and they would touch their hands and feet when they turned over. After Mr. Yu tossed and turned for the first time, Zhong Simo finally couldn't help reaching out and pressing his shoulder.

"Can't sleep?" Zhong Simo asked in a low voice, his breath and enthusiasm hit Shen Yu's ear together.

"Yes." Shen Yu replied softly, "When I was in school, I never thought that one day I would lie on my bed holding hands with a man."

"...Pfft." Zhong Simo laughed, lowered his head and bit Shen Yu's lips before Shen Yu could react, repeatedly tossing and turning, the temperature in the small room suddenly seemed to rise a few degrees.

I don't know how long it took for the kiss to end, Shen Yu panted silently, his hands were still firmly grasping Zhong Simo's shoulders, trying to control himself not to make a sound.

"Do you think it's real?" Zhong Simo asked with a smile in his ear.

Shen Yu didn't know if he became angry from embarrassment, but upon hearing this, he actually held Zhong Simo's neck and raised his head to bite him lightly on his Adam's apple, which immediately made the person on him gasp.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Zhong Simo's voice was low and dangerous.

"Let you bully me, you don't dare to do anything here anyway." Shen Yu whispered and licked Zhong Simo's Adam's apple lightly.

The body temperature of the person above the body became hot in an instant. Before the dying Mr. Yu could react, he was suddenly grabbed by Zhong Simo and turned over and pressed on the bed.

"You really think I dare not do you?" Zhong Simo said while biting Shen Yu's earlobe.

Shen Yu was really nervous now, his whole body was hot and his face was red, and he didn't dare to make too much noise to be heard by his parents and Xiaolan, so he could only struggle and writhe and beg for mercy in a low voice.

Having taught a certain Mr. Yu who is ignorant, Zhong Simo finally took a deep breath, let go of him, Shen Yu immediately rolled over the quilt and rolled against the wall to sleep well, for fear that Zhong Simo would pounce on him again.

"Are you able to sleep?" Zhong Simo asked softly, and Shen Yu tragically discovered that after all the fuss just now, some things that shouldn't be spiritual have indeed made it impossible to fall asleep peacefully.

"Come here, close your eyes." Zhong Simo stretched out his arms to embrace Shen Yu, this time the movement was extremely gentle.

The two quilts merged into one at some point, and the other was kicked to the end of the bed alone. The two people in the room tried their best to suppress their voices and kissed and stroked. After an unknown amount of time, Shen Yu finally sobbed softly and buried his head in the bed. Zhong Simo quickly fell asleep on his shoulders.

The bright moonlight shone through some old curtains on the small bed in the house, illuminating half of his peaceful sleeping face.


Thank you little angel vicky for the grenade, thank you little angel 凊凊lingling for the land mines, okay ^3^

For the little angels in the south, "mother-in-law" means the husband's mother in our dialect, so it is said that Shen's mother took advantage of Zhong Dao hhh

In addition, everyone said that they want to watch Maomao’s episode. Shitou has already written an article "Small Fish Sterilization" as a benefit and put it on Weibo (yes, I am the devil). You can find all the guides of the episode on Weibo~

Everyone, remember to leave a message for Shishi after reading it, otherwise I am really deserted and pitiful QAQ