Gospel of Blood

Chapter 104: 103- The Fallen High Priest


"Kids, you are saved."

"It's not safe outside yet, so I have to ask you to stay here for a while."

"… "

"Child, I have some very unfortunate news. The church has already judged you as objects to be purified. You can't go back..."

"Is it true? Of course it's true. Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Want to meet your family? Sorry, that's not possible."

"Let me help you check your bodies and cleanse the filth from your bodies."

"… "

"Be obedient! Why not be obedient?"

"Do you want to be purified by the Holy Light? Do you want to implicate your family?"

"Be good...be obedient, yes, that's right, be obedient, that's right..."

"Hmm... Great... I like good and obedient children."

"Come, my dear, let me teach you some new knowledge today..."

"… "

"Ah, dear baby, why do you grow up so fast?"

"It's so fast... I'm a little disappointed."

"… "

"Who? Who leaked the news?!"

"Do you think you can escape from my grasp like this?!"

"Do you know who he is? Do you know who is behind him?!"

"Stupid! You are so stupid!"

"You will be punished tonight!"

"Cry! Cry louder! Scream! Scream louder!"

"… "

"Humph, Anthony, don't think you can threaten me like this!"

"I can agree to work with you, but you have to do something for me too!"

"What? Help me deal with them, of course."

"I'm tired of it."

"I need new baby."

"Goodbye, dear baby..."

"Thank you for your company over the years."

The picture finally stops in darkness.

Charlotte withdrew from the fragments of memory, and a chill surged in her heart:

"It turns out... not all of the girls who died in the Flame Demon Disaster ten years ago were killed."

"Some others survived, but were taken away by the high priest."

"He really is a pervert, a pervert who likes young girls!"

"He kept them in captivity, and was caught by Anthony, the Count of Tulip..."

"They still haven't escaped the fate of being sacrificed, but... their fate is even more miserable than those girls who were sacrificed before the Fire Demon Disaster!"

Charlotte calmed down and looked at the memory fragments behind her.

There aren't many memory fragments left, probably only a few hundred.

However, their light was deeper and colder, and the aura they exuded was even more desperate.

Charlotte hesitated, then continued reading.

Soon, she saw the figure of the high priest in her memory again.


It should be said that the figure of the high priest is present in every subsequent memory.

The holy and upright priest among the citizens of Boulder, in the memory fragments, was like a devil from hell!

What he brought to the girls was not hope or light, but despair and darkness that gradually slipped into the abyss!

These last few hundred memory fragments represent hundreds of poor girls who were harmed by the high priest and eventually abandoned to Zuimeng Salon for handling!

As Charlotte read through the memory fragments one by one, she became more and more angry.

Even though she had lived two lives, she still shuddered at some of the depraved and cruel methods and behaviors in her memories.

As she browsed through those memories, she was able to resonate with the owners of the memories to a certain extent.

She could clearly feel the girls' pain, fear and despair.

These girls, whose lives had just begun, originally had a bright future to look forward to, but... in the end they died in despair at the clutches of the Blood Demon Cult and the High Priest.

Even in death, their souls cannot find peace, and their obsession and resentment remain here forever.

This is their memory.

It is also their resentment.

Charlotte was filled with anger. She didn't think she was a good person, but everything in her memory broke her inner moral bottom line and caused her strong discomfort and indignation.

Deep in her consciousness, the Holy Book of Blood trembled slightly as her mood changed, as if responding to the will of its master. The terrifying mental fluctuations spread around, shaking the entire dream world to the point of collapse...

Charlotte quickly realized her own gaffe and tried to calm herself down. Only then did this strange memory space gradually stabilize.

She raised her head and looked forward in the corridor.

There were no more fragments of memory on either side, and she had reached the end of the dream world.

However, at the end of the road, there is a darkest fragment of memory, floating quietly in the air, flashing a chilling light.

Charlotte came to the fragment.

She held out her hand one last time.

Touching the fragment of darkness, a huge amount of memories flooded into her consciousness again.

That is an image formed by the overlapping of thousands of memory fragments...

She saw hundreds of blood demon followers wearing black robes, holding up the Devil's Eye and the Dark Cross, worshipping the altar made of dry bones in the dark cave.

She saw the viscous blood slowly flowing down from the ceiling of the cave, pouring into the blood pool, flashing a scarlet glow, and finally being slowly absorbed by the coffin on the central altar...

She heard countless overlapping fanatical voices praying and calling together:

"The master who wanders between the abyss and the world,"

"The embodiment of depravity and decay,"

"The Savior of the Blood Seed..."

"The great Blood Demon Duke—Abaddon!"

"Your humble servant offers you the power of darkness and despair!"

"Darkness forges a holy body,"

"Despair condenses the Holy Soul!"

"May your will be done on earth... as it is in the Abyss!"

"… "

Frenetic prayers continued to echo.

Charlotte saw the deep light spreading and blooming, and the black mist spreading...

In the dim light, she seemed to see a tall figure casting a glance through the fragments of memory.

She felt the ancient gaze of a vicissitudes of life falling on the blood demon cultist, but the next moment, the mist quietly turned slightly.

She seemed to see a pair of deep scarlet eyes quietly turning, looking at herself through countless time and space.

Those were a pair of eyes that were hard to describe in words.

Crimson, dark.

Like two deep black holes.

Faintly, Charlotte seemed to hear a majestic and cold voice:


The sound seemed to ring in Charlotte's heart, roaring like thunder, causing waves of echoes.

In an instant, the dream world shattered and Charlotte returned directly to reality.

Her brain felt dizzy, the world was spinning, and countless roaring echoes vibrated in her consciousness. She couldn't help but stagger.

It was not until the Holy Book of Blood flickered slightly and the cool power of blood brushed across her consciousness that she returned to normal.

"Master, are you... okay?"

Sebastian's concerned voice came soon.

"I'm fine."

Charlotte took a deep breath and said.

Raising her head again, the girl looked at the dry bones in the cave, and finally her gaze fell on the coffin on the altar that exuded the breath of Xin Ji.

Charlotte looked more solemn than ever before.

She probably... already knew what kind of ceremony was taking place here.

"This is not the ritual for summoning the Balrog."

Charlotte shook her head.

"Isn't this a ritual to summon the Balrog?"

Sebastian's eyes moved slightly.

"That's right."

Charlotte nodded slightly, her eyes fell on the altar in the middle of the blood pool, and said solemnly:

"This is… "

"A ritual to pray for God's descent!" x2

After saying this, Charlotte was slightly startled.

Because the moment she spoke, a clear and pleasant voice almost said what she wanted to say in unison.

Charlotte turned around quickly.

At the entrance of the cave, there stood the little girl in the white dress.

Her figure was illusive, she held up the hem of her skirt, and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette towards Charlotte:

"Hello... Great and mysterious being..."

"I am Marie de Broglie."

As she spoke, she seemed a little hesitant, but in the end she couldn't help but look at Charlotte, with a hint of uneasiness on her illusory face:

"Should I... call you Miss Charlotte?"


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