Gospel of Blood

Chapter 20: 20- The speed of light is free


Nice was excited.

From the day it became a transcendent, it never imagined that it would be like this day...

It has been reduced to this day, but it still has the opportunity to enslave a god!

Not only that, he is also a beautiful god that is so eye-catching that just looking at it every day makes people feel happy!

When I think about the fact that the superior gods will be blasphemed by me, I will reluctantly use my little mouth to pillow my knees, comb my hair, feed myself dried fish, and warm my bed every day...

Ness felt that his brain started to tremble, and the whole cat was so excited that he couldn't stop!

The kind of person who tramples the strong under his feet and sees the other person extremely angry but unable to do anything to him is really a beautiful thing that makes people extremely happy!

It has almost imagined how to make the other party do all kinds of shameful things under its lustful power after successfully enslaving the other party!

And the benefits brought by enslaving the gods are not just that.

As long as you sign a contract that goes straight to the root of the servant's oath and seal the other party's strength, the other party will never escape from its grasp in this life!

And it not only has a noble and beautiful attendant, but also a powerful thug!

Nice can already think of the beautiful and dreamy new life he will have after signing the contract!

"Hehe, when he takes her back to the mission hospital with him, Raoul's expression will be quite wonderful!"

Imagining the dumbfounded expression of the old priest, Neo became more and more excited and agitated.

Its body glowed brightly, and its proud and unbridled voice resounded through the night sky:


"Your Majesty, the great and arrogant Evil God! Please remember that all arrogance... comes with a heavy price!"

"Hehehe... If I really want to blame you, I blame you for choosing such a weak body as the holy body that comes to this world!"

After speaking, Ness waved his paw, and an illusory silver halo connected it to Charlotte.

This is the next most critical step.

It will sign the most demanding master-servant contract with this evil god at the level of the soul root!

The divine radiance bloomed and enveloped Nice's body.

Ness only felt that his soul was being pulled instantly, and flew towards the evil god in the seal.

It suddenly froze.

Wait meow!

Why is it my soul that is being pulled? !

Before Nice had time to figure out what happened, he was brought into a vast and mysterious spiritual world in the next second.

It found itself in a towering and mysterious black castle, surrounded by scarlet mist.

In the center of the castle hall, above the steps, a majestic and mysterious Throne of Blood comes into view.

On the throne, the scarlet light slowly condensed, gradually transforming into a beautiful girl with blond hair and blood-eyed eyes.

She was wearing a black gothic dress inlaid with gold, her legs were crossed, her head was supported on one hand, and she was flipping through a thick blood-colored book with the other.

The ancient and vast aura spread around her, as if it originated from eternity.

I saw her chuckle, like spring blooming in an instant, and her magnificent and deep crimson eyes cast a teasing gaze:

"Nice, your contract... I received it."

Her voice is ethereal and beautiful.

However, to Nice's ears, it sounded like a devil's whisper.

At this time, it finally realized a terrifying reality that made its hair stand on end...


The magical contract it casts... is the fucking opposite!

When exactly? !

When did you become contaminated? !

Nissen was shocked.

Shocked, shocked, puzzled, confused...

All kinds of thoughts were tumbling in its mind.

"No... no! I won't sign the contract! Meow!"

Nice screamed strangely, wanting to escape from this illusory spiritual world.

However, it soon discovered that it had completely lost control of its consciousness.

The contract ceremony... has begun.


In Nice's desperate eyes, one silver chain after another condensed around it, forming a mysterious thorn and rose mark, and then penetrated directly into its soul!


The bright light of divine magic dissipated, and Nice returned to reality.

It was lost in the lake, feeling that there seemed to be some shackles on its soul.

The deep moonlight is still beautiful.

The black cat felt that the whole world was colorless.

Charlotte still stood in the order cage, looking at it with a half-smile.

Looking at those beautiful sapphire eyes, Nice shuddered coldly.

It swallowed a mouthful of saliva and smiled with difficulty:

"Ahem... Your Majesty, your Majesty..."

"I suddenly remembered that the cat bowl at home hasn't been washed yet..."

"Well, take your time and enjoy the moonlight. Nice will leave first if you have something to do!"


After that, it turned around and ran away.


The cold command was very clear in the night wind.

The mark of thorns and roses flashed across Ness's head, and the cat suddenly stopped and stood in place.

Not that it wants to stop.

But the body fucking stopped automatically!

"sit down."

The second order came over.

With a "plop" sound, the black cat Ness sat down directly on the ground as if some force majeure had choked his fate, with a plump cat face that was uglier than crying.

"Wall around."

The third order came over...

Nice's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Meow! Cats can be killed! Don't humiliate them!"

It said angrily.

Then... he lay down on the ground obediently and rolled around in a naive manner.

Nice was about to cry.

But it was clear that Charlotte wasn't going to let it go.

"That's right, let's do another backflip."

Her voice was much more playful and light.


It glared at the girl, its eyes almost bursting with fire.

But the fat body moved involuntarily and jumped up...

Then there was a "chirp" sound -

It fell directly to the ground.


"Quack gua gua..."

In the distance, several crows cawing happily, seeming to be laughing at Ness, who dropped a cat and ate shit.

In the cool night breeze, Charlotte sighed softly:

"It's time for you to lose weight."


At this moment, the clear sound of horse hooves came from far to near, and there were several faint powerful auras rushing towards the courtyard.

Charlotte's eyes narrowed slightly.

Her cold eyes swept across the messy courtyard, and her eyes finally met the black cat Ness's eyes.

Looking at the bloodstains and horrific corpses all over the ground, Nice's eyes flickered slightly and he suddenly smiled:

"Hey, it looks like someone from the Demon Hunting Center is here."

"It's a pity... your secret can no longer be hidden after all!"

At this point, it became gloating again.

Charlotte smiled too.

He looked at Nice and smiled.

That beautiful and charming smile, in Nice's eyes, was like a devil in the appearance of an angel.

The next moment, her expression turned cold, and she glanced at the black cat:

"Aftercare, understand?"

The holy symbol on his forehead flickered slightly, and the black cat's smile froze on his face.