Gospel of Blood

Chapter 33: 33- Sudden assassination


"Meow! Do you know how that homeless man died?"

"He was drunk to death! He was actually drunk to death! He was a poor homeless man, and he was actually drunk to death in a tavern!"

"Damn it! What's the difference between this and directly telling Mr. Cat that he was silenced!"

"But do you know what's even more outrageous?"

"Meow! Mr. Cat took the hand crossbow to the underground black market, and unexpectedly found that there were private soldiers from the Duke's Palace secretly reselling the hand crossbow in the black market!"

"Before I could erase the special mark on the hand crossbow, Mr. Cat quietly compared it and found that it was exactly the same as the hijacker's hand crossbow!"

Ness, the black cat, was filled with indignation.

However, after hearing its words, Charlotte's expression was relatively calm.

"Huh? Aren't you surprised? Miss Charlotte, ah no, great master?"

Seeing Charlotte's thoughtful look, Nice's heart moved slightly.

"What should I be surprised about? The death of a tramp, or the hand crossbow coming from the Duke's Palace?"

Charlotte replied dully and took a sip of milk.

Now she really believed that after becoming a vampire, her heart was somewhat affected. After hearing that someone had been silenced, her mood was not greatly disturbed.

Even though... she had already vaguely expected it.

"Meow! I know you seemed to have expected it before you asked me to investigate, but don't you think it's weird!"

"Do you think there are really such coincidences in this world?"

"Master Cat just started looking for someone, and when he found a clue, the person behind him died!"

"Master Cat just started investigating, and before he even started to contribute, there were clues that the Duke's Palace was selling hand crossbows. And he didn't have time to erase the Duke's Palace's special secret!"

"Meow! Does the person behind this think Mr. Cat is a fool?!"

The more Nis spoke, the angrier he became, and the shuddering cat's face began to tremble.

"So... where is your judgment?"

Charlotte finished the milk in the goblet and tapped the glass gently.

Ness understood immediately, and quickly filled her up again like a fool, and then said in a loud voice:


"This is a conspiracy!"

"Someone is making up the illusion that the Duke's Palace is kidnapping you! They are framing the Duke's Palace and want to sow discord between you and the Duke's Palace!"

After saying that, Nice opened his amber eyes wide and looked at Charlotte expectantly, like a kitten asking for credit, but found that Charlotte was still calm.

Its heart skipped a beat:

"No way? You have guessed it a long time ago?"

Charlotte glanced at him and did not answer directly:

"How long did it take from the time I was kidnapped to the abandoned manor to the time the demon-hunting knights arrived?"

"About... half an hour?"

"How far is it from the abandoned manor to the nearest witch hunt?"

"Well...according to our return time, if we hurry up, it will take about fifteen minutes."

After saying that, Nice paused.

It's eyes widened, and it suddenly became clear.

Charlotte took a sip of milk and continued:

"Fifteen minutes, back and forth for half an hour."

"However, this is the speed required to speed up the journey..."

"You think, how could a homeless man reporting a message just go to the Demon Hunting Station to report the message in such a short time?"

"There was no hesitation, no hesitation, no time difference, and you still ran so fast?"

"And coincidentally, Captain Kara and the others also arrived at the Demon Hunting Station?"

After hearing Charlotte's words, Nice's face suddenly turned ugly:

"Conspiracy! This is a conspiracy! This is a planned performance!"

"No wonder the hijackers are unreliable freelance mercenaries. I'm afraid the people behind the scenes have no intention of successfully hijacking you!"


Charlotte shook her head slightly.

She touched the crossbow in her hand and said quietly:

"Everyone thinks that I am just a child without power, and no one knows that you are secretly following the carriage."

"Perhaps the hijackers are also well prepared. It would be great if the hijacking is successful. It doesn't matter if the hijacking is unsuccessful."

"Perhaps they originally wanted to make a time difference, but they didn't expect that something went wrong in the middle. After realizing that they couldn't succeed, they naturally withdrew and did not continue to contact each other."

"Although the free mercenaries at the bottom are not reliable, they will not get their hands dirty. These guys are not as slippery as the experienced mercenaries. They will leave marks everywhere in their work to avoid being used as gunslingers!"

Nice glanced at the girl unexpectedly:

"You know a lot about free mercenaries."

"Fortunately, after meeting the Duke's son, I looked up relevant books in the mission hospital to make up for it."

Charlotte said nonchalantly.

"But if that's the case, it would be interesting. The hijackers reacted so quickly. It seems... there should be a spy in the rescue team who reported the news!"

Nice's eyes narrowed slightly.

Charlotte was noncommittal and chuckled:


One person and one cat looked at each other and said nothing. A figure appeared in their minds at the same time.

"Go investigate him."

Charlotte said coldly.

"It's going to be a little troublesome this time. He is a noble after all."

Ness scratched his head.

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

Charlotte glanced at it indifferently, and the light of low-level majestic skills flashed through the hole.

"Uh... Meow, no, no..."

Black Cat, who wanted to take the opportunity to show off some misfortune and gain extra points for himself, immediately stopped talking.

But soon, it looked solemn again:

"Miss Charlotte."


Charlotte gave it a sidelong glance, quite powerful.

"Uh... no, Lord, Master."

Nice immediately changed his tune.


The girl nodded with satisfaction and took a sip of milk.

Ness took a deep breath and looked seriously at the seemingly innocent but extremely evil old monster in front of him:

"With all due respect, are you really planning to attend the Duke's Palace banquet in a week?"

"I know that the great...well, the noble you will get back what belongs to you sooner or later and regain the glory of the past."

"However, you have not yet recovered your strength after all. No matter what the truth is, the Duke's Palace is inevitably involved behind this kidnapping. I think... it's better to be careful!"


When did this guy become so interested in restoring the power of my "evil god"

Charlotte glanced at Black Cat in surprise, wondering if the other party had misunderstood something recently.

"It doesn't matter. Instead of waiting for the other party to take action, it's better to take the initiative yourself. After all, it's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows."

Charlotte said.

"It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows..."

Niss chewed on these two sentences and felt that the other party was indeed the legendary one. He could speak casually quite well, and planned to write it down so that he could show it off in other places in the future.

One person and one cat were chatting when suddenly, the silver bell connected to the gate of the manor rang.

Charlotte stood up and looked out the window, and saw seven or eight carriages coming to the door of the manor, with the Castel family crest painted on the side.

Looking at the carriage full of servants, she smiled slightly:

"It's Quasimodo who's back."

"Let's go, clean up and take a look. He seems to have brought a lot of new people."


In the manor hall, Quasimodo's eyes lit up when he saw Charlotte coming down from upstairs and was giving instructions to the new servant.

He bowed tremblingly to the girl and said respectfully:

"Master! Quasimodo lived up to your expectations and successfully recruited twenty new people!"

At the same time, the new servants who stood in a row behind Quasimodo and had changed into the uniforms of the Castel family also saluted Charlotte and said in a confused voice:


Quasimodo's face instantly became embarrassed, and he lowered his head in shame:

"Sorry... Master, um... they may be a little different from what you imagined..."

"It's okay, not bad."

Charlotte was quite satisfied.

Although it's a bit messy, as a newcomer, it's okay and there's no need to be so demanding.

"Are all the origins innocent?"

The girl, who had already had enough to drink, waved her hand and declined the new milk offered by the dog-legged black cat, and asked.

"Innocent, they are all innocent. I have carefully checked them one by one and searched them. They are all safe."

Quasimodo said respectfully.

After speaking, he hesitated and added:

"However, they were all temporary servants of small merchants and small nobles in the past. They have no experience working in a big family. It is estimated that it will take some time before they are qualified for the job..."

"It's okay, just take your time."

Charlotte smiled.

She walked forward and walked past the newcomers, looking at each one carefully.

Some people bowed their heads in fear, some looked flattering, some looked curious, and some bowed respectfully.

Charlotte's footsteps stopped momentarily.

She looked at the newlyweds who had just bowed respectfully to her again, thoughtfully.

As if noticing the new owner's gaze, the newlyweds bowed their heads quickly, bowed slightly, and their posture became more standard and respectful.

Charlotte's smile suddenly dropped.

"Keep your head up."

She ordered coldly.

The servant paused and slowly raised his head. His face was a little pale and he seemed a little nervous.

Charlotte looked at him quietly, a faint light flashing through her eyes.

Immediately blessed by the majestic technique, the girl chuckled, but her soft and weak voice seemed to carry pressure that penetrated deep into her soul:

"You have good manners."

"Tell me, where did you learn it?"

Quasimodo and the new servant's expressions changed.

Facing the girl's bottomless gaze, beads of sweat suddenly began to form on the servant's forehead.

His whole body began to tremble, and he suddenly gritted his teeth, took out a dagger that shone with cold light from his arms, and roared towards Charlotte's chest:

"Devil of Castells! Die!"


Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!