Gospel of Blood

Chapter 386: 43- The Trial of the Three Princes


This was the first time Charlotte saw so many nobles of the kingdom.

There were more than 600 nobles attending the meeting, all of whom were fiefdom nobles directly under the kingdom and court nobles without fiefdoms.

Charlotte also felt the strength of the Crescent Kingdom for the first time.

The more than 600 kingdom nobles attending the meeting were all extraordinary people. The weakest one was as good as Fanxing, and the vast majority were at the Silver Moon level. Judging from their breath alone, there were probably more than 70 Chiyangs.

And above this, there were three more auras that made Charlotte feel quite dangerous.

That's legendary.

Among them, one legend is the third Duke of Sibuwat, and the other two are a marquis and a court noble.

Among the three legends, Duke of Buit sat on the duke's seat, while the other two legends did not take their seats, but sat in separate seats on one side of the venue.

Those were seats belonging to legends, and among them was the seat of the Duke of Bois. However, compared to his legendary status, the Duke obviously valued his own status as a duke more.

Charlotte noticed that there were four seats reserved for legends. Apart from Duke Buit, one seat was vacant. It was probably because someone did not come to the meeting. It was most likely Engelhardt, the chief wizard of Crescent, who was rumored to be obsessed with magic research.

When Louis V and the High Priest of the Crescent Moon entered the venue, all the nobles stood up and saluted them:

"Your Majesty... Your Excellency the High Priest..."

"Your Majesty... Your Excellency the High Priest..."

"… "

Charlotte followed the crowd and secretly looked at the king on the platform.

Crescent King Louis V was an old man who looked extremely majestic.

He was wearing a luxurious royal robe, and the golden crown sparkled under the crystal chandelier. His long curly gray hair made him look a little more rugged and bold.

Although there were signs of aging between his eyebrows and features, his pair of black eyes contained a sharp light.

When his eyes swept across the venue, everyone fell silent unconsciously, and no one dared to look him in the eye.

She didn't know if it was Charlotte's illusion, but she felt that Louis V's gaze seemed to pause slightly when he swept over her, but soon continued.

"Everyone, please sit down."

Louis V nodded to everyone.

The King took his seat first, followed by the Duke and the Legends. Only after the Duke and the Legends sat down did the remaining nobles take their seats again.

After the sound of chairs being moved, the venue became quiet again.

Louis V's eyes swept across the room again, and his old and majestic voice rang out:

"It's almost time, Lord An Luo, let's begin."

After receiving instructions from Louis V, Duke Yuehu stood up and saluted to receive the order.

He climbed onto the platform and sat in the Speaker's seat, and said solemnly:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am the 39th Speaker of the Kingdom Central Council, Duke John de Anro, Guardian of the Moon."

"This Kingdom Central Conference is the 83rd interim meeting of the Kingdom. It was proposed by Duke Aurore and passed after urgent deliberation by the Cabinet."

"The theme of this meeting is the joint trial of the nobility against the Third Prince of the Crescent, Philippe de Valva. Philippe de Valva is suspected of colluding with the Blood Demon Cult and openly violating the Sacred Code and the Kingdom's Kingship Contract. According to Article 18 of Chapter 9 of the Sacred Code, the Noble Council has the right to conduct a joint trial and sentence against the Third Prince of the Crescent, Philippe de Valva..."

After saying this, Duke Yuehu paused and said:

"Bring up His Excellency Philippe de Valva."

Soon, the fully armed royal knights brought up the third prince Philip, who possessed extraordinary powers.

This was the second time Charlotte met Prince Philip.

Compared to the first time when he was full of vigor and vitality, he looked much weaker and thinner at this moment, and seemed a little lost.

His hair was messy and his eyes were a little dull, and it was not until he passed Charlotte that he regained some clarity. Anger instantly broke out in his eyes and he stopped subconsciously.

"Charlotte... de Castel!"

He almost gritted his teeth.

Charlotte frowned slightly.

However, I ignored him.

"Your Excellency Philippe de Valva, this is the Central Council, please be quiet."

Duke Yuehu frowned slightly and said solemnly.

The third prince Philip glared and wanted to say something, but after looking at Louis V on the stage whose emotions could not be seen, he finally held back.

Duke Yuehu ignored the third prince's resentful gaze.

After the other party was forcibly taken to the judge's seat by the Royal Knight, he picked up the gavel and knocked on the table:

"The suspect is in place, so... I now declare that the joint trial of the nobles against the third prince of the Crescent Moon, Philippe de Valva... will begin now!"

This was Charlotte's first time participating in the Crescent Kingdom's nobles' joint trial.

After announcing the start of the trial, Duke Yuehu took out a parchment scroll and read out the evidence against the third prince listed by the Council of Nobles.

Seizing noble property, violating the royal contract, colluding with the Blood Demon Cult, subverting the kingdom's regime, abusing blood nobles, murdering kingdom vassals, desecrating sacred marriages, and buying and selling women and children...

The charges were countless, one by one, more than Charlotte had imagined, and more serious than Charlotte had imagined.

The nobles had obviously prepared a wealth of materials long ago. Every charge was accompanied by a large amount of evidence and even witness testimony.

Charlotte thought she would be asked to testify on some issues, but it turned out that she wouldn't even be required to do so.

Not only that, some of the evidence prepared by the nobles even made Charlotte gasp.

For example, abusing blood nobles and murdering vassals of the kingdom. Some nobles even accused Prince Philip of abusing not only his wife, but also his half-sister, Princess Margaret of the Crescent Kingdom, which directly led to her eventual suicide due to depression.

Charlotte was stunned by this sudden news.

As far as she knew, there was indeed a princess in the Crescent Kingdom named Margaret, but she was born to a maid and was not valued by the king. She died of illness when she was less than fourteen years old.

I never thought there was such a secret!

Although this accusation did not provide sufficient evidence to convict the Third Prince, the explosive news was enough to cause a great deal of discussion among the nobles in the entire parliament hall.

When this news broke, Charlotte noticed that Louis V's face on the podium turned dark, and his eyes looking at the third prince were frighteningly gloomy.

As for the murder of the kingdom's vassal, the charge was equally explosive.

Because the nobles accused the third prince of murdering none other than one of the nine dukes of the kingdom, the former Duke of Bold!

Once this charge came out, the entire venue was about to explode.

If it was just the murder of a vassal of the kingdom, it would arouse the anger of the nobles, but it would not be so explosive.

The key is that the three princes have too many stacked buffs.

First of all, he himself was a member of the royal family, and it was a taboo for a tyrant to murder a vassal.

Furthermore, the person he murdered was not an ordinary vassal, but a great noble of the kingdom, and a hero who had made great contributions in the Star-Moon War.

Secondly, this nobleman was his father-in-law, and the heir to the title was his wife.

In the end, his wife was also abused by him, and there was even suspicion of murder...

The true other world version of the cannibal, and it's also a buff stacking version.

When these accusations were announced, the entire venue was in an uproar, and some angry nobles even cursed and spit on him.

On the platform, Louis V's gaze became even more depressed. Even the air pressure near the platform seemed to be much lower. The nobles nearby did not even dare to breathe. There was a depressing atmosphere, like the calm before a storm.

Listening to the abuse of the nobles below and looking at the increasingly cold eyes of Louis V, the third prince Philip finally panicked:

"No! No! This is slander! These charges are slander!"

As he spoke, he seemed to remember something, looked at Eleanor below, and said sternly:

"Eleanor! Tell them quickly that this is all slander! I have never abused you! I have never abused Margaret! And I have never murdered the Duke!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Eleanor again.


Duke Yuehu knocked the gavel and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Philippe de Valvoy, according to the charges, you are suspected of mentally manipulating the Duke of Bordeaux, Eleanor de Bordeaux."

"According to the regulations, any exculpatory testimony issued by Lady Eleanor will be considered invalid at this meeting."

After hearing what Duke Yuehu said, the third prince widened his eyes, and then angrily cursed:

"John de Anroe! You are a traitor to the royal family! You are a traitor to your own family! Have you forgotten what your clan is?"

After listening to the Third Prince's abuse, Duke Yuehu frowned slightly.

However, before he could say anything, an angry shout came from the platform:

"Asshole! Shut up!"

A vast and terrifying pressure came from the high platform, carrying with it monstrous rage, sweeping away everything in an instant.

In an instant, the venue was silent.

The nobles fell silent, not daring to make a sound, their faces turning pale under the terrifying pressure.

Only a few legends are still indifferent.

With the power of blood, Charlotte was actually fine. Although she felt the pressure was terrifying, she could still bear it.

However, she also imitated the other nobles and acted shocked.

It was King Louis V who spoke.

After that angry shout, the third prince turned pale, his legs trembled, and he collapsed.

If the royal knights had not restrained him by force, he would probably have fallen.

The pressure slowly subsided. Louis V looked at him coldly, and then said calmly:


Duke Yuehu swallowed his saliva, then sighed and said seriously:

"Mr. Philip, of course I know my last name. The Anluo family is a branch of the Valva family. It is naturally my duty to maintain the honor of the Valva family."

"No one can desecrate the glory of the royal family, not even you, a prince!"

As he spoke, he paused and looked at the nobles below:

"So... regarding the charges against the third prince Philippe de Valva, could you please..."

"I can testify to that."

Duke Yuehu was interrupted by another voice before he could finish his words.

It's Eleanor.

For a moment, the nobles' attention was focused on the Duchess again.

Duke Yue Hu hesitated for a moment and said:

"Mr. Bold, when you say testify, you mean..."

Eleanor stood up, looked at the third prince with indifference and disgust, and said:

"I can testify that I was indeed abused by Philip, and Princess Margaret was also abused by him during her lifetime."

"Not only that, he seized the property of the nobles, colluded with the Blood Demon Cult, trafficked in people, and killed civilians... I can testify to all of this."

After hearing what Eleanor said, the third prince widened his eyes and roared angrily:

"Eleanor! You bitch! Traitor!"


Duke Yuehu shouted.

He glanced at the royal knights, and they quickly used magic to control the third prince, preventing him from speaking.

Then, Duke Yuehu said to Eleanor:

"Your Excellency, any trial at the Central Committee meeting must have evidence. Do you have any concrete evidence?"

Eleanor nodded:

"I do. But... before I testify, there is one question I would like to clarify."

"Please go ahead."

"I want to know how my father died."

Duke Yuehu sighed:

"Of course, according to the witnesses we obtained, your father was poisoned by Lord Philip."

"The witness was the old duke's maid, who personally participated in the conspiracy. She fled from Bolder because she was afraid of being killed, and was eventually rescued by a noble during the pursuit."

After hearing what Duke Yuehu said, Eleanor fell silent.

After a long time, she nodded:

"I see."

She glanced at the dull, pale-faced Third Prince, then gently lifted up her clothes, revealing a criss-crossing series of scars.

Seeing the hideous scars, the nobles talked about it and fell into commotion again.

Eleanor looked indifferent:

"Well... let's go through them one by one, starting with the abuse the Third Prince inflicted on me..."

The third prince is finished.

It's really over.

The moment Eleanor chose to be a witness, it meant he was finished.

Eleanor was the object of long-term abuse by the third prince.

But at the same time, she is also the wife of the third prince.

Having witnessed many of the Third Prince's dirty deeds, if she chooses to stand up, she will be able to send him to hell.

Eleanor listed the evidence of the three princes' crimes one by one in a clear and orderly manner.

Listening to her shocking story, the nobles looked at the third prince with more disgust.

By the time Eleanor had finished exposing the evil deeds of the three princes, an hour had passed.

The conference hall fell into silence again.

No need to continue collecting evidence.

Because there is enough evidence.

Duke Yuehu knocked the gavel again and said in a deep voice:

"The testimony is over. Next... please ask the Central Conference Jury to judge Philippe de Valva's charges!"

After he finished speaking, the deliberation panel composed of the kingdom's cabinet ministers and dukes and lords began to discuss in a low voice. A moment later, the drafted judgment was submitted to Duke Yuehu.

Duke Yuehu took a look at it and presented it respectfully to King Louis V.

Louis V glanced at it, frowned slightly, then took the feather pen, made a few revisions, and handed it back to Duke Yuehu.

Looking at the king's revised verdict, Duke Yuehu widened his eyes and looked hesitant:

"Your Majesty... This..."


Louis V said coldly.

Duke Yuehu swallowed his saliva and said with gritted teeth:

"After investigation, the evidence is conclusive that the third prince of the Crescent Moon, Philippe de Valva, seized the property of the nobles, violated the royal contract, colluded with the Blood Demon Cult, subverted the kingdom's regime, abused blood nobles, murdered the kingdom's vassal, profaned the sacred marriage, and bought and sold free people and landless nobles."

"According to the provisions of the Sacred Code and the Royal Contract, after a joint trial by the Central Conference Council and King Louis de Valva of the Crescent Moon, the Third Prince Philippe de Valva was sentenced—"


As soon as these words were spoken, the entire parliament hall fell silent, and all the nobles looked at the calm King on the podium in shock, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Philip's eyes widened, and the color completely drained from his face.

He trembled, then his neck tilted and he fainted.