Gospel of Blood

Chapter 387: 44- The dust has settled


Louis V's verdict on the three princes plunged the entire venue into silence.

No one expected that His Majesty the King would be so decisive.

Charlotte was also somewhat surprised.

Before the central meeting was held, she had speculated many times about what the outcome of the third prince's trial would be.

Although Charlotte felt that the death of the third prince was not a pity, based on the known history of Miria, she had always believed that the king's punishment for the third prince would at most be to deprive or seal his bloodline power and then exile him.

But I never expected that he would be executed directly.

Miria's aristocratic system is still quite strict, and the status of the royal family is higher than that of other nobles. Even if a person commits a serious crime, the internal judgment will almost never directly sentence him to death.

Looking at the history of the mainland, it cannot be said that there were no executions at all, but they were often carried out in private, with the death of the person announced to the public as a form of illness, in order to preserve the final dignity of the royal family and related members.

Instead of announcing it directly like today.

Charlotte couldn't help but glance at the platform. The old king still had a blank expression on his face, and his black eyes were full of indifference, as if he was not sentencing his own child.

Charlotte didn't know whether Louis V was also irritated by the three princes or he was really impartial.

The only thing that is certain is that this king, known as "the Great", is decisive and ruthless enough.

After all... Prince Philip was Louis V's favorite child and a strong contender for the throne a few months ago.

But a few months later, he was sent to the gallows by his own father himself.

"The verdict is as above. Do you have any objections to it, my colleagues?"

Duke Yuehu's voice rang out again, breaking the silence in the meeting place.

The nobles looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

The third prince was indeed guilty of heinous crimes, and many of his evil deeds were challenging the limits of the nobles, but at this moment he was really sentenced to death, and they didn't know what to say.

Only Hubert de Boistre-Lint, the Violet Duke in the tenth seat, looked hesitant.

It was obvious that the old duke, who had abandoned his grandson in the Battle of Bold-Castell, felt a little reluctant when he heard the death sentence.

He just sighed and stood up from his seat tremblingly.

For a moment, all the nobles' eyes were focused on him.

"Your Majesty, Philip is indeed guilty of a heinous crime, but he is... a direct descendant of the Valva family after all, and he is... your son after all."

The old Duke bowed to Louis V and said in a hoarse voice.

Louis V glanced at him indifferently:

"He is indeed my favorite son, but he is also the third prince of Xinyue and the most noble noble of Xinyue."

"Power and responsibility are equal. The status of a noble is not a pretext for doing whatever one wants. Colluding with the Blood Demon Cult is a taboo in our country, not to mention that he has committed so many unforgivable crimes!"

"Since you have made a mistake, you must bear the corresponding price."

"Whoever...he is."

Facing the deep and resolute gaze of Louis V, Duke Violet opened his mouth and finally sighed:

"I will obey your king's order."

After saying that, he sat down tremblingly.

Louis V's eyes swept across the audience, and his majestic voice echoed in the hall:

"Does anyone have any objections to this Central Committee meeting?"


No noble stood up to object.

Even those nobles who were filled with righteous indignation and had originally planned to protest against the punishment of the "Great Purge" after the trial of the three princes...

What a joke! The king wanted to hang even the prince, so how could he spare the nobles who colluded with the Blood Demon Cult during the "Great Purge"

Not killing anyone is already a big leniency!

The nobles were not fools, and of course they heard the double meaning in the king's words.

At this moment, Louis V had already responded to the nobles' attitude in advance with his actions!

"Since there are no objections, then it is settled. The execution will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The execution will no longer be public, and will be witnessed by the Kingdom's Cabinet and the dukes."

Louis V said indifferently.

After all, he gave the third prince a little dignity, and perhaps for the sake of the royal family's reputation, he did not choose to execute him publicly.

But with the Duke and the Cabinet of the kingdom present, they were witnesses.

"My Lords, do you have any questions?"

Louis V looked at the dukes in the first row again.

The current cabinet has been replaced by half after the Great Purge, and the remaining ones are all dukes, so the dukes in the first row also include the cabinet...

After hearing the king's words, the dukes looked at each other, and no one had any questions.

Louis V's eyes finally fell on Eleanor again.

His cold and majestic gaze softened slightly, and he said in a deep voice:

"As for all the property of the Third Prince... it all belongs to Lord Bolder as compensation for his sins."

Eleanor paused and bowed slightly:

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty..."

Louis V waved his hand gently and stood up from his seat.

"Let's adjourn the meeting."

He said.

After he finished speaking, he left the venue together with the High Priest of the Crescent Moon, and left the venue surrounded by the royal knights.

It was not until the aura of the king and the high priest completely disappeared that the quiet meeting place became noisy again.

The nobles looked at each other and soon fell into heated discussions:

"Hanging! It's actually hanging! I never thought that His Majesty would sentence the third prince to death by hanging!"

"He must be very angry. Although Princess Margaret is of humble origin, His Majesty seems to like her very much..."

"I thought this trial would last for many days... I didn't expect the result to come out so soon. Alas, the meeting ended so quickly, and in the end I was not able to raise any objections to the 'Great Purge' to His Majesty..."

"Humph! Are you regretting it now? Why didn't you mention it when His Majesty was here just now?"

"Who dared to bring it up just now? I was so stunned by the verdict. Besides, the prince dealt with it so harshly, so what about the nobles?"

"well… "

"… "

The nobles gathered their things and left while discussing.

Listening to their conversation, Charlotte sighed secretly.

Perhaps... this is the effect Louis V wanted.

She greeted several nobles she knew well, then stood up and left the venue.

This meeting was a lot of noise but little action.

A trial that was thought to last several days or even more than ten days ended in less than a day.

It was time for dinner after the meeting, and the council hall had prepared lunch. However, most of the nobles did not eat it, and instead went back in their carriages.

Charlotte did the same, but before leaving, she made a verbal agreement with Duke Yuehu to attend each other's salon in a few days, and Duke Yuehu said that he would send someone to give Charlotte a formal invitation letter soon.

After meeting with Sebastian and others outside the venue, Charlotte also informed her followers of the progress of the meeting.

"It seems that His Majesty is determined to strengthen the centralization of power."

Sebastian stroked his chin and said.

Charlotte nodded slightly, agreeing with him.

It’s interesting to say that, as one of the triggers of this central meeting, she was considered the protagonist, but in the end she became a spectator from beginning to end.

But Charlotte was also happy and at ease, which allowed her to keep a low profile and not attract attention.

Today's verdict will surely spread quickly throughout the capital and then the entire kingdom.

But that has nothing to do with Charlotte.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the second day after the trial of the third prince.

At noon, Charlotte heard the news of the execution in the palace. It was said that the third prince cried and screamed during the execution, and even wet his pants, which brought shame to the royal family.

But no matter what, Philippe de Valva, the third prince of the Crescent, eventually died because of his own stupidity and sins.

Charlotte finally understood a secret.

After the afternoon, the manor rented by Charlotte finally welcomed new guests.

However, it was not the servant who presented the invitation to the salon to Duke Yuehu.

But they are the royal knights from the Crescent Palace.

The royal knight brought the king's order.

Louis V... wants to see her.