Gospel of Blood

Chapter 394: 50- Holy Advent Day


The Day of the Holy Advent is the day when the boundary between the mundane and the mythical is completely broken and the sleeping gods fully awaken.

Albrecht had no specific memory of when the Holy Day of Advent would arrive.

The memories that Charlotte read only mentioned that the Blood Demon Cult had received an oracle about the approaching Holy Day seventeen years ago.

Gods have a very indifferent concept of time; perhaps a thought or a sleep can measure time in years.

For this reason, the prophecies in the oracles of gods often do not have specific times.

But no matter what, since even the prophecy in the oracle has already said that it is "coming soon", then even if the time is late, based on the experience within the Blood Demon Cult, the actual date is probably not far away.

However, although there is no record of the specific time of the Holy Day in Albrecht's memory, there are descriptions related to the Holy Day.

When the sun's radiance fades, when the blood moon becomes eternal, when the world falls into deep darkness again, and the light of God replaces the brightness once again, that is when the Holy Day of Advent officially arrives...

"The sun's radiance is extinguished..."

Reading Albrecht's memory, Charlotte was thoughtful.

She had seen this description elsewhere.

That was when she was still in Boulder City, she was sacrificed by her step-grandmother and lived in the church hospital after being injured.

During that time, she eagerly browsed through the various books in the church hospital, trying her best to understand the world of Miriam. During that time, she also saw the description of "the sun is extinguished, and the blood moon is eternal" in other books.

That is the most core holy scripture of the Holy Court, the description in the "Book of the Holy Spirit".

More precisely, it is the myth in the Sacred Book that describes the Lord God's resurrection, bringing the gods to the world and suppressing the blood descendants...

According to the legend of the Holy Royal Court, about 1,500 years ago, the Blood Ancestor, who attempted to rule the world forever, launched a dark spell called "Eternal Darkness" at the sun, which was considered taboo even in mythology, with the intention of devouring the sun and creating an eternal blood moon and night.

Legend has it that the Blood Progenitor succeeded.

The sun that spread light to the earth was gradually swallowed by darkness, and the world ushered in eternal darkness and coldness.

The silver moon turned into a blood moon, hanging high in the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in dark red.

However, just when the world was in despair, the God of Creation revived, his light pierced the sky, and the light belonging to the God replaced the sun.

God created the second sun.

The day when Lord God Harald created the second sun is also considered to be the starting point of the sacred calendar, or the intersection of the Holy Era and the Blood Moon Era.

Recalling the descriptions of Lord Harald's resurrection and salvation in the Holy Book, Charlotte could not help but look out the window.

To be more precise, look at the shining sun in the sky.

That’s right, the second sun.

According to the records in the "Book of the Sacred", the first sun in the world of Miria has been swallowed by the True Ancestor of Blood, and the one hanging high now is the second sun created by the Lord God Harald.

Charlotte has always believed that the various legends about the God of Creation in the "Holy Book" must be exaggerated and mythologized. In her opinion, the so-called True Ancestor swallowing the sun and the God severely damaging the light are most likely artistic processing.

According to the various tests she has conducted over the past year since she traveled through time, although there are gods and magic in this world, there are all kinds of incredible powers, there are all kinds of magical different spaces and even different dimensions, but in essence, this world should still be a planet.

Since this world is a planet, the sun is naturally a star.

Although the gods of this world are indeed powerful, to be honest, Charlotte doesn't think they can really compare to the stars.

At best, they are just some powerful creatures with extraordinary powers far beyond those of ordinary humans.

Taking herself as an example, she has merged with the Faceless Statue and is already a demigod. A demigod is already a myth. After her true ancestor was liberated, she possesses the fighting power of a "saint".

But even with the power of a "saint", let alone swallowing the sun, it is probably impossible to destroy the entire continent.

At most, they could just rely on brute force to destroy the civilization on the entire continent.

But that is also under the premise that there is no myth to hinder it and it takes a lot of time.

As for swallowing the sun

Charlotte really couldn't imagine it.

If a true God can do this, then a demigod does not deserve to be called a myth.

In her opinion, the so-called "swallowing the sun" is more likely to be using some kind of magic to "block the sunlight."

As for the blood moon, it is indeed very likely related to the True Ancestor.

That was not the blood moon that materialized in Charlotte's spiritual world.

But it is a real blood moon.

In fact, even today, people on the continent of Miria still see the blood moon from time to time.

And every appearance of a blood moon means a short-term surge in magic concentration and a high level of activity in elemental forces.

Whenever a blood moon appears, it is the most exciting moment for mages. Although the restless magic when a blood moon descends can easily make people go crazy, it also allows spellcasters to better resonate with magic and elements.

Charlotte too.

When she first traveled through time, she had already experienced a blood moon. Now that it has been two years since she traveled through time, she has seen a total of twenty-four blood moons.

That’s right, twenty-four times.

In the world of Miriam, a blood moon appears once a month, each time lasting from a few minutes to tens of minutes, and then disappears after a period of time.

When the blood moon appears, Charlotte can also feel the significant enhancement of her own strength. Under the shining of the blood moon, her strength can even double, reaching four times that of the daytime!

At the same time, under the blood moon, she could fully feel the seasonal movement deep in her blood, as if the power in her blood was resonating with the blood moon in the sky, calling out hungrily...

Combined with the information read from Albrecht's memory in the past two days, Charlotte had some other guesses.

Could it be that the blood moon that appears once a month today is also... the remnant of the power of the True Ancestor from 1,500 years ago

So, does this Holy Day of Advent mean that the sunlight will be blocked once again

The Return of the Gods...

Or has the true Blood Ancestor returned

Inexplicably, Charlotte felt uneasy.

The prophecy of the Holy Day was too vague, and even in Albrecht's memory, the information was very limited.

The only thing that is certain is that the sleeping gods seem to be waiting for this day.

No matter who the real Blood True Ancestor was in history, what Charlotte can be sure of at the moment is that the person currently occupying the position of "True Ancestor" is herself.

This was Charlotte's realization after successfully merging with the Faceless Statue and determining her current true state.

Even if the true Blood Ancestor is someone else, after he returns, he can only compete with her for the position.

Regardless of whether it is the return of the true True Ancestor or the return of the gods, it is a huge threat or variable to her at the moment.

No, in fact, it's not just her, it's true for many forces in Miriah.

This is true for the Ness clan, the Crescent Kingdom, and even the Holy Royal Court.

Some forces are looking forward to the return of their gods, but some other forces do not want to see the revival of their gods.

But no matter which force it is, they are all increasing their strength without any prior agreement.

Thinking of this, Charlotte sighed slightly.

She felt that her growth was still too slow.

Charlotte has always been cautious. Even though she has become the "True Ancestor of Blood", she has not vigorously developed her faith, nor has she recruited or created blood descendants on a large scale.

Charlotte was very cautious. She was different from the Blood Demon Cult. The barefoot ones in the Blood Demon Cult were not afraid of those wearing shoes. They were hated by everyone and could develop their power unscrupulously. Moreover, only the Holy Royal Court was really settling accounts with them. Even other blood descendants were too lazy to pay attention to them and looked down on them more than being hostile.

But she had various concerns.

She is not only a "True Ancestor", but also a noble and the ruler of the North. The Blood Demon Cult can be discovered and destroyed countless times, but their strongholds are as numerous as rats in the sewers, and they can revive again and again.

But Charlotte is different.

If her identity is exposed, the North will face a devastating blow, not only from the Holy Royal Court, but also from other vampires.

And once everything about her is exposed, she will suffer a similar fate as the Blood Demon Cult, or even a more difficult fate than the Blood Demon Cult.

Even if her bloodline is stronger, she will have more enemies, and it is entirely possible that she will be surrounded by enemies everywhere.

Charlotte hasn't gone crazy yet, she enjoys her current life and doesn't want to become a rat like the Blood Demon Cult.

So, Charlotte has always been cautious.

Her original plan was to expand her power in the secular world little by little, at least to have the strength to not be afraid of other forces in the secular world, and then to accumulate strength in secret, to subtly infiltrate and influence other vampire clans.

This plan cannot be said to be wrong, it's just that Charlotte was moving very slowly before.

It is probably because the blood descendants have endless lifespans.

Without life span limits, there is no urgency in time.

Although Charlotte was under pressure, the pressure was not to the point where she had to go all out, so she had always been able to go with the flow with ease.

In fact, she paid more attention to the identity of Count Castel than the identity of the Blood True Ancestor, so she spent more time interacting with the nobles.

It was probably because she had never found a way to step into mythology and develop faith.

Now that she thought about it, she was actually investing too much energy in unnecessary things.

"I need to speed up my pace. On the secular side, I need to further consolidate my rule over the North and develop my power in the secular realm. With the North as my foundation, I need to develop my own faith as quickly as possible and strengthen my mythological power."

"At the same time, I must intensify my infiltration within the bloodline, win over those bloodlines that can be won over, and solidify my identity as a True Ancestor, and consolidate my status as a 'True Ancestor'!"

Charlotte muttered.

After learning about the Holy Day, Charlotte became anxious.

Originally, because the central meeting ended quickly, she had planned to stay in Lutetia for a while longer, appreciate the local customs and culture, visit various nobles, eat and drink for free, and have a good "tour", staying for a month or two before going back.

But now, she no longer had the interest to play these games.

The New Moon Archbishop will still reorganize the church's discipline because of the upcoming Holy Day, even though the Holy Royal Court is already powerful enough and will definitely be a major beneficiary of the return of the gods...

So, what about her when the situation is unfavorable

When Charlotte thought of this, she wanted to fly back to the North immediately and quickened her pace.

With such an eager mood, Charlotte declined most of the nobles' invitations to salons and banquets.

In the end, she only attended the celebratory salon held for her by Duke Yuehu.

Of course, this was also the salon where the great nobles of the Crescent Moon accepted the Castel family, formally met with the Castel family, and agreed on extraordinary trade exchanges and future cooperation.

There weren't a lot of nobles attending the dinner, but each of them was at least an earl of the Crescent Kingdom, and moreover, they were well-known earls with many fiefs.

Although he was certainly not as wealthy and powerful as Charlotte, he was also not comparable to the petty earls under the duchy.

As for the dukes, half of the nine dukes of the kingdom came. Except for those who opposed the king, all others who could come came, including the Duke of Violet, who had been at war with Charlotte.

Charlotte gave up her vow, swore allegiance to the royal family, and continued to maintain her celibacy. In the eyes of many opposition nobles, this was a symbol that she had reached some kind of agreement with the royal family and was leaning towards the royal family.

Charlotte had nothing to say about this.

The Day of the Holy Coming is approaching. If everything is true, then by then, most of the forces in this world will become pawns.

Including these nobles she interacted with.

She doesn't care what the chess piece thinks, as long as it doesn't affect her future development and doesn't cause her trouble.

Unconsciously, Charlotte's mentality had also changed slightly.

"What a pity, Lord Castel. I wanted to invite you to stay in the capital for a while. There are many nobles who want to meet you and discuss future cooperation."

Upon hearing that Charlotte was going to leave the capital in the near future, Duke Yuehu said regretfully.

"I'm sorry, Lord An Luo. The Northern War just ended and there are still many things to be done. There are still many things that need my personal attention. I had no choice but to come to the central meeting this time."

Charlotte said apologetically.

After that, she smiled again:

"However, although I plan to leave, the Northland welcomes you all very much. The Castel family also looks forward to cooperating with you all."

After hearing Charlotte's words, the nobles all laughed and raised their glasses:

"Mr. Count Castel, then... I wish us a pleasant cooperation!"

The extraordinary trade agreements with the kingdom's major noble lords were signed smoothly.

Charlotte doesn't even need to be involved personally, Sebastian can handle everything.

After all, Mithril is the hard currency in the supernatural realm. Without the restrictions of the royal contract, Charlotte's side is completely a seller's market and there is no need to worry about trading channels.

After the salon, the Castel family was finally integrated into the most high-end aristocratic circle of the Crescent Kingdom.

At the same time, the royal family also sent a distribution contract for the control of extraordinary resources.

After seeing the contract, Charlotte further understood why the noble lords of various kingdoms also supported the royal family's "monopoly" on the extraordinary resources of the Crescent Kingdom.

It turned out that more than half of the extraordinary resources that the nobles handed over to the royal family were taken out by the royal family and redistributed to the various direct vassal lords.

As for the share allocated to Charlotte, it was divided from the Duchy of Bold and the shares that originally belonged to the three princes, and also from the shares of other direct vassals that were taken back.

As for the overall ratio... it is 2% of the extraordinary resources handed over by all direct vassals.

This ratio is lower than the minimum ratio of 3% for the duke level stipulated in the contract, but higher than the maximum ratio of 1% for the earl level.

If we were to calculate the proportion of extraordinary resources handed over to the royal family by the direct vassals of the entire Crescent Kingdom, then 2% would probably be worth nearly 20% of Castel's mithril output.

In other words, with this contract, the actual share of the mine between the royal family and the Castel family has actually changed from 7:3 to 50:50.

Moreover, the other 20% that the Castel family obtained was not mithril, but various extraordinary resources equivalent to mithril.

"No wonder all the nobles want to become direct vassals. If the Crescent Kingdom is compared to a company, only direct vassals are qualified to become shareholders."

Looking at the contract sent by the royal family, Charlotte sighed.

Charlotte was quite satisfied with the conclusion of the Extraordinary Trade Agreement and the Extraordinary Resource Contract.

After completing this task, her biggest purpose of coming to Lutetia was achieved.

However, besides this, she had one last place to go.

"Sebastian, prepare the carriage. I am going to the Royal Library."

Charlotte closed the extraordinary resource contract sent by the royal family and said to the elf butler.