Gospel of Blood

Chapter 396: 52- Song of the Blood Moon


The experience in the library's outer hall was just a small episode.

Led by the library director, Charlotte quickly entered the restricted area of the library.

Of course, it is called a restricted area only for ordinary nobles. For those real nobles and geniuses with extraordinary talents, they can still enter here.

It is more like a VIP area than a restricted area.

"My Lord Earl, this is the inner area of the Royal Library. It has a total of 50,000 books, which contain all kinds of supernatural materials collected by the kingdom, including some rare meditation methods and magic books. In addition, there are many precious illustrations, supernatural secrets and historical materials that are not circulated on the market."

"According to the pass you have, you can browse the books here freely. However, if you want to take them out or perform magical imprinting, you need to take out books of the corresponding level and exchange them with the library."

The library director said respectfully.

Charlotte nodded slightly.

She had also heard of the regulations of the Royal Library. In fact, the Royal Library, which had been destroyed time and time again due to wars in history, not only did not disappear, but its collection of books increased instead, thanks to such regulations.

The nobles all attached great importance to their own extraordinary knowledge, and they kept it tightly under control. Only the Royal Library had such confidence, and the nobles were also happy to have a place where they could exchange knowledge.

Especially after each victory in a royal war or the deprivation of the title of a great noble family, the popularity of the royal library would often soar, because the nobles all knew that the library's collection of books would often increase at this time.

Of course, Charlotte knew that the royal family would definitely keep the truly high-end knowledge and secrets to themselves.

However, she came here just to try her luck and to supplement Castel's collection of books and enhance her own knowledge.

The Crescent Royal Family would use the Royal Library, a treasure trove of rich information, to rally the nobles. As a "god" trying to preach, Charlotte could also use it to rally "believers."

"Also, although I know you probably won't do that, as the curator, I must remind you not to use any magic here, especially spiritual, spatial, and elemental magic."

"The Royal Library has a strict monitoring array. If you use it, you will definitely be detected and lose the qualification to enter the library forever."

"In the past, anyone who tried to perform magic in the royal library, even the heir to the Duke, would eventually be severely punished."

The library director looked serious again and said.

This is to prevent someone from stealing extraordinary knowledge or causing damage in the library.

Mental magic can strengthen memory for a short period of time or directly imprint knowledge, while space magic can even take away the collection of books directly. As for elemental magic... most of them are very destructive magic, so naturally they are all forbidden to use.

"Mr. Director, thank you for your reminder."

Charlotte said with a smile.

The curator also smiled and said:

"Well then... Lord Count, I will withdraw now. If you are looking for any kind of information, just ask the puppets in the museum. I hope you will find the knowledge you need in the museum as you wish."

Charlotte nodded slightly:


The curator bowed neither humbly nor arrogantly, then walked out.

Charlotte looked around and soon saw a humanoid alchemical puppet next to her.

"Your Excellency, I am Jupiter, the restricted area administrator of the Royal Library. I am at your service wholeheartedly."

The alchemical puppet saluted stiffly, making a sound like a machine.

Looking at the alchemical puppet, Charlotte was amazed. It should be the product of research by some great wizards or even legendary wizards. It could be considered some kind of magical alchemical life.

"Thank you. I'd like to see the historical area."

Charlotte said.

"The historical section is on shelf 2 in the third spiral. Jupiter can help you locate the specific category you want to see."

Charlotte shook her head.

"No, I'll just take a look."

After saying that, Charlotte came to the bookshelf pointed out by the alchemy puppet.

The Royal Library is worthy of being known as the library with the largest collection of books and the richest information in the Crescent Kingdom.

After arriving at the target bookshelf, Charlotte actually found a lot of precious historical materials.

In particular, the history of the Crescent Kingdom, even the history of the Blood Demon Cult subverting the kingdom, has been recorded in detail in many books.

The Blood Demon Cult's subversion of the Crescent Kingdom began seven hundred and fifty years ago, fifty years after the Crescent Kingdom was founded, and it ruled the Crescent Kingdom in secret for a full two hundred years.

According to the book, its original source was the ancestor of the Valva family who established the Crescent Kingdom. In his later years, he was deceived by the blood descendants who sneaked into the palace and took control of the court.

That period was described in the classics as the Dark Ages of the Kingdom, until two hundred years later, with the help of the Holy Royal Court, the royal family overthrew the Blood Court of the Bloodline.

After that, the Blood Demon Cult made subversive attempts again and again, but they were all thwarted in the end until today.

After browsing through some relevant books, Charlotte gained a better understanding of the Crescent Nobles' hostility and vigilance towards the vampires.

Of course, history is written by the victors, and these materials are for reference only and cannot be fully trusted.

What made Charlotte feel a little disappointed, but at the same time was within her expectations, was that the restricted area of the library was blank regarding historical materials from earlier periods, especially the Blood Moon Era.

Although she had somewhat expected it, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she finally got nothing.

However, just when Charlotte gave up browsing history and planned to read books about the extraordinary side, a book that looked quite old caught her eye.

It was a book called "Song of the Blood Moon".

This book is not classified as history or mythology, but as art poetry.

Charlotte opened it out of curiosity and found that it was actually a book of poems about the legend of blood descendants.

"Singing poems about blood descendants? Shouldn't this be classified as mythology? Why is it an artistic creation?"

Charlotte became more and more curious.

The text in the book was quite old, but Charlotte was able to read it fairly smoothly thanks to the ancient language knowledge she had learned through mental magic over the past year.

This poem tells the story of the rise and fall of the Bloodline. The ambitious Blood True Ancestor defeated the gods and unified the continent for the first time. However, in the end, in order to become more powerful, he went astray, and finally went completely mad and self-destructed.

Of course, if that were all, there would be no problem in classifying this book of poetry as mythology.

But the problem is that this book also mentions Harald, the God of Creation.

In the poem, Harald, the God of Creation, is described as the follower and successor of the Blood True Ancestor. She is the descendant of the blood who has comprehended the power of creation, the ancestor of the royal bloodline, and the one who defeated the True Ancestor who had fallen into madness.

The poem even describes the first meeting between the True Ancestor of Blood and Harald, and the story of how the True Ancestor of Blood taught the young Harald, who was still a mortal, how to awaken his bloodline.

When Charlotte saw this, she was stunned.

There is no other reason. Except for the fact that Lilith is not mentioned in this poem, the description of the first meeting between the True Ancestor of Blood and Harald, and the imparting of extraordinary knowledge, is exactly the same as her experience during her "second time travel"!

Even what she had said to Harald was exactly the same!

"Followers of the True Ancestor of Blood, the source of the royal bloodline..."

Charlotte's eyelids twitched wildly, and her heart was filled with waves.

If ordinary people read this, they would think that this book is complete nonsense and a blasphemy against the Holy Royal Court. It is perfectly normal to classify it as an artistic creation, and it can even be destroyed as a heretical book.

It is a miracle that it has been preserved.

But after reading the stories of the True Ancestor and the God Lord in the book, Charlotte had a feeling that the descriptions in this book... might be true.

"Could it be... that my second time traveling was real? The Harald I met was really the God-Lord Harald? And I traveled to the past and became the Blood True Ancestor in history?"

Charlotte's heart was pounding.

This was a bold guess she had ever had.

She was very sure that the "dream of traveling through time" was not a bystander's observation, but a personal experience, and her actions in the "dream" also came from her heart.

This rules out the possibility of "memory implantation".

Now it seems that her original conjecture is more and more likely to be reality. No matter whether it is a "dream" or a "time travel", she is very likely to... really have an intersection with history, and even be the True Ancestor of Blood in history!

However, Charlotte also had some doubts deepened, that is, why Lilith was not mentioned. Not only was she not mentioned in the poems, in fact, Lilith was not even in Albrecht's memory.

The only information about Lilith is on the title page of the Holy Book of Blood and Charlotte's experiences after her second time travel.

Not only that, Charlotte also had some worries.

That is, if she is really the True Ancestor of Blood in history, according to the various statements of the blood descendants and according to the description in "Song of the Blood Moon", wouldn't she lose her mind and fall into madness in the future

This made Charlotte vaguely uneasy.

But no matter what, Charlotte has gained something. Perhaps when she "travels through time" next time, she can explore the truth of history more deeply.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte closed "Song of the Blood Moon".

This book was an unexpected gain. Just reading "Song of the Blood Moon" was enough to make her trip today worthwhile.

"My Lord Earl, do you like this book? Do you need it to be engraved with magic? If so, please provide an art book that matches it and is not in the collection in exchange."

The Alchemy Puppet said.

Charlotte glanced at it and shook her head:

"It's okay, no need."

She had no intention of exchanging anything with the library.

However, this does not mean that she does not intend to "take away" "Song of the Blood Moon".

In fact, she wants all the books in the library!

Knowledge is power. As a newcomer, even if the knowledge here is not as top-notch as those in the world, it is enough for Charlotte to lay a solid foundation for her own power and meet the basic needs of believers.

"I'll just walk around by myself. Don't bother me unless you have something to do."

Charlotte said to the alchemy puppet.

The alchemical puppet nodded and left respectfully.

Charlotte raised her head and looked across the library.

Through her keen spiritual perception as a vampire, she could vaguely sense the monitoring magic covering the entire library. The strength of this monitoring magic was so great that even if she extended a trace of mental power to test it, she could sense its reaction.

This is definitely a Blazing Sun-level, or even legendary-level magic array.

There is no doubt that even if it was Charlotte, she would definitely be discovered if she wanted to cast spiritual vampire magic under the magic circle.

But alas, Charlotte possesses more than just magic.

Charlotte let out a breath and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were already stained with a layer of red gold.

The obscure energy fluctuations spread out from Charlotte, covering the entire library.

That's not magic.

But divine power.

Thanks to the Crescent Royal Family, although they set up an exquisite magic circle to prevent the library's collection from being stolen, unfortunately, the magic circle can only prevent magic, not divine power.

Due to the delicate relationship with the church, there were no priests guarding the library, and no divine spells were set up, which gave Charlotte the possibility to take advantage of the loophole.

Divine power is a more advanced energy than magic power and can also be used to cast magic. Although this usage is very luxurious and wasteful, Charlotte currently has plenty of divine power.

And magic performed with divine power is no longer magic, but... divine magic!

The power of blood was activated, and Charlotte released the blood clan's magic spiritual imprint of the spiritual way.

This is a magic that vampires use specifically to copy books. It can forcibly memorize and store the knowledge in the books.

Obscure fluctuations of divine power enveloped the entire library, covering every treasured book.


Charlotte muttered to herself.

The next moment, a crimson light lit up in her spiritual world, and the library that recorded Albrecht's memories suddenly opened. Bookshelves appeared out of thin air in the empty area, and on the bookshelves, books slowly emerged from virtuality to reality.

After a while, the number of newly appeared bookshelves exceeded the number of Albrecht's memories. The entire memory library expanded rapidly, and the number of books in the collection also soared rapidly...

After a long time, Charlotte let out a breath and ended the magic.

She looked a little tired, but her eyes were sparkling.

And in the depths of her consciousness, all the collections of the Royal Library had been copied out, and the memory library suddenly had hundreds of thousands of more books.

All the accumulations of the Crescent Royal Family over hundreds and thousands of years were now hers.

"Your Excellency, have you not found the book you are looking for? Tell Jupiter what you need, and Jupiter can help you find it."

The voice of the alchemy puppet came from afar.

Charlotte suppressed her joy.

She picked up a book and said:

"I have found it. Please help me find out what knowledge I need in exchange for the rubbing of this book."

Now that you are here, let’s do the full show.

"Your Excellency, the book you have is a treasure about the secret art of bloodline collected by the royal family. It is an essay by the legendary wizard Nicholas. The content is quite bold, curious and precious. If you want to exchange it, you must also use the knowledge of the same secret art as an exchange."

Charlotte: …

Why is it Nicholas again

Besides, what the hell is bold and curious

But... the secret technique of bloodline.

It seems that she only knows about this thing from the bloodline, but bloodline is taboo, so it must not be taken out...

"What a pity, my Castel family doesn't have the relevant knowledge."

Charlotte shook her head, regretfully.

She didn't really want to exchange, she was just pretending.

After saying that, Charlotte put down the book and left the library with regret.

"Oh, did Count Castel go to the library to look for the secrets of bloodline?"

In the palace, Louis V listened to the report of the royal knights, thoughtfully.

"Which one?"

"Your Majesty, it's 'Bloodline Awakening Essays: Desire', written by Nicholas."

Louis V was surprised and murmured to himself:

"Is it that one? She is really bold. No wonder she swore to be single..."

After a moment's silence, he squinted his eyes and said:

"No need to exchange knowledge. Use magic to make a copy and give it to her. Bloodline awakening... It seems that she has been promoted too quickly in the past two years, and her bloodline power is a little unstable. In addition, tell her tactfully that this method of stimulating bloodline with lust is not mainstream and can easily cause damage to the body, especially for women."

"If she wants to try, the royal family can provide some well-trained male servants, as well as some necessary tools and medicines..."

"I will obey your will."

The next day.

Charlotte packed her luggage and prepared to leave the capital. She looked at the books sent by the royal knight and the row of handsome and well-behaved male servants behind him, and was confused.