Gospel of Blood

Chapter 399: 55- Command


On the training grounds of Earl's Mansion.

The bodyguard knights in short training uniforms were training while curiously looking at the black cats running around the entire Earl's Mansion.


The fat Ness dragged his body almost into a ball and ran hummingly, not daring to stop for a moment.

Seeing the tired and panting black cat with a depressed face, the knights immediately couldn't help laughing:

"Lord Nice, you were caught spying on the maid, and were you punished by the Earl?"

"Get out! Master Cat, I am exercising! Do you know about exercise?!"

Ness glared at them and said angrily.

"Yeah, you're right, it's exercise."

"Mr. Nice, please exercise first. We have finished training and are going to the house for tea."

"Oh, it's too hot today. I heard that the maid also prepared the special thirst-quenching iced lemon tea invented by the Earl."

"Would you like a drink, Mr. Nice?"

"Hey, don't disturb Mr. Nice. Mr. Nice still needs to train."

"Yeah yeah!"

Looking at these bodyguard knights who were gloating about their misfortune, Nice's big face was almost distorted.

Recalling the refreshing and thirst-quenching ice lemon tea invented by Charlotte, it swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said angrily:

"Go away! A bunch of heartless things! Go drink your iced lemon tea! Don't let Mr. Cat reinforce the magic circle on the training ground for you again!"


The knights of the bodyguard hugged each other and laughed, walking towards the room. The entire training ground was filled with a happy atmosphere.

In the Earl's Mansion, Charlotte stood in front of the second-floor window and looked at the training ground, shaking her head slightly.

Nice is a guy who is very capable, doesn't put on airs, and can get along with other people very quickly, but he has this lustful habit that happens every day, and he can't change it after so long, which makes people speechless.

"The punishment is still not harsh enough."

Charlotte snorted softly, turned back to the desk, and spread out the map on the table.

This is a map of the continent of Miria.

The map is not standard. Compared with the "entire continent" that Charlotte saw when she traveled through the world for the second time and woke up, at best it was just similar, and in many places the proportions were completely wrong.

And outside the continent, the places belonging to the "Old Continent" are not drawn at all.

But even so, this is currently the most comprehensive map of Miria.

Charlotte looked at the map, or more precisely, at the red dots marked on the map.

That was marked by Nice, and it was the coordinates where it speculated that the unexcavated ancient temple might exist.

She had already checked Nice's body. This guy... really pinched his body with a statue. She had never checked it carefully before. This time, she directly used the power of blood to check, which made Charlotte really discover it. Nice physical difference.

Although Nice's body appears to be that of a cat, it is essentially more of a puppet body that accommodates the soul. It does have some characteristics of a faceless god, and can even be used as the body of a descended god.

It's no wonder that the Blood Demon Cult kidnapped Nice.

In addition to this guy's outstanding magical ability, they probably also discovered the difference in its body. They may not be able to discover its body essence through the power of blood like Charlotte, but they can also detect the specialness of its body.

As for why it was a cat body instead of a human body, judging from the depressed look on Nice's face when he mentioned it and didn't want to talk more, I guess something went wrong.

Although it is a pity, since this statue has been used by Nice, Charlotte has no choice but to give up.

As for the other two temples excavated in Nice, according to it, they were picked by the Holy Royal Court and Coria long ago, and the statues also fell into the hands of each other.

There was no other way, and it was impossible for Charlotte to go directly to the Theocracy and the Kingdom of Coria.

Fortunately, with Nice's label, she could arrange for someone to investigate in advance.

"Call Eudocia over."

After thinking about it, Charlotte rang the bell and the magic voice spoke.

After a while, Eudocia walked in wearing a maid uniform.

"Your Majesty Charlotte, what are your orders?"

She asked in a neither humble nor arrogant tone, her voice as cold as ever.

Looking at the black dragon maid in front of her who was quite submissive even though she could not be called respectful, Charlotte also sighed a little.

The dragon is indeed a race that values strength. As long as you are stronger than it, you may be able to conquer it.

Although Black Dragon is a well-known rebellious person among dragons, after spending so long with Eudosia, Charlotte felt that this statement did not apply to him.

It may be that Eudocia has lost her memory and has lived with werewolves for ten years. Compared to the legendary black dragon who is cunning, cunning, cruel and ruthless, her character is more similar to those demi-humans who love love.

After thinking about it, Charlotte smiled and said:

"Eudosiya, how does it feel to be in Castres?"

Eudocia was silent for a while and replied:

"It's very comfortable, but... too comfortable."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows:


"It's more comfortable than when I was in the Blood Demon Order."

Eudocia answered.


No, the Blood Demon Order is like a street rat. Everyone calls for beatings. Even in the North, they often conflict with various forces, not to mention that according to Albrecht, there are constant fights within them.

"Since you feel comfortable, I will tell you something to do, um... or rather, to investigate."

Charlotte picked up the map and said.

"Investigation? Investigation of what?"

Eudocia frowned.

"You remember coming to the underground temple in the Gris Territory, right? I need you to investigate the locations marked on the map to find similar temples that may exist."

Charlotte said.

After saying that, a light flashed in her hand, and a small statue of the god appeared.

This is a faceless statue.

To be more precise, this is a copycat idol that Nice imitated based on the real idol with the help of the divine power of blood and extraordinary materials.

It has only one effect, which is to sense the divine power of other blood.

This is what Nice handed over to Charlotte.

Although this guy used a real god statue, he tinkered with something like this.

According to Nice, this imitation statue has a model of a magic circle similar to the ancient temple. There is also a imitation magic circle inside the statue, which can sense the existence of the divine power of blood from a long distance.

In the beginning, it was the greatest contributor to Nice's ability to unearth three ancient temples.

Nice has never dared to take it out, nor dare to tell what it knows about the Ancient Temple. The biggest reason is that it is not sure of Charlotte's attitude and purpose, and is worried that Charlotte will know its secrets. Then recover its body.

However, after Charlotte made it clear that she would not care about her puppet cat, Nice, who had confessed her secret, honestly handed over the thing.

After Charlotte got it, she also tried to use it, and it did have the effect of sensing the divine power of blood.

She took the initiative to inject her own divine power and applied divine blessing. Now this statue can be regarded as a real "artifact", and the detection effect has been improved to a higher level.

Although she didn't try it, Charlotte estimated that it should be easier for her to sense the existence of the Ancient Temple than herself.

Hmm... Let's start the search from the Roman Principality first, and gradually investigate outwards with the red dot as the center. I will give you the coat of arms of the Castel family and the manpower of the Castel Chamber of Commerce in various places for you to mobilize. Of course, the true purpose must be kept secret. "

Charlotte pointed to the red dot on the map and said.

Eudocia took the map.

Looking at the red dots all over the map, her eyes brightened slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and said in a deep voice:

"I see."

Charlotte noticed the change in Eudocia's expression.

Obviously, even though he traveled between the North Land and the Royal Capital during the two months following him, the black dragon still felt depressed by having him by his side all the time.

Dragons, especially black dragons, prefer freedom to being restrained.

Now that she saw a mission that could cover the whole continent, she quickly became excited.

It’s no wonder that Eudocia has a deep relationship with the brother of the werewolf Noah.

During the ten years when they had to recuperate underground, only the other party could communicate with each other to relieve their boredom. It was strange that the relationship was not deep.

Otherwise, I would be suffocated to death.

"Remember, once you feel something, just say my name silently in your heart and notify me as soon as possible."

Charlotte said.

Eudosia nodded:

"I see."

After receiving the mission from Charlotte, Eudocia went down.

Watching the other party leave, Charlotte also nodded secretly.

The mission of finding the Ancient Temple cannot be made known to too many people. After all, it involves the ruins of the "Blood True Ancestor".

Among her followers, the four who have the strength to take on this task are Yurst, Albrecht, Sebas and Eudocia.

Among the four, Yurst still has the mission of the Ness clan, Albrecht's loyalty must be compromised, and Sebas has other missions to do, so the most suitable candidate is Eudosia.

Eudocia left with the map, and Charlotte got up and moved her body, taking another look out the window.

On the training ground, the panting Nice had already completed a hundred laps under the orders of the "Servant Contract" and collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, panting heavily.

It was surrounded by several knights with playful and smiling faces. Some of them fanned it with leaves, and some fed it iced lemon tea. From time to time, you could hear laughter and ridicule, and the atmosphere was quite cheerful.

Charlotte clicked her tongue as she looked at Nice, who was being laughed at and cared for by the knights.

Sometimes, I don’t know whether to say whether this perverted porn cat has high or low emotional intelligence.

Charlotte shook her head again when she thought of all the chaos that Nice had caused in the Earl's Mansion over the past year.

I heard that even the door of the maid dressing room has a note saying "No men or women allowed". I hope... this guy can have a long memory in the future.

Although she thinks it's unlikely, this guy's head is full of pornographic waste, and it's to the point where a dog can't change his mind and eat shit.

Looking away from the window, Charlotte was about to ring the bell for the second time, but she quickly reacted and said in her heart:

"Sebas, come meet me in the study."

Sebastian belongs to the Blood Scroll and has a deeper contractual connection with Charlotte. There is no need to ring the bell to summon him, he can just call directly from the bottom of his heart.

Not long after, Sebastian appeared in front of Charlotte, wearing a black tuxedo and looking as elegant as ever.

"Great Master, you summoned Sebastian. Do you have any other tasks to give?"

He bowed respectfully and asked with a smile.

Charlotte nodded and asked:

"How are you doing with the details of the doctrine and the compilation of the canon that you mentioned some time ago?"

Sebastian's expression straightened and he thought:

"I have a lot of ideas and have formed some first drafts. However, they are just theories and are not yet complete enough to be presented to you."

"Especially regarding the part about darkness and order, our tone is to reshape order, but how to reshape order, how to make believers who are accustomed to 'light' recognize 'darkness', and how to empower believers are also a problem."

"After all... you can't turn everyone into a vampire, and 'darkness' is far more difficult to accept than 'light'."

"I think it needs to be further revised based on reality to finally form a teaching that is most suitable for you."

"So... I plan to go to the mining area to communicate with your believers and listen to Lu Fu's opinions. At the same time, I will take a look at the books of the Holy Royal Court to see if there is anything else I can learn from and refer to. ”

Charlotte nodded slightly and said in appreciation:

"Nice idea."

After speaking, she pondered again:

"It just so happens that I also have a mission and need you to go to the mining area."

Sebastian's heart moved:

"Is it about the mining workshop?"

Charlotte shook her head:

"No, it's also a matter for believers."

As she spoke, she raised her chin with her hands and said:

"You said giving power, I have also considered it. There are many ways to give power. It does not necessarily have to be the first embrace. Giving the power of blood does not necessarily mean turning the other person into a vampire..."

"I already have some ideas about this matter, and I'm calling you here to give it a try."

"The time for the gods to revive is getting closer and closer, and there is not much time left for us. Before the gods revive one after another, we must accumulate enough strength, and I... also have the power to compete with them. "

"So... the missionary work will be officially put on the agenda. The core doctrine has been decided. As for the details, we can take our time and improve as we go. After all... no religious order is perfect from the beginning. "

After accepting the mission from Charlotte, Sebastian left.

Not long after Sebastian left, another knight of the bodyguard knocked on the door of the study:

"Your Majesty the Earl, there is a visitor from the Fallen Star noble who claims to be your friend and is waiting outside the mansion."

The fallen star noble who calls himself my friend

Charlotte was stunned.

Her heart moved slightly, as if she had guessed something.

After closing her eyes and sensing it, Charlotte's mouth corners slightly raised.

"It seems... they can't wait any longer."

she murmured.

After speaking, Charlotte said to the guard knight:

"Invite him in. He is indeed my 'friend'."