Gospel of Blood

Chapter 400: 56- Clan Ness's coup plan


"Lord Castel, long time no see. Congratulations on becoming a direct vassal of Xinyue."

In the reception room of the Earl's Mansion, Earl Ulster, a descendant of Ness, dressed in a black robe, bowed gracefully to Charlotte and said.

For some reason, Yulster's attitude towards Charlotte today seemed to be more respectful than before.

Charlotte took the sweet milk from the maid's tray, took a sip, and said:

"Mr. Yulster, it's been a long time since we last met. You still look so elegant and handsome."

After saying this, she bowed and said with a smile:

"Your visit this time should not just be to congratulate me, Castel, right?"

Yust's expression became serious.

He looked at the maids and attendants around Charlotte and remained silent. Charlotte noticed his look and waved to the others:

"You go down first."

The serving maids bowed and took their leave. The attendants looked at Yulster, then at Charlotte, and after a slight hesitation, they also bowed respectfully and took their leave.

Soon, Charlotte and Yulster were the only ones left in the living room.

"Okay, now there's no one else here, you can talk."

Charlotte said as she took a sip of the sweet milk.

After saying that, she smiled and looked at you:

"If I'm not mistaken, your visit to me today should be related to the Return to the Star Project, right?"

Only after making sure that there was no one else did Earl of Ulster breathe a sigh of relief.

He nodded and smiled bitterly:

"Mr. Castel, to be honest, my visit today is indeed related to the Return to Star Project."

"The Nice Elders' Council has passed a meeting resolution and decided to unite with the Fallen Star nobles to launch a coup in the near future and seize the Fallen Star government. I came here, on the one hand, to congratulate you, and on the other hand, to seek your support in accordance with the alliance between Nice and Castel."

Charlotte nodded slightly and asked:

"Has the specific time been decided?"

"It's decided. It's on the 14th of next month, the second blood moon of summer, which is also when our bloodline is at its strongest."

"So early? Didn't we originally plan to take action after next year?"

Charlotte was a little surprised.

Yust sighed and said:

"The clan did plan to carry out the operation next year or the year after, but two and a half months ago, Lady Eugenia saw a new prophecy, and the time left for our Ness clan is running out."

"Lady Eugenia?"

Charlotte's heart moved slightly, and she felt a little curious.

Only the blood descendants of the Duke level can be addressed as “Sir” by a Blood Earl.

But Charlotte had also investigated the top leaders of the Ness clan, and even used the identity of "True Ancestor" to get to know the bottom of the Ness clan through Yust.

Excluding the "traitor" Elder Maxim who has been suppressed by the Ness Clan, the Ness Clan has a total of eight elders, or eight legends.

However, most of these eight legends are old, weak, sick and disabled.

Among them, two legends were severely injured by the legendary clergy of the Holy Royal Court in the last civil war of the Falling Star Kingdom and fell into a deep sleep. They have not awakened yet. Among the remaining six, three were seriously injured in the civil war among the blood descendants thousands of years ago. Their strength was greatly reduced, and their actual combat effectiveness is only slightly stronger than that of the blood descendants at the earl level.

In other words, eight legends sounds good, but in reality there are only three legends who can fight.

As far as Charlotte knew, there didn't seem to be any legend named "Eugenia" among these eight legends.

Noticing Charlotte's curiosity, Yulster explained:

"Lady Eugenia was once the divine scroll bearer of His Majesty Cosi, and was once the closest being to myth in the Ness clan."

The divine scroller of the stargazer Cauchy

Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

Just as the mythology worshipped by the Blood Demon Cult is the Blood Demon Grand Duke Abaddon, the Ness bloodline also has its own mythological leader, the bloodline demigod Stargazer Cosi.

If it is a part of the bloodline myth, then even if he is not a legend, he is indeed qualified to be called "adult" by other bloodlines.

However, as far as Charlotte knew, compared to the Blood Demon Grand Duke Abaddon, who would occasionally respond to the prayers of believers and even issue oracles, the Ness clan had not received any oracle from the Stargazer Cosi for hundreds of years.

This is also the reason why there are vampires in the Ness clan who have surrendered to the Blood Demon Grand Duke like Elder Maxim.

As for the divine scroll of the stargazer Cauchy…

"Is she the descendant of the Ness clan who is responsible for large-scale prophecies?"

Charlotte asked.

Yust hesitated for a moment and replied:

“It used to be.”


Charlotte noticed that Yulster mentioned the word several times.

Jules nodded and sighed:

"Yes, once upon a time, Lady Eugenia was the clan's divine savior and savior, but later she betrayed her faith, made a blasphemous prophecy, and lost the favor of the gods."

"However, she is the descendant of our Ness clan with the strongest prophetic ability. Even though she has lost the divine protection, she can still see many things that even the great elders cannot see. She is deeply respected by many descendants..."

"That's why, after she saw the new prophecy, the Elders decided to speed up everything."

After hearing what Yust said, Charlotte's heart was moved:

"Mr. Yulster, may I ask what prophecy the Ness clan saw?"

Yust hesitated a little.

But thinking of Charlotte's identity as the True Ancestor's agent, he quickly calmed down and sighed:

"Mr. Castel, have you ever heard of the Holy Day of Advent?"

Holy Advent Day

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

She nodded slightly and said:

"I've heard that when the blood moon descends forever, the gods will awaken from their slumber."

Yust sighed slightly:

"Yes, the eternal night has come, the gods have revived, and the saints have come to the world. This is the coming of the saints..."

"Early before Lady Eugenia was labeled a traitor, she had made a prophecy about the coming of the Holy Day. At first, all the descendants except the Ness clan were disdainful of it. But as time went by, as the descriptions in the prophecy became reality, everyone had to choose to believe it..."

"The gods have resurrected, the saints have come, and the Miria continent will once again become a battlefield for myths to compete. The mortals will become pawns, even if... they are legends."

"The reason why the Ness clan is eager to take back the power of Falling Star is also because the Holy Day is approaching. After all... even chess pieces have generals and soldiers."

"According to the prophecy, the clan would take back power within 20 years, and then further develop extraordinary power to prepare for the future chaos. But two and a half months ago, everything changed..."

As he spoke, Yust's expression became serious:

"Mr. Castel, two and a half months ago, on May 19th of this year, Lady Eugenia once again saw the prophecy about the Holy Day of Advent. In the prophecy, the Holy Day of Advent came earlier."

"According to the original prophecy, the coming of the Holy Day of Advent would take at least 20 to 30 years, but now... I'm afraid it's less than 10 years away."

"Although Lady Eugenia did not see the exact time, all the previous prophecies have become unclear. It seems that some more powerful force is affecting everything."

"That's why the clan's elders held an emergency meeting and decided to move all plans forward."

After listening to Yulster's words, Charlotte was thoughtful.

The Ness clan is a clan of divination and is very good at it. They have been able to preserve so many legendary descendants through repeated battles. Although most of them have suffered great losses in strength, they still have the power to turn danger into safety.

After all, as long as you are alive, there is always a way.

She understood the Ness clan's anxiety very well. Not only the Ness clan, but even she herself became nervous after learning about the Holy Day.


"May 19th..."

Charlotte muttered.

She will never forget this day this year.

Because it was on this day that she merged the Faceless Statue obtained from the Temple of Antiquity, causing the second alarm of the God-Suppressing Bell of the Lutetia Cathedral in the Holy Royal Court.

And from that day on, she stepped into the realm of "mythology".

Thinking of this, Charlotte looked puzzled.

The descendants of the Ness clan predicted that the Holy Day of Advent would be advanced. Could it be because of her

Is it because she became a "demigod"

Or... is there some other reason

But no matter what, Charlotte had a feeling that the early arrival of the Holy Day predicted by the Nice Clan was most likely related to her.

Otherwise, it would all be too much of a coincidence.

never mind.

When the enemy comes, we will fight him; when the water comes, we will block it with earth. Regardless of whether the coming of the Holy Day has anything to do with her, all she can do is to strengthen her own strength as soon as possible.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte collected her thoughts.

"Lord Yulster, what do you want Lord Castel to do?"

She asked.

After hearing what Charlotte said, Yulster breathed a sigh of relief.

When the Nice Clan was planning to sign an alliance with Castel, he didn't know that the god behind Castel was the ancestor of the bloodline. Now that he had to bite the bullet and go to the Nice Clan to ask for help, he was a little nervous.

After all, in history, the Ness clan also betrayed the True Ancestor of Blood, and was even one of the two most ruthless forces in the Miria continent that hunted down the descendants of royal blood, and was as famous as the Holy Royal Court.

But now it seems that the True Ancestor does not seem to care about the past betrayal of the Ness clan, and is more merciful than he thought.

Yes, mercy.

Compared to the brutal and merciless Blood True Ancestor in Yust's memory, the current True Ancestor left the greatest impression on Yust, that of kindness.

At least... after he was "forced" to become a member of the Blood Scroll, he was not punished, nor was he forced to do things against his will, and the True Ancestor did not use him to take revenge on the Ness Clan.

The returning True Ancestor...seems to have changed.

But Yulster thinks the change is a good one.

Sometimes he even wondered if the original ancestor had never been cruel, whether the blood race would not have betrayed him, and whether the Miria continent would still be ruled by the blood race.

But unfortunately, history cannot be changed.

The good thing is that although history cannot be changed, we can look forward.

Yurst felt that if it was the current Blood Progenitor, perhaps... it could really start all over again.

Thinking of this, Yurst was no longer so resistant to the task given to him by the True Ancestor to "infiltrate" the Ness clan.

If... if it was this True Ancestor, if Lady Eugenia's blasphemous prophecy really came true... he felt that the other party had the hope of becoming the new patron saint of the Ness clan after the Holy Day of Advent.

As for now, let’s start with the “cooperation” of the Return to Star Project.

Taking a deep breath, Yust said:

"Sir Castel, we need you to cooperate with us in a play."


Charlotte was slightly surprised.

"Yes, it's a show. Our original plan was to use the wealth of Castel County to gather enough troops to seize power in the Fallen Star Kingdom through a coup d'état. But... now we have found a better way."

Yust said.

"A better way? Tell me about it."

Charlotte was immediately interested.

According to the agreement she had made with the Ness clan, Lord Castel would provide financial assistance to the Ness clan that launched the coup, and at the same time use the Castel fleet to blockade the Star-Moon Strait, cut off the shipping routes of the Falling Star Kingdom, and prevent possible reinforcements from the Holy Court through diplomatic means.

But now it seems that the other party has found a better way.

Yust cleared his throat and said:

"The story began three months ago. At the end of spring this year, His Majesty the King went to the northern part of Luoxing for spring hunting. During the hunt, he was attacked by a giant dragon. Although the dragon was eventually killed, His Majesty the King was also seriously injured..."

"Three months have passed, and His Majesty's injuries have not improved. Even the clergy of the Holy Royal Court are helpless. His time is running out."

King Edward III of the Fallen Star is seriously wounded and dying

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

This was the first time she had heard of this. The Falling Star Kingdom had kept the secret quite secret.


"Did Clan Ness do this?"

She asked calmly.

Yust replied:

"Half of it. Although His Majesty the King is not a legend like Louis the Great, he is also a senior Blazing Sun. He is usually protected by powerful extraordinary people, so it is difficult to get close to him on weekdays."

"His injury was indeed an accident. He was careless. After hearing that a giant dragon appeared in the north of Luoxing, he couldn't wait to go there in person. He wanted to break through his strength through the blood bathing ritual after slaying the dragon and become a legend. However, he underestimated the power of the dragon and was severely injured..."

"The Ness clan did intervene in this process, but it was during the recovery process that the clan bribed the doctor who was responsible for treating His Majesty the King and replaced His Majesty's medicine."

As he said this, Yust sighed softly:

"It is also because His Majesty the King is too cruel on weekdays and has offended many nobles. This move has also been tacitly approved by many nobles in the Falling Star Palace."

Charlotte's heart moved and she narrowed her eyes:

"So... you plan to get rid of King Edward III of Falling Star? But forgive me for being blunt, even if Edward III dies, the subsequent succession will not fall on the Lilac Family controlled by the Nice Clan, right? It's not like Falling Star Kingdom doesn't have a crown prince, and the Lilac Family is not extinct."

After hearing what Charlotte said, Yulster smiled slightly:

"Sir Castel, you do know something about the royal family of Luoxing."

Charlotte shook her head.

"Red lilacs, purple lilacs, and the lilac war are all well known to everyone."

Jules nodded and said:

"Normally, that's the case, but unfortunately... His Majesty's heir is a little special."


Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

Yust nodded and said:

"Although His Majesty the King has declared the matter confidential, the Nice Clan has discovered after investigation that the current Prince Henry of the Fallen Star is nominally His Majesty's legitimate son, but in reality he is not."

"It can be considered as a drawback of inbreeding among human relatives. Your Majesty the King and the Queen are both descendants of the Clove family, and they are cousins. Although the Queen has been pregnant several times over the years, the children she gave birth to all died."

"Prince Henry is the only child of His Majesty the King who has grown up, but he is not the Queen's son as the royal family claims. In fact, Prince Henry is the son of the Queen's maid and the King, but he is only announced to the public as the Queen's child."

At this point, Yust said meaningfully:

"Mr. Castel, the bloodline of Prince Henry, the successor of the Falling Star Kingdom, is impure, and it does not conform to the agreement of the two Lilac families to merge the families based on the bloodline of the heirs. According to the regulations, the Red Lilac Family has the right to deny Prince Henry's inheritance rights and designate the heir of the kingdom from the direct lineage of the Red Lilac Family."

"This... is the Ness clan's chance to seize power in Falling Star!"