Gospel of Blood

Chapter 401: 57- Ceremony of Ancestral Recognition


"Compared to the Red Lilac Family, the Purple Lilac Family, which is also a branch of the Roman family, is already sparsely populated. Once Edward III dies and the issue of Prince Henry's bloodline is made public, the Red Lilac Family will have the right to attack the Purple Lilac Family, thus potentially avoiding war and directly obtaining the right to inherit the Fallen Star Kingdom!"

' said Lord Eustace solemnly.

After hearing his words, Charlotte was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the Luoxing royal family had such a secret.

However, Charlotte also knew that politics was a very complicated thing. Even if the two Lilac families had an agreement on inheritance, the actual implementation would definitely be another situation.

The struggle for power is never smooth, not to mention that since the current King Edward III has concealed the bloodline of the Crown Prince, it means that he has no intention of passing the inheritance rights to the Lilac Family.

Even though the Lilac Family is small in number, it is still the legitimate royal family of the Fallen Star. As the one in power, it is impossible for them to give up the power in their hands easily, and they must have made various preparations for this.

Since Count Yust came to her now, it means that there must be some major flaws in the plan of the Nice Clan...

"Sir Yulster, the Ness clan's plan sounds good, but since you came to see me today, there must be some shortcomings, right?"

Charlotte asked as she took a sip of her sweet milk.

Yust sighed and smiled bitterly:

"To be honest, there are indeed some shortcomings."

"The Nice family's plan is to expose Prince Henry's bloodline and use the Kingdom Parliament to deny his right of succession."

"Unlike the Crescent Moon Kingdom, the parliament in the Falling Star Kingdom is quite powerful, especially in terms of the kingdom's succession rights. The parliament can even compete with the king and influence the kingdom's successor."

"The long-term Star-Moon War has greatly weakened the kingship of Falling Star. Once the Kingdom Parliament denies Prince Henry's right of succession based on his bloodline, even the king cannot fight against all the nobles. He must fulfill his promise and select an heir from the Red Lilac Family as agreed."

"After so many years of infiltration, the Nice Clan has almost controlled more than half of the seats in the Kingdom's Parliament. As long as we successfully convene the Parliament and deny Prince Henry's right of succession, everything will come together."

"But the problem is how to expose Prince Henry's origins."

Speaking of this, Yulster looked a little depressed:

"The Ness family did learn the secret of Prince Henry's parentage, but the witness who knew it is dead."

"Dead? Was he silenced?"

Charlotte was stunned.

Yust shook his head.

"He was not silenced, but died in a shipwreck. The other party was a captain who had escorted Prince Henry's mother. Not long ago, he was attacked by pirates after he went out to sea and never came back."

Charlotte was speechless:

"There are witnesses now, don't you know how to protect them? How is this different from being silenced?"

Yust smiled bitterly and said:

"We only learned about Prince Henry's bloodline not long ago, and were about to take control of the witness, but we were a step too late."

"After the outbreak of the Bold-Castle War, the captain wanted to make a fortune during the war, so he took his ship out to sea. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by pirates and ended up dying in the sea."

"Although the Ness clan has other evidence, it is not convincing enough. His death has made things more complicated."

Charlotte: …

"So, you came to Castel to find me this time, are you trying to get my help? You said acting... is also related to this? Wait, you are not planning to take action directly against Prince Henry, are you?"

She asked.

Yust shook his head.

"No, we are not going to kill him."

"Killing Prince Henry is not the best option. Rather than killing him, denying his succession qualifications in a reasonable and legal way is the most effective way."

"The Nice clan will support the new king, but they will also keep him. After all, he is the descendant of Edward III. Even if he loses his right to inherit, he still has a claim to the Fallen Star Kingdom. He is still a threat to the king supported by Nice."

"This is not a bad thing. The Ness Clan has lost control of the Falling Star for too long, and there is no way to completely expel the power of the church in the first place. This means that the first king chosen by the Ness Clan cannot be a blood descendant or a blood servant, and cannot be mentally controlled. Otherwise, it will be easy to be discovered and targeted."

"But at the same time, without being a blood descendant or blood servant, the Ness clan cannot ensure the complete loyalty of the chosen king..."

"This is a dead end, but it's different with Prince Henry here. With him, Nice will be able to achieve a balance of power and restrict the royal power to the greatest extent possible. If the new king wants to consolidate his rule, he must win the support of the Nice clan. This will buy more time for the Nice clan and help them further control the kingdom in the future."

"So... Prince Henry must live."

"What's more, after the new king is crowned, the Nice clan can even control Prince Henry as a future alternative."

Yust explained it very clearly, analyzing the current situation of Falling Star to Charlotte one by one.

However, Charlotte knew that this was not only for her, but also for the "Blood True Ancestor" behind her.

As the blood scroll of the True Ancestor within Nice, this was one of Yurst's tasks.

"I understand. You still intend to reveal his bloodline, but you don't want to expose the hands and feet of the Ness clan in the process. So you plan to let me assist you?"

Charlotte groaned.

Yust nodded:


"Although the witness who knew Prince Henry's parentage is dead, the blood is impure and this cannot be false."

"As long as it can be proven that his bloodline is impure, his right of succession can still be denied by the Kingdom Parliament."

"However, this negates the need to highlight the role of the parliament and the nobility and dilute the influence of the Ness clan."

"So... the Ness clan thought of you."

Charlotte's heart moved slightly:

"What kind of play does the Ness Clan intend to invite me to perform?"

Earl of Eustace smiled slightly and said:

"Mr. Castel, do you know how to identify bloodlines?"

"The power of the nobility comes from their bloodline. Many ancient noble families have methods of identifying their bloodline, and the Roman family is no exception."

"As one of the oldest noble families in Miria, the Roman family has had a tradition since ancient times. That is, before the future head of the family is determined, the heir of the family must go to the ancestral land to obtain the recognition of the ancestral sword and strengthen the Roman blood in the body... Or in other words, the mythical blood of the historical half-elf hero Romanus."

"This ceremony of gaining the recognition of the Sword of the Ancestors is a bloodline identification, and it is also a bloodline strengthening. While ensuring that the family heir is of Roman's bloodline, it can also further stimulate his bloodline power and increase the bloodline concentration."

"Edward III is seriously ill, and Prince Henry is also going to take this step. Once this step is completed, he will officially become the heir that not even the king has the right to deprive him of."

Charlotte's heart moved:

"Are you trying to say... that he can't pass this test because his bloodline is impure?"

"No, he can pass. Even if his bloodline is impure, he is still the heir of the King and has Roman blood in his body. As long as he has Roman blood, he can be recognized. The most serious thing is that the ancestor's sword is too weak and lacks momentum... Although it is easy to arouse suspicion, the royal family can also use various excuses to evade it."

"As long as he is recognized, his bloodline will be strengthened, and no one will use bloodline as an excuse anymore."

"What do you mean?"

Lord Eustace smiled:

"Mr. Castel, under normal circumstances, Prince Henry can indeed pass the approval of the Sword of Ancestors, but there are exceptions."

As he said this, he looked at Charlotte meaningfully:

"That... is when there are beings with higher blood concentrations present at the ceremony and also participating in the ceremony."

Charlotte took a sip of sweet milk and raised her eyebrows slightly:

"So... Clan Ness wants me to participate in the ceremony as well?"

Lord Eustace nodded and said:

“You can think of it that way.”

"Both the Lilac Family and the Red Lilac Family are branches of the Roman Family. The orthodox Roman lineage in the Fallen Star Kingdom disappeared long ago with the death of the previous king."

"Although the current king has strengthened his bloodline once through the Sword of the Ancestors, it is still unable to reach the bloodline strength of the former direct descendant Roman because it is too far away. And Prince Henry... is even further behind."

“However, outside of Falling Star, Roman’s direct bloodline is still circulating.

"That... is you."

As he spoke, Earl Eustace's expression became serious:

"Your mother... is the sister of the former king of the Falling Star Kingdom, Princess Anne of the Roman family. Your grandfather was the Mad King Edward II, who pushed the Star-Moon War to a climax and started the Second Star-Moon War. What's more, before your uncle Henry the Fool ascended the throne, your mother had even passed the approval of the Roman Ancestor Sword. However, in order to pursue love, she gave up the position of head of the family and left Falling Star to live in seclusion in Castel."

"In other words, you have a higher concentration of Roman blood in your body than the current King of Fallen Star!"

"Once you participate in the ceremony, Prince Henry will inevitably fail, and once he cannot be recognized by the Sword of the Ancestors, the Parliament will have reason to deny his right of succession."

"After all... if it is really the blood of the king and queen, its Roman blood cannot fail to be recognized by the Sword of the Ancestors."

Charlotte understood.

This is to let her cause trouble, directly ruin Prince Henry's recognition ceremony, and deny the other party's inheritance rights in the name of Roman ancestors.


"The Ceremony of Ancestor Recognition... This is a ceremony specifically for the successor of the Roman family head, right? How can I participate in the ceremony?"

Charlotte asked.

Lord Eustace replied:

"The ancestral land of the Roman family was once on Roman Island in the Northern Grand Duchy. Later, it was moved to the current Roman Duchy. The Sword of the Ancestors is also there."

"Currently, the ancestor recognition ceremony is being held in Rohan, the capital of the Roman Principality. The Nice clan has infiltrated the nobles responsible for the ceremony. Although they cannot disrupt the ceremony, they can secretly send you to a dark room prepared in advance just below the ceremony site."

"When the ceremony begins, you will also be illuminated by the glory of the sword of your ancestors. With you here, Prince Henry will surely fail."

"I see… "

Charlotte nodded slightly.

But soon, her expression became a little strange again:

“But in this case, isn’t the Ness clan worried that I will inherit the sword of my ancestors and be recognized as the head of the Roman family?”

Yust shook his head.

“No, although the ancestor recognition ceremony strengthens the bloodline, it is only a ceremony after all. The so-called family head succession confirmation ceremony is a tradition formed by the Roman family to consolidate the status of direct descendants. In essence, it is still a bloodline strengthening ritual.”

"Even if you are recognized by the Sword of the Ancestors, it is just that the Roman blood in your body is strengthened and your physique is enhanced. What happened in the dark room will not be shown at the ceremony, and Luoxing will not regard you as the successor to the head of the Roman family."

"As for being recognized as the master by the Roman Ancestor Sword, that is even more impossible. The Roman Ancestor Sword is the sword of the half-elf hero Romanus. It is a true mythical artifact. It follows the agreement with Romanus to help his descendants strengthen their bloodline, but it will never recognize a mortal as its master."

"Its owner... is only the demigod Romanus who successfully pulled it out of the stone."

"In other words... you just privately participated in a divine ritual to strengthen your bloodline."

But I am not a mortal, am I? Is this really okay

Charlotte muttered to herself.

However, her interest was also aroused, and she really wanted to see the legendary sword of Roman's ancestors.

There was also a description of her "half-elf" bloodline in her personal profile. She used to think that this might be because the Castel family had intermarried with elves in history, but now it seems that it may not be due to the Castel family, but more likely to be the Roman family.


"Sir Yulster, if the Ness clan regains control of the Fallen Star Kingdom in this way, what will happen to the agreement between Castel and Ness?"

Charlotte asked.

Yulster said:

"You mean the ownership of the Roman Principality?"

"Regarding this point, I am actually somewhat puzzled by the decision of the Council of Elders. Although war may not break out, the Council of Elders of Nice still decided to give you the Principality of Roman in order to maintain friendship with Castel."

"I think... this may be the sincerity expressed by the Council of Elders to His Majesty the True Ancestor. The Ness clan does not know that the god behind you is His Majesty the First Ancestor, but they know that the god behind you is a bloodline myth."

"The friendship of a legend is more important than an undefendable enclave."

"In addition, even if there is no war, the new king will need to expel the forces of the Holy Royal Court after he ascends the throne. At that time... maybe your help will still be needed."

After saying that, Yust looked at Charlotte:

"So, Lord Castel, what do you think about the proposal of the Ness clan?"

Charlotte thought for a moment and asked:

"Sir Yulster, when you made this proposal, was it based on the identity of the Ness blood clan or the identity of the Blood Scroll?"

Yust hesitated for a moment, and seemed to be about to speak.

But in the end, he sighed and said:

"This is the decision of the Nice Elders' Council. I am just a mouthpiece, but I added some of my personal understanding."

"For me personally, it's a bit of both. No matter how you put it, in my opinion, this matter is good for the Ness blood race, for you, and for His Majesty the True Ancestor."

"This is a win-win situation. The Ness clan has obtained the Falling Star Kingdom, and you have obtained the Roman Principality. The friendship between the two sides will also be beneficial to the reintegration of the blood clan by His Majesty the True Ancestor in the future."

Charlotte nodded:

"I see."

After that, she smiled again:

"I also think it's a very good suggestion. As the lord of Castel, I am happy to participate in this 'performance'."