Gospel of Blood

Chapter 402: 58- Yulster’s report


"Oh? So, she agreed to secretly participate in Roman's Ancestral Sword Recognition Ceremony?"

In the different space summoned by the communication crystal, the illusory black shadow in front of the round table asked.

On the other side, Blood Count Yurst controlled Mo Hu's consciousness incarnation and saluted the black shadow:

"Yes, Lord Yorke, His Excellency the Earl of Castel is willing to participate in our plan in a month and assist us in deposing Prince Henry's right of succession."

"Besides the territory of the Roman Principality, did she make any other requests?"

The illusory black shadow, or more precisely, Duke Yorok of the Ness clan asked again.

"Not really. The Bold-Castel War just ended, and she hopes to recuperate for a while."

Yust shook his head and said.

Duke York thought:

"I heard from a merchant on Falling Star that there has been a lot of activity in the northern part of New Moon recently. Many villages and towns are undergoing large-scale construction. Is this related to this?"

Eustace replied respectfully:

"Yes, recently all parts of the Earldom of Castel have been carrying out various construction projects in full swing. Many baronies are building roads and bridges, especially after Earl Castel officially became a direct vassal of the New Moon."

"It is said that even the trade route of the Barony of Betel, which Violet ceded to Castel after the Bold-Castell War, has been opened. Now, people from the North can directly pass through the Barony of Betel to enter the Roman Principality and the Crescent Interior, without having to take the long detour through the Violet Forest. All this... It's not even half a year since the end of the war."

"The Barony of Bethel? The ancestral land of the Willett family?"

Duke Yorock said in surprise.

Yust nodded:

"Yes, it is the ancestral land of the Willett family that ruled the Violet Principality in the past."

Duke York pondered for a moment and asked:

"If I remember correctly, there should be many undead left in that territory, right? Even some descendants of the clan stationed in Roman seem to often go there to hone their necromancy... The pollution there is not simple. If it is not for the Legend himself, I am afraid it will be impossible to completely eliminate the undead. Is it the one behind Castel who took action?"

Yust shook his head.

"It shouldn't be. Earl Castel found the descendants of the Willett family. When I went to North Port, I went there specifically. Everything was handled by the descendants of the Willett family and the lord of the Barony of Bethel."

"Descendants of the Willett family? Do they have the ability to purify the dead?"

Duke York was slightly surprised.

Yust explains:

"Yes, I attended the party of the descendants of the Willett family and got to know him. He is also a vampire, and his bloodline is very strong. He is suspected to be a fourth-generation vampire. He should have received the first embrace from a third-generation vampire of the Shedit clan, and mastered quite exquisite necromancy..."

"Has he been recruited by the one behind Castel..."

After listening to Yulster's report, Duke York muttered to himself.

As he spoke, he looked at Yurst's consciousness projection across the round table again:

"Any other news from the North?"

Yust thought for a moment and said:

"If it's about the person behind Castel... No information for now. However, there are rumors that a new religious group has emerged in the northern part of Castel Territory. The believers are mainly miners in the mining area. I wonder if it is related to the person behind Castel."

"As for Beigang, the Earl's Mansion has introduced many policies to encourage commerce and the alchemy industry in recent months. Obviously, Earl Castel does not want to be involved in war again in the short term. Our plan is in line with her wishes to some extent."

"In addition, the Castel Territory has also built a new magic school called Castel College. It is said that Earl Castel donated all the books in his family. Beigang has also offered very favorable conditions to recruit mages from the college. It is said that many powerful East Yunite mercenaries are tempted."

"Northern Harbor is also preparing for the construction of extraordinary regular forces. Earl Castel, who returned from Lutetia, should have opened up the extraordinary channel of the Northland in the Crescent Kingdom. Not long after returning to Northern Harbor, he officially started recruiting extraordinary troops."

"As for the size of the army, it is said to be based on the size of an ordinary duchy in the Crescent Kingdom, so the number of people should be around 3,000."

Duke Yorok nodded slightly:

"Three thousand people? That's a lot of people. With the support of the gods, they should have the potential to become a very powerful army."

"Although strange religious groups have emerged in various parts of Miria in recent years, a resurrected god will definitely not sit idly by and watch strange religious groups appear within its sphere of influence. Since there is a mysterious religious group secretly preaching in the north, it is most likely related to His Majesty."

"Recruiting other blood descendants, secretly developing the cult, building roads and bridges, and forming a supernatural army... It seems that His Majesty, the Queen of the North, is also preparing for the Holy Day of Coming."

After saying this, he looked at Yust's consciousness projection:

"Urst, you did a good job. Stay on the mainland and keep in touch with Castel. Also... if you have time, go find out about the cult and see which god they believe in and whether their holy emblem is the thorn rose."

After receiving the Duke of York's approval, Yust relaxed a little. He bowed respectfully:

"I see."

Then, he looked at the projection of Duke Yorok's consciousness with a slightly hesitant look.

Noticing his gaze, Duke York asked:

"Urst, is there anything else you want to report?"

Yust hesitated for a moment, shook his head, but finally nodded:

"Well... it's not really a report, I'm just a little confused."

"Confused? What doubts?"

Yust thought for a moment and said carefully:

"Lord Yorok, after more than half a year of investigation, we have been able to confirm that the gods behind the North have no ill will towards the Ness clan. If that is the case... why can't our relationship with her go a step further?"

"Lady Eugenia predicted that the time of the Holy Day of Advent has been advanced again, but His Majesty Cosi still has not responded to us. Although the behavior of Elder Maxim and others to join the Blood Demon Grand Duke is despicable, I think that perhaps we do need to consider the worst case scenario..."

As he spoke, he looked at the projection of Yorok's consciousness, swallowed his saliva, and whispered tentatively:

"After all... not all sleeping gods will eventually be revived successfully..."

Duke Yorok frowned, and the pressure from his projection suddenly increased:

"That's enough. Let this topic rot in my heart. Stop talking about it!"

The will of the legend descended, and Yurst's projection shook slightly, his figure seemed a little illusory.

He trembled and almost knelt down under the pressure of the legendary blood descendant.

Duke Yorok glanced at him, dispelled his pressure, and said in a deep voice:

"You're right. Maybe the god behind Castel really has no ill will towards Nice, but the god... is a god after all, and we are too weak to face the god."

"There are too many myths in the Bloodline Era. Many of them even have other names while being Bloodlines. We still don't know the details of that god, so we must be more cautious in our actions."

"The Holy Day of Advent is approaching. Although Her Majesty Cosi has not responded, our faith connection is still there, which means she has not fallen."

"Be patient, Your Majesty, I will come back."

After hearing what Duke Yorrock said, Yulster couldn't help but say:

"Lord Yorrock, so even you no longer believe in Lady Eugenia's prophecy?"

Duke York was silent.

After a long time, he sighed:

"This is the will of the Grand Elder and the Council of Elders. We must follow it. I believe in Eugenia. Eugenia did see a picture that seemed to show His Majesty Cosi's fall. But it is an indisputable fact that His Majesty Cosi's faith connection is still there..."

"There are many ways to interpret the prophecy. Perhaps Eugenia's interpretation is wrong. The connection of faith is the fundamental thing. After all, we are believers of the Stargazers. The Holy Day of Advent is approaching. The closer it is to this time, the more we should have faith in our own gods."

"If we don't even believe in ourselves, then Your Majesty... may never come back."

After listening to Duke Yorrock's words, Yulster opened his mouth and finally sighed:

"I see."

Duke Yorrock glanced at him and continued:

"Urst, keep these thoughts to yourself. As your elder, I can understand your thoughts and tolerate your mistakes, but the elders will not do that, not even the great elder."

"We do want to make a contribution in the Return to Star Project and rescue Eugenia, but we have to do it in a reasonable way."

"In the remaining month, you should continue to prepare for the Return to Star Plan and do a good job of separating the Roman Principality from the Roman Family. And the separation must be thorough."

"I remember that you met Romanus a thousand years ago. It's a good opportunity for you to go meet that lord. According to the time, the thousand-year agreement between that lord and the Roman family is almost over. If possible, after this Ancestral Sword Recognition Ceremony, you can end your protection of Roman and return to Luna Island according to the agreement with my Ness Clan."

"We don't know when His Majesty Cosi will return, but at least... the return of a mythical artifact can increase our strength to some extent."

After hearing what Duke Yorrock said, Yust's heart moved:

"The complete severance of the Roman Principality and the Roman Family? Does the Council of Elders intend to end Roman's rule over Falling Star?"

Duke Yorok nodded slightly:

"That is a matter for the future. If we want to dominate Fallen Star like Vadrat dominated the Kingdom of Kolya, we must support our own royal family. To do this, Roman must become part of Fallen Star's history."

"Roman's influence in Luoxing is too great. Even if his family power is weak, he can still compete with Nice just by relying on his reputation. This is based on the fact that Roman has produced several incompetent rulers in succession."

"Supporting the Red Lilac Family is just a transition. Our ultimate goal is to cut off Roman's connection with Falling Star and completely control the Falling Star Kingdom."

"Ceding the Roman Principality to Castel is a start. Although Count Castel also has Roman blood, his last name is Castel after all. Although he can be recognized by the Sword of Roman, he will never become the head of the Roman family."

"The Sword of Roman also rejects all alien gods except His Majesty Romanus and His Majesty Cosi. Giving her the Principality of Roman will not only not pose much threat to Luoxing, but will further weaken Roman's power and help us support a new royal family in Luoxing in the future."

"Lord Yorok, is this... what the Council of Elders meant?"

Yulster couldn't help asking.

Yorok glanced at him and said:

"This is what the Great Elder meant."

Yust nodded:

"I see."

"Then let's end today's routine remote meeting. We'll meet in Luoan City when the ancestor recognition ceremony is held."

Having said that, Duke Yorok dispersed the projection of his will.

Yust bowed respectfully.

After the other party's consciousness disappeared, he also dispersed the projection and returned to the real world.

The sense of reality spread throughout his body. Yurst opened his eyes and recalled the conversation he had just had with Duke Yorrock. He sighed:

"Even an open-minded descendant like Lord Yorok is so cautious about the True Ancestor's affairs, and this is based on not knowing the True Ancestor's true identity... If we want the clan to gradually accept the True Ancestor, it seems that there is still a long way to go..."

"And His Majesty Cossi, what is her condition like... If she returns, how will His Majesty the True Ancestor respond..."

"Ah, being a double agent is so hard for me."

Being a double agent is indeed difficult.

As a high-ranking descendant of the Ness clan who is in contact with the North, Yurst must report news about the North and the "god" behind the North to the Ness Elders Council on time, but as a member of the Blood Scroll of the True Ancestor, he must report the movements of the Ness clan to the True Ancestor, cultivate and develop forces within Ness that support the True Ancestor, while not revealing the True Ancestor's secrets.

There is no doubt that he will have to hold many more meetings like today in the future.

However, after thinking about it, Yust silently recited the name of the ancestor in his heart after the meeting, drew the symbol of thorns and roses to pray, and reported all the contents of his communication with Duke Yorock.

Soon, Charlotte, who had finished the negotiations with Yust, also received the content of the other party's prayer.

"So... there is such a secret behind the Return to Star Project."

Charlotte played with the faceless statue handed in by Albrecht and talked to herself in surprise.

"The ancestor recognition ceremony will be held in a month. It seems... my plan to merge the statue will be postponed again."

Charlotte looked at the faceless statue in her hand, thoughtfully.

To date, her strength has reached the pinnacle of Silver Moon. If she fuses with another statue, she will surely be promoted to Blazing Sun.

Based on her judgment, Charlotte estimated that there was a high possibility that she would fall into a deep sleep this time, and that she might sleep for several months, so she had to choose a suitable time.

In addition, considering the commotion last time, she had to take precautions this time to reduce the phenomenon of the fusion of the statue, so that the god-suppressing bell would not ring again.

If it gets louder, it will be a lot of fun. It will be impossible not to attract the attention of the Holy Royal Court.

"It's just right. We can make preparations in this month, and also make plans for the work of the territory during the future slumber period, as well as the foundation of the cult. According to the time, Sebastian should be arriving at the mining area soon."

"As for the Faceless Statue... I will consider integrating it after I return from the Roman Principality."

Charlotte pondered.

After thinking about the rest of the plan, Charlotte put away the faceless statue. However, when she saw the map of the Falling Star Kingdom in the upper left corner of the map of the Northland in front of the desk, she had another thought:

"Stargazer Cosi, the blood descendant demigod of the Ness clan..."

After pondering for a moment, Charlotte sank into consciousness again and communicated with the Holy Book of Blood.

The crimson light bloomed, and the crimson sea of stars representing the bloodline appeared again. Looking at the five most shining giant stars in the depths of the sea of stars, Charlotte fell into deep thought.

"The five demigods of the bloodline?"

She frowned slightly and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Soon, Charlotte noticed the inconvenience:

"Wait... the vampire race... only has five myths?"