Gospel of Blood

Chapter 403: 59- The mystery of mythology


"Only... five myths?"

Looking at the five twinkling stars in the crimson sea of stars, Charlotte frowned slightly.

She clearly remembered that when she first unlocked the ability of the Blood Scroll, she was already able to sense these stars in her ocean of consciousness.

Compared with other stars representing bloodlines, the light of these five stars is too brilliant, and their aura is too vast and boundless. They are undoubtedly the myth of bloodlines.

At first, Charlotte didn't realize there was anything wrong. There are five major clans of blood descendants, and behind each clan there are blood princes, so Charlotte naturally corresponded these five stars to the five princes of the five major clans of blood descendants.

However, today, Charlotte is no longer the newbie she once was, and she is no longer completely ignorant of the history of the vampires.

Charlotte already knew that in the history of bloodlines, the number of bloodline myths was far more than five. In Albrecht's memory alone, there were no less than twenty bloodline myths who were exiled, sealed or killed by the True Ancestor for various reasons.

This is also the reason why the Ness clan regarded Charlotte as the returning ancient blood descendant. In the era of blood descendant myths, there were many blood clan myths that were sealed, exiled or dormant, so that the legendary blood descendants of the Ness clan could not even figure out Charlotte's origins.

So, here comes the question.

The existence of all blood descendants will be projected in the crimson star sea of the Holy Book of Blood. Except for the princes of the five major blood clans, where are the other blood clan myths

Even if it was sealed, even if it was exiled, there shouldn't be no trace at all.

After all, the princes of the five blood clans are currently in a sleeping state.

As for why this happened, Charlotte felt there were only two possibilities.

The first is that the Holy Book of Blood cannot mark all bloodlines as she thought, but can only mark specific bloodline myths.

The second is that except for the five giant stars in the crimson sea of stars, all other bloodline myths... have fallen.

The power of the Holy Book of Blood is so powerful that it far exceeds that of ordinary divine weapons. It can even modify the divine arts of gods. As the supreme divine weapon of the bloodline, Charlotte feels that the first possibility is very small.

This is also her confidence in the Holy Book of Blood.

Then... the most likely scenario is the second one.

And if the second case is true, Charlotte has an even bolder and more thought-provoking idea.

The five huge stars in the crimson sea of stars correspond to... are they really the five myths of the five major blood clans

Looking at the crimson stars in the world of consciousness, Charlotte fell silent.

There is a gap between myths. Although she is essentially a "demigod" now, her power is much weaker than the existence represented by these five stars.

Considering the safety issue, she did not dare to touch these stars rashly, and naturally she could not understand the specific representations of these stars.

Except for the Blood Demon Duke.

She had dealt with that person indirectly several times and was already quite familiar with his aura.

She could probably sense that one of the five stars did belong to the Blood Demon Duke, and it was one of the three stars with brighter brilliance.

But Charlotte didn't know about the rest. Whether it corresponded to the blood descendants of the remaining four major clans, or something else, Charlotte really had no idea.

From this point of view, since the Ness clan has been out of touch with their gods for many years, it is very likely that something really happened to the Ness clan's prince, the stargazer Cosi, and he fell into a situation more troublesome than being in deep sleep.

This was not entirely unrelated to Charlotte, for she also had a question to consider.

That is, if all other bloodline myths in history have fallen, why did they fall, and what was the power that caused them to fall...

Albrecht's memory contained no mention of these things at all.

In the eyes of the blood descendants, many blood descendant demigods are simply "sleeping", "exiled" or "sealed".

But if everything is really as Charlotte's second guess, things will not be that simple.

Because that would mean that there is some kind of power that silently killed all these "sleeping" bloodline myths...

Charlotte let out a sigh and had some guesses in her mind:

"Could it be the Blood Progenitor from history?"

This may also be a possibility, but this possibility gives Charlotte more headaches.

She seemed to be... becoming more and more connected to the Blood True Ancestor, but at the same time, the secrets about the Blood True Ancestor seemed to be increasing.

"Forget it. There's no point in thinking so much now. We still have to lay a solid foundation first and improve our strength while stabilizing the base of our power."

"Perhaps... when my true power reaches the level of myth, I will be able to gradually solve these mysteries."

Charlotte took out a quintana in the Dark Night Castle and used the spiritual divination technique she had learned to predict her future.

The result of the divination was as unclear as ever, but there was no ominous sign.

Charlotte shook her head and put away the Quintana.

Although he only relied on the divination skills learned from the Holy Book of Blood, he was undoubtedly still a half-baked person compared to the elites of the Ness clan.

But she used divine power to divine, and her skills were much higher than those of the average Ness descendant, and her divination results revealed some problems.

At least... her fate is not "set" and her "future" is not determined.

This is enough.

As for the secrets of the True Ancestor and the mysteries of history, as her strength increases, they will be figured out one day.

Thinking of this, Charlotte dispersed the crimson sea of stars.

Just when she was about to leave the Dark Night Castle, she suddenly had an impulse and heard whispered prayers coming from afar.

Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

After fusing with a faceless statue and unlocking the faith network, the prayers of believers rarely have a direct impact on Charlotte anymore, and in many cases the faith network itself can handle it for her.

At this moment, prayers entered her consciousness. It must be that the number and intensity of the prayers exceeded the judgment of the Web of Faith.

At this point in her thought, Charlotte manifested a network of faith, and when her consciousness extended, she quickly identified the source of the prayer.

It was the North, or more precisely, the Blood Wolf Cult in the Castel Mine District.

The power of blood blossomed, the crimson mist spread, and a vague picture gradually emerged in front of Charlotte.

As the divine power spread, the scene gradually became clearer. Dozens of werewolf believers in black robes gathered in front of an altar, kneeling and praying devoutly to the holy emblem of thorns and roses on the altar.

Their expressions were sincere and enthusiastic, and they showed hope and anxiety.

Behind the dozens of werewolf believers, there were hundreds of demi-humans and even humans praying further away.

They didn't seem as excited as the werewolf followers in the front, but they also showed hope and yearning on their faces.

At the very front of the holy emblem, next to the werewolf high priest Luffy, Sebastian in a tuxedo was standing in the main seat in the center.

He faced the holy emblem of the thorn rose with a solemn expression, opened his arms, and led a group of believers to chant loudly:

"The Supreme True Ancestor..."

"The embodiment of darkness and shadow..."

"The source of all bloodlines..."

"Your humble and pious believer, prays for a blessing..."

Seeing this scene, Charlotte understood.

It was the cult prayer ceremony that she had asked Sebastian to prepare... that officially began.


I'm stuck, so today's post is quite short.