Gospel of Blood

Chapter 405: 61- Charlotte's Induction


The divine power of blood surged, and Charlotte looked down at the believers gathered around the altar.

She saw the believers prostrating themselves on the ground in excitement, and she heard them enthusiastically shouting "Praise our Lord".

Thousands of people worshipped together, and the sound was overwhelming.

At this moment, Charlotte felt as if she had become the master of the world.

Power is intoxicating, and so are gods.

With the blessing of the power of blood and the network of faith, Charlotte clearly felt her mysterious connection with these thousands of believers.

As long as she wanted, she could "devour" the blood power of these believers at any time through the faith network.

As long as she wanted, she could use the power of blood at any time and exert divine power to cut off distant mountains or flatten vast forests.

This is no illusion…

Because at this moment, Charlotte has already entered the True Ancestor’s liberation posture!

However, unlike previous attempts, at this moment Charlotte could feel the movement of the "divine fire" in her chest.

As the divine fire burned, she felt that her control over the power of blood had never been so smooth, as if it was not a great power that mortals admired, but a magical power that was as easy as using one's own arm and was obedient and well-behaved.

If she had to make an analogy, the time when the True Ancestor was liberated to fight against the Fire Demon Valarokka two years ago was like an ordinary person fighting with a gun, but now, it was as if she had become a professional soldier.

The same strength, the same divine power. If Charlotte were to face the Fire Demon Valarokka now, she even felt that she had the ability to keep him directly, instead of giving him the opportunity to escape back into the seal as she did before.

These are all changes brought about by the "divine fire".

A true "demigod" can perfectly control the divine power, rather than simply relying on the Holy Book of Blood to manipulate the divine power!

However, Charlotte could also feel the rapid depletion of her divine power.

Although it has slowed down a lot compared to the rough use of divine power in the past, it is still a speed that cannot be underestimated.

But Charlotte did not stop the liberation of the True Ancestor.

Sometimes, it is necessary for a god to personally perform "miracles".

Charlotte's heart moved slightly, and the power of blood suddenly surged. She spoke softly, and her majestic and ethereal voice resounded in the hearts of many believers:

"My followers..."

"The gods are about to rise again, and the days of peace are coming to an end."

"In the endless darkness that is coming, embrace the darkness... and then, become the darkness."

"Trust in me, and then... create a new order."

"… "

Charlotte's voice was ethereal.

With the blessing of the divine power of blood, her words also carried a mysterious force, which was an advanced version of the innate magical words of enchantment and majesty of the blood clan's spiritual path.

Charlotte can't give a speech or give a fanfare, but in this world with extraordinary powers, the extraordinary power in the spiritual realm is enough to change everything.

Charlotte didn't say anything more, but she put her will into her voice.

Every word she said contained more information, which was her recent thoughts on her faith doctrines.

And the core is darkness and order.

And these messages will enter the hearts of believers as they listen, leaving an indelible mark.

At the same time, it draws out the believers' deepest memories and integrates them, and uses the believers' own faith in her to shape a logically self-consistent belief and will around "darkness" and "order".

Of course, that is what she said. To put it more bluntly, what Charlotte is doing at this moment is equivalent to leaving a "thought stamp" in the hearts of believers, which is "brainwashing."

However, this "ideological stamp" and "brainwashing" are not compulsory, but are subtly deepened and strengthened around the believers' faith in her.

Rather than calling it "brainwashing", it is more like induced "Dihua".

The content of "Dihua" is Charlotte's core teachings.

To put it bluntly, Charlotte sowed the seeds centered on "darkness" and "order", and then used divine power to catalyze and guide, allowing more profound doctrines and creeds to "grow" from the hearts of believers...

As for what will grow, Charlotte has no idea. She can only grasp the general direction, guide it around "darkness" and "order", and grasp the most core things.

Anyway... the gods and beliefs in this world are different from those in the fantasy novels of the previous life. There are not so many restrictions. You can do whatever you want, just don't make things too extreme.

The power of blood spreads.

Around the altar, the praying believers also entered a rather wonderful state in the ethereal voice of Charlotte.

As Charlotte spoke, they felt a powerful will and a huge amount of information pouring into their hearts.

Their eyes gradually became blurred and they recalled the experiences in their lives.

The same is true for the werewolf Luf in the front.

He "saw" a picture after another...

Because they didn’t have enough strength, their tribe was broken into by professional mercenaries and eventually became slaves in the dark past...

The memory of awakening extraordinary powers, resisting together with the tribe, killing the slave traders, and regaining freedom in blood and tears...

Being wanted, he led his people into hiding, witnessed the darkness and barbarity of the supernatural side where strength is supreme, and felt the helplessness of the weak and the yearning for power...

He was saved by Sebastian, became a member of the Rose Society, brought order to the underground world of Boulder, and successfully protected more and more people in his glorious days...

All kinds of bizarre memories emerged in the werewolf Luf's mind.

Gradually, under the spiritual guidance of Charlotte's blood power, he gained a deeper understanding of "darkness" and "order"...

This is true for the werewolf Luf and other believers as well.

Even Sebastian, who was a member of the Blood Scroll, fell into deep thought under the influence of Charlotte's divine power.

Because there were so many believers and the need to constantly control the divine power, Charlotte didn't know what the believers saw or thought under her "guidance", but she noticed that as the divine power spread, the believers fell into deep thought, then suddenly realized, and then their expressions became firm.

As the power contained in her words gradually dissipated, the expressions of the believers around the altar became more fanatical.

"Darkness... Order... Great Your Majesty, I understand! We will follow you! Embrace the darkness, become the darkness, and master the darkness!"

"We will follow you! In the coming chaotic era, we will overthrow the old order and rebuild a new one!"

In front of the altar, the werewolf Luf had a fanatical look on his face and shouted excitedly.

"Embrace the darkness, become the darkness, master the darkness!"

"Subvert the old order and reshape the new order!"

Further away, thousands of believers knelt down in a large area, and the sound was deafening.

Seeing the believers like this, Charlotte knew she had succeeded.

Although he did not know what his followers had imagined under his "guidance", there was no doubt that the seeds of the doctrine centered on "darkness" and "order" had been planted.

As for what kind of scriptures will blossom and bear fruit from her, that depends on what the believers imagine.

Although Charlotte did not take a deep look, she could make a rough guess. After all... the core was still the seeds she had planted in the hearts of her believers.


Sebastian, what's going on

Charlotte's eyes calmly shifted to a certain fire elf beside the werewolf Luv. She saw that this elf steward was also kneeling on the ground, with an extremely fanatical expression, and his excited voice was trembling:

"I see... I see... Is this your true will..."

"Sebastian has realized this. Sebastian will never let you down and will follow you to the end of the world!"

Charlotte: …

Good guy…

This is "inducement" for believers. How come you, Sebastian, an unbeliever with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also got "tricked" by it

Charlotte knew that Sebastian had never truly believed in her.

Sebastian simply regarded her as the master he followed and offered his loyalty to her without reservation.

But at this moment, it was estimated that Charlotte used a strong force to guide him with divine power, and he, the "fake believer", was also affected. He looked as if he had suddenly realized something and was deeply touched.

A tsunami of praise and prayers came, and the believers all bowed down to Charlotte.

Charlotte felt that her connection with them had become even closer.

The tone of Faith was set, and Charlotte felt it was about right.

She thought for a moment, then manipulated her divine power again and spoke majestically:

"From now on, the name of the True Ancestor is hidden, and I am the God of Dark Night."

After hearing Charlotte's words, the believers knelt down again and prayed fervently under the leadership of the werewolf Luf:

"Praise you! Great God of Darkness!"

"The Lord of Darkness, the Incarnation of Order!"

Listening to the believers' fanatical shouts in unison, Charlotte felt a little weird.

How should I put it? Although the believers were so excited and moved by the divine power, she, as the instigator, couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when she heard such cheers and titles.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte suppressed her shame and controlled the power of blood again.

This time, she waved her hand gently, bestowing divine blessings on those believers at the front of the altar who were most deeply connected to her network of faith.

The crimson power of blood enveloped these believers, bursting with brilliant light.

The next moment, these believers felt a mysterious and vast power entering their bodies, and along with the power came corresponding magic.

No, or more accurately, divine magic.

Myth has the power to grant divine arts to believers and turn them into its own clergy, and the same is true for Charlotte, who has become a demigod.

After she became a demigod, the power of the divine blessing has changed, and it can create a deeper connection between the believers and her through blessings.

That is the priesthood.

In essence, this is equivalent to a mutant and weakened version of the Blood Scroll, which can borrow her power to a certain extent.

Of course, Charlotte’s divine power is limited, and she has only given these “priests” two divine arts through divine blessings, and both are evolutions of the vampires’ innate magic.

One is a dark healing technique that can heal injuries.

One is a spiritual soothing technique that can soothe the soul and heart.