Gospel of Blood

Chapter 406: 62- Don't look at me like that. I'm a little scared


Dark healing and mental soothing techniques are not very advanced techniques, and the same is true after they are converted into divine techniques.

However, in Charlotte's opinion, they are all very useful for missionary work.

The former is a genuine healing technique, and has always been the most popular type of divine magic in various churches, while the latter is a powerful tool for missionary work.

After all, finding spiritual sustenance is an important reason why many people choose to believe in God.

The divine power of blood spread, covering the bodies of many believers.

Feeling the strange power emerging in their bodies and the divine rituals emerging in their minds, the chosen believers were excited and prostrated themselves on the ground again:

"Praise you, great God of Darkness!"

Charlotte did not "promote" many priests.

Among more than 3,000 believers, only the fifty or so who were most closely connected to her faith were finally granted divine grace and became priests capable of performing divine magic.

This ratio is actually not small. If it is the Holy Royal Court, some villages with thousands of people, even if they are all holy believers, will only have one or two clergy at most.

In comparison, Charlotte has an average of one priest for every sixty believers.

Of course, the promotion of so many priests is not just for the thousands of believers.

The believers who were designated as "priests" by the werewolf Luf, in addition to having received Charlotte's power due to luck, also met the requirements for missionary work.

These priests will become the main force of Charlotte's missionary work in the North.

However, Charlotte has no plans to add more priests for the time being.

Casting divine spells also requires the consumption of divine power. Although the divine power is diluted a lot, it is still an expense after all.

Charlotte estimated that with the current number of believers, the divine power she converted from the blood power she collected from the believers could just cover the expenses of the priests' divine arts.

In other words, it can maintain a balance between the income and expenditure of divine power.

"The ratio is sixty to one. Next... let's increase the number of priests while expanding the number of believers at this ratio."

"When there are more believers, I will gradually reduce the proportion of priests until the cult is formally on track and can achieve self-sufficiency in divine power and continuously replenish my divine power."

Charlotte thought to herself.

Speaking of which, the cult in the Miria world is a bit like the company in the previous life.

Believers meditate and exercise, and under the protection of the gods, they gain ways to enhance their extraordinary powers and strengthen their own bloodline power, just like company employees working and laboring using the company's equipment.

The god is the boss of the "company" and also the capitalist who "exploits" the believers, and what he "exploits" is the believers' newly added blood power.

However, while "exploiting", the gods also provide shelter for believers, which can be regarded as fulfilling their obligations.

The difference between good gods and evil gods... is probably the difference between a "conscientious enterprise" and a "black-hearted company".

With this analogy, Charlotte could fully understand why Nice complained that gods were all parasites.

The divine grace ceremony was over and Charlotte felt a little tired.

Although the reserves of divine power were no longer what they used to be, the liberation of the True Ancestor consumed too much energy, so Charlotte did not continue to maintain it. Instead, after promoting the priest, she dispersed the power that had descended upon the altar with the help of the holy emblem.

Seeing the miracle above the holy emblem gradually dissipate, the believers gathered around worshiped fanatically again.

Until... everything returned to calm.

On the other side, Charlotte also dispersed the projection and her consciousness returned to her body.

Her "miracle" was over.

The rest of the work can be left to Sebastian.

The seeds of faith have been planted, and she has personally pointed out the direction to the believers. I believe that Sebastian's compilation of the scriptures will go smoothly.

With priests, missionary work can be further developed.

Of course, they said they were preparing to let the cult officially step onto the stage of Miria, but Charlotte was also very clear that if they really preached openly under the nose of the Holy King's Court, it would be a clear statement of "come and fight me."

So... even if it's for missionary work, we must avoid the Holy Royal Court's sphere of influence and keep a low profile as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Charlotte hesitated for a moment, and then used the contractual connection with Sebastian to speak in his mind:

"The missionary work should be carried out in villages far away from big cities first. We should avoid direct conflicts with the Holy Royal Court. At the same time, we can consider expanding to the north and entering the Northern Duchy."

"There is no need to slander the Holy Royal Court. On the contrary... we can agree with the teachings of the Holy Royal Court to a certain extent."

Sebastian was startled when he heard the voice in his heart. After thinking for a while, he soon realized it and asked respectfully in his heart:

"Great Master, do you... want to shape the cult into a 'true god' cult?"

Charlotte nodded and answered meaningfully in her mind:

"That's good. After all, the Holy Royal Court is a polytheistic sect, and... it's not really that extreme."

The power of the Holy Royal Court is enormous, and it is extremely difficult to develop faith around this behemoth.

Although the North is a place where the Holy Royal Court is weak, if the Holy Royal Court really sets its sights on it, it is not impossible for them to send out the Judgment Troops to clean it up.

However, the Holy Royal Court did not wipe out all those strange sects with all its might.

From what Charlotte knew about church history, except for those obviously evil sects and newly revived gods, the mainstream of the Holy Court was to accept and absorb those sects and gods whose doctrines were positive and had developed to a certain scale.

Obviously, after two years, she is no longer as alone as when she first traveled through time, and she has also begun to master the power of myth.

Although the 3,000-member cult is not large in scale, with direction and oracles, its rapid expansion in the north is foreseeable.

As long as she keeps a low profile and grows to a certain size before the Holy Royal Court officially notices her, perhaps... she can avoid being exterminated by the church and instead be "recruited".

Of course, because of the blood relationship, if the true identity is exposed, the Holy Royal Court will definitely not choose to "recruit" him.

Charlotte doesn't really want to become the Lord God's subordinate god.

This is just a way to buy more time.

In this process, Charlotte can even use her identity as the "opposition saint" to further paralyze the judgment of the Holy Court.

Once the Holy Day of Advent officially arrives and the gods resurrect, it will be time to stir up trouble.

Although the Holy Royal Court is the largest force in the Miriam continent, being the largest force also means being the loser to everyone. Even if it has many subordinate gods, it will also face more alien gods.

How to survive in the cracks and make the cult grow as quickly as possible is what Charlotte needs to consider.

After listening to Charlotte's words, Sebastian was thoughtful.

After a long time, his expression became solemn, and he said respectfully in his heart:

"Sebastian... I understand."

"Also, tell Luf that from today onwards, every six months... no, every three months, a divine grace ceremony will be held. Select suitable believers to participate in the ceremony, and I will grant them the power of the priests."

Charlotte said in his mind again.

After completing her instructions to Sebastian, Charlotte withdrew from the spiritual world.

Now that the cult is on the right track, she can't just sit there and do nothing. At least... in the future, the promotion of priests on a regular basis will probably need to be done by her personally before an autonomous mechanism is found.

The frequency of once every three months is still acceptable. The only problem may be that if she falls into a promotion sleep, she may sleep for more than three months.

This is force majeure.

In this regard, Charlotte plans to pull Nice, the coolie, to think of a way to solve this problem.

"Meow meow meow? Adding priests while you are asleep? Lord Charlotte, you think too highly of Nice. How can Nice have a solution to a problem that you, as a god, can't solve?"

The black cat, who was pulled out of the silk lounge chair by Charlotte, said with a bitter face.

"How do other sleeping gods do this?"

"This... I don't know either. I'm not a god, no... Haven't your past memories been fully revived yet? You can even train priests now! You are the True Ancestor of Blood!"

Nice couldn't help but complain.

Charlotte shook her head.

"Even the Blood Ancestor has never cultivated believers on a large scale like they do with the gods in history."

As she spoke, she asked.

"So... what do you suggest?"

Nice thought for a moment and said uncertainly:

"As for suggestions... well, I can only say that it's a hypothesis..."

"For example, the God of Creation and the God of Contract can respond to believers regularly even when they are asleep. If you are unable to respond during your sleep, then... you can only find a replacement."

"My idea is that you can place the corresponding divine artifacts in advance, solidify the divine arts granted by God, and set up the divine arts rituals in advance."

"In this way, even if you fall into a deep sleep, the priests can use the artifacts you left behind to train priests."

"Using the artifact that solidifies the divine arts to train priests..."

Charlotte was lost in thought.

She thought of the faceless idol.

Given the characteristics of the Faceless Statue, it seems that using this method can really ensure that the cult can continue to operate while she is asleep.

The only problem was that she had originally planned to fuse the faceless statue in her hand after the ancestral recognition ceremony of the Roman Sword.

If she were to use it to set up a solidifying divine spell, she wouldn't be able to integrate it.

Eh? That's not right...

Who said she only has a faceless statue now

As if she had thought of something, Charlotte looked Nice up and down.

Being stared at by her meaningful gaze, Nice felt uneasy.

"Lady... Charlotte, please... please don't look at me like that. I'm a little scared."

It swallowed and said.

Charlotte smiled.

She looked at the black cat in front of her with a smile, and her tone suddenly became warmer:

"Speaking of which... Nice, your body should also be equivalent to a divine weapon, right?"

Nice: …