Gospel of Blood

Chapter 407: 63- Set off to the Roman Principality


Nice finally volunteered to take over Charlotte's problem, and vowed to find a way to bestow God's grace on her behalf before Charlotte fell asleep.

There was no way, it had to take the initiative. Being waited for by Charlotte's smiling eyes, it was really afraid that this "ancestor" who did things as he thought of them would really use it as a magic weapon.

Nice assured her that Charlotte was happy and at ease.

Although this lecherous cat is not serious in his daily life, he is a legendary wizard who has left a significant mark in human history. He is also one of the few extraordinary people who understands the power of God best, and his abilities are definitely not bad.

Otherwise, it would not have been hunted down by various religious groups in history for violating the taboos of God.

Of course, although Nice "took the initiative" to accept the task, Charlotte was not completely idle.

Nice's efforts are only one of the reasons. Even if Charlotte believes in the other party's ability, she cannot put all her hopes on him.

In addition, she also studied the faceless statue she got from Albrecht, intending to use this statue as a replacement if Nice really couldn't do it.

But if this is the case, she will not be able to completely integrate into the statue for the time being.

But it doesn't matter.

The extraordinary power in Charlotte's body has reached the peak of the Silver Moon, and the talent inheritance tree of the Holy Book of Blood has long been lit up to the third level as she replenished the remaining pages of the Holy Book and practiced meditation day after day.

As long as she could get more help from the divine power of blood to strengthen her own bloodline power, it would be almost a natural thing for her to step into Chiyang.

Even if she hadn't completely integrated the Faceless Statue, Charlotte could still do this.

The difference probably lies in that the faceless statue seems to involve some mysteries of mythological figures.

If they were to merge, perhaps Charlotte's "divine fire" would undergo further changes, but if they were not to merge this time, she would have to wait until she woke up.

Of course, as for Charlotte herself, she is more inclined to merge with the statue while absorbing the divine power.

The Holy Day of Coming is getting closer and closer, and the time left for her to strengthen herself is getting shorter and shorter. Every time she sleeps is quite a luxury. She should seize the time to narrow the gap between herself and other myths.

Charlotte was quite busy during the following period.

The trip to the royal capital was over, and Castel officially became a direct vassal of the Crescent Moon. The North was successfully integrated into the kingdom's direct vassal system. After the meeting with many nobles, various trade agreements came one after another.

After Charlotte donated her family's collection of books, Castel College became famous overnight, attracting many adventurers who came to teach at the college. An interview was held almost every few days.

Infrastructure construction in the North also reached its climax with Charlotte's return.

Peace has been achieved, and the royal family's attitude towards the North is clear. On the premise that Charlotte, the lord of the North, still swears celibacy, the royal family has obviously reached an agreement with the Castel family.

The royal family is willing to protect the North, and the North itself has the power to compete with the duchy-level lords. This means that the North has lost its biggest threat and can at least ensure peace for a considerable period of time.

Peace is never easy, and peace... is always accompanied by development.

As the most important trade center and transportation hub in the north of the Crescent Peninsula, Castel Territory has inherent advantages. Now that the external and internal situations have stabilized, and with Lord Charlotte personally promoting and investing money, the various baronies in Castel Territory are changing almost every day.

With the capital Beigang as the center, renovated roads extend outward, gradually connecting the entire territory, and the number of active caravans is visibly increasing.

The northern and southern parts of Castres, which had been destroyed by war, were rebuilt vigorously with Charlotte's support.

Charlotte's construction plans for some pilot baronies were also progressing successfully, and some of her knowledge from her previous life was very useful in this regard.

Although nothing can be seen at present, taking the Barony of Bethel, which connects the Roman Duchy and Castel, as an example, there are obvious new developments.

As for Castel's extraordinary army construction, it is also progressing smoothly with Charlotte's support. Although it will take a long time to take shape, it has officially started.

Charlotte personally took charge of the task and selected a number of extraordinary soldiers who had made contributions in the Legris Rebellion and the Bold-Castel War from among her own personal knights and existing guards, and bestowed upon them the title of knight as candidates for future officers.

The entire North is thriving in every aspect.

Of course, there is a price to pay, and that is that Quintana is flowing out like water.

It was because the North was rich and the Castel family was wealthy that they could withstand Charlotte's efforts.

But even so, the income of the Castel family alone would hardly cover the planned development of the entire territory. If it were not for the war reparations, the reduced contract taxes after becoming a direct vassal, and the various trade agreements that came one after another, Charlotte estimated that they would really be unable to make ends meet.

As for now, Charlotte estimated that the fiscal deficit would still be quite exaggerated, but it would still be within the tolerance of the Castel family.

At the same time, the missionary activities of Charlotte's sect were also carried out in secret, and Charlotte named it the Dark Night Sect.

Under the guidance and leadership of Sebastian and the werewolf Luf, the eager night priests expanded to the surrounding areas with the Castel mining area as the center.

The Barony of Legris and the border between Castel and the Grand Duchy of the North became key areas of expansion.

In order to cooperate with her own religious order, Charlotte simply used the authority of her lord and the powerful influence of the "opposition saint" and, with the help of Lottie, directly "withdrawn" the church of the Holy Royal Court in the northern part of Castel and "tricked" all the priests to work in the Castel College in North Port.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Charlotte herself lives a very fulfilling life every day.

He gets up early every day, listens to reports from nobles and government officials in the morning, approves various documents, and issues orders to the lord; in the afternoon, he continues to train his extraordinary strength and bloodline talents; in the evening, he studies the faceless statue and reads the books in the kingdom's library and Albrecht's remaining memories recorded in the spiritual world.

In her spare time, when she feels like it, she will also pay attention to the progress of her own religious group, and from time to time she will select believers who pray devoutly and respond to them.

The days passed quickly.

Before I knew it, the ceremony to recognize the ancestors of the Roman Sword that Count Yust had told me about was about to begin...

"The Ness clan really has a sense of ceremony. They even specially prepared an invitation to watch the ancestral ceremony."

In the reception room of the Earl's Mansion, Charlotte joked as she looked at the parchment scroll with large gold-embossed characters in her hand.

Opposite her, Earl of Eustace, who was visiting again, sighed:

"Strictly speaking, it's an invitation letter from the Falling Star Kingdom. I'm here to deliver the invitation letter today, not only as a descendant of Ness, but also as an envoy of Falling Star."

"Are you still a noble of the Fallen Star?"

Charlotte was a little surprised.

Yust nodded:

"Many blood descendants have the noble title of Luoxing. I have one too, but I don't use it often, and I don't interact with other nobles much. After all, blood descendants don't die, and it's easy for people to find out after a long time."

"I was able to obtain the status of an envoy this time because of some connections I had."

Charlotte nodded slightly.

She took a look at the invitation and asked curiously:

"Mr. Yulster, since I plan to cooperate with you in destroying the Roman Sword's recognition ceremony, I should go there in secret, right? Wouldn't it be easy to be exposed if it's so formal?"

Yust smiled bitterly and said:

"Sir Castel, we also wanted to keep a low profile, but who knew that after the Falling Star Royal Family learned that Castel Territory had become a direct territory of New Moon, they also included you in the list of people invited to attend the ceremony."

"This invitation was not drafted by us, but by the Luoxing royal family. In Luoxing, it is a tradition to invite nearby famous nobles to attend the ancestral ceremony. I didn't expect that the royal family would include you this time."

"We have already encouraged the nobles to raise objections to King Edward III on the grounds that you are a Crescent noble, but they were rejected. The king seems to attach great importance to inviting you to participate. I think... this may be related to your identity."

"After all, you have Roman blood in you as well."

Charlotte frowned slightly after hearing what Yulster said.

She had originally planned to sneak into the Roman Principality in a disguised identity, but with this invitation, it became an official visit.

She could also decline the invitation and go there quietly, but that would be ok if she hid well. But if her whereabouts were exposed, it would be embarrassing and easily arouse suspicion.

After thinking for a while, Charlotte asked:

"What do you mean?"

Yust said in a deep voice:

"The clan's meaning is that since the royal family really wants to invite you, you might as well go along with it."

"Having a formal invitation is not a bad thing. At least you can enter the ceremony openly. As for the specific details, we can make adjustments."

After listening to Yust's words, Charlotte nodded:

"Then I'll listen to you. Anyway... this is your home court. I'm just going to cooperate with the performance."

An official visit is not bad either. I can visit the capital of the Roman Principality openly without having to deliberately hide my identity and arrange a substitute for Castel to stay in charge during my visit to the Roman Principality.

As for the rest, let the Nice clan worry about it.

Her cooperation this time was enough to satisfy her curiosity about the ancestral recognition ceremony, fulfill her agreement with the Ness clan, and strengthen her body through the ceremony.

Since it was decided to go with the formal visit, Charlotte also ordered the arrangement of a formal delegation.

Because Sebastian went to the north to assist in missionary work, Charlotte asked Nice to go along this time.

The personal maid is still Shirley, and the royal bloodline Reina.

In addition, nobles such as Viscount Roman-Folt also accompanied the delegation.

The delegation set out by sea.

Two days later, Charlotte boarded the flagship of the visiting fleet and sailed towards Rohan, the capital of the Duchy of Roman.