Gospel of Blood

Chapter 408: 64- Old acquaintance


Rohan, the capital of the Roman Duchy.

As the second largest city in the north of the Crescent Peninsula after North Port, this ancient capital of the principality is as prosperous as the capital of Castres.

In fact, before the North was developed, this place was once the largest trading center in the Star-Moon Strait, dominating the trade in the entire strait.

However, as time went by, the North continued to develop, the East Yuneite Black Land Mercenary Alliance and the Grand Duchy of the North gradually rose, and the trade routes of the Star-Moon Strait gradually shifted northward. Eventually, Roan's status as a trade center was replaced by North Port.

But even so, today Roan is still one of the largest port cities on the Crescent Peninsula, with a city population of over 500,000.

When Charlotte stepped onto the port pier, she was immediately attracted by the tall sculptures on the pier.

It was a sculpture of a half-elf warrior.

His face was blurry. He stood on the dock, leaning on a majestic sword, his eyes staring into the distance.

"Sir Castel, this is the hero in Romans' history, the half-elf Romanus who led the Romans to successfully settle in the Crescent Peninsula. He is also the ancestor of the Roman royal family. The long sword in his hand is the sacred weapon, the Sword of Roman."

Noticing Charlotte's gaze, Yulster, who was traveling with her, introduced her.

Charlotte nodded slightly.

She saw that the sculpture was piled with various wreaths presented by the people, which showed the great influence of this half-elf hero in the Roman Principality.

Just as she was looking at the port city curiously, fully armed guards soon came to the group.

The leading knight looked at the badge on Yulster's chest, then at Charlotte's clothes and the sailboat with the Castel flag flying at the deep-water dock not far away. He quickly recognized the identities of the two and saluted them respectfully:

"Lord Castel, Lord Ulster, welcome to Rohan."

Although Yulster is a stay-at-home descendant, he still has basic aristocratic social skills.

He nodded slightly and said:

"Take us to the Romanus Hotel. Lord Castel came to Rohan this time to attend the Roman Festival."

The knight saluted again and quickly arranged for soldiers to escort them. However, in Charlotte's opinion, escort was also a form of surveillance.

After all, for the Falling Star Kingdom, the lord of the Crescent Moon Kingdom is, in a sense, the lord of an enemy country.

The city of Rohan was decorated with lights and colorful lights everywhere, and it was extremely lively.

The recognition ceremony of the Roman Ancestor Sword cannot be held on any random date. In fact, it can only be held at the annual Roman Festival, and this year's festival is tomorrow.

Charlotte looked at the surrounding streets curiously, just as if she were taking a sightseeing tour.

However, Nice may not see these in the short term.

This guy is actually seasick. He vomited countless times after sitting on the boat for a whole day. I guess it will take him a while to recover.

Led by the city guards, Charlotte and her party soon checked into a high-end hotel in Rohan that was specially built to accommodate nobles. The hotel was adjacent to the Romanus Square in the city and was also the venue for the ancestral ceremony tomorrow.

Charlotte noticed that the preliminary preparations on the square had been almost completed. The viewing platform had been set up, the altar had been placed there, and the soldiers of the Falling Star Kingdom were busy making the final arrangements for the venue.

"Sir Castel, the ceremony of ancestral recognition will officially begin tomorrow. Our people will take you to the dark room directly below to disrupt the ceremony before the ceremony begins. There is not much you need to do. You just need to intervene in the ceremony step by step."

said the Earl of Eustace.

Charlotte's heart moved:

"Won't it attract attention if I leave?"

Yust explains:

"Lord Yorok has prepared a substitute for you, who will watch the ceremony in your place while you are away."

"A substitute? Won't it be discovered?"

"You can rest assured about this. Lord Yorok is a senior Duke of Blood, and has profound attainments in illusion magic. He can even rival the elders of the Salem clan who control spiritual inheritance. No one can see through his illusion except the Sword of Roman, and the Sword of Roman has never cared about such worldly disputes. It only cares about its mission to strengthen the Roman bloodline."

Yust said.

After hearing his words, Charlotte nodded slightly.

The Nice clan has an alliance with the Castel family. At the same time, the Nice clan is obviously very afraid of the "god" behind the Castel family, so in this matter, the Nice clan would not lie to her.

Not to mention, Yulster himself is also hers in a sense.

"Also, there will be a banquet held by the Roman royal family in the city tonight. It will be held at the Roman Palace. The nobles who come to watch the banquet will be invited to attend. I'm afraid you will be among them."

Yust thought for a moment and then spoke again.

Charlotte's heart moved:

"Is Edward III here too?"

Yust shook his head.

"His Majesty the King is seriously injured and bedridden. It is impossible for him to come to Roman. However, he should appear through magic projection at the ancestor recognition ceremony tomorrow, which can be regarded as a support for Prince Henry."

After saying that, Yulster looked at the time and said:

"Sir Castel, it's getting late. There is still some work to be done within the clan before tomorrow's ceremony. I will take my leave now."

"If you want to find me, just go to the front desk of the hotel and ask for a waiter. This hotel is the property of the Nice family, and all the waiters are our people."

Charlotte was not surprised to hear what Yulster said.

In fact, after she stepped into the hotel, she felt a lot of vampire aura.

Although the other party had tried her best to hide his identity, as a "True Ancestor" recognized by the Holy Book of Blood, she could still recognize the other party's scent.

"I see."

Charlotte nodded.

After saying this, Yulster said goodbye and left.

Charlotte looked at the densely packed crowd on Romanus Square outside the window, thought for a moment, and then sank back into consciousness.

The Ness clan takes tomorrow's Roman Ancestor Recognition Ceremony very seriously.

She was very curious about how many descendants of the Ness clan came this time.

The Holy Book of Blood shines brightly, and Charlotte enters the Dark Night Castle again, summoning the crimson sea of stars.

Dense crimson stars lit up, gathering within a five-kilometer radius with Charlotte as the center. There were more stars than Charlotte had ever seen before.

Looking around, there are probably at least thousands of them.

For this ancestor recognition ceremony, the Ness clan secretly dispatched a thousand blood descendants!

In Charlotte's perception, the distribution of these blood descendants was very distinctive. There were three places with the most of them. One was the tavern where she was, one was the Roman Palace opposite the Romanus Square, and the other was the Holy Royal Court Church in Rohan City.

Obviously, as the current core sphere of influence of the Ness clan, the church branch of the Holy Royal Court here has been infiltrated by the Ness clan like a sieve.

Among all the blood stars, there are three largest ones.

The one closest to Charlotte was in the direction of the Roman Palace, and it gave Charlotte a familiar feel.

She quickly recognized that it was the legendary descendant whom she had met through the spiritual world when she was attacked in North Port. It should be Duke Yorok of the Ness clan.

The second star was a little further away, in the direction of the church. It had a vague and deep aura, and its light was rather dim. It didn't look like a normal bloodline, but was a bit like Sebastian.

Charlotte guessed that it must be a legend with bloodline.

However, it was the third one that surprised Charlotte the most.

This is a star that is moving slowly in the city, seemingly wandering leisurely.

If the first star only made Charlotte feel familiar, then the aura of the third star...she knew it very well.

She had just encountered this aura more than a month ago.

That person was none other than Albrecht, the dark apostle of the Blood Demon Cult, who was tricked by Charlotte and forced to sign a contract and become her blood servant.

"Albrecht? Why did this guy come to the Roman Principality?"

Charlotte was curious.

She was wondering whether she should spy on the other party, when suddenly she had an idea and sensed a familiar breath approaching.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

She hesitated for a moment, ended her investigation, and returned to reality.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Shirley's voice came over:

"Lord Charlotte, the hotel waiter said that someone downstairs wants to see you and says he is an old acquaintance of yours."

Charlotte nodded and said:

"Bring her up here. She is indeed an old acquaintance of mine."

After a while, the door was gently pushed open, and Shirley walked in with a petite figure hidden in a hooded coat.

Charlotte motioned Shirley to close the door, looked at the petite figure in front of her wearing a hood, and said with a smile:

"Eudocia, why are you in Rohan? What's the matter with the clothes you wear?"

After hearing what Charlotte said, the petite figure lifted her hood. It was the black dragon maid Eudocia who had accepted the mission to find the Ancient Temple.