Gospel of Blood

Chapter 410: 66- Albrecht’s “good luck”


Charlotte didn't know what was wrong with Albrecht, whether he did it on purpose or accidentally, that he suddenly ran over to talk to her.

Although she had never met the other party in her true form, as the Earl of Castel, she was at least a famous lord of Crescent Moon.

As a dark apostle active in the Crescent Kingdom, and having secretly reported her to the Holy Royal Court, didn't Albrecht recognize her identity

This guy knows that the "Blood True Ancestor" is behind Count Castel!

Albrecht really didn't recognize her identity...

In fact, this time Charlotte really misunderstood a certain dark apostle who had always been steady.

As a high-ranking member of the Blood Demon Cult, Albrecht is well aware of what is happening in the North, but the Blood Demon Cult itself is not a monolithic organization, and sometimes the intelligence is true and false.

Although Albrecht knew that there was an evil god behind a certain little count, he was skeptical at first.

In fact, Albrecht didn't really take it to heart.

Even if he had reported it at the beginning, it was actually to divert the attention of the Holy Royal Court and make it easier for him to cause trouble in the capital of the New Moon.

So... Albrecht had never paid close attention to the Castel family, let alone studied the young "Count Castel" carefully.

As for what Count Castel looked like, he had no idea.

I just heard that she has outstanding appearance.

But having outstanding looks is nothing.

Each blood descendant is more durable than the other. As a senior third-generation blood descendant, Albrecht has seen countless beautiful girls. He was even fortunate enough to have seen Aphrodite, the famous goddess of beauty in the mythological era, from afar!

So... no matter how outrageous the rumors about the beauty of the Crescent Moon's Pearl "Charlotte of Castel" were, he would just laugh it off.

Of course, he later met the resurrected true ancestor, and realized that there really was a god behind Castel and that he was the resurrected blood ancestor.

But at this time, compared with the fear of the True Ancestor and the worry about his own blood servant contract, the Castel family was nothing.

So... a very coincidental result occurred.

That is, until now, Albrecht still doesn't know what "Charlotte of Castels" looks like.

If he had studied today's banquet at the Roman Palace in advance, he would have easily realized Charlotte's identity.

But who told him to attend the banquet just casually

In fact, Albrecht didn't even have an invitation to the banquet. He just sneaked in through magic.

As for why he approached Charlotte...

The reason is simple.

That is, the appearance of the noble girl in front of him was very much to his liking.

From the moment the girl stepped into the banquet hall, Albrecht, who was lazily tasting the Roman royal red wine, was strongly attracted...

The long golden hair falls like a waterfall, like golden waves, setting off the girl's youthful smile.

The blue eyes are as blue as the sea, revealing a sense of clarity and purity.

Although her waist is still immature, it has a sense of maturity under the contrast of the dress. Her breasts are just right, and she does not have the charm and enchantment of an adult woman, but she has the charm that a woman should have.

There is youthful innocence in her pure eyes, yet also a dignified maturity revealed, giving people a double sense of beauty.

Albrecht was smitten in an instant.

He doesn't like women who are too mature.

Mature women are too charming, and their minds have long been stained by the dust of the dirty human world, making it difficult for them to enter his field of vision. The blood from bodies that have been contaminated is even more unpalatable and difficult to swallow.

He also doesn't like women who are too young.

Young women are children, and children mean ignorance. They are unripe fruits. Interacting with them will only make people irritated. Although their blood is still pure, it has lost some flavor, and is dry and boring.

But the girl in front of him was just right.

She is thirteen or fourteen years old, young and immature, but about to mature. She is not as naive as a child, nor as hypocritical as an adult. Her appearance and temperament are just right, and she exudes an extremely attractive aura from head to toe.

That feeling... is like a perfectly medium-rare steak, the raw meat inside retains the original meat flavor, the taste is tender and soft, fresh and juicy, it must taste very fresh.

Albrecht felt thirsty.

In the nearly two thousand years since he became a blood descendant, he had rarely felt such a strong urge:

The blood of this noble girl... must taste delicious, and it must be top quality!

I really want to take her down and make her mine.

I want to capture her heart and then imprison her the moment she falls.

I want to possess her and devour her while her innocent eyes are filled with fear, confusion and bewilderment.

I want to suck her blood, listen to her screams, and let her smell like me, watching her being soaked in blood and gradually sinking into darkness...

Almost subconsciously, Albrecht's body moved.

Before the other young nobles took any action, he was the first to come up to the girl and invite her to dance.

Albrecht was still very confident in his human appearance.

He was not being modest. As a descendant of a legendary bloodline, he possessed an appearance that was extremely outstanding even among bloodlines. And thousands of years of seclusion in the human world had also allowed him to develop etiquette that was more standard than that of the most ancient human nobles.

He was very confident that no human female could resist his attack, especially this kind of attractive flower bud that was about to bloom and as pure as white paper.

Of course, it’s okay to be indifferent.

Although his attainments in mental magic were not as good as those in dark magic, they were still pretty good.

Albrecht made an inviting gesture and showed a gentle and hearty smile. At the same time, a flash of red appeared in his black pupil, and the magic of mental suggestion was quietly working.

He did not sense any extraordinary aura from the girl.

He believed that with his perfect disguise and the guidance of magic, it would be easy to capture such a delicious and tempting prey.

Albrecht was looking forward to it and was very happy. The gloom in his heart caused by Lutetia's bad luck had dissipated a lot, and he was even more looking forward to the next interaction with the girl.

It was great, he was away from Xinyue and that terrible Crown temporarily, his luck was finally going to improve.

And just as he expected, after he displayed his gentlemanly manners and hinted at his mental magic, the girl's fair cheeks soon flushed slightly.

She seemed a little at a loss and a little nervous, but the cute eyes that stole glances at her like little animals seemed to reveal a little joy that belonged to an innocent girl.

Her eyes accidentally met Albrecht's, and she immediately dodged in panic, her voice stammering shyly:

"Thank you, sir, but I can't dance well, and I don't know how to dance..."

It seems that she is a somewhat introverted child, and... doesn't seem to like dancing.

Albrecht immediately came to this conclusion.

He was quite discerning. Although the girl was shy, she did not seem happy about being invited to dance. She was just nervous.

However, Albrecht didn't care.

The invitation to dance was just an excuse.

As long as I can have a deep communication with the girl, the rest will fall into place naturally.

"I'm sorry, beautiful lady, you don't seem to be used to the noise of the banquet. I know there is an observation deck behind this hall. You can see the starry sky. It's very beautiful. There is no one here now. Do you want to go and see it together?"

Albrecht invited again gently.

"Observation deck? Stars?"

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's stable.

Albrecht thought to himself.

Looking at the girl who was instantly piqued by him, he felt very happy.

Sure enough, after being away from His Majesty, his luck finally improved.