Gospel of Blood

Chapter 411: 67- A blood servant cannot lie to his master


Charlotte was now certain that Albrecht really hadn't recognized her.

Otherwise, this guy would never have approached her so blatantly, let alone used the magic of mental suggestion on her.

Although she might seem a little narcissistic by her own admission, Charlotte is well aware of how great her body looks.

That was a level that even she herself, who had been bombarded with various photo-editing software and beauty AI for many years in her previous life, still found herself amazed. At Miria's aristocratic banquets, she was always the focus.

Especially after the integration of the Faceless Statue.

Perhaps because she became a demigod, her skin texture and temperament have further improved. Although her strength other than the power of blood has not yet surpassed that of mortals, her appearance is becoming less and less like that of a mortal.

So much so that now when Charlotte attends various banquets, she no longer considers how beautifully to dress up, but how to make herself look more "ordinary".

Of course, even if it is close to being a "mortal", it is still enough for ordinary people to look up to it.

This doesn’t even mention Charlotte’s identity as the “True Ancestor of Blood.”

Even if she concealed her aura, her body had essentially been transformed many times by the Holy Book of Blood, and her bloodline was pure enough.

Most vampires need to suck blood regularly. Even legendary vampires still have the urge to drink blood.

Charlotte, who had been transformed many times by the Holy Book of Blood, had blood that was undoubtedly more alluring. Even if Albrecht did not sense her aura concealed by the power of blood, his keen spiritual perception would make him involuntarily look at Charlotte.

That’s why it’s only natural that the usually steady Albrecht would be attracted to her.

Charlotte wasn't particularly angry about Albrecht's behavior, she just found it a little funny.

Since she was short of fun, she just went with the flow and started acting with the other person, wanting to see what tricks this guy would play.

Unlike the blue planet that had long been polluted by light, the starry sky of the city of Miria was still bright and quite beautiful.

The Milky Way dotted the sky, similar yet unfamiliar to the night sky in Charlotte's memory.

Just as magnificent, just as brilliant.

But what is different is a completely different sea of stars.

The star position, which was completely different from that in her previous life, reminded Charlotte all the time that she had really traveled through time.

Albrecht did not do anything out of the ordinary.

After bringing Charlotte to the observation deck, he naturally stood beside her and looked up at the starry sky with her.

The dark sky is dotted with stars, the starlight is as bright and beautiful as diamonds, and the nebulae are entangled, as if an endless Milky Way stretches across the universe.

Charlotte was soon attracted by the brilliant stars.

However, Albrecht keenly noticed that the girl's eyes did not have the excitement and happiness of a child seeing the beautiful starry sky. Instead, in addition to admiring it, there seemed to be a hint of melancholy and sigh.

This surprised him a little, and then he became more curious about the girl.

It seems... the flower bud he found seems to be a flower bud with a story.

Albrecht loved to explore stories.

Following Charlotte's gaze, he smiled slightly and said:

"Beautiful lady, the constellation you are looking at now is 'Pteris'."

"That is the constellation that protects all flying birds. It is said that it was established by the god of the sky for a gray sparrow named 'Barry'."

"It is difficult for the gray sparrow to fly high, but Barry is different. He longs to fly over the world's highest peaks and explore the unknown horizon."

"It bravely flew into the sky. It never gave up even when it encountered a violent storm. Even the ridicule of a giant dragon did not make it retreat."

"Finally, it flew through the storm and reached the top of the mountain. When it was on the verge of death, it became the first gray bird to fly to the top of the world."

"Its courage and determination moved the God of the Sky, and every star in the sky shone for it. Finally, with the blessing of the God of the Sky, it turned into a flying wing constellation in the starry sky, becoming a beacon for the birds, leading all the birds to soar into the sky..."

"My beautiful lady, that constellation is 'Acacia', and it also has an ancient story."

"However, this story is not inspirational, but rather sad..."

"… "

Albrecht pointed to the stars in the sky and told a story.

What surprised Charlotte was that this guy really had some ability to please girls, and his mind was full of all kinds of astrology stories.

Even she, without realizing it, had become somewhat involved, absorbed in the stories the other person told her, some beautiful, some sad.

However, Charlotte also noticed that, unlike those constellation stories on Blue Star, the end of Albrecht's stories was always inseparable from the gods.

Whether it is the god of the sky or the god of beauty and love, in his story, all the constellations were established by the gods and are closely related to the gods.

Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

She showed an innocent and yearning look and asked in a crisp voice:

"Sir, are the stories you told true stories that have ever happened?"

Albrecht smiled.

He was just about to continue the girl's conversation by telling her stories about the sky, just like he did in the past.

But for some reason, looking at the girl's eyes as pure as the starry sky, he suddenly changed his words when he was about to say them:

"of course not."

"Reality is not that beautiful. The so-called constellation stories are just some ridiculous stories made up by mortals to satisfy their curiosity about the sky and gods."

At this point, Albrecht thought to himself that this was terrible.

True Ancestor is above!

How come he suddenly spoke out what he really thought!

Ah, bah, bah, bah, what true ancestor is above, bad luck, bad luck! Shit bad luck!

Albrecht coughed a few times and quickly suppressed a certain honorific name that popped up in his mind.

Beings at that level have very strong senses. For a blood descendant like him, he might even attract the other person's attention just by thinking about him...

He had barely managed to dodge that terrifying existence and didn't want to be noticed again for a while!

Shaking his head vigorously, Albrecht quickly put away his wandering thoughts.

But when he looked at the girl, his headache started again.

Denying all the "fairy tales" that you have told yourself is not something that a pure girl who yearns for the starry sky would like to say.

If he is not careful, all his previous attempts to improve his favorability may be wasted!

Albrecht felt remorseful, not knowing what had gone wrong in his brain. He did not realize that the Blood Servant Contract had taken effect.

To the Lord, the blood servant cannot and will not lie.

The blood servant must answer truthfully what the master asks.

"Sir, so the constellations have nothing to do with the gods?"

Charlotte blinked her cute big eyes again and asked in a sweet voice.

Faced with the curious look on the girl's face, Albrecht was stunned and looked a little dazed.

It seems... the girl in front of him didn't seem to be disappointed by his answer. On the contrary... she seemed to be more interested

Is she interested in the gods

Albrecht perked up immediately.

He paused for a moment, intending to tell some short stories about gods compiled by mortals to please the other party. However, when the words came out of his mouth, everything changed:

"Yes, but also not right."

"The starry sky has existed for a long time, and it is very likely that it existed before the gods appeared. However, not all stars are unrelated to gods. Some stars are not real stars, but projections of the gods' kingdoms in the sky. Some stars are sealed gods..."

When he was halfway through his speech, Albrecht covered his mouth.

True Ancestor! What did he say

How could he just casually reveal this most secret knowledge? !

You know, many cults of gods describe the starry sky as a creation of gods.

The Holy Day is approaching, and he is blatantly sabotaging it like this. Who knows if it will attract the attention of some secret existence!

Ah, bah, bah, bah!

What true ancestor is above? What bad luck!

Albrecht felt like his brain was going crazy tonight, and his IQ seemed to have dropped!

He didn't dare to go deeper into this topic, but coughed lightly and changed the subject:

"Well, beautiful lady, you don't look like a noble from Luoxing. Are you coming to the banquet from somewhere else?"

Charlotte nodded and answered truthfully:

"Yes, I am not a Fallen Star. I come from the North."

"The North..."

Albrecht thought.

He thought of the master of the North, the young earl who was about sixteen or seventeen years old and was suspected to be a member of the True Ancestor.

After looking at the girl again, he showed an appreciative expression and praised:

"I heard that the girls in the north are the most beautiful. I never believed it in the past. But now that I have met you, I realize that the truth may be even more beautiful than the rumors."

"My beautiful lady, you are truly the loveliest lady I have ever seen in my life. I am afraid that even the Count of Castel, who is known as the Crescent Pearl, cannot compare to you..."

After hearing Albrecht's words, the girl lowered her head slightly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, seeming a little happy and shy.

A few seconds later, when she raised her head, her expression had returned to normal:

"Sir, your attire doesn't show that you are a noble from Luoxing, right? Where are you from, and why did you come to Roman?"

Albrecht felt mixed emotions after hearing the girl's question.

His expression darkened and he smiled bitterly:

"Beautiful lady, to be honest, I came to Roman to avoid disaster."

"Avoid disaster?"

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly.

Albrecht nodded, looking sad, and for a moment he didn't even realize that he had blurted out all his true thoughts:

"I'm from the Crescent Kingdom. Some time ago, I was targeted by a terrifying existence and had to flee my hometown."

"A terrifying... existence?"

The girl looked puzzled.

Albrecht sighed and began to complain:

"Yes, a terrifying existence."

"That is the elder of our family from the past. She has returned from a very far place."

"She is more evil than a demon, more sinister than a devil, and more brutal than a black dragon. She is very powerful and I have no chance to fight her. She wants to enslave me and take away everything from me. I have no choice but to flee here..."

After listening to Albrecht's complaint, the girl nodded and agreed with emotion:

"It sounds like he is really an unreasonable elder."

"That's right! If you said you were leaving, then just leave. Why are you coming back? Just come back. You don't pick on those big shots, but you pick on a small character like me. Sigh... It's really hard for me..."

Albrecht had a look of resentment on his face and couldn't help but complain to the girl in front of him.

However, as he was talking, he finally reacted...

True Ancestor is above!

Why did he say out loud all his true thoughts? !

Ah, bah, bah, bah!

What true ancestor is above? What bad luck!

Albrecht shuddered, and looked around cautiously in confusion, as if he was afraid of alarming some existence. Suddenly, crimson mist filled the void, and in the blink of an eye, he was lifted to the Blood Throne.

Fortunately, apart from the gentle sea breeze and the melodious music in the banquet hall, there was nothing else unusual around.

Albrecht breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really overthinking it. The Blood True Ancestor was spreading the faith in the New Moon, how could he appear here

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his conversation with the girl was not over yet, and his complaints just now were definitely a big minus point!

Albrecht was very upset, however, when he looked at the girl, he found that she seemed to be happier when she looked at him.



It didn't seem like pure happiness, but more like... a fake smile.

Sure enough, did his thoughtless words just now lower the other party's impression of him...

Albrecht frowned slightly, but he was not too worried. If his skills failed, he still had magic.

After thinking about it, he simply skipped the previous topic and smiled gently:

"Beautiful lady, we have been chatting for so long, but it seems that we still don't know each other's identities. I don't know... How should I address you?"


Is this an attempt to go a step further

Charlotte looked puzzled.

With the mentality of watching for fun, she showed the appearance of an underage girl pretending to be a little adult and said with a smile:

"Sir, before asking the lady's name, shouldn't you give your own name first?"

After hearing what Charlotte said, Albrecht slapped his head and looked apologetic:

"Oh, sorry, beautiful lady, you are so lovely that I always forget to introduce myself."

As he spoke, he bowed gracefully to Charlotte and gave her the fake name he had prepared long ago with a bright look on his face:

"Well then... Miss, please allow me to formally introduce myself. You can call me Albrecht, Albrecht Abadis Schedit."

Fake... fake name... fake name!

True Ancestor is above!

How did he reveal his real name? !

And it’s a fucking name that contains the devil’s real name!

Albrecht was stunned!

Soon, his expression became confused and uncertain.

Things may happen once or twice, but they will never happen again.

If it was just a one-time mistake, it would be fine, but he is the Duke of Blood and a legendary demon. How could he possibly speak out all his true thoughts one after another

Something is wrong!

Something's wrong!

He... was probably unknowingly being cast into the trap of some hidden magic!

Albrecht's expression froze, and he looked around in doubt. Suddenly, more than a dozen names of descendants who might have plotted against him popped up in his mind.

And finally, his doubtful gaze fell on the girl in front of him who attracted him greatly.

He is not stupid.

Everything that was wrong seemed to have started from the interaction with the girl in front of him.

The girl didn't seem to notice that Albrecht's expression was wrong, but her expression was a little strange.

She just nodded slightly and praised:

"Albrecht? Nice name, the same as an old acquaintance of mine."

As she spoke, the girl smiled brightly:

"Well, Mr. Albrecht, it's a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Charlotte."


Albrecht was stunned.

This name... Why do I seem to have heard it somewhere before


Charlotte... just a name, right

What’s your last name

Albrecht frowned.

He was about to speak, but suddenly his heart moved and he looked towards the banquet hall.

He sensed a familiar aura approaching rapidly.

That is... the breath of the bloodline.

Albrecht narrowed his eyes immediately.

He secretly mobilized his magic power and prepared to take action at any time, and the next moment, he saw a young Fallen Star noble entering the observation deck.

Albrecht raised his eyebrows.

Because he recognized the other person's identity.

If he remembered correctly, it seemed that he was the Blood Earl of the Ness clan, a descendant of the third-generation blood descendant Yorok, and his name... his name seemed to be Yurst.

The Bloody Count of Ness

What is he here for

Could it be that my existence has been discovered by the Ness clan

Albrecht suddenly became alert, and the magic power in his body was ready to explode.

However, to his surprise, the Blood Count Yust did not pay much attention to him.

The other person just frowned and looked at him, then focused his attention on the girl.

He walked straight to the girl and said with a smile:

"Sir Castel, I see you are here. Prince Henry has arrived."

Lord Castel

Albrecht was stunned.





Charlotte de Castel?!

Lord of the North, Little Count of Castel—Charlotte de Castel? !

Almost instantly, Albrecht remembered where he had seen the name Charlotte.

That is the name of the Lord of the North!

And when the full name "Charlotte de Castel" appeared in his mind, the blood servant contract mark in the depths of his soul also lit up at the same time...

Albrecht was horrified to find that he could not even say the name!

The blood servant cannot lie to the Lord.

At the same time, the blood servant could not call out the Lord's real name directly to his face.

At this moment, Albrecht suddenly remembered the various provisions of the blood servant contract.

Looking at the smiling girl in front of him, he thought of an incredible possibility, and following that terrifying possibility, all the abnormalities and doubts of tonight were solved...

“Really… Really…”

The girl's delicate figure gradually overlapped with a certain image in his memory. Albrecht was suddenly horrified, his scalp went numb, and he couldn't even speak clearly.