Gospel of Blood

Chapter 412: 68- Albrecht with weak legs


True Ancestor!

She is the True Ancestor!

The young Earl of Castel is the True Ancestor of Blood!

Albrecht looked horrified, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

He almost subconsciously jumped to the side, as if he had been electrocuted, and quickly moved away from the girl who had just wanted to have a deep conversation with him. His whole body was filled with magical power and he had an urge to run away immediately.

But Charlotte's beautiful voice rang in his ears like the devil's low moan...

"Sir Albrecht, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Charlotte's voice was still clear and melodious.

She looked at Albrecht with a smile, her expression pure and peaceful, like a romantic angel.

But Albrecht felt even worse.

At this moment, he has already realized the other person's identity. The girl in his eyes is no longer an innocent "angel" but a "devil" in "angel's" clothing!

She, she, she...

She must have recognized her identity a long time ago!

Albrecht was terrified and wanted to escape immediately.

However, in the face of the other person's innocent smile, he felt his legs as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and even the circulation of his magic power seemed incoherent.

That was scared...

Albrecht's face turned green when he thought about how he had just approached the other party and the various resentments he had expressed towards the True Ancestor during the conversation.

Damn it!

He, he, he... What on earth did he just say in front of the True Ancestor

Thinking back to the flirtation and conversation he had just had, Albrecht felt like a naked clown. He wished he could just find a crack in the void to crawl into and seal him up forever!

"No... No... Ahem, Lord Ka... Lord Castel, I'm fine, very good..."

Albrecht swallowed, forced a stiff smile, and said tremblingly.

He is not stupid.

Since His Majesty the True Ancestor did not reveal his identity, even if he was aware of the other party's identity, he did not dare to show it directly.

However, he believed that the other party must have known that he was aware of her identity.

The words just now were probably a warning to him.

Warn him not to try to escape.


It must be my complaint just now that made the other party remember it!

Albrecht felt bitter and thought to himself that he was doomed.

The True Ancestor in his memory was not a magnanimous god, but a petty and vindictive god. Anyone who offended her, even if they were gods, would be subjected to the most severe revenge!

Not to mention that he had been forcefully contracted to become a blood servant and had been offended in public!

Albrecht wished he could travel back to the time before he left Crescent Moon and slap his past self a few times.

It doesn't matter where you run, why run to the Roman Principality

Don't you know that the Roman Principality is next to the Castel Territory controlled by His Majesty the True Ancestor? !

He was proudly saying that the True Ancestor would definitely not come here, but then he ran right into us!

Also chatting up...

And complaining and spitting behind others’ backs…

I am really crazy and have forgotten how to act steadily. This is simply blasphemy against God in person and saying bad things about her in front of God. I am simply seeking death!

At this moment, Albrecht regretted his decision to the core.

"Really? I thought you were a little nervous because you heard my identity from Lord Yulster. If not, that's great. It's actually quite pleasant to chat with you."

After hearing what Albrecht said, Charlotte smiled.

As she spoke, she took a glass of juice from the tray in the hands of a waiter who passed by after seeing the conversation, took a sip gracefully, and smiled sweetly:

"If possible, you don't have to take Lord Yulster's words to heart. After all, I am not a count communicating with you now. I am just a girl who wants to listen to stories and have some fun."

Charlotte's movements are graceful and dignified, and her smile is bright and sweet.

The light from the crystal chandeliers in the banquet hall shone on her, making her look like a lovely little angel, and her sweet and bright smile was like melting spring.

But Albrecht was no longer cute.

All that was left in his heart was horror.

The more the other person laughed, the more terrified he became.

Just a girl who wants to hear a story

This…what does this mean

Was this a reminder for him not to reveal her identity

And... looking for some fun

Is this a threat

Is it a warning

Do you want to use him as your own entertainment

Albrecht's brain was spinning.

However, he, who has always been steady, knew that the more it was at this time, the more he should try to be obedient, listen to the boss, flatter the boss, and say what the boss wants...

Taking a deep breath, Albrecht forced a smile with difficulty.

He followed Charlotte's example, picked up a glass of fruit wine from the waiter's tray and brought it to his mouth:

"Look... Look at what you said, I... I'm not nervous, not at all, um... at most a little bit..."

"I just had this conversation with you. I'm... I'm very happy too, ahahahahaha..."

Albrecht smiled stiffly.

He brought the glass to his lips, but for a long time he didn't drink much of the wine.

It wasn't that he didn't want to drink, it was just that his hands were shaking so badly that he couldn't control them at all, and the fruit wine in the glass spilled all over the floor.

No, let alone shaking hands, his legs felt weak from the moment he recognized the other person's identity.

If someone pushed him now, Albrecht doubted whether he could still stand.

He wanted to stand firm and control his shaking hands.

But I just couldn't control my body from shaking.

When he thought of the true identity of the innocent and romantic little girl in front of him, and everything he had just done to her, he felt his scalp tingling and his heart bitter...

On the other hand, as Charlotte talked with him many times, the Blood Earl Yust finally took a serious look at the "young nobleman" next to the girl.


Hearing Charlotte addressing someone, Yulster frowned slightly.

The name Albrecht is not uncommon and is considered a common name in the Unaite culture.

However, Yulster didn't like the name very much.

Because this name always reminds him of a legendary descendant of a dark clan.

Because of historical reasons and personal experience, Yust really dislikes the people of Shedet bloodline.

No, or to be more precise, traditional descendants of the Ness clan like him have always despised and hated those lunatics in the Blood Demon Cult.

Even though... the "Albrecht" he knew was a high-ranking official of Shedit and a dark apostle of the Blood Demon Cult.

I respect you, but I also really hate you.

Yust subconsciously looked at the other party, sizing up the "Albrecht" in front of him.

He is handsome, and has a kind face, as if I have seen him somewhere before.



Where had he been seen before

Yust frowned slightly.

However, he had met too many people in his long life, and for a moment he couldn't remember where he had met the other person.

However, he shouldn't be a very important person.

Because the opponent's momentum is too weak.

Just standing next to the young Count Castel, the nobleman named "Albrecht" was obviously a little nervous. Even his legs were shaking like a thunder rat, and his face was so pale that he looked more like a vampire than a vampire.

This... is he frightened by Lord Castel's identity

Yust's heart moved slightly.

When he came to look for Count Castel, he heard that he had been called out by a young noble.

When he arrived at the observation deck and saw the young noble, he knew that someone else was attracted by Lord Castel's appearance and wanted to strike up a conversation with him.

Yust didn't care too much. After all, Lord Castel was the representative of the True Ancestor. These hypocritical and lowly human nobles probably wouldn't be in her eyes at all.

However, the level of this nobleman named "Albrecht" was even beyond his perception of those incompetent nobles among humans.

The other party obviously didn't know Lord Castel's identity when he approached him.

Now that he knows his identity, he is so nervous that his hands are shaking when he picks up the wine glass. If you don’t know, you would think he is a mouse seeing a cat.

It's simply unbearable to watch and so embarrassing.

Just shook his head secretly, and looked at Albrecht with some contempt and disdain.

He dared to strike up a conversation casually in such an occasion, but was directly stunned after knowing Lord Castel's identity, and was so nervous and out of control. Perhaps only some petty nobles in the human world who are uneducated, not presentable, and used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong would be like this.

As a noble descendant of Luoxing, he looked down on such people even more than the descendants of Shedit.

Unlike Juerst, Albrecht recognized his identity.

However, Albrecht couldn't understand why the Blood Count of the Ness clan appeared here, and why he had any intersection with His Majesty the Ancestor.

Frightened, Albrecht's brain worked rapidly, from the Ness clan being infiltrated by the True Ancestor to the Ness bloodline having surrendered en masse...

However, when he noticed the almost equal tone of communication between Yulster and Charlotte, he quickly reacted.


Not quite right…

This little creature from the Ness clan doesn't seem to be aware of the identity of His Majesty the True Ancestor!

He... seemed to have mistaken her for the Count of Castel!

This discovery made Albrecht's mood suddenly become subtle, and he looked at Yust with a somewhat puzzled look.

However, when he noticed the contemptuous look that Yulster inadvertently cast at him, he suddenly felt a blockage in his heart.

This guy... must have thought he was one of those idiot nobles who were intimidated by the status of the upper nobles!

Facing Juerst's contemptuous gaze, Albrecht felt very unhappy, but because of his hidden identity, he could not show it.

However, Yurst on the other side became interested when he saw his "unconvinced" look.

For some reason, looking at the other person's expression, he felt inexplicably unhappy, as if a Ness descendant met a Shedit descendant, and they were naturally incompatible.

He chuckled and said condescendingly:

"Albrecht? This name reminds me of an interesting story from some time ago."

"I heard that the third dark apostle of the Blood Demon Cult wanted to hold a sacrifice in Lutetia, but his identity was exposed and he was beaten up by four legends... He almost died there."

"It's really ridiculous. How dare they cause trouble in a place like Lutetia? It's so stupid and arrogant."

"Oh, by the way, that blood demon... seems to be called Albrecht as well."

"It's also interesting. It's a name with a good meaning, but the people who give it this name are usually either idiots or crazy... It's really a pity."

Yust sighed.

Charlotte's eyes twitched wildly after hearing what Yulster said.

This is a pretty offensive statement.

After all, few people in the Falling Star Kingdom would have a name like Albrecht, and the most likely person who gave the name was a Crescent Moon person.

The Crescent People hate the Blood Demon Cult the most.

For the Crescent people, such a description is a great contempt and insult.

Obviously, Juster must have mistaken Albrecht for a noble of the Crescent Moon. He was dissatisfied with his attitude just now and was deliberately humiliating him.

However, I'm afraid that Just could never have imagined that the "Albrecht" in front of him was actually the person who told the interesting story.

Charlotte's smile widened at the thought.

She looked at Ulster, who looked arrogant and self-righteous, and then at Albrecht, who looked gloomy, and felt that the fun was getting better.

Noticing Albrecht's gloomy look, Yust seemed to feel that the time was almost right.

He stopped while he was ahead, pretended to be surprised, and quickly bowed to Albrecht, smiling apologetically:

"Oh, sorry... I'm not saying that you are the same. I just happened to remember the anecdote. How could you be a stupid, evil lunatic like the Blood Demon Cult?"

"Hmm... I wonder which family you are from?"

Albrecht: …

Looking at Yulster's asking-for-a-beating look, he felt that his anger was about to be uncontrollable!

If you say that the True Ancestor is targeting him, he will accept it.

After all, he was the ancestor of the blood race, the source of all blood descendants, and a terrifying existence that he could not resist...

But a mere Blood Earl from the Ness clan actually dared to plot against him behind his back? !

He almost doubted whether the other party did it on purpose!

True Ancestor is above!

Is this how she felt when she saw him just now

Albrecht felt mixed emotions, ashamed and angry.

He gave Yust a long, dangerous look.

However, when Charlotte's indifferent eyes swept over, his anger was instantly extinguished as if cold water had been poured on him...


Must stay calm.

This terrifying ancestor is still around, so I must stay calm!

Albrecht tried his best to calm himself.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and then smiled and reported a family name:

"I am from the Mullins family. You can call me Albrecht de Mullins."

This was not a family name he made up casually, but a family name that actually existed.

Albrecht knew that there would be a banquet at the Roman Palace tonight. He learned about it from a minor noble from the Mullins family who was invited.

Of course, the little nobleman has disappeared.

Albrecht originally planned to replace the other party's identity.

"It turned out to be the Mullins family of the Violet Principality. However, I remember that the Mullins family has declined, right? It seems that there is only one viscount title left, and... Viscount Mullins should be quite old, so he should not be your Excellency."

"Sir, you are probably just an ordinary family member, right?"

As he spoke, Yust shook his head, not disguising his contempt:

"I don't know what the royal family is thinking. Even random people from nowhere can attend this kind of banquet."

Albrecht: …

Just as Yust was about to make a few sarcastic remarks, a waiter suddenly ran over and whispered something in his ear.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded to the waiter:

"I know, I'll be right over."

After that, he stopped paying attention to Albrecht and smiled at Charlotte:

"Miss Castel, Prince Henry wants to summon the nobles of Fallen Star. I'm going to go and take a look. Do you want to come with me?"

Charlotte glanced at Albrecht and smiled:

"I would like to chat with you for a while. Please go ahead. I will be there soon."

Yulster raised an eyebrow and looked at the two of them in surprise.

He didn't force it, but nodded and turned to leave.

However, before leaving, he glanced at Albrecht, then moved closer to Charlotte and whispered familiarly:

"Sir Castel, this little character who is not presentable comes close to you. I can tell at a glance that he has bad intentions. Although I know you must know this, I still feel that I have to tell you something."

"He is not from the same world as us. It would be disrespectful for us to have too much communication with such a guy."

Albrecht: …