Gospel of Blood

Chapter 415: 71- Substitute


Charlotte didn't know that she had been targeted by the Fallen Star Royal Family.

After attending the banquet, Charlotte made an appointment with Yust to meet at a place the next day and left the Roman Palace.

After returning to the hotel, Charlotte immediately received a report from the maid.

The black dragon maid Eudocia had returned and was waiting for her in the room.

Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

This definitely means that the tracking and positioning of the magic device has made further progress.

She nodded, ordered her followers not to disturb her for the time being, and then returned to her room.

"Lady Charlotte."

The black dragon Eudocia, who was staring at the decorative painting on the wall in the room, saw Charlotte pushing the door open and quickly stood up and saluted.

Charlotte nodded slightly and asked:

"Are there any clues in tracking the magic device?"

Eudocia nodded:

"Well, I took advantage of the palace banquet tonight to further explore the city of Roan, and found that the positioning of the magic device has been sensed again."

Charlotte's heart moved:

"Where is the exact location?"

Eudocia shook his head:

"That's exactly what I wanted to report to you. The location has changed again. At first, it was in the church in the city, then it disappeared for a while and reappeared near the altar in the square. Finally, after the banquet began, it appeared in the Roman Palace."

Charlotte was a little surprised after hearing her words. She raised her eyebrows:

"Change every now and then? Will it really change positions back and forth?"

Eudocia nodded in agreement and added:

"However, the last location sensed by the magic device was the Roman Palace, and... from the beginning of the banquet to the end of the banquet, and even after the banquet until I left, the location did not change again."

"After comparison, I found that the changes in the location seemed to be consistent with the whereabouts of the Roman royal family. When it was located at the church, it was the time when the Roman royal family visited the Rohan Church; when it was located in the square, it was the time when the Roman royal family was rehearsing in front of the altar; when it was located in the palace, it was the time when the Roman royal family's banquet was held..."

"I suspect... this position is aimed at a noble of the Roman royal family."

"However, the Roman Palace is heavily guarded and has powerful protective magic. Although I have some guesses, I have not investigated in depth."

"Is it someone from the Roman royal family... Prince Henry? Or... a nobleman beside him?"

Charlotte thought.

She thought about it, and through the servant contract, she contacted a black cat that was flirting with the receptionist and the maid in the hotel lobby, and gave the command in its mind:

"Nice, come up to see me."

In the hotel lobby, Nice, who was performing his talent in front of the receptionist and the maid, suddenly stiffened and his movements slowed down.

"Mr. Nice, why don't you continue? Go on!"

The hotel maid asked with starry eyes.

Facing the expectant gazes of the little maids, Nice felt a little regretful.

It laughed dryly and sighed:

"My dear sisters, Nice suddenly has something important to do. After I finish it, I will come to play with you sisters."

"Ah... this is how the famous people in the pre-Crown era are treated!"

After saying something that confused the maids and made no sense, Nice shook his head, looked smug, and disappeared in a flash.

Twisting its fat body, it happily ran to the second floor.

After opening Charlotte's door, Nice immediately put on a flattering smile, stuck out his butt, raised his tail, and ran towards Charlotte, meowing:

"Meow meow meow! Great Lord Charlotte! Are you looking for Nice meow? Here I come! Meow~!"

However, when it saw that Charlotte was not the only one in the room, but also Eudocia who knew its true identity, its face quickly froze.

It coughed twice in embarrassment, and stopped trying to be cute and fawning. Instead, it said seriously:

"Ahem, uh... well, it turns out that Lord Eudocia is here too."

Eudocia glanced at it with a strange look, as if he had not expected that the most talented legendary wizard in the human world would have such a side.

Ness looked away awkwardly.

Looking at Nice, who was not thick-skinned enough to completely ignore social death, Charlotte laughed dumbly. She waved and said to it:

"Nice, come here, Eudocia has made some new discoveries."

At Charlotte's instruction, Eudocia quickly repeated the matter of the positioning of the magic device.

After hearing her words, Nice frowned and fell into deep thought:

"The positioning will move?"

It pondered for a while and said uncertainly:

"Interesting, could it be... that someone made it into some kind of magic tool that can open up another dimension?"

"Oh? What do you think?"

Charlotte asked calmly.

Nice considered his words and answered respectfully:

"Lord Charlotte, I am very confident in my magic device. Since I can sense it, the space that seals the Roman Sword, or more precisely, the entrance to the Ancient Palace, must be somewhere in Roan City!"

"As for why the location keeps changing, there is also a possibility that the passage connecting the Ancient Palace and the present world has been built into some kind of magical device similar to a 'door'."

"And this door... should be carried by someone."

At this point, Ness seemed to have thought of something and sighed:

"Tsk, it seems... the Roman royal family is planning to do more than just the ancestor recognition ceremony!"

"I participated in this ceremony several hundred years ago. During the ceremony, the projection of the Roman Sword will appear on its own to help the Roman descendants purify their bloodline. There is no need for humans to enter the sealed space."

"Now that the 'door' has appeared, are they trying to destroy the seal?"

Charlotte's heart moved:

"You mean, the Roman royal family has ideas about the Roman sword itself?"

"I don't rule out this possibility, although it's very bold."

Nice said.

Charlotte thought.

She thought for a moment and asked:

"Will this have any impact on the Ness clan and my plans?"

Nice shook his head:

"It's hard to say. It is rumored that the Roman Sword is a very arrogant sword. It values strength the most. Even myths are not worthy of its attention."

"In the past, the Blood Demon Grand Duke in his heyday once tried to subdue it after the death of the half-elf hero Romanus, but it only met with a burst of ridicule. It is the master of the other dimension hiding in the other dimension, and even the Blood Demon Grand Duke can't do anything to it."

"I think... even if the sealed space is opened, the Roman royal family will most likely just be humiliated."

"Not to mention, we can't even say whether we can open the alternate dimension."

"But who knows what cards the Roman family has? After all, they are descendants of Romanus."

“However, even if the seal is opened, I am afraid we have to wait until the ancestral recognition ceremony is completed. After all… without even recognition, let alone attempt to enter the seal of the Roman Sword.”

After hearing what Nice said, Charlotte nodded:

"I see."

To be honest, after listening to so many descriptions, she was quite curious about the Sword of Roman. If the seal was really opened, perhaps she could go and join in the fun.

No, it should be said that it would be better to open the sealed space.

In this way, it would be easier for her to obtain the Faceless Statue.

However, her strength is not even comparable to that of the half-asleep Blood Demon Duke. As for subduing the Roman Sword, there is no hope of her subduing it.

"Lord Charlotte, if you also want to enter the sealed space, you have to wait for the Roman family to open the seal. Since they have made preparations, I think they should have a certain degree of confidence. You will also participate in the ceremony. I think... once the space gate is opened, you will definitely be able to easily establish a connection with it and pass through it."

Nice analyzed.

After hearing what it said, Charlotte nodded slightly:

"I see."

As she said this, she glanced at Nice:

"Tomorrow, you will come with me to the dark room for the ceremony agreed upon with the Ness clan."

Nice's smile froze.

"Meow! Lady Charlotte! Can Nice not go? Yulster will definitely be there by then! Nice doesn't want to see him!"

Nice jumped in shock and shook his head quickly.

Charlotte glanced at it.

"Your underwear has already been stripped off, are you still afraid of being embarrassed?"

Nice: …

"Lady Charlotte! This... Isn't Nice still your stand-in? Nice has a lot of experience in being your stand-in. No one could recognize you when you were asleep last time!"

"Meow! You don't really trust the stand-in that the Nice Clan prepared for you, do you? They don't know you well, and their acting is not realistic enough!"

Nice said again.

Charlotte glanced at it.

"But the Roman royal family isn't familiar with me, so even if I'm not, I don't think they'd notice."

"Not to mention, I asked you to follow me so that it would be more convenient for me to act. After all... you know more about the Ancient Palace than I do now."

Hearing Charlotte's approval, Nice felt a little proud, but when he thought that he would inevitably run into Yust, he suddenly became depressed again.

Charlotte continued:

"But... what you said makes sense. I am indeed not very confident about the substitutes prepared by the Nice Clan. But I am not concerned about whether their substitutes are similar to the real people, but whether they are strong enough to control the situation."

"Since the Roman Sword is involved, it is full of variables. Even if it is a substitute, it must be able to deal with crises."

After hearing what Charlotte said, Nice's heart moved:

"Meow! From what you said, you already have a candidate, right?"

Charlotte nodded slightly:


As she spoke, she used the Blood Servant Contract to communicate with a certain unlucky person from the Shedit clan, and commanded in her mind and in reality at the same time:

"Albrecht, come to me at once."

After a moment, the windows of the room opened automatically, gusts of cold wind blew, and strange black fog gathered from all directions and concentrated in the center of the room.

The black fog continued to condense and eventually took on a human form.

It was none other than Albrecht, the third dark apostle who possessed both the attributes of a demon and a blood descendant.

Eudocia and Nice also noticed the sudden appearance of a figure in the room.

Eudocia's eyes were slightly stern, and he bared his teeth subconsciously, making a vigilant attacking posture, and even black dragon scales faintly appeared on his body.

This is a natural reaction after feeling the approach of a strong person.

Nice is not much better.

When the black fog appeared, he was slightly stunned, and when he saw the other party's appearance clearly, he jumped up and hid behind Charlotte:

"Meow?! The Third Dark Apostle... Albrecht?!"

Charlotte was a little surprised:

"You know him?"

"Meow! How can I not recognize him? He's a familiar face on the wanted posters of the Crescent Kingdom that have been going on for hundreds of years!"

Nice said with a wary look on his face.

Of course, its vigilance did not last long, because it soon discovered that the other party was quite respectful to Charlotte.

No, the other party was summoned by Charlotte from the very beginning...

In the surprised eyes of Nice, Albrecht knelt on one knee respectfully and performed an ancient etiquette of bloodline to Charlotte:

"Great Lord Count Castel, your humble servant Albrecht has come to you at your command."

Nice: …

It looked at Charlotte, then at Albrecht, its eyes slightly widened, with an expression of disbelief.

Good guy…

When did His Majesty the True Ancestor directly pry open the corner of the Blood Demon Duke

This is the Dark Apostle!

He is also the third most senior dark apostle in the Blood Demon Cult!

Is it... the incident in Lutetia a while ago

Charlotte did notice Albrecht’s vigilance towards Nice and Eudocia after he showed up.

She nodded slightly and said:

"Get up, these two are also my followers and know my identity, so don't worry."

Albrecht breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Charlotte said.

He hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously:

"Your Majesty, what do you need Albrecht to do?"

"Albrecht, how good are your illusion magic of the Path of Spirit and transformation magic of the Path of Savage?"

Charlotte asked.

Albrecht thought about it and answered honestly:

"It's OK. Not as good as the senior members of the Salem and Vadrat clans, but better than the average legend."

Charlotte was pleased:

"Yes, that's enough."

"Your Majesty, is there any mission that requires a disguised identity?"

Albrecht asked.

Charlotte nodded:

"Tomorrow's ancestral recognition ceremony will be held. I need you to attend as my substitute."

"My other follower, Eudocia, will accompany you as an assistant. Her true form is a black dragon, and she has almost no rivals below the legendary level. If anything unexpected happens, she can take action. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not act rashly and break your disguise."

Albrecht was stunned for a moment, looked at Nice and Eudocia beside him thoughtfully, nodded, and said obediently:

"I see."

"Also... take this."

Charlotte thought about it and said again.

As she spoke, she communicated with the Holy Book of Blood and activated the ability to summon demons.

The power of blood was activated, Charlotte waved her hand gently, and a red light shone brightly in the room, and a strange red magic circle appeared on the ground.

Albrecht and others' eyelids twitched wildly.

Especially Nice, his eyes widened at the first sight:

"Evil... Devil summoning array?!"

Albrecht was stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly he understood, with a wonderful expression on his face.

He raised his head and looked at Charlotte with a complicated and increasingly fearful look.

The magic power surged, and a strong wind rushed through the room.

When everything calmed down, the red light also dissipated, and a middle-level demon with wings on its back and a body like a constantly changing black shadow appeared in front of everyone.

This is a shadow demon.

It bared its fangs and claws, and growled at everyone, but after Charlotte glanced at it, it suddenly became quiet, trembling, and prostrated itself before her.

"I will also perform a ritual tomorrow. I will temporarily close the heart dialogue. Bring it with you. When necessary, use it to contact me."

Charlotte said to Albrecht.