Gospel of Blood

Chapter 418: 锗捍猘鹗 poke -74- Flattery and surprise


A legendary blood descendant takes action, interrogation and other matters are naturally easy to capture.

Albrecht didn't waste much effort. Count Colimo, who was completely frightened, poured out everything he knew.

"I see, are you planning to activate the Roman family's contract through Count Castel's Roman blood, and then obtain Romanus' artifact..."

Albrecht raised his eyebrows slightly.

He glanced at Count Colimo with an inexplicable expression, his expression was quite strange:

"I don't know whether you are too brave or too unlucky to have your mind set on that adult..."

"But, even if we don't mention that person's power... what do you think, such an aboveboard kidnapping, do you really think that other nobles are blind?"

After hearing Albrecht's inquiry, Count Colimo swallowed his saliva and answered tremblingly:

"We... we planned to blame the blood descendants within Falling Star for this kidnapping, and then... use the attitude of a savior to 'rescue' His Excellency Count Castells."

"The blood descendants of Luo Xing are too cunning. They have infiltrated all the high-level officials of the kingdom, and even some members of the royal family have become their people..."

"The Crescent Diocese has too much time to take care of itself, and the Royal Court Church of Luo Xing has long been ineffective. We can only use this method to fight against the blood descendants."

After hearing Count Colimo's words, Albrecht was surprised:

"It turns out to be a plan that kills three birds with one stone. If it goes well, you will be able to obtain the artifact, secure your inheritance, attack the blood descendants of Fallen Star, and have the opportunity to gain the friendship of the North and even the alliance of Castel. …”

"Tsk, tsk, did the Duke named Conte come up with this plan? He is really a smart man!"

Saying this, without waiting for Count Colimo to answer, Albrecht said to himself again:

"No wonder the Ness clan has been making moves recently. It turns out they are planning to return to the stars in advance. It seems... they have also begun to prepare for the Holy Day."

"What kind of benefits did these guys... promise to get that person's acquiescence or even support?"

Albrecht mused.

It's true that blood descendants can make blood descendants more angry than vampire descendants.

The Blood Demon Order he belonged to was driven around like dogs by the True Ancestor in the Crescent Kingdom. He was reported and banned. Even he, the third Dark Apostle, was beaten up and forced to harvest blood. servant…

The Ness clan is great there.

Even though he doesn't know the identity of His Majesty the True Ancestor, he can live in peace with His Majesty the True Ancestor, and even gain support!

It's true that Li Dapu, the main force that infiltrated Castel at the beginning, was the Ness clan; back then, they were also the Ness clan when they fell into trouble together!

I have to say that Albrecht was really a little sour at this moment.

Looking at the uncertain-looking "girl" and the guards and attendants who had turned into puppets around her, Count Colimo shuddered coldly, and then said bravely:

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency! I have told you everything I know! We have no intention of killing Lord Castel, but we have to take this step to avoid the division of the Roman family..."

"Okay, to be honest, I don't care at all what tricks you are doing, whether it is kidnapping Earl of Castel, killing Earl of Castel, or dealing with the blood descendants of Ness and stabilizing the kingship of Fallen Star. ... If you can really do it, maybe I will be very happy and even cheer for you, but alas... you are just some bugs who overestimate your abilities and only add to your laughter."

Albrecht shook his head.

After saying that, he glanced lazily at the shivering Earl Colimo, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes:

"Human nobles can only achieve so much."

After he finished speaking, a black light flashed in his hand, and a tentacle-like black line spread out, rushing towards Count Colimo.

Looking at the black thread that was exactly the same as the other "puppet", Count Colimo's expression changed drastically, and he cried in horror:

"No! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I'm willing to do anything! I'm willing to do anything!"

Albrecht didn't even look at him, letting the black thread wrap around him, and Count Colimo's eyes quickly lost their sparkle and became no different from anyone else's.

Albrecht owed his body.

He waved slightly, and Count Colimo and others stiffened their bodies and saluted him.

"Kill you? Ha, I do want to kill you. I've been in a bad mood lately, and I've long wanted to kill a few guys with no eyes to vent my anger."

"If you weren't worried about really affecting the true ancestor's plan, you would all have become my living corpse!"

Albrecht glanced at the "puppet" around him and said viciously.

As he spoke, he drank all the black tea in the cup and touched his chin:

"Okay, now that the conspiracy has been revealed, what should we do next?"

"Should we continue to disguise our identities, or control the puppets to destroy the Roman family's plans, or... play with them by playing tricks on them?"

Albrecht became interested as he imagined the possible fun.

However, he quickly reacted, was slightly stunned, and mocked himself with a complicated expression:

"Hey, I'm really used to my identity as a blood servant. I know how to think about what to do next..."

"It's a mistake to do more, but it's good not to do anything. What to do is what she needs to consider. I'd better not join in the fun."

With that said, Albrecht summoned the contracted shadow demon that Charlotte left for him.

The black magic power spread, and the figure of Shadow Demon slowly emerged, roaring lowly at him.

Albrecht frowned and snorted coldly. Black magic also spread from his body, which was even more viscous and terrifying than the Shadow Demon.

Feeling the terrifying aura of the same origin on his body, the Shadow Demon immediately stopped. It quickly huddled up in a ball weakly and pitifully, and lay on the ground. Its illusory and distorted face seemed to be flattering, like a taiwan wagging its tail. Dee.

"This useless thing is really embarrassing to the devil!"

Albrecht glanced at it with disgust, and suddenly lost interest in letting this guy run errands.

"Forget it, this bitch doesn't look reliable at first glance, and his IQ is not that good either. It's better to directly apply to talk to His Majesty the True Ancestor."

"The ceremony hasn't started yet, so her old man's spiritual dialogue should not be closed yet..."

"Let her worry about what to do. No matter what the outcome is, I can't be blamed!"

Albrecht quickly came to a decision.

As a master of shirking responsibility in the Blood Demon Order, he has always been good at this.

I saw him throwing Shadow Demon back into another space in disgust, then communicating with the Blood Servant mark in his soul, putting on a flattering smile, and seeking spiritual dialogue from Thorns and Roses...

After getting on the carriage prepared by Yurst, Charlotte came to Roman Square from another direction.

However, she did not enter the square, but entered the underground through a hidden entrance.

This should be the underground drainage system of Rohan City.

The city of Rohan, like Lutetia, is an ancient city of the old Unet Empire. These drainage networks are leftover from the era when royal power was at its peak and the climate was hot and rainy.

Of course, like Lutetia, most of Rohan's drainage system has been abandoned, except for the necessary parts that are still functioning.

This place... has long been a place where monsters, desperadoes and even cults are active.

The same goes for the underground area beneath the Roman Forum where the ceremony was held. The signs of erosion over time can be seen everywhere.

However, perhaps because it was close to the ceremony location, the place was much more heavily guarded, with guards guarding everything.

When Charlotte and others entered, they were quickly blocked by guards:

"Stop! The front is a forbidden area, no one can enter!"

Yurst glanced at the guard and showed his noble badge:

"I am Count Yurst, responsible for the security of this ceremony."

Seeing the badge, the guards immediately put away their weapons and saluted him respectfully:

"It turns out to be your lord, Earl. Please come in, lord."

After saying that, they looked at Charlotte next to Yurst, looking a little confused.

"This is my personal maid and my assistant. She assists me in checking the protective magic formation."

Earl Yurst said proudly.

After hearing his words, the guards suddenly stood in awe:

"It turns out to be Master Mage. Master Mage, please come in."

In this way, Yurst led Charlotte into the underground area directly under the square.

Charlotte noticed that this place was different from the outside. There was a rather complicated array on the ground.

She is no longer a magic novice, and she quickly relied on her already rich knowledge of magic to recognize that this should be the base of the protective magic covering the entire Roman Square.

After thinking for a while, she probably realized how the Ness clan arranged it.

Apparently, Yurst had successfully gained the trust of the Roman royal family and became not only a facilitator of the ceremony, but also the defender of the magic circle in the ceremonial square.

I am afraid that this loophole was also used by the Ness clan to prepare to "hack" into the dark room for the ancestor recognition ceremony just below the square.

As if to verify Charlotte's guess, Yurst took her to a hidden cave entrance after a while:

"Your Excellency Castel, this is the dark room we have specially prepared for this ceremony. The magic circle has been set up. After the ceremony officially begins, this place will also be part of the ceremony and join the ancestor recognition ceremony."

After hearing what Yurst said, Charlotte nodded slightly.

She took Nice into the darkroom.

The darkroom is not big.

It is said to be an underground darkroom, but it is actually a temporary cave dug out.

As soon as he entered the cave, Nice rushed around, looked at the magic circle inside for a while, and then said to Charlotte:

"Lord Charlotte, Yurst is right, this is indeed a magic circle that hacks into the Roman ritual!"

Charlotte nodded slightly.

The Ness clan was afraid of the "god" behind her, so they wouldn't try to trick her, not to mention that the person in charge was one of their own, Yurst.

Roman's trip went more smoothly than she had imagined. Although there was an accident like Albrecht, which made the other party aware of her identity, overall it was within expectations.

Next, it’s time to wait for the ceremony to begin.

Thinking of this, Charlotte looked around and prepared to find a place to sit down.

After noticing her gaze, Nissi suddenly moved, quickly took out a chair from his alien space, and said flatteringly:

"Lord Charlotte, please take a seat!"

Seeing that the opponent's eyesight was no less than that of Sebastian, Charlotte felt a little funny, but she still sat on it with satisfaction and praised "Not bad."

Hearing her compliment, Nice's whole cat face lit up and seemed quite happy.

"Lord Charlotte, please drink milk... ah no... drink!"

Ness used his cat's paw to take out the goblet and sweet milk that had been prepared in advance, and put them in skillfully.

Charlotte glanced at it speechlessly, feeling more or less thirsty, and did not refuse in the end.

On the other side, Yurst, who saw everything in his eyes, was stunned and became more and more surprised.


How do you feel... Nicholas, this guy, is also so flattering to Lord Castel

Looking at the relationship between one person and one cat, he always felt that there was something inconsistent, but he couldn't tell where it was inconsistent.


Nicholas seems to be treated as a pet by His Majesty the True Ancestor, and Lord Castel is His Majesty the True Ancestor’s representative.

The pet of His Majesty the True Ancestor, should this be the attitude toward His Majesty the True Ancestor's successor

Even this guy Nicholas has always been a pervert. Hundreds of years ago, he was a shameful thing who couldn't walk when he saw beautiful women. He can be called a weirdo among legendary mages, but... isn't he a little too licky now

Even if Lord Castel's appearance is in line with what he described as his own preferences back then, it seems a bit too humble, right

Yurst felt strange and looked between Charlotte and Nice suspiciously. He wondered if Nice, an old acquaintance whom he had not seen for hundreds of years, had his brain affected to some extent after turning into a cat. .

Or...does Mr. Castel have any other secrets that he doesn't know

Yurst was lost in thought.

At this moment, Charlotte suddenly raised her eyebrows and put down the goblet in her hand.

Noticing her movements, Yurst's heart moved:

"Sir Castel, what's wrong?"

Charlotte narrowed her eyes and said:

"My stand-in... was kidnapped."

After hearing her words, Yurst was suddenly stunned:

"Your stand-in has been hijacked? Wait... what's going on? Your stand-in should have already been on stage, right?! How did you know?"

Charlotte didn’t hide anything and said calmly:

"My substitute is my servant, connected to me by contract, and able to communicate with each other spiritually."

As she spoke, she chuckled again:

"It seems that we still underestimated the ambition of the Fallen Star Royal Family. The substitute on stage now is a fake. My real substitute has been taken away."

"The Fallen Star Royal Family really thinks highly of me. They even hired two Blazing Sun mercenaries for this purpose."

Yurst's expression changed slightly:

"Wait... you mean it was the Roman family that kidnapped your double?!"

Charlotte nodded slightly:

"That's what it sounds like."

Yurst's expression suddenly became serious.

Charlotte glanced at him and smiled:

"Your Excellency Yurst, please don't worry, the Ness clan's plan has not been exposed."

"My stand-in has secretly taken control of the situation. The one in trouble now...is the one who kidnapped."

After hearing Charlotte's words, Yurst felt a little relieved.

But soon he realized something was wrong:

"etc… "

"You mean, your servants successfully countered the two attacking Blazing Suns?!"