Gospel of Blood

Chapter 419: - Lord Castel is the True Ancestor!


Lord Castel's servants successfully counterattacked the two Blazing Suns

Count Ulster couldn't help but widen his eyes.

As the official liaison between the Blood Scroll and the Ness Clan and Castel, Yust believed that he already knew Charlotte, the Northern Lord, quite well.

The pearl of the Crescent Kingdom, the richest and most beautiful young countess in the world, the opposition saint of the Holy Royal Court, and... the agent of the Blood True Ancestor.

Any one of these titles is enough to attract the world's attention.

Not to mention the girl's various titles, even titles that sound obviously contradictory to each other, she has them all, it's like she's cheating.

For example, the title of Saint.

Yust knew that this was probably done intentionally by Count Castel in order to spread the faith of the True Ancestor.

But what was outrageous was that this title was actually certified by the High Priest of the Holy Royal Court Crescent Parish!

When Yurst heard this, he was stunned for a long time. He even suspected that His Majesty the True Ancestor had already extended his influence to the upper echelons of the Holy Royal Court.

Of course, Yust knew that was impossible, otherwise, the Crescent Kingdom would have changed long ago.

But there was one thing he was sure of, that was that Count Castel had a secret.

Lord Castel has a secret.

In fact, Yust was not surprised by this.

After all... How could the God's scroll be without secrets

Even he himself, after becoming the member of the Blood Scroll, has more and more secrets and identities, and as time goes by, his secrets are even increasing...

But no matter how many secrets there are, they should be within a reasonable range.

At the very least, it should conform to common sense and logic.

But the hidden meaning of the girl's words was beyond Yust's cognition...

Lord Castel's substitute has secretly taken control of the situation

Although Charlotte did not say it directly, Yust could easily draw an absurd conclusion based on the other party's previous description of the hijacker -

Count Castel's servant... not only has superb camouflage skills, but also has the ability to subdue two Blazing Sun mercenaries without making any noise!

Yust himself is a Blazing Sun, so he knows very well how strong a Blazing Sun is.

Putting himself in their shoes, even taking himself as an example, he didn't think he could take down two transcendents of the same level quietly in a short period of time.

He couldn't do it, and among all the powerful and experienced Chiyang people he knew, no one was likely able to do it.

Maybe it's no problem to win the fight, but to subdue him quietly... that's too difficult.

Yust believed that Count Castel would not lie to him.

This is not necessary, nor does it have any meaning or value.

Then... the answer is obvious. The so-called servant of Lord Castel is actually a legend!

A servant of legendary strength...

Count Ulster couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This is an even more outrageous inference.

Yust knew that Earl Castel's strength was only at the level of Silver Moon.

The Silver Moon rank was already considered a genius for a girl of her age, but if she looked at the entire world, she was still too weak.

A Silver Moon-level transcendent with a legendary warrior as his servant


This is impossible.

Even though he was the agent of the True Ancestor and had the secret protection of powerful servants bestowed by the True Ancestor, Count Castel's legendary strength was too outrageous.

Legend... Even in the eyes of gods, they are worthy of being won over.

Legends... They are extraordinary people who must hold high positions even in the cult of God.

Legends...will never be content to be inferior to others, especially those who are weaker than themselves!

But the reality is ridiculous.

Yust didn't think that Count Castel had any reason to lie to him, but from what he said before and after, it was easy to make such an outrageous inference.


In fact, this is not the first time.

In fact, after coming to the Roman Principality, many things happened to Lord Castel that were actually full of incongruities!

Yet everything has an internal logic.

No matter how unreasonable something is, if you look into its truth and essence, its internal causes must be reasonable.

So, here comes the question.

The black dragon that the True Ancestor personally subdued condescended to become Count Castel's personal maid...

The legendary wizard Nicholas, who has changed his appearance, is clearly treated as a pet cat by His Majesty the True Ancestor, but he is fawning on His Excellency Castel...

Yust was sure that was flattery.

He knew Nicholas too well. His behavior was definitely not just to please her for the sake of beauty, but seemed to be due to deeper reasons.

It's just like…

“It’s like status and position.”

Such a thought naturally came to Yust's mind.

When this thought came to his mind, combined with all the incongruities in Count Castel, Yust could no longer remain calm.

A terrifying possibility gradually arose in his mind...

His Excellency the Count of Castel...

Is he really just the agent of the Blood True Ancestor

When this thought came to Yust, there was no going back.

He looked at the girl in front of him in doubt and surprise, and suddenly felt his legs go weak.

If Count Castel is not just the agent of the True Ancestor, who is she

Who should she be

Who could she be

Who is it that is qualified to be a servant with legendary strength and is willing to act as a stand-in

Who made the giant dragon, loyal to God, willing to condescend to serve

Who else could make Nicholas, who has always been arrogant and never bows his head even to God, bow his head

The answer... is actually quite obvious.

The only one who can make a legend willingly become a servant is a being more powerful than the legend.

The only people that can make dragons condescend to serve are those they truly submit to.

The only way for Nicholas to please others is to take it into his possession and establish a master-servant relationship with it in the form of a contract!

With all these things coming together, the true identity of Count Castel is about to be revealed...

Thinking of this, beads of sweat gradually appeared on Yurst's forehead. His hands and legs couldn't help but tremble. His eyes were wide open and filled with horror. It seemed as if there was a voice in his heart shouting wildly:

True Ancestor!

She is the true ancestor of blood!

Count Castel is not the agent of the True Ancestor at all!

She... is the origin of resurrection herself!

After this crazy and terrifying idea came up, Yust suddenly figured out some questions that he had not figured out for a long time -

Why, even though he became a member of the Scroll of Blood, His Majesty the True Ancestor never summoned him in his true identity

Why is it that every time His Majesty the True Ancestor issues an oracle, he has to rely on Count Castel to convey it, even when he gives orders to him, it is mostly like this.

Why did His Majesty the True Ancestor, who was clearly living in seclusion in the North, never accept any visitors? He also had not found any existence suspected to be the True Ancestor of Blood around Count Castel.

Why is it that every time His Majesty the True Ancestor makes a big move, His Excellency Count Castel's strength also increases...

All of this can now be explained by the same answer.

That is, the resurrected Blood Progenitor is none other than Count Castel himself!


Everything is clear now.

Count Castel... is the resurrected True Ancestor!

He had been trying to find out the secular identity of His Majesty the True Ancestor from Count Castel all along, hoping to have a chance to meet His Majesty the True Ancestor in the real world. However, he never imagined that His Majesty the True Ancestor had actually been by his side all along!

Oh my God!

There were so many incongruities and directions before, how come he finally realized it only now? !

Yust's heart was in turmoil.

"Mr. Yulster, what's wrong with you? You don't look well."

Looking at Yulster's gradually pale face, Charlotte frowned slightly and asked with a little concern.

Yust soon realized his gaffe.

He was stunned and looked at the girl in front of him. For a moment he didn't know how to answer.

After holding it in for a long time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, considered his tone and words, and answered respectfully:

"No... nothing, I'm just a little surprised that your servant is so powerful..."

Only at this point did Charlotte realize the loophole in her words.

She thought to herself that she was in trouble, but when she noticed the obvious difference in respect and fear in Yulster's tone, she quickly realized that the other party must have guessed something.

There is nothing we can do about it.

It is not easy to hide one's identity, especially for someone like Charlotte who has to switch identities from time to time to do things or even give orders, and most of her confidants already know her true identity.

After all, Yulster is her Blood Scroll Attribute. He is deeply involved in some of her plans, so it is normal for him to gradually discover clues.

Especially with the addition of Nice, an outlier.

The two knew each other, and the relationship between Nice and her was indeed delicate. As time went on, Yust would eventually discover the problem.

Now, everything has been brought forward.

However, it was also because the other party was exactly her Blood Scroll.

Although Charlotte had no intention of actively telling the other party her true identity, she was mentally prepared that the other party would know her identity sooner or later.

Of course, even if Yust had guessed it, Charlotte would never admit it directly.

At least not now.

It's a gesture of some kind.

The identity of the Blood True Ancestor is too sensitive. This is an attitude and also a hint.

Of course, indirect identity hints are still acceptable.

This is to prevent Yust from becoming suspicious and doing unnecessary things.

Thinking of this, Charlotte no longer concealed it, but chuckled and said:

"Albrecht has too many thoughts and is not very likable, but his strength is indeed not bad. Two Blazing Suns can't defeat him."


Is this the servant's name



Is this the Albrecht he understood? !

Yust's eyes suddenly widened.

"Lord Ka... Lord Castel, is the Albrecht you are talking about the same Albrecht I understand?"

He swallowed and asked carefully.

Even Yulster himself didn't realize that he had unconsciously added the honorific after the address.

Charlotte gave him a strange look and nodded:

"Yes, that's the Albrecht you understand."

Really... Is it really that Albrecht? !

His Majesty the True Ancestor actually subdued the dark apostles of the Blood Demon Cult

Yust's eyes widened.

Looking at Yulster with a wonderful expression, Charlotte curled her lips and suddenly smiled again:

"Come to think of it, you two met yesterday."


have met before

Yust was stunned.

He looked a little dazed, but as the memories of last night in Roman's palace gradually came to his mind, his expression quickly became more interesting.


Castel... No, His Majesty the True Ancestor meant that the noble who approached her yesterday was the Dark Apostle Albrecht? !


Oh my god!

Then wouldn't it be that all the sarcasm and remarks he made in front of the other person yesterday were... all made in front of him?!

Yust opened his mouth and was petrified.

Seeing that Yust was almost numb from all the "truths", Charlotte felt that it was about time.

She coughed lightly, instantly awakening the other person from his "petrification", and then said meaningfully:

"Mr. Yulster, I am very satisfied with my current identity. From now on, in the Order World, I will still be the Earl of Castel, and you will still be the Earl of Yulster, do you understand?"

Yust instantly understood Charlotte's hint.

He swallowed his saliva and quickly replied respectfully and fearfully:

"Yu... Yulster knows, really... No, Lord Castel... No, Lord Castel."

Charlotte nodded slightly, quite satisfied with Yust's attitude.

Seeing that Charlotte was not angry and her attitude towards him had not changed much, Yulster gradually calmed down.

After calming down, when he went to see the Roman royal family again, he suddenly felt a little sympathy...

Want to kidnap His Majesty the True Ancestor

Give me a break!

The Roman royal family... this is simply seeking death!

What's the point of the ancestor recognition ceremony? With His Majesty the True Ancestor here, the Roman family is probably in complete trouble this time!

Thinking of this, Yust hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously:

"Castel... Sir, that... the Roman royal family... they..."

"They want to kidnap me and use my blood to activate the Roman family's Book of Contract and obtain the Roman Sword."

Charlotte said.

After hearing her words, Yulster looked strange.

Ah this...

Kidnap His Majesty the True Ancestor and use His Majesty the True Ancestor's blood to activate the Book of Contract

This is really a death without knowing how to die...

Looking at Charlotte's playful expression, Yust once again felt a little sympathy for the Roman royal family.

He silently lit a candle for the other person in his heart, and then asked anxiously and curiously:

"So... how are you going to deal with it?"

"Their plans? Haha, if they want to play, then just play with them. It will save you a lot of trouble."

Charlotte smiled and said.

As she spoke, she stretched out her finger and gently scratched it, forcing out a drop of bright red blood.

Looking at the blood that seemed to be flowing with a golden red glow, Yust swallowed his saliva and a strong yearning arose in his heart.

The power of blood!

That is the rich power of blood!

No, I'm afraid that in addition to the power of blood, there is also a trace of divine power!

That is... the blood of the True Ancestor!

"Since they want my blood, then give it to them, as long as they can control it."

Charlotte said leisurely.