Gospel of Blood

Chapter 43: 43- Dark night... lady!



Why is he here

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, she even had the idea that the other party had discovered her true identity and chased her from reality...

Of course, this idea was quickly rejected by her.

Because her image and voice now are completely different from those in the Dark Night Castle.

Not to mention that there was a crimson mist covering her, so the other party couldn't see her clearly.

Then there is only one situation left, and the other party itself is located in Boulder City!

So...the distance between those crimson stars in Blood Call also symbolizes the distance between me and me in the real world

Charlotte had a guess in her mind.

And then, she became even more curious about Sebastian's identity in reality.

Not everyone can enter the banquet at the Duke's Palace. Those who can enter are either nobles who are high-ranking in the Duchy of Boulder or guests of high status.

For example, some well-known musicians, writers, sculptors, bards, wandering knights or traveling mages.

So... what is Sebastian's identity

"Who are you?"

Looking at the face that was more handsome than his own, the young nobles surrounding Charlotte all showed wary expressions, like a group of huskies who had seen their rivals.

But soon, someone noticed Sebastian’s pointed ears hidden in his red hair:

"Pointy ears? Are you... an elf?!"


Charlotte's heart moved slightly, and she also cast her gaze towards Sebastian.

Elves are a well-known immortal race in the world of Miria. They are naturally extraordinary creatures with a lifespan nearly twenty times that of humans. They can usually live to be nearly 1,500 years old.

They are active in many places on the continent. They are present in almost every mercenary group in Miria. Some elves have become bards and are treated as guests of honor by the nobles.

Charlotte had noticed before that Sebastian's ears seemed to be a little different, but she didn't expect that the other person was actually an elf!

"Let me introduce myself. I am Sebas Flameheart, a fire elf from Luna Island."

Sebastian smiled slightly and gracefully performed the elven etiquette.

"Sebas Flameheart? Is that you? The president of the Rose Society?!"

A young noble recognized Sebastian's identity instantly.

Rose party


Wait...a gang boss from the outer city

Charlotte was stunned.

And then, she saw a rather subtle scene.

All the young nobles took a step back. They were originally standing in front of Charlotte, but now it was Charlotte standing in front of them.

And the expressions they looked at Sebastian were either fearful or frightened, like a mouse meeting a cat.

What's even more outrageous is that several young nobles ran away in a panic, hunching over their bodies as they ran, seeming to be covering their crotches.


What's going on

"You, you... what are you doing here? You traitor of Luna Island! You scum of the elves! Dirty rat in the sewer!"

The son of an earl said sharply.

However, when Charlotte looked at his trembling voice, she only felt that the other party had a feeling of lust.

Sebas was not angry at all when he was scolded like this.

He took a sip of red wine, leaned forward slightly, and his handsome face almost touched the frightened face of the earl's son.

He turned his body slightly, leaned into the other person's ear, blew a breath, and then whispered in a deep and mellow voice:

"Your Excellency Jordan..."

"I heard that you attended the Drunken Dream Salon in the abandoned city last week?"

"Does the Earl know about this? Or do you also need me to solve your minor problems for you?"

Sebastian had a gentle smile on his face and his voice was slow and soft.

However, after hearing his words, the earl's son shuddered and sat down on the ground with a plop.

He looked at Sebastian's smiling face in horror, as if he were looking at a terrifying evil ghost. He moved a few steps back, then covered his lower body and got up and ran away, shouting as he ran:

"No! No! I didn't! I didn't!"

"You... don't come over! Don't come over!"

"I don't want to solve the problem! I don't want to solve the problem!"

The earl's son fled, and Sebastian looked at the remaining young nobles with a smile.

The remaining nobles shuddered and shrank subconsciously.

"Xia...Miss Charlotte, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do. Let's talk later!"

"Me... me too!"

They stammered out various excuses, and then fled one after another under Sebastian's half-smiling expression.

In less than a minute, there was no longer a young noble around the girl.

Seeing them hurried away, Sebastian chuckled.

He raised the goblet, took a sip of red wine gracefully, and then said mockingly:

"What an unreliable bunch, aren't they?"


He came to see me!

He came to me specifically!

Looking at Sebastian who deliberately provoked the topic, Charlotte quickly realized the other party's true goal.

What followed was deep vigilance.

She knew that she had deceived the other person in the dream world.

But that was in a dream!

Now the reality is that she is just a transcendent who has not yet entered the level, while the opponent has at least reached the second level of Silver Moon, and may even be a third level Blazing Sun!

Rumors say that the president of the Rose Society is cruel and evil...

It can also be seen from the reactions of the young nobles just now that Sebastian is not a good boy. He must have done something to make them so frightened.

Charlotte really didn't dare to think about what would happen if the other party found out that she had been deceived...

Why did he come to find me

He should not have been exposed.

Or... does he have other motives for looking for me

Charlotte's thoughts were rolling in her heart.

However, as a good actor, she quickly regained her composure.

I saw her tilting her head slightly, showing an ignorant and innocent look, her big eyes were filled with shrinking, and she said in confusion:

"You... are you a bad person?"

Sebastian was stunned, as if he didn't expect to receive such a rhetorical question.

He turned to look at the girl and saw a beautiful and young face.

Although she was wearing a mature dress and various jewelry necklaces that were deliberately worn to enhance her sense of age, her innocent and lovely cheeks still could not hide her childlike innocence, and her pair of bright blue eyes were as bright and pure as if Like a starry sky that has never been polluted.

She was just a child who had not experienced the world and was ignorant.

Sebastian made this judgment almost instantly.

At this moment, he even had a hint of doubt about his visit.

Such a child who is like a blank slate...

Is it really related to the "resurrected evil god"

However, when he thought that the other party was a sacrifice that survived the sacrifice ceremony, he quickly suppressed his hesitation.

Most people may not know.

But as a well-informed elf, he knew that if he could survive that kind of ritual, the other party must be hiding a secret!

If you think about it from this perspective, the girl's innocent look suddenly made Sebas wary.

As the heir of a great noble, no matter how well protected he is, can he really be so innocent after experiencing something like that

Thinking like this, Sebastian already had an answer in his mind.

He smiled slightly, took a sip of red wine gracefully, and said calmly:

"To those dandy young masters, I should be considered a bad guy."

As he spoke, he looked at the innocent girl again, and his smile gradually became meaningful:

"As for you, it depends on whether you can answer some questions for me."


I went a little too far in my acting!

Charlotte soon realized her flaw, and her heart sank slightly.

She was about to prepare a remedial answer when she saw Sebastian suddenly shake his head:

"never mind."

"It's better for me to see it myself."

After saying that, the flame elf suddenly looked serious, and his scarlet eyes looked directly into Charlotte's gaze.

There seemed to be water flowing in those ruby-like eyes:

"Guardian of the Spirit, Memory... Detection!"

As the emotionless voice fell, Charlotte felt a huge spiritual force rushing toward her like a wild horse, breaking through her heart in an instant.

He wants to explore my memory!

Charlotte was shocked and angry.

However, at the moment when the terrifying spiritual power burst into the girl's consciousness, the "Blood Sacred Book" in her mind suddenly bloomed with crimson brilliance.

Charlotte only felt that her consciousness was suddenly pulled in, and she returned to the dark night castle in the dream world.

She once again became the adult Charlotte, wearing a black divine dress painted with thorn roses, sitting high on the Throne of Blood, looking down at Sebas in a tuxedo below.

This time, there was no crimson mist blocking the distance between the two.

Under the steps, Sebas, who was holding red wine, looked confused.

He didn't seem to think about why his memory exploration would directly pull his consciousness here.

And when he raised his head, he saw Charlotte on the throne who looked very similar to the girl. He saw Charlotte's familiar figure that was very similar to the "Lady of the Night" in his memory, and saw the mysterious figure on her body. When it comes to the thorns and roses...

His confused expression soon turned into stunned silence.

The anger of being rudely discovered was still spreading in Charlotte's chest.

Especially when you see the other person's eyes looking directly at you.

With the blessing of the power of the holy scripture, the girl became angry and blurted out almost subconsciously:

"Get out!"

Ethereal and beautiful.

But it carries a kind of nobility and majesty that cannot be violated.

At that moment, Sebastian felt as if there was a thunder in his mind. The spiritual protection that protected the soul collapsed in an instant, and the whole world collapsed in an instant!

As if he had been hit by a meteorite from a falling star, he felt that his soul suddenly exploded, as if there were countless cracks.

The entire spiritual world was shattered almost instantly, and Sebastian was immediately kicked back to reality by an unstoppable force.

With a splitting headache, he staggered a few steps, then his legs softened, and he knelt down on one knee. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood with a "pop".

And when Sebastian looked up again, his pale face was filled with disbelief, and he looked at the girl with extremely horrified eyes:

"Dark Night...Ms.!"