Gospel of Blood

Chapter 62: 62- The High Priest... has a big problem!


"I'm sorry... Lady Charlotte, the high priest said that he received divine revelation in his dream last night. He will pray all day today and will not accept any visitors."

In the cathedral in the eastern city, the young trainee priest blushed slightly and lowered his head apologetically as he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who looked exhausted.

Divine revelation

Charlotte frowned slightly.

"Meow? Divine revelation? Don't be ridiculous. This is the seventh time that the High Priest has received divine revelation this year. Isn't the High Priest too favored by the great Lord God?"

Behind the girl, Nice swayed his spherical body and spoke in a sarcastic tone.

The trainee priest looked a little embarrassed.

He didn't know how to answer for a moment, and Nice had already shouted in the church at the top of his voice:

"Master High Priest! I am Nice! Miss Charlotte from the Castel family is here to visit you!"

"Regarding the previous blood demon case, Miss Charlotte remembered some details to report to you, which are about the evil of the thorny rose..."

Before Nice could even utter the word "God", the door of the central prayer room was opened with a buzzing sound, and the figure of the high priest Lanas de Caen appeared in front of everyone.

With a dark face, he looked coldly at the black cat that had the word "God" in its mouth, and scolded in dissatisfaction:

"This is an important place in the church, why are you making such a fuss?"

Seeing the high priest appear, Nice immediately hid behind Sherlock with a whistle, then pretended to look around, whistling and enjoying the scenery.

"Your Excellency the High Priest."

Charlotte bowed to the high priest.

Seeing Charlotte, the high priest's expression was a little unnatural, but he quickly returned to normal.

He turned into the kind old man again and smiled kindly:

"Haha, it's Miss Charlotte."

"I wonder what Miss Charlotte wants to see me about?"

He naturally skipped over the matter of the thorny rose and the evil god.

Charlotte, who knew all the ins and outs of this, did not continue to dwell on this issue, but got straight to the point:

"Your Excellency the High Priest, I am here regarding the Rose Society."

"I just received news that the Inquisition has taken action against the Rose Society and launched a divine judgment..."

The high priest looked surprised:

"Oh... So that's what it is."

As he spoke, he glanced at the increasing number of curious eyes in the church, pointed to the empty prayer room behind him, and interrupted the girl:

"It's not convenient to talk here, come in and talk."

After saying that, he took the lead and entered the prayer room.

Charlotte was about to follow in anxiously, but suddenly stopped where she was.

Her eyes fell on the prayer room table.

I saw two empty cups already placed there.

An old crystal glass and an empty goblet.

Next to the goblet, there was a pot of steaming milk.

Next to the table, there was a confession mat that was not the usual one used for prayers.

Instead, it was a soft bed that looked big enough for two people to lie down.

Charlotte's eyes suddenly froze.

"Miss Charlotte, won't you come in and sit down?"

Entering the prayer room, the high priest sitting on the chair smiled gently and patted the empty seat next to him.

Having lived two lives and possessed rich experience in certain areas of knowledge, Charlotte immediately became alert.

She stood at the door, shook her head slightly, bowed to the high priest, and said apologetically:

"Thank you for your kindness, High Priest, but... let's talk in the hall."

"What I am about to say concerns the reputation of the Castel family. If possible... I hope that the priests in the hall can all bear witness."

As she spoke, Charlotte straightened her back, her expression showing the stubbornness of a young girl, like a sincere child who wanted to protect the honor of her family.

The high priest raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the girl deeply, and suddenly smiled:


He slowly stood up, walked out of the prayer room, and said:

"I heard... you went to the outer city to meet people from the Rose Society a few days ago?"

"Miss Charlotte, forgive me for being blunt, but the Rose Society has been judged as an evil group by the Inquisition. You should reduce your interactions with them!"

"Look at what they have done over the years."

As he said this, the high priest sighed, ordered the priest beside him to take out a roll of parchment and handed it to the girl.

Charlotte took it and her eyelids immediately raised.

This turned out to be an anonymous report letter!

The report letter listed all the crimes committed by the Rose Club in recent years!

However, Charlotte, who had asked Sebastian for information about the Rose Society and was familiar with what the Rose Society had done, soon saw familiar traces in the information.

Just like the whitewashing materials she had prepared these days, these materials also used the Spring and Autumn style of writing, and some were even simply forged.

Charlotte understood instantly that someone was targeting the Rose Society.

At this moment, the girl hesitated a little as to whether she should continue to stand up for the Rose Society.

Now she just wanted to wait quietly until she officially inherited the territory, and quickly leave this place of trouble to live a quiet life. She didn't want to get involved in any conspiracy anymore.

But she quickly eliminated this hesitation.

Although the Rose Society is an underground gang, they always know when to act. In Sebastian's words, not touching the bottom line of the church and the nobility is their way of survival.

But now they are being targeted, and it is obvious that the Rose Society has done something different from before.

Combined with the recent movements of the Rose Society, the only difference from before is that they have made contact with her, the heir of Castel, and can even be said to be on her side.

This is no secret, as you can see from Sebastian's poor disguise.

Everyone turned a blind eye, but in fact they knew everything.

This is directed at me!

The Rose Society now provides me with a kind of protection, and those who secretly target the Rose Society must get rid of this protection!

They are most likely the same group as the Blood Demon Cult that assassinated me before!

And once they get rid of the Rose Society, I'm afraid their next target will be me!

Charlotte's expression gradually became serious, and she soon came to this conclusion.

"Well, Miss Charlotte, do you understand how serious the situation is now?"

The high priest sighed.

Charlotte was silent.

She was calculating quickly in her mind, and soon she had an idea. Suddenly she sighed and said:

"Your Excellency, this is slander..."


The high priest raised his eyebrows.

Charlotte took a deep breath and started talking nonsense:

"Master High Priest, I'm afraid these materials were forged by the Blood Demon Cult."

"Perhaps you don't know, but in fact, the president of the Rose Society, Sebastian, pledged allegiance to the Castel family ten years ago."

"The Rose Society, the underground mafia in Boulder, is actually a peripheral force of the Castel family. The purpose of President Sebastian establishing the Rose Society is to investigate the Blood Demon Cult and avenge my parents."

"The Rose Society may look like a gang, but in fact it has been maintaining the underground order of Boulder in recent years..."

"They are also Castel's power, and sooner or later they will also be the power of the Church!"

After hearing what Charlotte said, the high priest suddenly realized:

"Oh... So that's how it is. It's really family members blaming each other wrongly!"

As he spoke, he looked embarrassed again:

"But... I can't give orders directly to the Inquisition."

"How about this? I will first write a letter to the Knights of Judgment, asking them not to kill. After we have sorted out the misunderstanding, we can release the people from the Rose Society. What do you think?"

"However, the Grand Knight stationed in Boulder by the Inquisition is not a man who is easy to talk to. I think this is how I will host a banquet for the Grand Knight in my mansion tonight. You can come over in person and we can have a good chat together. Once the misunderstanding is cleared up, everything will be easy to talk about."

The high priest said with a smile.

Looking at his kind smile, Charlotte's heart sank.

She could see that the high priest was playing tricks.

He didn't want to stand up for the Rose Society at all, and even said... he didn't want to stand up for Castel.

Not only that, he seems to have some special interest in himself...

Combined with the other party's performance today, Charlotte realized a fact that made her a little creepy:

High Priest... I'm afraid there is a big problem!