Gospel of Blood

Chapter 63: 63- Charlotte’s response


Charlotte soon emerged from the cathedral.

She knew that the high priest was unreliable.

This is very unusual.

The high priest still needs Castel's support to run for the position of chief priest. She has said so much, and this happened in the church hall, but the other party is still playing tricks. This is a behavior that will greatly affect mutual trust in cooperation.

The only explanation is that the high priest no longer cares about cooperation.

He has found a better partner, or rather... he has given up on the Castel family.

And if this was the reason, and considering that the high priest had not openly torn his face with her, and seemed to want to pretend that the church was still protecting Castel, Charlotte had to make a deeper guess -

The high priest... I'm afraid she has unilaterally reached some kind of exchange of interests with the forces targeting her.

And maybe, the bargaining chip between the two parties is her and her family.

This bold judgment made Charlotte feel a little creepy.

After all, she speculated that the forces targeting her were most likely related to the Blood Demon Cult, and if considered from this perspective, could it be that the High Priest was also related to the Blood Demon Cult

He is the highest clergyman of the Holy Royal Court's Boulder branch!

No matter how corrupt the church is, this world truly has gods!

Charlotte has also read the teachings of the Holy Court. They are indeed the teachings of the righteous God, and their general trend is to lead people to do good.

The power of believers comes from God. If the church becomes corrupt and degenerate, does that mean the gods won’t care

Wouldn't it... affect the gods

"Gods... don't they care at all about their beliefs gradually becoming corrupted?"

After leaving the church, she couldn't help but say.

I don't know if it was talking to itself or to the black cat following behind it.

"Hey, faith gone bad? Why should the gods care?"

"Gods are gods, and faith is faith. I once heard someone say that gods are nothing but a group of selfish parasites wearing hypocritical cloaks."

"As long as there are believers, they don't care if their faith changes!"


Charlotte's heart moved slightly.

She couldn't help but look at Nice, and noticing the girl's gaze, the black cat suddenly felt that what she said was a bit offensive, and quickly laughed dryly and changed her words:

"Uh... Well, Mr. Cat is not talking about you. You don't live by faith..."

"Cat Lord refers to those gods who spread their beliefs widely."

"You know a lot about gods?"

Charlotte was a little surprised.

"Um... I know a little bit, a little bit, but I just heard it from other people."

Black Cat Nice said with a guilty conscience.

"Are you really a believer in the God of Contract?"

Charlotte asked again.

"Um, that should be...right?"

The black cat said cautiously.

Charlotte: …

She looked at the black cat quietly, while Nice began to look away again and whistled to himself.

Charlotte was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly ordered:

"Go back and compile all your knowledge of the gods into a book and give it to me."

If you want to survive well in the world of Miria, you still need to further understand the real ruler of this world. Perhaps the black cat is a good breakthrough.

Through the incident with the high priest, Charlotte suddenly realized that perhaps she knew too little about the gods of this world, and might even have some misunderstandings about the relationship between faith and gods.

She had always believed that only by strictly following the beliefs of the gods could priests gain the power of the gods.

The more powerful the priest, the more devout his inner faith and the closer his actions are to the church's teachings.

This led her to misjudge the actions of the high priest.

After hearing what the girl said, Nice was about to play it safe again, but the mark of thorn rose on his forehead suddenly flashed, making his face freeze.

"Okay... okay."

It scratched its head.

After saying this, it sighed again:

"Alas... I now understand why many resurrected gods keep their beliefs secret from their believers during the resurrection period."


The girl glanced at it.

"Now you understand. It seems that as the rumors say, the revival of the gods also has a price, such as the loss of memory..."

"Take you for example. If I hadn't seen your power and your understanding of supernatural powers, I might have mistaken you for a real mortal."

"For a high and mighty god, he certainly wouldn't want his followers to see him in such a miserable state, right?"

"I am just a mortal."

Charlotte said calmly.

This is not something that needs to be covered up.

She is really just a mortal, or rather, a vampire.

It's just that she has a magical weapon in her hand, and the magical weapon happens to recognize her as its master.

Perhaps this allowed her to show some of the qualities of a god, but Charlotte never thought that she was really a resurrected god.

Perhaps in front of Sebastian, who she didn't understand why he pledged allegiance to her, she needed to disguise herself as the "Lady of the Night". After all... he was a truly powerful person.

But in front of the black cat whose life was already in her hands, she didn't need to pretend.

However, after hearing what Charlotte said, Nice showed an expression of disbelief.

That expression seemed to say:

Look, you're here again, stop pretending, I know everything and I understand everything...

Charlotte: …

She slowly withdrew her gaze from it and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

It is obvious that the high priest is not as upright as everyone imagines. This highest priest of the Bolder Church has his own secrets.

It is not feasible to rely on the power of the church to fight against the forces behind the scenes.

In the final analysis, it was because her own power was too weak that she had to rely on others to mediate between the major forces...

Before she had grown up, she was facing the most powerful force in the principality...

Whether it was the Blood Demon Cult, the Duke's Mansion, the nobles with deep roots, or the Church, none of them could be confronted head-on by her without great power.

It’s like encountering the map boss before even leaving the Novice Village.

However, Charlotte was not afraid or frightened.

On the contrary, it aroused her fighting spirit.

Yes, this start is difficult.

But the gods have long since set rules for this world. Although the gap between supernatural powers is huge, they must all act within the rules.

The nobility has its own rules, the church has its own rules, and the rules are the political correctness in this world.

She still doesn't believe it.

There was really no way for him to fight his way out of the treacherous situation in Bolder, successfully inherit the territory and escape.

She is determined to make the game more effective!

It is better to rely on yourself than on others.

It seems... I still have to play to my greatest advantage at the moment.

"I heard... the Demon Hunting Institute has always had a bad relationship with the Inquisition?"

Charlotte suddenly asked.

"Yes, the duties of the Demon Hunting Institute and the Inquisition overlap to a certain extent, but their philosophies are different."

"The Inquisition has always wanted to take over the Demon Hunting Institute, but the Demon Hunting Knights have always been dissatisfied with the Inquisition Knights who only care about faith and are often even rigid and stubborn."

"You should also know that for mortals, the boundary between black and white is not that clear. In this regard, although they are under the jurisdiction of the church, the Demon Hunter Knights who often take private jobs in private see it much more clearly than the Inquisition Knights."

After listening to Nice's words, Charlotte was thoughtful.

After a moment's silence, she said:

"Nice, I have something for you to do."

"What is it? Just tell me what you want!"

The black cat straightened up.

"I'll give you 100,000 quintana and hire all the demon hunters that Boulder can find."

Nice: …

Its eyes widened instantly, and it couldn't help swallowing:

"Ten... One hundred thousand quintana?!"

"Isn't that enough?"

Charlotte frowned.

One hundred thousand quintana was the largest sum of money she could currently take out from her account.

A few days ago, she ordered Quasimodo to sell another collection, and now there are 130,000 quintana in the family account.

"No... it's more than enough. If you just want to hire people, this money is enough for you to hire 20 to 30 Entry-level Transcendents for a month. If it's just for one day, you can probably hire 300 to 400 Entry-level Transcendents on the black market. Even Silver Moon Second-level Transcendents can be hired... It's completely possible to hire a large number of Demon Hunters... Of course, this is in theory."

Nice said.

Is it so expensive to hire an entry-level transcendent

Charlotte was a little surprised.

But soon, she felt relieved.

Its power is overwhelming in all aspects, and its status is equivalent to that of the lowest-level nobles, so it is normal that its price is high.

But... what Castel Manor lacks the least is money, and the collections in those rooms are enough for her to spend.

"If you don't have enough money, you can make a promise first, and I will allow you to go as high as you want."

Charlotte thought for a moment and said.

Nice: …

It had become numb to the Castel family's wealth.

"Are you planning to use the Demon Hunters to stop the Judgement Knights? With all due respect... You may hire them for some private work on weekdays, but they will definitely not get involved in something as big as the Holy Judgment."

Nice said.

"Then tell them that I have a great opportunity to give the Knights of Judgment a slap in the face. This Divine Judgment is illegal. Let's see if they are willing to come."

"And... there is no need to let them attack the Knights of Judgment. They just need to stand behind me, protect me, and protect my retainers."

“Ask them if they are willing to bear witness.”

Charlotte said.

"Slap the Judgement Knight in the face?"

Nice was stunned.

Suddenly, as if it had thought of something, its eyes lit up:

"Ohhh! I see..."

“Hehe… Hehehe… I understand… Hehehe… You are so mean… Hehehe… But I like it…”

"It's just that Silver Moon Second Order is generally not short of money, so it will be a little difficult to invite them, especially Captain Kara, who has never been interested in hiring."

"Then tell her that I have news about the Blood Demon Cult."

Charlotte said calmly.