Gospel of Blood

Chapter 64: 64- Encirclement and suppression of the Rose Society


Snake-like lightning streaked across the night sky, and the exploding thunder was like a rushing mountain torrent.

The wind was howling, and raindrops as big as beans fell from the sky like thousands of beads, turning the already bumpy streets in the outer city into a muddy mess.

On both sides of the street, every house was closed and even the candles were extinguished, as if they were afraid of attracting attention.

In the heart of the outer city, Rose Manor.

This is the largest manor in the outer city area and also the core base of the Rose Club.

At this moment, a fierce battle is taking place in this beautiful manor full of roses.

A huge translucent magical shield covered the entire manor, and mysterious runes could be vaguely seen rotating around it.

Inside the magic shield, hundreds of trainee judgement knights in red and white uniforms, led by a judgement knight in red divine robes, are fighting the last stubborn Rose Society extraordinary beings.

Under the illumination of the divine magic shield, the bodies of the Judgment Knights shone with golden light, as if forming an impenetrable shield.

They paid no attention to the attacks from the Rose Society's extraordinary people and knocked down the resisters one after another.

Screams, curses, the clashing of swords and the chanting of spells were faintly heard amid the sounds of wind, rain and thunder.

On the ground, broken rose petals were scattered all over the ground, mixed with bright red blood and formed streams, but were quickly washed away by the rain.

Several Judgement Knights wearing red cloaks and holding silver cross swords were riding on dragon-scale horses, looking at the manor in the storm with indifference.

There was a silver moon embroidered on their chests, and they were the Silver Moon Second-Level Judgment Knights leading the team.

The leader was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties.

Gray curly hair, hooked nose, and cold light gray eyes.

Raindrops as big as beans fell, but slid freely to both sides about ten centimeters away from his body, forming a rainless space around him and did not wet his clothes at all.

The source of power is released outward.

This is the biggest symbol of a Silver Moon Level 2 Knight.

After taking a look at the sky, his eyes fell on the magic shield covering the manor, and he asked in a cold voice:

"Has the Prisoner of Judgment been closed?"

The accompanying judge replied respectfully:

"Replying to Lord Rajiv, it has been sealed and no evildoer in the manor will be spared."

"Pay attention to the underground. These gangs often have secret escape tunnels built underground. Don't let them get away. Although the city gates have been closed, it will be troublesome to search them in the outer city."

The second-level judge knight named Rajiv said calmly.


The Inquisition Priest saluted and then entered the manor with several trainee Inquisition Knights.

The second-level knight Rajiv continued to look coldly at the manor in the heavy rain.

He was not worried about the outcome of the battle to wipe out the Rose Society. In fact, with the Prisoner of Judgment hanging over the manor, they, the second-level knights, didn't even need to take action.

Although the Rose Society possesses extraordinary powers, most of them are extraordinary people who have not entered the first level, and there are not many extraordinary people who have entered the first level of the Stars.

As for those who have reached the second level of Silver Moon, there is only one person, Sebastian Flameheart, the president of the Rose Society.

But now, Sebastian Flameheart is not in the manor at all, and the leaderless Rose Society is no match for the Knights of Judgment.

The battle soon came to an end.


Rather than a battle, the Knights were more like a one-sided crushing from the very beginning.

The Rose Society is an underground gang after all, and it is an underground gang that has been established for less than ten years.

Without their powerful president, such a force was no match for the fully armed Knights of Judgment.

One after another, the extraordinary people of the Rose Society were captured and tied up by the Knights of Judgment, and then escorted to the open space in front of the manor.

At a rough glance, there are probably no less than two hundred people, and half of them are extraordinary people.

They were men and women, of different ages and even races. The vast majority were humans, but there were also quite a few demihumans, deep gnomes, and even half-elves...

The Knight of Judgment has entered the interior of the manor building and started the final search.

Soon, two trial knights walked out of the manor quickly, holding a demi-human maid.

They came before several Silver Moon Level 2 Judgement Knights, forced the demi-human maid to the ground, and then knelt on one knee towards the Judgement Knights, saying respectfully:

"Lord Rajiv, we have captured the maid who manages the Rose Society's president, Sebastian Flameheart."

"She destroyed the Rose Society's documents. We didn't catch up in time. The list of Rose Society members had been burned by her."

"She wanted to commit suicide, but we stopped her. However... we were not able to stop her from biting off her tongue in time."

"In addition... through interrogating some peripheral members of the Rose Society, we learned that when we set out, the Rose Society had already received the news and began to evacuate its personnel."

"Many people, especially those on the periphery... may have already fled."

As they spoke, the two Judgment Knights lowered their heads in shame.

After hearing the words of the Judgement Knight, the leader of the team, Knight Rajiv, didn't care at all and said calmly:

"No problem. I already have the list of members of the Rose Society."

"This isn't really a secret. Anyone who is willing can find it out."

"The city gates are closed. I have ordered the Inquisition troops to track down these filthy underground rats. I am sure they have caught quite a few by now."

"None of their people... including those peripheral members, can escape!"

As he spoke, he took out a roll of parchment from his arms.

If Charlotte were here, she would recognize that the parchment contained the report information that the high priest showed her!

Not only that, this parchment contains more information than what was copied from the high priest, and even includes a list of members of the Rose Society.

And on the list, in the column of peripheral members, the names of Frank, Mina and others are clearly included!

After hearing what Rajiv said, the Knight of Judgment looked a little hesitant:

"Lord Rajiv... If we let the Judgment Army track them down, will it have a bad impact on the city? They are very ruthless. This is Boulder City, even in the outer city..."

"In Boulder, is there anything more detrimental than the influence of a dirty and evil organization like the Rose Society?"

Rajiv shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, people who know what's going on will keep their doors shut. As for those who dare to protect the Rose Society at this time... they should know what will happen to them."

"Most of the peripheral members are not extraordinary people. They are not worthy of joining the Judgment Team. If they die, they die. This is also the price they pay for joining the Rose Society!"

The second-level judge knight said coldly.