Gospel of Blood

Chapter 69: 69- Fist is the last word


In the world of Miria, nobles with transcendent status have many privileges. Even the church cannot usually arrest or interrogate nobles beyond the lord.

Except for one situation.

That is when the nobles collude with evil groups determined by the Holy Royal Court, or the nobles themselves are involved in evil things, and the evidence is conclusive.

There is no doubt that Castel, who has an ambiguous relationship with the Society of Roses and hired demon hunting knights to cause trouble when the Inquisition was conducting its divine judgment, has undoubtedly touched the bottom line of the Inquisition Knights.

They met all the conditions required by the church to arrest nobles.

As for how to deal with it after the arrest, that is another matter. The church will definitely negotiate with the feudal lord.

If you are not a demon, as a noble, your life will not be in danger under normal circumstances, but if you go to the trial house, you will definitely have to pay some price, at least you will have to shed your skin.

Whether it is the noble himself or the family represented by the noble...

Rajiv didn't need to worry about the follow-up, that was a headache for the Duke and the High Priest.

As the executor of the Trial, he only knew that Castel, who provoked the authority of the Holy Royal Court and the Trial, must be punished, along with those demon-hunting knights who were confused and confused!

A total of five second-level Silver Moon Judgment Knights who participated in the divine judgment stood up at the same time.

Behind them, more than ten first-level Judgment Knights of Fanxing, more than twenty first-level Judgment Priests of Fanxing, and more than a hundred trainee Judgment Knights were also ready to move.

They quickly surrounded Charlotte's carriage and more than a hundred demon-hunting knights.

This is a pretty terrifying force.

If placed on the battlefield, so many extraordinary people who have undergone special combat training are enough to easily deal with the army recruited by the feudal lord.

The expressions of the demon-hunting knights turned serious almost instantly.

They gathered around Charlotte's carriage, looking warily at the surrounding Judgment Knights.

The girl on the carriage remained calm and calm.

She jumped off the carriage and came to the leading trial knight Rajiv. She held up the hem of her skirt and bowed gracefully:

"Hello, Lord Judgment Knight, I am Charlotte de Castres, Lord of Castres. Are you the Rajiv master who will lead this divine judgment?"

"The Castel family has objections to this sacred ruling. We have reasons that this is a conspiracy by behind-the-scenes forces against Castel. We also ask you to suspend the trial."


"Lord Charlotte!"

Seeing the girl getting off the carriage, there was a burst of exclamations from the captured Rose Club members in the manor.

Charlotte looked over and saw many familiar figures inside.

There was no way, the Trial House moved much faster than them. Even with the help of Castel's induction badge, some newcomers and Castel's old servants had already been arrested by the Trial Knights.

At the same time, the core members of the Rose Society also raised their heads and looked at the girl with curious and complicated eyes, including the werewolf Luf and other demihumans.

As Sebastian's followers, they naturally knew that Sebastian was loyal to the girl from Castel.

They could not change Sebastian's decision, and as followers they could only obey after persuading him to no avail, but that did not mean that they were equally loyal to Castel.

But at this moment, watching the girl leading the demon-hunting knights rush in to prevent the Holy Judgment of the Rose Society, they felt a little more touched deep in their hearts, and at the same time they were still extremely confused...

What is the relationship between the Rose Club and Castel

Will Monsignor José Paz pledge his allegiance to the heir of Castres

Why is Castel's heir willing to stand up for the Rose Club under tremendous pressure

That is really a huge pressure... The trial office has many privileges, and no noble is willing to really deal with these madmen with fanatical beliefs.

The members of the Rose Society were confused.

Charlotte was quite sober.

Because she knew that saving the Rose Club would also save herself.

And she is not without a trump card.

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as I am here, the grievances of the Rose Society will be washed away."

Charlotte said to everyone in the manor.

After hearing what the girl said, some people looked grateful, some looked worried, but there were also many people who looked confused:


Although I don’t think my family is really worthy of the inquisition’s divine judgment, my family knows what they have done.

Black and white are not so obvious in this world. For those who have been bosses in the outer city for so many years, their butts are indeed not very clean.

Anyway, they have no confidence in escaping the verdict.

Many people feel a little guilty and have wandering eyes.

"Charlotte of Castres..."

Rajiv secretly looked at the girl in front of him, who had left many legends in Boulder in recent days, and said to himself.

Just like the rumors, she has a beauty as if blessed by the gods.

Even though he had already dedicated his body and mind to the gods, it was difficult to look away when he looked at the other person's perfect face that looked like it was carved by the most exquisite master craftsman.

He suddenly understood why the Demon Hunter sided with the other party.

With such a beautiful lady and a rich family background, those bastards who want to confront the trial court every day are really likely to get confused by the dual temptations of beauty and money.

What a bunch of idiots!

But it's a pity...

Judgment offices never look at what they look like!

Looking at the beautiful girl coming forward, Rajiv's words remained firm:

"Suspend the trial? Miss Charlotte, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Do you think that by hiring these ignorant people to stand behind you, you are qualified to interfere with the trial work of the trial court?"

"Please respect yourself. If I disband your team at this moment, I can treat it as nothing happened."

Rajiv said solemnly.

However, even he himself didn't realize that his expression had softened a lot after all.

And... the decision to arrest someone at first sight turned into "please respect yourself".

It seems... a face that is easy to spot fouls will still affect people's decisions.

Even a judge knight with strong faith.

"Sorry, Lord Judgment Knight, I came here just to stop this illegal divine judgment."

The girl shook her head slightly.

Rajiv's expression turned cold instantly:

"Illegal? Miss Charlotte, are you teaching the Tribunal? Do you think you have the qualifications to say this?"

"Or... do you think that with this gang of people, you can stop the trial of the trial?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the demon-hunting knights.

Indeed, in the eyes of the Judgment Knights, who have been trained as the core force of the church since childhood, these demon-hunting knights recruited and formed by the church from wandering knights, free mercenaries, and declining nobles are indeed a ragtag group of people.

Seeing his contemptuous eyes, the demon-hunting knights immediately glared at him.

However, no one really dared to take action.

Rajiv snorted coldly and looked at these demon-hunting knights with even more contempt:

"Trash, no matter how much is gathered, it is still trash!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a cold female voice rang out:

"Oh? What if you add me, a loser? I don't know...if you are qualified?"

Hearing this cold and familiar voice, Rajiv's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked behind the Demon Hunter Knight and saw several figures on horseback slowly appearing in the night.

The leader is Kara, the chief captain of the Bold Demon Hunting Station.

She was accompanied by three other Silver Moon Knights belonging to the Boulder Demon Hunters, and...


The Duke's son Laino

Rajiv was stunned.

His expression soon darkened:

"Your Excellency Carla, does the Demon Hunting Station want to rebel? And... does the Duke's Palace also want to stand up for Castel!"

Rajiv's eyes fell coldly on Laino.

"Don't look at me. I don't represent the Duke's Palace now, I only represent myself. Now I'm just a rude mercenary who gets paid to do things."

Laino said with a smile.

After speaking, he whistled to the girl in front of the carriage:

"Miss Charlotte, don't forget my commission afterwards! It's almost the same as the Demon Hunter Knight!"


Did you call this guy here

She glanced at the black cat.

I can't get there! I didn't call him!

It’s too late for the Duke’s Mansion to have some fun at this time! How could you come out to help!

Ness returned a pitifully confused look.

Charlotte's eyes turned between Lenno and Kara, her expression became a little strange.

This illegitimate son of the Duke's family...

Could it be that Nice paid for the call after calling Captain Kara

However, although Laino's help was somewhat beyond Charlotte's expectations, the addition of a new second-level knight undoubtedly gave her a lot more confidence.

In particular, the Judgment Knight didn't know that this licking dog was probably just following Kara.

They will probably think that this is the Duke's palace supporting Castel.

This tiger flag is nothing but nonsense!

I saw her smiling slightly at the Judgment Knight, her smile sweet and cute:

"Dear Lord Rajiv, Lord Kara and Lord Laino are here. Now... can we have a good talk?"

On the other side, Rajiv's face completely darkened.

He can call the first-level Starry Demon Knights and un-leveled demon-hunting knights useless.

But Silver Moon Level 2 is not possible.

Not to mention, as the most promising person in Boulder City to enter the third level of the Blazing Sun in recent years, Kara, the chief captain of the Boulder Demon Hunting Station, whose source of power has been faintly transforming...

She alone can beat several of them!

After all, fists are the last word in negotiations.

In the absence of the Grand Knight, Rajiv and the other Judgment Knights looked at each other and fell silent.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Looking at the beautiful and charming girl, Rajiv suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly.